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家畜住肉孢子虫感染情况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对北京,河北,内蒙,云南,湖南等地家畜住肉孢子虫的感染情况进行了调查,黄牛,水牛,绵羊,山羊和猪的平均感染率分别为43.5%、91%、56.6%、59.6%和13.8%。调查还发现,同一畜种不同地方的感染率有着明显差异。在不同饲养方式下对住肉孢子虫的感染率也明显不同。  相似文献   

天峻县旱獭肉孢子虫病调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
肉孢子虫病是一种人畜共患寄生虫病。我国早在1959年颁布的《肉品卫生检验试行规程》中 ,已将肉孢子虫列为肉品卫生检验的重要疾病。旱獭是我省数量多、分布广的重要野生动物资源 ,又是我省重要的出口兽皮之一。但旱獭肉孢子虫病的感染情况 ,目前未见报道。因此 ,笔者于 1999年  相似文献   

海拉尔地区位于呼伦贝尔大草原的腹地,大兴安岭纵贯呼伦贝尔草原中部,在大兴安岭原始森林中有着比较丰富的驼鹿资源,每年海拉尔肉联厂都收购一定数量的当地猎民猎杀的驼鹿加工出口,我局为此开展了驼鹿寄生虫感染情况的调查,在调查过程中,我们发现了驼鹿住肉孢子虫寄...  相似文献   

为查清我县牛羊住肉孢予虫感染情况,1989年9—11月天峻县肉菜公司屠宰牛羊时,我们进行了抽样调查。一、材料与方法:调查材料来自全县12个乡的屠宰牛羊。采取屠宰牛羊心肌、膈肌、食道肌和股四头肌的肌肉,带回实验室。各取0.1克,按肌纤维纵长方向剪成麦粒大小的薄片,放于载玻片上压薄,在10×10生物显微镜下检查计数,统计感  相似文献   

检盘清真牛羊定点屠宰户上市新鲜绵羊胴体260只绵羊住肉孢子虫的感染状况。调查发现,膈肌感染率比食道肌和心肌感染率均高,膈肌的感染率30.77%(80/260),与食道肌和心肌的感染率13.46%(35/260),7.69%(20/260),差异显著(P〈0.1)。  相似文献   

乌兰县羊住肉孢子虫感染情况调查   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
笔者于 2 0 0 0年对乌兰县定点屠宰场从三乡收购的菜羊进行了住肉孢子虫感染情况的抽样调查。1 材料和方法1 1 调查对象 :每乡抽检羊 36只 ,每只胴体采取膈肌、食道肌、心肌各 10g。1 2 调查方法 :每份肉样 ,剥去包膜后 ,肉眼仔细观察 ,然后随机称取各部位肌肉 0 1g ,按肌纤维方向剪碎 ,置于载玻片上压平至半透明 ,用生物显微镜观察住肉孢子虫的形态、大小、包囊内结构并计数 ,在任何一个部位发现住肉孢子虫包囊 ,即被视为阳性 ,各部位检出率的差异用t检验统计分析。2 结果2 1 被检的 10 8只菜羊 ,感染住肉孢子虫的有 5 8只 ,感染…  相似文献   

通过对化隆县屠宰场绵羊肉胴体的检疫,发现绵羊感染有住肉孢子虫,感染率为42.22%。感染最多的是膈肌部位,感染率高达37.22%。  相似文献   

谢家滩乡羊住肉孢子虫感染情况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肉孢子虫病是由住肉孢子虫寄生于肌肉间引起的一种食源性人畜共患寄生虫寄,以肉食动物为终末宿主,为了解谢家滩乡羊住肉孢子虫病的感染情况,笔者在2005年对谢家滩乡屠宰场中的羊胴体进行了调查,为今后的防治工作和肉品检验提供科学依据。1材料与方法1.1调查对象:首先登记羊的来  相似文献   

肉孢子虫病是住肉孢子虫寄生于肌间引起的一种食源性人畜共患寄生虫病,以肉食动物为终末宿主。2006年笔者对化隆县昂思多镇屠宰场中的羊胴体进行了该病感染状况的调查,为今后的防治工作和肉品检验提供依据。  相似文献   

大通县绵羊住肉孢子虫感染情况调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
住肉孢子虫病是由住肉孢子虫寄生于肌肉间引起的一种食源性人畜共患寄生虫病,以食肉动物为中间宿住,主要寄生于中间宿主的肌肉中,分布广泛,感染率高。为了解近几年大通县绵羊住肉孢子虫病的感染情况,笔者在2005年7月-2006年7月对大通县屠场的绵羊胴体进行了涸杏,为今后防治工作和肉品检疫提供科学的依据,并探讨其流行痫学。  相似文献   

