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This paper reviews the stock enhancement programme for black sea bream ( Acanthopagrus schlegelii ) in Hiroshima Bay. This bay is one of the biggest production areas for black sea bream in Japan, accounting for about 10% of the total catch of the species in this country in 2004. After intensive fishing pressure caused a drastic decline in the catch of the species in this bay in the 1970s, a stock enhancement programme was conducted in its northern part since 1982 to restore the depleted population. The number of black sea bream juveniles released in 1996 surpassed 9 million, representing the third main species stocked in Japan. Almost 1.4 million of these juveniles were released into Hiroshima Bay. The fast acclimatization of hatchery-reared juveniles released into the bay may have contributed to the recovery of landings in the late 1980s and 1990s. However, this recovery was accompanied by a reduction in the market price of black sea bream. Further studies to assess the effectiveness of the stock enhancement programme as well as the carrying capacity of Hiroshima Bay to maintain the stock of black sea bream at a stable, healthy level are desirable. The necessity of evaluating the secondary effects derived from using a reduced number of breeders as well as finding new markets are suggested.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Five loci ( Phz2 , Phz6 , Phz7 , Phz12 , and Phz14 ) of microsatellite DNA markers developed in a previous study for parentage assignment in the hatchery population generated by mating among 61 broodstock fish (35 females and 26 males) in a spawning tank, were selected. After natural spawning in the same tank, larvae collected at three different times were categorized into early phase (EP), middle phase (MP), and late phase (LP) groups. In the parental broodstock, the mean number of alleles per locus was 21.8 and expected heterozygosity ( H E ) was 0.813. In the progeny, the mean number of alleles per locus decreased to 11.6 (EP), 14.4 (MP), and 6.4 (LP) and H E to 0.796 (EP), 0.833 (MP), and 0.681 (LP). Parental assignment determined eight dams and six sires as major parents for the EP group. In the MP group, 13 dams and ten sires genetically contributed to spawning, but only three dams and two sires were involved in LP group progeny. In the hatchery population produced from a limited number of parental fish such as the LP group, genetic variability was apparently decreased.  相似文献   

This study dealt with the detection of parentage in a mixed family tank of abalone Haliotis discus hannai using microsatellite DNA markers. As a preliminary investigation, the early growth rate between selected and non-selected abalone families, which were reared together in the mixed family tank from settlement stage to juvenile stage (7 months of age), was also compared. The selected families were derived from seven parents (three females and four males) selected for larger size in shell length at about 1-year-old, and the non-selected families originated from five wild captives (three females and two males). Parentage analysis based on eight microsatellite markers unambiguously allocated the 170 juveniles sampled from the single tank to the 17 parental pairs. The family size was highly heterogeneous among families, as two males in the selected families and one male in the non-selected families dominated the contribution to the offspring pool (>80%). The mean shell length of the selected families was approximately 23% larger than that of the non-selected families (Student’s t-test, P<0.001). This study demonstrated that the use of microsatellite markers is effective for parentage determination in the mixed family farming, commonly used in abalone hatcheries, and selective operations for larger size could improve the growth of the next generation.  相似文献   

From the two species of bivalves, Calyptogena soyoae around a cold seep and Bathymodiolus septemdierum near hydrothermal vents in the sea, sterols were isolated using high-pressure liquid chromatography analysis of the lipid fraction guided by characteristic 1H NMR signals of the sterol skeleton. The minor sterol composition of C. soyoae included 24-methylenecycloartanal, cycloeucalenol, and obutusifoliol, which are known phytosterols. From B. Septemdierum, lathosterol and cholesterol as main sterols together with more diverse sterols were obtained. The difference between these species and their sterol contents is most likely because of feeding modes and metabolism of nutrients from their habitat.  相似文献   

