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OBJECTIVE: To identify predictors of grief and client desires and needs as they relate to pet death. DESIGN: Cross-sectional mail survey. SAMPLE POPULATION: 177 clients, from 14 randomly selected veterinary practices, whose cat or dog died between 6 and 43 days prior to returning the completed questionnaire. PROCEDURE: Veterinary practices were contacted weekly to obtain the names of clients whose pets had died until approximately 200 clients were identified. Clients were contacted by telephone, and a questionnaire designed to measure grief associated with pet death was mailed to those willing to participate within 1 to 14 days of their pet's death. The questionnaire measured potential correlates and modifiers of grief and included three outcome measures: social/emotional and physical consequences, thought processes, and despair. Demographic data were also collected. RESULTS: Approximately 30% of participants experienced severe grief. The most prominent risk factors for grief included level of attachment, euthanasia, societal attitudes toward pet death, and professional support from the veterinary team. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Bivariate and multivariate analyses highlighted the impact owners' attitudes about euthanasia and professional intervention by the veterinary team had on reactions to pet death. Owners' perceptions of societal attitudes, also a predictor of grief, indicate that grief for pets is different than grief associated with other losses.  相似文献   

Questions regarding pet animal nutrition are probably among the most frequent queries encountered by companion animal veterinarians. Given the plethora of pet food products available and the amount of advertising used to promote them, it is not surprising that pet owners have concerns as to what they should feed their pets. This "practical" review of pet foods and feeding is designed to assist veterinarians in making nutritional recommendations to their clients, with respect to feeding normal adult pets at maintenance.  相似文献   

Zoonoses, diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans, can pose serious health risks to immunocompromised people. Although pets can carry zoonoses, owning and caring for animals can benefit human health. Information exists about preventing transmission of zoonoses, but not all physicians and veterinarians provide adequate and accurate information to immunocompromised pet owners. This disease prevention/health promotion project provides physicians and veterinarians with information, created specifically to share with patients and clients, about the health risks and benefits of pet ownership. Further, "Healthy Pets, Healthy People" encourages communication between veterinarians, physicians, clients, and patients and can serve as a model program for a nation-wide effort to aid health professionals in making recommendations about pet ownership for immunocompromised people.  相似文献   

Food plays a far more complex role in daily life than simply serving as sustenance. Social and cultural factors along with individual beliefs govern people's eating behaviors, and it is likely that these same factors influence their choice of diet and feeding practices for their pets. Some people seek alternatives to conventional commercial pet foods, including commercially available "natural" diets, raw food diets, and vegetarian diets, in addition to a variety of home-prepared diets. Exploring a person's knowledge and beliefs about feeding pets can aid in understanding her or his motives for seeking alternative and may help in changing those practices when it is in the best interest of the pet to do so.  相似文献   

This survey explores the grief associated with the loss of a pet, and was carried out using a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaires were handed out to 50 bereaved pet owners attending a public animal cremation service, and we received 18 responses. Participants responded within 0 to 44 (median 4) days of the death of their pet. Although most mental health problems immediately following mourning are presumed to be normal grief reactions, on the basis of several psychiatric scales, 8 of the 16 valid responses indicated depression and/or neurosis. Statistical analyses showed that the following factors were significantly associated with grief reactions: age of owner, other stressful life events, family size, age of deceased animal, rearing place, and preliminary veterinary consultation.  相似文献   

A preliminary attempt was made to assess how pet owners view their relationships with their pets and how pet relationships compare with human relationships. In the sample studied there was a marked variation between individuals in their perceptions but two group trends emerged. First, the pet relationship was most similar to the relationship to the individual's own child and, secondly, the pet relationship was frequently valued because of the attributes of 'dependency', 'fun/play' and 'relaxation based on absence of demands'. It is suggested that the personal meaning of pets for people needs to be further explored.  相似文献   

