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Tephritidae are an enormous threat to fruit and vegetable production throughout the world, causing both quantitative and qualitative losses. Investigating mating sequences could help to unravel mate choice dynamics, adding useful information to improve behaviour-based control strategies. We review current knowledge about sexual communication and related behaviours in Tephritidae, with a focus on six key agricultural pests: Anastrepha ludens, Bactrocera cucurbitae, Bactrocera dorsalis, Bactrocera oleae, Ceratitis capitata and Rhagoletis pomonella. We examine features and the role of male–male combat in lekking sites, cues affecting mating dynamics, and some fitness-promoting female behaviours that occur at oviposition sites [the use of oviposition marking pheromones (OMPs) and female–female fights for single oviposition sites]. We outline future perspectives and potential contributions of knowledge about sexual communication to Integrated Pest Management programs for tephritid pests. Sexually selected traits are frequently good indicators of male fitness and knowledge of sexual selection processes may contribute to the improvement of the sterile insect technique (SIT), to select genotypes with high reproductive success and to promote sexually selected phenotypes through mass-rearing optimization. Furthermore, males’ exposure to parapheromones, such as phenyl propanoids (PPs), ginger root oil and trimedlure can enhance the mating success of sterile flies used in SIT programs. PPs are also a powerful tool to improve reduced-risk monitoring dispensers and the male annihilation technique, with low side effects on non-target insects. Lastly, we outline the possibility to sensitise or train mass-reared parasitoids on OMPs during the pre-release phase, in order to improve their post-release performance in the field.  相似文献   

Mating trophallaxis represents a fascinating strategy adopted by males of several animal species to affect the decision-making of females during mating. Among tephritids, few species perform mating trophallaxis. However, this phenomenon has been little studied in major tephritid pests. We reported the presence of indirect mating trophallaxis in Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata, showing its influence on the main mating traits, male mating success and female egg load. Of 219 mating pairs, only 27 of them showed mating trophallaxis, indicating that mating trophallaxis may represent a significant male energy investment. The duration of male wing vibration and the whole precopula phase was longer in pairs that mated without trophallaxis compared to the pairs displaying mating trophallaxis. Males that displayed trophallaxis performed a longer whole duration of the courtship and mating sequence, with no differences in copula duration. Male mating success was slightly increased by trophallaxis. The majority of males performing trophallaxis skipped wing vibration during courtship, while all males courting females without trophallaxis relied on wing vibration to attract females within short distances. No egg load differences were reported for females that consumed nuptial gifts over control females. Overall, our research sheds light on the relation between indirect mating trophallaxis and egg load production in medflies, providing a better understanding of sexual selective mechanisms as the basis of courtship and mating behaviour in tephritid flies. Furthermore, this behaviour could be used as a quality control parameter to assess medfly mass-reared strains, in order to improve sterile insect technique programmes.  相似文献   

Bactrocera correcta is an economically important and invasive fruit fly pest. As part of the quest to develop new chemical attractants for potential control of this species, we had previously detected a large amount of β-caryophyllene (CAR) in the pheromone glands of wild B. correcta males. This compound was found in addition to the metabolites from consumed methyl eugenol (ME), a common male lure used for many Bactrocera species. We conducted bioassays to compare the attractiveness of CAR and ME to male B. correcta, determine the behavioural and chemo-ecological basis of the attraction and to monitor their trapping efficacy. Males of B. correcta responded strongly to CAR at a much younger age before sexual maturity compared to ME. CAR feeding increased the male mating success in comparison with lure-deprived males, and CAR-fed males were equally competitive as ME-fed males when competing for conspecific females in semi-field trials. Field trapping data also revealed that ME-baited traps captured both B. dorsalis and B. correcta, while CAR-baited traps brought in only B. correcta males. Numbers of total flies trapped per trap per day (FTD) were also significantly higher in traps baited with CAR compared to ME-baited traps, capturing up to seven times more B. correcta males. This study demonstrated that CAR is a more specific and potent male lure than ME for B. correcta. This discovery may contribute to improve the tools currently available for pest management and border biosecurity against B. correcta.  相似文献   

Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is a highly polyphagous invasive pest threatening fruit production in the Americas and Europe. The current knowledge of its host plants is mainly based on oviposition and larval development in fruits, while little is known on the diet of the adult flies. This information is important for developing effective control strategies. Here, we examine DNA-based techniques to determine food plants of D. suzukii. Adult flies were fed with raspberries (Rubus idaeus) and allowed to digest up to 72 h after feeding. Raspberry DNA was detected by diagnostic PCR for up to 48 h post-feeding with a significant negative effect of time on DNA detection success but no significant differences between male and female flies in detection probabilities. As D. suzukii walks on plants, its body surface can get contaminated with DNA. With a bleaching experiment, we succeeded to remove contaminating external plant DNA, while the DNA in the gut content stayed unaffected. Finally, field-collected flies were subjected to a next-generation sequencing approach, demonstrating that plant DNA from different host plants can be efficiently detected in both bleached and non-bleached specimens. In order to safeguard against erroneous host plant detections, we recommend bleaching flies before they are subjected to DNA extraction. The current findings encourage the use of DNA-based gut content analysis in D. suzukii to obtain a better understanding of its feeding ecology which is a prerequisite for developing successful control strategies.  相似文献   

Bactrocera minax is a major citrus pest in China, Bhutan, and India. It is univoltine and exhibits pupal diapause during winter. To better understand pupal diapause in this pest, we investigated pupal survival and pupal developmental duration under field and laboratory conditions. Specifically, we tested if pupal chilling was required for diapause development and termination. Nearly all mature larvae collected at the end of the citrus season entered pupal diapause. For pupae exposed in the field, natural chilling for less than 3 months resulted in more than 70 % mortality. However, exposure to winter conditions for 3 months or more both decreased pupal mortality and developmental duration when pupae were returned to the laboratory and held under constant temperature (25 °C). When pupae were gathered from the field in November and exposed to different chilling regimes in the laboratory, the chilling duration (30 vs 60 days) had significantly more impact on pupal survival than the specific chilling temperature (6, 8, 10, or 12 °C constant). However, both chilling duration and chilling temperature impacted on the pupal developmental duration, with longer chilling duration and higher temperatures decreasing pupal developmental duration. In conclusion, we demonstrated that pupal diapause development and termination in B. minax is strongly influenced by chilling conditions. Increasing cold exposure led to significantly and consistently faster adult eclosion and improved synchronization of adult emergence. This knowledge will help with the laboratory rearing of B. minax, an essential step in the long-term management of this pest.  相似文献   

Psyttalia concolor is a parasitoid of fruit flies (Tephritidae) which is used to control the olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae). Detailed knowledge of its reproductive biology is required to optimise mass rearing conditions and use in biological control. In this study, the mating behaviour of P. concolor was investigated in order to understand the factors that can influence the success of male mating, using both high-speed video and biological assays. P. concolor males were more likely to be successful in mating during the early morning as opposed to the afternoon, and their courtship behaviour was not affected by the female mating status (i.e. virgin or mated). Wing fanning and copulation attempts were also frequently displayed among males, but male mating status did not influence male–male courtship behaviour. Video data revealed that during wing fanning, male wings were kept raised and moved rhythmically in a dorsoventral fashion. Frequency, pulse duration and interpulse interval of the fanning males during female courtship differed significantly in successful mating attempts compared to unsuccessful ones. Wingless males had significantly lower mating success compared to winged males, suggesting that wing fanning increases the likelihood of attracting a mate. Overall, the study increases the knowledge of the reproductive biology of P. concolor and suggests the importance of fanning behaviour among the range of sensory modalities used by this parasitoid in intra-specific communication.  相似文献   