In order to obtain information for preventing oyster spats predation, we investigated the horizontal and vertical movement patterns of black sea bream Acanthopagrus schlegelii inhabiting an oyster farming area in Hiroshima Bay by active tracking. Seven adult fish equipped with depth transmitters were tracked for 65 days around the oyster farming area. Six of the seven fish were found in the oyster rafts for a cumulative duration of 55 days. The daily movement distance and minimum convex polygon home range of these fish were 0.13–0.78 km/day and 0.11–1.14 km2, respectively. The swimming depth of these fish were mainly between 1 and 15 m, which coincided with the depths of the submerged oyster wires. Our observations suggest that black sea bream inhabiting the oyster farming area in Hiroshima Bay are highly dependent on the spatial arrangement of the oyster rafts.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary medicinal herbs on growth and some non-specific immunity were investigated in juvenile red sea bream Pagrus major. The fish (mean body weight 24.0±0.2g) were fed fishmeal diets supplemented with either Massa medicata (Mm), Crataegi fructus (Cf), Artemisia capillaries (Ac), Cnidium officinale (Co), or a mixture of all the herbs (HM), and a control diet without medicinal herbs, for 12 weeks. Survival, specific growth rate, feed efficiency, condition factor and hemoglobin levels were higher in fish given herbal diets than fish given the control diet without herbs. Significantly higher serum high density lipoprotein-cholesterol level and lysozyme activity were detected in HM and Co diet groups, and alternative complement pathway activity was detected in the HM diet group. However, significantly lower serum alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase activities were obtained in all herbal diet groups compared with the control diet group. Pathogen challenge test by intraperitoneal injection of Vibrio anguillarum indicated that highest survival was obtained in the HM diet group followed by Ac, Co, Cf, and Mm diet groups. The lowest survival was obtained in the control group. These results reveal that medicinal herbs in diets enhance growth and some non-specific immunity of red sea bream.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   A feeding experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of various organic acids and supplements on the growth, phosphorus (P) utilization, and environmental loading of nitrogen (N) and P in red sea bream Pagrus major. Seven diets designated as PA (0.5% inorganic P as Ca[H2PO4]2), PO (no inorganic P), CA (1% citric acid), MA (1% malic acid), LA (1% lactic acid), MHA (1% methionine hydroxy analog) and LTE (1% liquid trace elements) were formulated. Duplicate groups of 25 fish were fed four times daily to near satiation for 75 days. Fish fed CA and LTE diets showed significantly better weight gain and feed conversion ratio compared to fish fed diet PO. Absorption of P was significantly improved in all organic acid-supplemented groups compared to the PA and PO groups. The P retention in CA and LTE groups were significantly higher compared to PA and PO diets. The P excretion was also significantly decreased in all organic acid-supplemented groups. Thus, use of organic acids, in particular CA and LTE, in red sea bream diets can reduce the use of inorganic phosphorus and contribute to the development of much-desired eco-friendly diets.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:     The acute toxicities of boron were examined for Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus and red sea bream Pagrus major in terms of fish size and water temperature. Japanese flounder of 0.1–70.0 g and red sea bream of 0.6–20.3 g were exposed to different concentrations of boron for 96 h at 20°C under semi-static conditions. In both fish species, the median lethal concentration (LC50) for 96 h of boron increased linearly with increasing fish size, ranging from 108 to 252 mg B/L for the flounder, and from 97 to 172 mg B/L for the sea bream. The effect of water temperature on acute toxicity was examined for Japanese flounder of 0.6 and 1.5 g at 10, 15, 20 and 25°C, and for red sea bream of 0.6 and 2.4 g at 12, 15, 20 and 25°C. The toxicity of boron for the flounder increased linearly with increasing water temperature. The 96 h LC50 values ranged from 299 to 108 mg B/L for the 0.6 g flounder and from 350 to 113 mg B/L for the 1.5 g flounder. A similar trend was shown for the 2.4 g red sea bream; however, the relationship for the 0.6 g red sea bream was not significant.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   A 56-day feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of Porphyra spheroplasts (PS) as a feed additive on growth, carcass composition and feed utilization of black sea bream. Four experimental diets with or without PS (0, 1, 3, 5% inclusion level) were formulated to determine the proper incorporation level for best growth and utilization using white fishmeal as the principal protein source. Three replicate groups of fish averaging 1.28 ± 0.05 g (mean ± SD) were maintained in flow-through thermo-controlled sea water (32–34 psu, 25°C) aquaria (100 L) under the laboratory conditions (L12 : D12) and fed three times a day at 09:00, 13:00 and 17:00 hours by hand at approximately 3% body weight on each diet. The rearing trial revealed that growth performance (in terms of weight gain, specific growth rate) are almost the same level in all the dietary groups, nevertheless the survival, nutrient utilizations and retentions (feed efficiency, protein efficiency ratio, protein retention rate, lipid retention rate) were significantly higher ( P  < 0.05) in a group fed on the diet containing 3% spheroplasts. Further, the fish fed on the diet containing PS had significantly higher ( P  < 0.05) crude lipid level in their dorsal muscles and viscera. The fish fed a PS-based diet showed higher level of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in viscera and DHA in dorsal muscles. The results obtained in this feeding trial suggest that the optimum dietary PS supplementation level up to 3% for black sea bream can be considered as improved consequence on growth performance, nutrient utilization or body composition were noticed.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of Tribulus terrestris (TT), a non-toxic herb, on sex reversal in the Convict Cichlid Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum with the aim of introducing a new environmentally friendly method for masculinization in C. nigrofasciatum. TT is a natural plant product that elevates the testosterone levels in humans and animals. Different concentrations (0.0, 0.10, 0.20 and 0.30 g/l) of TT extract were tested for their effect on sex reversal in C. nigrofasciatum by immersing newly hatched offspring once weekly for 2 months in TT extract. Of the dosages used in the present study, 0.30 g/l TT was the most effective in terms of masculinization, resulting in a maximum male ratio of 87.23% (P < 0.001). Sex ratios of 79 and 85% at 0.10 and 0.20 g/l TT, respectively, were also significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio (P < 0.001). Histological examinations revealed that the testes of fish treated with TT extract contained all stages of spermatogenesis, clearly demonstrating that the administration of TT extract to C. nigrofasciatum stimulated spermatogenesis. Total survival rates in all treatments and the control were uniformly high, ranging from 88.57 to 90% (P > 0.05). We concluded that TT had no negative effect on the survival rate of C. nigrofasciatum. In addition, all groups of TT-treated fish exhibited successful growth acceleration compared to the control group, but only the 0.30 g/l TT treatment significantly improved the growth rate of C. nigrofasciatum. (P < 0.01). Sex reversal in C. nigrofasciatum demonstrated that TT-treated 0-day-old larvae showed successful sex reversal, spermatogenesis and a better growth rate than untreated progenies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome of Parargyrops edita was determined by gene amplification using long polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing techniques. The genome with 16 640 bp contained 37 genes (two ribosomal RNA, 22 transfer RNA, and 13 protein-coding genes). The content and order of genes was identical to those in typical teleosts. The major non-coding region of 964 bp in length with several conserved sequence features were identified as the control region (CR). Both COI and ND4 began with a GTG start codon, which is unusual in other fishes. The genetic variation of the CR from 27 wild samples was evaluated. A total of 536 bp consensus sequence of CR was aligned and 26 unique haplotypes were identified. The haplotype diversity (h) was estimated to be 0.997 (standard deviation [SD] 0.011) and nucleotide diversity ( π ) was 0.014 (SD 0.008) for the sample collected from coastal waters of Guangdong Province. It showed a very high level of genetic variation in the sample and also suggested that mtDNA CR sequence analysis can be use to evaluate the genetic diversity and genetic structure of P. edita .  相似文献   