The successful ability to efficiently collect diet histories, convey appropriate health messages, and discuss client concerns about the safe feeding of pets requires excellent communication skills. In addition to understanding what the client wants for their pet, thorough nutritional interviewers gather information pertaining to animal factors, dietary factors, and feeding management factors. With the expansion of the Internet, increasing advances in medical care, and the health concerns associated with pet food recalls, small animal clients are looking to veterinarians for guidance and information on dietary recommendations in ever increasing numbers. Evaluating current information on changes in the pet food industry should be a periodic learning objective for all members of the veterinary health care team. Consistent, effective communication between veterinarians, their staff, and their clients can improve compliance, increase satisfaction levels, and improve patient outcomes.  相似文献   

The study of thanatology has recently taken on increased importance in the field of veterinary medicine. Today, the roles of companion animals have expanded to include beloved pet and family member, provider of social and emotion support, and in the case of service dogs, provider of assistance to owners with special needs. For these reasons, companion animals have taken on greater significance within their human families. Their deaths can be as painful and difficult for their families as the death of human family members. Veterinarians are tasked with working in concert with the pet owner, throughout the lifetime of the pet, to promote the pet’s health and well-being. In critical and or terminal situations, it is the veterinarian’s role to educate the owner so that informed decisions regarding treatment options or a decision to euthanize the pet can take place. In veterinary medicine, euthanasia means to end life painlessly. Veterinarians and owners, working in partnership to make subjective and objective assessments on the pets quality of life, produce the best results. For the veterinarian, the medical approach (including: clinical history, physical exam, laboratory tests, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment) can assist in assessing the pet’s physical health status, any potential treatments, and the likely short and long term outcomes. The owner’s role in the partnership is to subjectively assess overall behavioral changes and the pet’s quality of life. Once owners have decided to euthanize their pet, there are still more factors to consider: where to perform the procedure, which family members will be present, and how the remains will be handled. The veterinarian can do everything possible to minimize any anxiety for the pet during the euthanasia, including administration of a tranquilizer prior to the procedure. The veterinarian will allow the pet’s family time to say goodbye and educate them on what to expect when their pet dies. There is a possibility that other pets that lived in the same household may also experience distress at the loss of their animal family member. The veterinarian can let the owners know what signs may be signaling depression or anxiety in that pet. The grieving process is extremely personal and people must be allowed to grieve in the way that helps them deal with their loss. Veterinarians need to be careful not to minimize the owner’s loss or grief. The owner will count on the veterinarian’s guidance and expertise when making decisions affecting their pet’s well-being. Making an informed decision can help assuage any guilt about opting for euthanasia when done in the best interest of the pet.  相似文献   

Cancer is an emotionally charged disease. During treatment, it is not uncommon for pet owners to engage veterinarians in frank discussions and emotional confrontations based on their fears and anxieties about cancer. Pet loss counseling skills are invaluable when dealing with clients after the death of their companion animal. Incorporating pet loss counseling into a veterinary practice is pragmatic as well as compassionate because clients who feel that they have received good emotional care in addition to medical care return to the veterinarian with new pets and recommend the practice to others.  相似文献   

Veterinary clients may have trepidation about treating their pet with radiotherapy because of concerns about radiation side effects or repeated anaesthetics. The purpose of this study is to assess whether owners' attitudes towards veterinary radiotherapy, including concerns over side effects, change during the course of treatment, and whether radiotherapy was perceived to affect pets' quality of life (QOL). A prospective cohort study of clients from 2012 to 2015 was performed. Pets received palliative or definitive radiotherapy for various tumours. Clients completed questionnaires before, during and after radiotherapy. Questions assessed owner preconceptions before treatment, including side effect expectations, actual side effects experienced and overall satisfaction with the process. In addition, at each time point, the owners assessed their pet's QOL using a simple numerical scale. Forty‐nine patients were included. After completing treatment, owners were significantly less concerned about potential side effects of radiotherapy (P < 0.001), side effects associated with repeat anaesthetics (P < 0.001), and about radiotherapy in general (P < 0.001). QOL did not show a significant change at any point during or after treatment. Following treatment, 94% reported that the experience was better than expected and 100% supported the use of radiotherapy in pets. This is the first prospective study evaluating client attitudes and satisfaction before and after radiotherapy treatment in pets. The results indicate that radiotherapy is well tolerated, and the anxiety associated with radiotherapy is significantly alleviated after experiencing the process. These results will help veterinarians allay client concerns, and will hopefully lead to an increase in clients pursuing radiotherapy in pets.  相似文献   