Western cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis indifferens Curran (Diptera: Tephritidae), is a pest of sweet and tart cherry, Prunus avium L. (L.) and P. cerasus L., respectively, in western North America. This fly is commonly controlled with spinosad bait sprays. Spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii Matsumura, is potentially a new pest of cherries in this region that could be a threat to orchards at the same time as R. indifferens. Drosophila suzukii apparently is not controlled using spinosad bait sprays, but may potentially be controlled using malathion, zeta-cypermethrin, and spinetoram. However, how well these last three materials protect fruit against reproductively mature R. indifferens is not known. In laboratory observations, R. indifferens spent the least amount of time on cherries treated with zeta-cypermethrin, possibly because of its toxicity and irritant effects. In laboratory experiments, zeta-cypermethrin killed flies more quickly than malathion and spinetoram, causing up to 100% mortality 2 h after exposure. Zeta-cypermethrin prevented all oviposition when flies walked on dried residues for 20–25 min or were directly sprayed, and then exposed to cherries with dried residues, simulating exposure of mature female flies in a treated orchard. Malathion and spinetoram reduced oviposition compared with controls, but did not prevent it, when flies contacted residues or were directly sprayed at a high volume. Results suggest zeta-cypermethrin is the most effective of the three materials at protecting cherries against mature R. indifferens and could be used in an integrated control program for it and D. suzukii.  相似文献   

Biting species of Simuliidae are a pest to men and cattle. Black flies oviposite either directly into running water or on floating vegetation, but up to now oviposition is observed only in few species. In this paper the first key for determinating eggs and egg-masses of 14 Middle-European black fly species is given, especially for pest species (Boophthora erythrocephala, Odagmia ornata, Simulium morsitans, Wilhelmia equina, W. lineata). In addition, some details are reported about the egg-biology of included species.  相似文献   

[目的]沙棘绕实蝇严重危害沙棘果实,使沙棘种植地蒙受巨大经济损失。研究其生物学习性,可以为有效监测和控制沙棘绕实蝇提供理论指导。[方法]通过室内人工饲养和野外观察,研究沙棘绕实蝇的羽化、交尾、产卵、化蛹等生物学习性和野外发生动态。[结果]沙棘绕实蝇成虫在野外从6月中旬至8月上旬均可见到,发生量受天气影响较大;成虫主要集中在6:00—10:00羽化,羽化量占当日羽化量的81.3%,羽化高峰出现在8:00—9:00;化蛹时间主要集中在凌晨0:00—6:00,尤其是3:00—6:00钻出果实化蛹的幼虫数量较多,与其它时间段有明显差异;交尾时间主要集中在白天光照比较强的时间段,一天当中有两次交尾高峰,分别出现在12:00—13:00和16:00—17:00,交尾平均持续时长为239±11.86 min;沙棘绕实蝇产卵期沙棘果长径6.65±0.28 mm,宽径5.47±0.40 mm,一果只产一卵。[结论]沙棘绕实蝇在内蒙古磴口地区一年发生一代,幼虫钻蛀果实,蛹隐藏在地下,成虫期较短,防治工作应集中在成虫期进行。  相似文献   

Kelly’s citrus thrips (KCT) Pezothrips kellyanus (Bagnall) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) is a recently recorded cosmopolitan citrus pest, causing fruit scarring that results in downgrading of fruit. Due to the detrimental effects caused on fruits by KCT, we wanted to study some of the factors influencing fruit scarring. Specifically, the objectives were: (1) to determine the fruit development stage when citrus fruits are damaged by KCT and the population structure of KCT during this period, (2) to study the influence of temperature on intensity of damage, and finally, (3) to identify alternative host plants. KCT populations on flowers and fruitlets and alternate plant hosts were sampled in four citrus orchards from 2008 to 2010. The percentage of damaged fruits was also recorded. The exotic vine Araujia sericifera (Apocynaceae) was recorded as a new host for KCT. Thrips scarring started to increase at 350–650 degree-days (DD) above 10.2 °C, coinciding with a peak abundance of the second instar larval stages over all 3 years of the study. The maximum percentage of larval stages of KCT was observed in the 3 years at about 500 DD, a period which corresponds to the end of May or early June. Variation in the severity of fruit scarring appeared to be related to air temperature. Temperature likely affects the synchronisation between the peak in abundance of KCT larvae, and the period when fruitlets are susceptible to thrips damage. Temperature can also influence the survival and development of KCT populations in citrus and other host plants in the citrus agro-ecosystem.  相似文献   