The Japanese population of the cyprinid minnow Aphyocypris chinensis is nearing extinction in the wild. The genetic diversity of three microsatellite loci in five captive populations was investigated, and an effective breeding strategy to reduce inbreeding from pairwise relatedness (R xy ) between each captive line is discussed. The average number of alleles ranged 2.33–4.67 and the average heterozygosity ranged 0.283–0.602. The pairwise relatedness observed in most combinations showed a significant decrease between the populations. It is suggested that exchange of individuals between different breeding lines should effectively stop inbreeding. Studies show that the effective population size (N e ) estimated from the number of parental individuals was 8.54 in one captive population, which is insufficient to maintain genetic diversity. It is recommended that more parental individuals should be used, and to exchange fish in a rotating mating mode between institutions participating in captive breeding of A. chinensis.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and structure of nine domesticated strains of red sea bream used in a private hatchery were studied and compared to a wild population. A total of 313 individuals were genotyped at eight microsatellite loci. Average number of alleles per locus ranged from 5.5 to 9.4 in domesticated strains, but that of the wild population was 28.4. Heterozygosity of domesticated strains (ranged 0.697–0.804) was also lower compared to the wild population (0.952). Estimated Ne also decreased in all domesticated strains (ranged 10.3–126.0) compared to the wild population (1422.5). The UPGMA tree and 3‐D FCA showed that there were two main clusters containing domesticated strains, and the wild population was at the middle of both of the domesticated clusters. The STRUCTURE analysis also supported the phylogenetic analysis, and revealed three sub‐clusters in the domesticated strains. Pairwise FST revealed that all domesticated strains were statistically different from the wild population, and also the differentiation between domesticated strains was all statistically significant. Information on genetic diversity and structure of domesticated strains of red sea bream obtained in this study will be useful for future broodstock management and selective breeding programmes.  相似文献   