Six buffalo calves were orally inoculated with 3 graded doses of sporocysts of Sarcocystis levinei (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 million sporocysts; 2 calves for each dose) while two more calves were kept as uninoculated controls. One calf from each group was killed at 30 days post infection (DPI) and the other at 80 DPI. Inoculated calves showed a dose dependent response. The calves inoculated with 0.5 and 1.0 million sporocysts did not manifest any clinical signs of disease up to 80 DPI. One of the two calves inoculated with 2.0 million sporocysts showed clinical signs of weakness, emaciation and anaemia during the 5th week post infection. The other calf remained healthy until it was killed at 30 DPI. Pale liver tissue, gelatinization of fat and haemorrhages in the heart were observed in one calf inoculated with 2.0 million sporocysts; only microscopic lesions were seen in other calves. Schizonts and merozoites were not observed in any calf. Mature sarcocysts were observed in cardiac and skeletal muscle of calves killed at 80 DPI whereas no sarcocysts were seen in calves killed at 30 DPI.  相似文献   

The development of the parasite was studied in 48 sheep killed between 188 and 1132 days after experimental inoculation with Sarcocystis medusiformis sporocysts from cats. Immature sarcocysts were present at 188 days post inoculation (d.p.i.). At 331 d.p.i. macroscopic sarcocysts with an elongate fusiform appearance were seen in the laryngeal, abdominal and diaphragm musculature. The largest cyst measured 2 mm in length by 0.5 mm in width at 331 d.p.i.; histologically they contained metrocytes at the periphery of the cyst with more densely staining merozoites in the central region. By 443 d.p.i. typical 'thin' cysts 2-3.5 mm in length were seen in the flank and external thoracic muscles. By 765 d.p.i. sarcocysts were 5 mm in length. The ultrastructure of the cyst wall of these cysts resembled that of S. medusiformis. At 1132 d.p.i. sarcocysts measured 4 mm X 0.5 mm.  相似文献   


Sir:- Samples from a case of sporadic abortion, two weeks before term in a two-year-old heifer, were submitted to the Palmerston North Animal Health Laboratory. They consisted of fresh foetal stomach contents, fixed foetal lung, and maternal urine and serum. No significant pathogens were isolated from the stomach contents or urine and serological tests for brucellosis and leptospirosis were negative.  相似文献   

青海省牦牛住肉孢子虫病流行病学调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用压片镜检法对玉树州玉树县和治多县、果洛州久治县和达日县、海南州贵德县、兴海县和贵南县、海西州乌兰县和天峻县、海北州门源县和祁连县等地区、黄南州河南县、海东地区循化县共13个县的390头牦牛住肉孢子虫感染情况进行了调查。结果:共检出阳性牦牛144头,牦牛住肉孢子虫感染率在23.3%~53.3%之间,平均感染率36.92%,平均感染强度为4.79个/0.1 g。其中感染率最高为门源县,达53.3%,感染强度最高为乌兰县,达10.1(2.13~14.25)个/0.1 g。结果显示,调查地区牦牛均不同程度感染住肉抱子虫,与以往调查结果比较,感染程度减轻,提出了今后防控牦牛住肉孢子虫病的策略。  相似文献   

Carcasses from 18 Holstein cows from Nevada, California, and Oregon were condemned because of grossly visible sarcocysts of Sarcocystis hirsuta. Sarcocysts were white to dull white, 2 to 7 mm long, and approximately 1 mm wide. Sarcocysts were most numerous in muscles of diaphragm, flank, and limbs and were able to infect laboratory-raised cats.  相似文献   

Ovine sporozoan encephalomyelitis linked to Sarcocystis infection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The unidentified sporozoan causing encephalomyelitis in sheep described by Hartley and Blakemore (1974) was restudied, and the parasite was identified as a Sarcocystis species based on its location and structure. The parasite was located free in the host-cell cytoplasm, divided by endopolygeny and mature merozoites lacked rhoptries.  相似文献   

Mule deer fawns (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus) inoculated with sporocysts of Sarcocystis hemionilatrantis became infected, developed clinical signs of disease, and died, due to the infection itself or from intercurrent pneumonia. Clinical signs were first noticed 18 days after infection and fawns died from postinfection days 27 to 63. Histopathologic examination revealed early lesions in skeletal muscle which consisted of perivascular necrosis with mononuclear and neutrophilic cell infiltration, accompanied by edema, degeneration, and focal necrosis of muscle. Subsequently, this reaction subsided and the cellular infiltrate dissipated. An infected macrophage usually remained in the vacuolated muscle space; each macrophage was surrounded by a clear halo. Developing Sarcocystis schizonts were identified in the cytoplasm of the macrophages, and the cytoplasmic membrane eventually ruptured releasing merozoites. The merozoites then developed into typical muscle cysts. Results of the present study indicated that S hemionilatrantis is a pathogen of mule deer under experimental conditions. Pathogenicity should be investigated to determine if S hemionilatrantis causes death or debilitation in wild mule deer under natural conditions.  相似文献   

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