The braconid parasitoid Psyttalia concolor foraging for larvae of Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae) uses olfactory cues from the larval microhabitat. However, it could rely on the sex pheromones of adults of its host, since B. oleae mating leks usually occur on olive plants and a high number of infested fruits can be easily located in their close proximity. We quantified the behavioural responses of P. concolor towards different doses of the two major sex pheromone components of B. oleae, the female-borne 1,7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecane (DSU) and the male-borne (Z)-9-tricosene (ZT). Results showed that P. concolor females and males were attracted only to the highest amounts of ZT (10 B. oleae male equivalents), regardless of the mating status. Wasps remained longer on the surfaces treated with high ZT amounts over the control. P. concolor females could exploit the ZT produced by lekking olive fruit fly males as a foraging kairomone. This could allow them to rapidly track B. oleae-infested olive plants, thus raising their chances to locate host larvae during their lifespan. On the other hand, the perception of ZT by P. concolor males could raise their chances to locate receptive females emerging from parasitised B. oleae pupae or also ovipositing in olive fruits. This study increases the knowledge of the reproductive biology of P. concolor, highlighting a case of chemical espionage in which a sex pheromone component from adult stages of the host is exploited both as a foraging kairomone by female parasitoids and as a sexual kairomone by male wasps.  相似文献   

Psyttalia concolor (Szépligeti) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a koinobiont larval–pupal endoparasitoid of a large number of tephritids. P. concolor can be commonly reared on fully grown Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) larvae. In our laboratory, over 180 consecutive generations have been completed on C. capitata. In this study, we tested the possibility that the uninterrupted mass-rearing of P. concolor on C. capitata may influence its host location and parasitisation behaviours when used against Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae), the fruit fly commonly targeted in mass release of P. concolor in olive-groves. Choice and no-choice tests were used with naïve and experienced P. concolor females exposed to B. oleae and/or C. capitata larvae. The study showed no significant difference in oviposition behaviours and host acceptance when provided either C. capitata or B. oleae. However, the study did show that experience on a host plus a substrate complex could influence host preferences, since females that had previous oviposition experience on a given host species searched and chose significantly more when the same host species was presented, both in choice and no-choice conditions. Therefore, within the context of the pest management of fruit flies, it could be very useful to incorporate procedures in insectary-propagated fruit fly parasitoids designed to provide adequate training (i.e. oviposition experience) on the fruit fly species needing to be controlled.  相似文献   

The transfer of conidia of Metarhizium anisopliae between tsetse flies Glossina morsitans and the effects of fungal inoculation on mating and blood meal feeding behaviors were investigated in the laboratory. Male or female flies were inoculated with fungal conidia (“donors“) and allowed to pair with fungus-free mate of opposite sex (“recipients”) at 1-day-interval up to three mates. Fungus-treated male or female “donor” flies as well as their mates “recipients” died from fungal infection. However, mortality in male “recipient” flies declined with successive mating, from 82.5 to 32.5 %. Fungus-treated males readily located female flies and mating was successful in most cases comparable to the controls. There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in mean duration of mating, number of jerking movements between fungus-treated and fungus-free males for all the mating lines, except in the number of jerking movements when male flies mated with the 3rd line female flies. Fungus-treated and fungus-free female flies previously mated with treated and non-treated males showed refractoriness during subsequent pairings. The number of fertile female flies was higher (P < 0.05) in fungus-free than in fungus-treated treatments, thus producing more pupae. High concentration of fungus (3.0 × 106 conidia ml?1) significantly (P < 0.05) reduced blood meal intake of flies. This study has shown that fungal infection does not affect the mating behavior of tsetse flies and fly-to-fly contamination does occur during matings. These are important attributes if entomopathogenic fungi have to be used in auto-dissemination strategy and be integrated into sterile insect technique.  相似文献   