大亚湾黑鲷标志放流及回捕率调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为评价大亚湾海域黑鲷(Acanthopagrusschlegelii)增殖放流效果,使用塑料椭圆标志牌(plasticovaltags,POTs),开展了黑鲷幼鱼标志保持率与生长实验。结果显示,背鳍鳍棘基部第4~6鳍棘下方5mm左右的背部肌肉为最适标志位置, 90 d后标志保持率为81.76%。POTs标志黑鲷幼鱼45 d内生长与对照组无显著性差异(P>0.05),而90 d后标志组生长显著缓于对照组(P<0.05)。并于2014—2016年每年1次在大亚湾开展黑鲷幼鱼标志放流试验。采用有奖回收方式进行标志鱼回捕,测量体长、体重,收集回捕日期、回捕地点、回捕方式等信息,整理分析相关数据。3年共放流标志黑鲷幼鱼60115尾,共2758尾回捕标志鱼被定置网、流刺网及垂钓捕获(总回捕率4.59%);大规格放流苗种回捕率高于小规格放流苗种;垂钓回捕鱼数量占总回捕数量的比例为62.08%。通过对反馈信息的分析,认为放流后的标志鱼最初主要沿湾内和湾外两个方向呈近岸辐射状扩散,最远扩散距离约70 km。放流后1~2个月标志黑鲷生长较慢,随后相对加快,放流5~7个月后,黑鲷幼鱼体长、体重分别增长59.51%~127.20%和322.75%~989.83%。结论认为,POT是黑鲷幼鱼体外标志的适宜选择;在研究海域,放流后的标志黑鲷更易于被垂钓方式捕获;丰富的食物和可供躲避敌害的空间是影响其扩散、生长的因素。  相似文献   

An investigation was conducted to evaluate the annual variation in potential predation impact (PPI) on larval and juvenile Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae by Crangon uritai in Hakodate Bay using predator-prey size relationships. Laboratory experiments were designed to estimate the favorable prey size of C. uritai through back-calculation of body length (BL) of P. yokohamae from sagittal otolith diameter observed in the stomachs of C. uritai. The most favorable prey-predator size ratio (BL of P. yokohamae-total length (TL) of C. uritai) class was 0.15–0.19, and ranged from 0.12–0.31. There was a significant positive correlation between the BL increase of P. yokohamae and the bottom water temperature in the field, such that BLs stagnated during the cold year of 1999 from April to June, and increased during the warm year of 2002. In contrast, no significant correlation was found between the TL increase of C. uritai and the bottom water temperature. Moreover, there were no significant differences in the mean TL of C. uritai between months (April–June) or years (1998–2002). Variation of PPI depended on the relationships between the growth rates of P. yokohamae and bottom water temperature. Therefore, the warm year of 2002 resulted in higher potential predation impact (PPI≥20), and it was at least 20 days shorter than that of the cold year of 1999. These results suggest that increased bottom water temperature in the nursery area was one of the most important factors for cumulative predation loss.  相似文献   

In order to understand growth features of pearl oysters in the genus Pinctada, i.e. Pinctada fucata, Pinctada margaritifera, and Pinctada sugillata in Taiwan, a total of 3062 wild individuals of these species from juvenile to adult were collected monthyly from March 2001 to April 2002 in Jukeng, Pingtung County, south-west Taiwan. Quantitative measurements of live oysters were conducted for shell height (SH), shell length (SL), shell width (SW), hinge length (HL), and wet weight (WW). Different cohorts were identified through multiple length frequency analysis on SH of P. fucata and P. margaritifera, and growth curves with seasonal variation were estimated for these species. Pinctada fucata in Taiwan had a different seasonal growth pattern from the Japanese population, but had similar growth rates during the high growth period. The growth rate of P. margaritifera in Taiwan was slower than in French Polynesia, the Solomon Islands, and the Red Sea. Comparisons of morphological growth features among the three species show large differences in the SW-related features. Pinctada fucata in Taiwan had larger SW than in Japan and Korea. The differences in growth rates and morphological features suggested that the wild Taiwanese oysters may retain genetically pristine characteristics, thus genetic conservation might be urgently needed.  相似文献   

Four semi-purified diets, containing crystalline amino acids (CAAs), were fed to juvenile red sea bream, Pagrus major in order to ascertain the ideal dietary amino acid pattern for this species. A control diet containing 50% casein–gelatin as protein sources, but no CAAs were fed to the fish. The other diets contained 30% casein–gelatin and 20% CAAs. CAAs were added to diets to simulate with amino acid pattern of the red sea bream eggs protein (REP), red sea bream larvae whole body protein (RLP), red sea bream juvenile whole body protein (RJP), and brown fishmeal protein (BFP). The juveniles (average initial body weight, 1.58 ± 0.01 g) were maintained in triplicate tanks and fed twice daily for 30 days. The highest weight gain was observed in juveniles fed the RJP diet. No significant difference was observed in juveniles fed the RLP and BFP diet. Feed efficiency ratio, protein efficiency ratio and amino acid retention in the whole body were significantly (p < 0.05) affected by the simulated dietary amino acid patterns. The essential amino acid profile and A/E ratios of the whole body after the growth trial showed little difference among the dietary treatments. The results suggest that red sea bream juveniles are able to utilize high amounts of CAA in coated form. The amino acid pattern of RJP could be used as an appropriate of reference dietary amino acid for this species.  相似文献   

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