Vietnamese potbellied pigs, when appropriately cared for, make excellent pets for some people. However, their proper housing, care, and training is more challenging to the average person than that required for most traditional pets, such as dogs and cats. Failure to feed and house the pet pig appropriately results in the most common health and behavior problems. The obese, intractable pet pig gives little pleasure to a pet owner and appears to lead a very poor-quality life, frequently leading to the pet pig being given away or worse. Preventing health and behavior problems is easy if pet owners are armed with correct information early, either before or immediately after their acquisition of a pet pig. A veterinarian prepared to share this information can save the lives of many pigs as well as keep clients happy and coming back.  相似文献   

Personalized identification (ID) tags that contain contact information for the dog or cat owner can help assure lost animals are quickly reunited with their owners. The authors have previously reported that while the majority of pet owners stated that ID tags were very important, only a third responded that their pet wears an ID tag. The objective of this study was to evaluate if providing and putting on the pet a free collar and ID tag during an owner's visit to a veterinary hospital or spay/neuter facility increased the likelihood that the pet owners would actually keep the identification on their pet at least 6-8 weeks after they were placed on the pet. A second population of dogs and cats that were adopted from animal control and humane society shelters were also studied to assess retention of a collar and personalized ID tag. Telephone follow-up occurred a mean of 8 weeks after the tag was applied. Retaining and using the tag significantly increased for the veterinary group with 13.8% reporting their pets were currently wearing an ID tag pre-intervention, and 84.3% reporting their pets were currently wearing and ID tag post-intervention. Of the dogs and cats that were adopted, at follow-up 94% of owners reported their pets were currently wearing an ID tag. Approximately 5% of those who participated in the post-intervention survey lost a pet and recovered that pet because of the ID tag. This suggests that ID tagging is an effective method to potentially decrease stray intake into shelters and return pets home. The data also support placing tags and collars directly on pets as a method to retain those ID tags and collars on the animals, thus increasing the likelihood they will be returned home if lost or during a disaster.  相似文献   

Small exotic mammals have been companions to people for almost as long as dogs and cats have been. The challenge for veterinary medicine today is to decipher the tea leaves and determine whether small mammals are fad or transient pets or whether they will still be popular in 20 years. This article focuses on pet small-mammal medicine, as the concerns of the laboratory animal are better known and may differ profoundly from those of a pet. Dozens of species of small exotic mammals are kept as pets. These pet small-mammal species have historically served human purposes other than companionship: for hunting, for their pelts, or for meat. Now, they are common pets. At present, most veterinary schools lack courses in the medical care of these animals. Veterinary students need at least one required class to introduce them to these pets. Currently, there are no small-mammal-only residency programs. This does not correspond with current needs. The only way to judge current needs is by assessing what employers are looking for. In a recent JAVMA classified section, almost 30% of small-animal practices in suburban/urban areas were hiring veterinarians with knowledge of exotic pets. All veterinarians must recognize that pet exotic small mammals have changed the landscape of small-animal medicine. It is a reality that, today, many small-animal practices see pet exotic small mammals on a daily basis.  相似文献   

随着人类和宠物关系的日益密切,宠物体外寄生虫感染导致宠物瘙痒难安等问题逐渐显现,引起了人们对宠物健康的高度关注,同时,人们更应重视跳蚤、蜱等携带的病原体从宠物向人类传播的风险。为了有效预防和治疗宠物体外寄生虫病,国内外诸多研究者开发杀灭宠物体外寄生虫制剂,其中,杀虫剂吡丙醚属烷氧吡啶类保幼激素类的几丁质合成抑制剂,作用机理独特,对害虫综合治理效果显著。综述了吡丙醚的理化性质、作用机制、检测方法、抗体外寄生虫研究概况等研究进展,旨在为今后驱虫药的开发以及体外寄生虫病防控提供参考。  相似文献   

随着我国宠物数量的增多,宠物粮的需求量也随之增加,其品质将直接影响到宠物的健康与生长发育,这使得宠物粮的品质受到宠物行业的广泛关注。益生菌是一类对宿主有益的活性微生物,能够改善肠道微生态平衡,增强机体免疫力,从而保证宠物健康生长。本文主要总结了益生菌在宠物行业中的应用效果,为其在宠物食品中的应用及其健康生长提供基础。  相似文献   