Delottococcus aberiae De Lotto (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) is a new invasive citrus pest in Spain. It causes severe fruit distortions and, as a new invasive mealybug, there is a lack of information about its biology. This research aims to examine the seasonal trend of D. aberiae in citrus, using several sampling methods, as a first step to develop an integrated pest management program. Ten citrus orchards from Eastern Spain were periodically sampled during three years using absolute (plant material) and relative (corrugated cardboard band traps and sticky traps) sampling methods. The three sampling methods showed that D. aberiae completes multiple generations per year, two of them being clearly defined and resulting in high populations. D. aberiae peaked between May and June, damaging the developing fruit. Corrugated cardboard band traps were able to detect prepupa and pupa male instars and gravid females, providing a quantitative measurement of D. aberiae density at its first population peak. The use of corrugated cardboard band traps is recommended to monitor population levels and sticky traps to determine male flight periods, representing simple sampling techniques to monitor D. aberiae. These results will improve the sampling protocols and allow for the development of an integrated pest management program.  相似文献   

Throughout South America, the lonchaeid flies Dasiops spp. are important herbivores of passionfruit crops. However, little is known on the biology and ecology of these insects, resulting in inadequate pest management schemes. In this study, we describe Dasiops inedulis population dynamics in Colombian sweet passionfruit (SP; Passiflora ligularis Juss.) and elucidate biotic mortality factors at different fly developmental stages. From August 2009 to July 2010, D. inedulis and Dasiops spp. abundance was assessed through monthly McPhail bait trapping and collection of SP flower buds, flowers, and immature fruits. Mortality levels of D. inedulis were determined for early instar larvae by ovary dissection and for late-instar larvae or pupae by prey removal trials. Maximum infestation reached 80 % in fruits and flower buds, and bud infestation correlated with precipitation during the previous month. Two days after oviposition, 8.2 ± 2.3 (mean ± SD) Dasiops sp. eggs were found in SP ovaries and 4.4 ± 1.2 late-instar larvae were recovered from immature fruits at day 14. Upon larval drop on the orchard soil, 74.8 % larvae burrowed within the soil within 9 min, while 12.5 % larvae were attacked by ants. In-field mortality of young pupae amounted to 75.3 ± 7.0 %, with vertebrate predators likely causing 12.1 ± 6.0 % mortality. Late-instar larvae and pupae appear highly vulnerable to natural enemy action, with the ground-foraging predator community mainly composed of ants (80.37 %) and ground beetles (9.17 %). Our findings should help develop integrated pest management (IPM) tactics for SP crops.  相似文献   

Midguts from adult sterile male Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann and Anastrepha ludens Loew, the Mediterranean fruit fly and Mexican fruit fly, respectively, were examined microscopically to determine if radiation used in sterile insect technique (SIT) affected this non target tissue and/or the microorganisms associated with the midgut. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy were used to compare midgut tissues and microorganisms from irradiated and nonirradiated mass-reared adult flies. Observations for both fruit fly species were similar. Our comparisons revealed that newly emerged and two-day-old irradiated flies exhibited signs of damage to midgut tissue, cellular organelles, and gut microbiota not observed in nonirradiated flies of the same ages. Peritrophic membrane formation and bacterial growth appeared diminished in the midguts of irradiated flies compared to nonirradiated flies. Cellular damage of midgut tissue from irradiated flies included distorted, small nuclei that lacked nuclear material, and mitochondria that were dilated and/or vacuolated. No visual evidence of cellular damage was observed in nonirradiated flies. The impact of radiation used in SIT on fly competitiveness, referred to herein as the capability of adult flies to perform a function, is discussed, including the potential use of probiotic diets to improve damaged midgut tissue and restore midgut microbiota.  相似文献   

Drosophila suzukii, commonly known as the spotted wing drosophila (SWD), is an exotic fruit fly from Southeast Asia that was introduced to the temperate regions of North America and Europe in 2008. It attacks a wide variety of fruits and has become a devastating pest of soft-skinned fruit crops. Due to the rapid spread of SWD across the newly invaded continents, fresh fruit markets have a zero-tolerance policy regarding D. suzukii infestation. Specific and efficient D. suzukii detection tools are urgently needed so that farmers can deliver timely management interventions to meet market demands. Since SWD is known to be attracted to damaged and rotting fruits, headspace volatiles from fresh and fermented apple juices were collected and analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Special attention was given to the compounds produced and/or enriched during the fermentation process. After performing a series of laboataory and field tests, we identified a quinary blend, which is more efficient and selective for D. suzukii than the currently standard apple cider vinegar and commercially available SWD lure under field conditions. Identification of SWD attractant will help growers accurately detect D. suzukii adult infestations in orchards, thereby allowing for timely pest management interventions while reducing conventional insecticidal usage to protect our crops, environment, and ecosystem.  相似文献   

The silverleaf whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) biotype B (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) is an economically important pest of tomatoes Solanum lycopersicum (L.), causing irregular ripening on fruits and transmitting several plant pathogenic geminiviruses. The management of this pest is commonly based on repetitive spraying with synthetic pesticides, causing serious environmental damages and increase of resistance by insect population. In the present study, essential oils from the leaves of Artemisia camphorata Vill., Ageratum conyzoides L., Foeniculum vulgare Mill., Lippia alba (Mill.) N. E. Br., Plectranthus neochilus Schltr., and Tagetes erecta L. were investigated for their possible repellent and oviposition-deterrent effects against B. tabaci biotype B on tomato. In a multi-choice assay, P. neochilus essential oil was the most active repellent and oviposition deterrent. Essential oils of A. conyzoides and T. erecta significantly deterred the female B. tabaci biotype B from laying eggs on treated tomato leaflets compared with the control. (E)-Caryophyllene (30.67 %) and the monoterpenes α-pinene (15.02 %) and α-thujene (11.70 %) were identified as the major constituents of the essential oil of P. neochilus. Our findings demonstrated the potential of essential oil of P. neochilus and other oils in the reduction of settlement and oviposition of B. tabaci biotype B on tomato.  相似文献   

Kaolin particle films and copper-based products can be considered as possible alternatives to traditional agrochemicals used for controlling the dominant pest of olive grove areas of the Mediterranean Basin, the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Dip. Tephritidae), to which this pest has already evolved resistance. Psyttalia concolor (Szèpligeti) (Hym. Braconidae) is a koinobiont larval–pupal endoparasitoid of many Tephritidae of economic importance. It has been routinely used in the Mediterranean Basin for augmentative releases against B. oleae. Detailed knowledge of lethal and sublethal effects of these agrochemicals on non target arthropods is required for effective integrated pest management programmes. The aims of this study were to evaluate direct mortality caused by kaolin and copper salts on the parasitoid and the sublethal effects on emergence of adults from treated pupae and on beneficial capacity of females through four different experiments, three at laboratory level and one in semi-field conditions. Dual choice and no-choice experiments in the case of kaolin were also performed to test kaolin oviposition repellence. The results indicated that the tested agrochemicals were not harmful to the parasitoid. No lethal toxicity or effects on beneficial capacity were recorded. The behavioural experiments, however, showed that when females could choose between parasitising through a kaolin-treated surface and a water-treated one, there was a slight reduction in the percentage of parasitised hosts for kaolin. No differences were detected when females were not given a choice.  相似文献   

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