The marketing and promotion of an exotic pet veterinary practice allows the use of strategies that are not necessarily available in other veterinary disciplines. The advantage that an exotics practice enjoys is that it is able to capitalize not only on the unique nature of the species being attended but also on the specialized features of the hospital itself that make it specifically appropriate in caring for exotic pets. Before marketing, however, comes the responsibility that the practice live up to the claims made in promotional materials. A practice cannot ethically be presented as an "exotics" practice if it is nothing more than a dog and cat facility that is willing to attend to exotic pets. It is the competence of the veterinary staff and the appropriateness of the facility that determines the suitability of the practice for exotics management.  相似文献   

Research on domestic violence has established a substantial association between intimate partner abuse and the abuse of children within the home. It is only recently however, that researchers have demonstrated the correlation between non-accidental injury in animals, and abuse of women by their intimate male partners. A growing body of evidence suggests that animal abuse can be an early indicator for other forms of violent behaviour. This research includes the responses of a sample of 23 women using refuge services in the Republic of Ireland. It investigates the connection between domestic violence and animal abuse, and ascertains if there is sufficient support service for animals and people relevant to domestic abuse. In the survey population, 57% of women reported witnessing one or more forms of abuse, or threats of abuse, of their pets. Five of which were reported to have resulted in the death of the pet. Eighty seven per cent of women felt a facility to accommodate pets would have made their decision to leave the family home easier. Four women disclosed that lack of such a service and concern for the welfare of their companion animals caused them to remain in their abusive relationships for longer than they felt appropriate. Nine families placed pets in the care of family or friends, one woman is unaware of the fate of her pet, while the pets of six families remained with the abusive male after his partner entered a refuge. The majority of women felt unable to talk to anyone about their fears for their pets' welfare. Many felt that there is no service which can provide temporary accommodation for womens' pets while they are in refuge. The results obtained support those found elsewhere in larger studies in the USA and UK, and demonstrate an association of animal abuse in households where there is reported domestic violence.  相似文献   

Feeding of raw meat-based diets to pets has become an increasingly popular trend amongst pet owners. Owners, who desire to provide the best for their pets, seek veterinary opinions about food options. This paper reviews and applies standards of evidence-based medicine to grade the available scientific literature that addresses the nutritional benefits or risks, infectious disease risks, and public health implications of raw, meat-based pet diets. Although there is a lack of large cohort studies to evaluate risk or benefit of raw meat diets fed to pets, there is enough evidence to compel veterinarians to discuss human health implications of these diets with owners.  相似文献   

At one time, it was estimated that the majority of dogs and cats in the United States received 90% or more of their nutrition from complete and balanced commercially prepared foods, and this estimate was reaffirmed in a 2004 survey. However, 4 years and several pet food and treat recalls later, fewer pet owners are feeding commercial pet food products exclusively and more are asking questions and looking for alternatives. As in any market-driven economy, there are many more alternative diets and food products available today from which pet owners may select. A difficult to measure but growing number of clients are feeding homemade diets that provide 100% of their pet's nutrition, while a larger number are feeding a combination of products, treats, and home prepared meals. Most practitioners can attest to this increase in their client's interest in homemade meals and to having insufficient knowledge to assist them. At a time when motivated clients are considering homemade for their pets as an alternative, veterinarians are less than adequately versed in canine and feline nutrition and dietary options. The article addresses the two most important health issues concerning pet owners and veterinarians about homemade diets: nutritional integrity and food safety.  相似文献   

The safety, adequacy, and efficacy of pet foods are important considerations for veterinarians and consumers. Manufacturers of pet foods in the United States are required to comply with multiple regulations from a variety of governmental and state agencies to market foods in the public sector. However, consumers and veterinarians may not be aware of the multiple systems in place that help ensure the safety and adequacy of foods for their pets. Since the veterinarian occupies a key role to make recommendations to consumers regarding pet foods, it is the purpose of this article to review the processes of pet food manufacturing, as well as the processes that have been developed to help ensure safety and adequacy of pet foods in the United States.  相似文献   

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