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谈FLASH教学中创新能力的培养 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
当前,中国经济面对着国际竞争的各种考验,在越来越高的“中国创造”呼声中,不由的想起了江总书记关于教育方向的精辟论述,“创新是一个民族的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力”。在创新教学的今天,大力培养学生的创新能力已成为教育工作者的重要任务。 相似文献
随着科学技术的不断发展和创新,计算机地图制图已基本替代传统的地图绘制,实现了地图制图技术的历史性变革。ArcGIS10是ESRI公司出品的一系列GIS软件,它的自动化地图制图技术已相当完善,可以实现各种地图制图的需求。通过实例讲述了ArcGIS制图表达在地图制图方面的应用,解决传统GIS制图符号化中复杂地物表现上的难题,实现符号系统的共享,属性变化的动态表达,制图表达的规范化与个性化,以及图库数据的一体化生产和管理,最终提高GIS制图的效率。 相似文献
通过对奥维互动地图特色功能的介绍,结合森林资源管护日常工作的重点,具体分析奥维互动地图在森林管护工作中的实际应用,并针对通过奥维互动地图更好地开展森林管护工作进行简要分析. 相似文献
介绍了F1ash中Function、DuplicateMovieClip、SetProperty、Set Variable、If、SetInterva动作脚本的使用,来实现下雪特效的制作。 相似文献
根据泰州市气象业务发展需求,以GeoServer发布地图数据为基础,结合SQL Server数据库,以Java为开发工具设计并实现了基于GIS的自动气象站查询系统。在对自动气象站数据报文自动采集入库,形成统一格式的数据库基础上,实现了多条件的气象要素查询、统计,异常数据值的监测和预警、疑误数据反馈等功能,同时提供了等值线、色斑图、曲线图等形式多样的服务产品表达方式。该系统已经投入运行,并通过一体化业务平台服务于社会和行业用户。 相似文献
讨论了农业电力巡检系统的路径分析算法,并在eSupermap环境下,以某区级农电局电道网数据为例,利用eVC及eSupermap二次开发类库实现了其最短路径和最佳路径分析。 相似文献
本文主要论述如何通过VS2005软件在网站页面中添加报表源,如何创建表文件,如何通过添加按钮及相关代码实现水晶报表的打印与套打。 相似文献
中高职院校以就业为导向,开设了《Flash动画制作》课程。该课程与就业联系比较紧密,实践性很强。研究提出了传统的教学方法已经不能够适应该课程的教学,提出有必要在Flash教学中引入案例教学。 相似文献
Megan J.C. Moore 《Biological conservation》2006,130(3):386-393
Considerable recent attention has focused on how human disturbance alters the behaviour of imperiled taxa. Data on such impacts are common for waterfowl, marine mammals, and some large game animals. However, little is known about how human disturbances affect reptiles, perhaps because most reptiles are secretive and are not commonly seen by the public. We studied the impact of human disturbances on the nesting and basking behaviour of the yellow-blotched map turtle (Graptemys flavimaculata) on the Pascagoula River in southeastern Mississippi, USA. We found that both nesting and basking behaviour of map turtles were altered by human recreational activities. Turtles attempting to nest commonly abandoned their attempts upon the approach of a boat and, prior to nesting, numerous individuals waited several hours near the beach without emerging. Basking turtles frequently dove into the water upon the approach of a boat and some did not return to bask. Anglers in small boats that remained in the vicinity of basking sites caused the most disturbances, whereas personal water crafts (jet skis) caused fewer disturbances. Our data suggest that interruption of nesting activities may have an especially severe impact on the viability of this population through changes in numbers of clutches females are able to lay and altering the microhabitat females select for their nests. 相似文献
运用C语言的读写技术,可将磁盘文件中的数据读入到计算机内存,处理完后的数据或中间结果依然可以输出到磁盘文件中永久保存。阐述了利用C语言实现数据长期保存的一般流程和方法。 相似文献
红树林恢复过程中土壤有机碳的变化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Based on total carbon (C) and C isotopes in sediment cores, sedimentary organic carbon (SOC) was quantified in three types of mangrove sites (barren flat sites without mangroves, mangrove plantations, and natural mangrove forests), which were considered to represent a continuum from least restored to most restored sites in southern China. SOC densities in the barren sites, plantations, and natural forests were 90, 170 and 288 Mg ha-1, respectively. We inferred that mangrove restoration increased SOC accumulation in coastal areas. At 0--70 cm depth, SOC ?13C values in both mangrove sites ranged from -27.37‰ to -23.07‰, and exhibited gradual enrichment with depth. In contrast, the values in the barren flat sites remained around -22.19‰ and fluctuated slightly with depth. At 0--60 cm, the 14C ages of the SOC in the barren flat site, the natural mangrove site, and the artificial mangrove site ranged from 1 397 to 2 608, 255 to 2 453, and 391 to 2 512 years BP, respectively. In both types of mangrove sites but not in the barren flat sites, the enrichment of ?13C with depth was related to increases in SOC decay and SOC age with depth. According to analysis of 14C age, much of the mangrove-derived C was transported and stored at 0--60 cm depth under anaerobic conditions in both mangrove sites. The sediments of mangrove forests in southern China sequester large quantities of SOC during mangrove restoration. 相似文献
阐述了栅格图象处理过程中,对斑点噪声和无用数据的处理技巧,并且按照实施步骤列出了相应的地图代数函数。 相似文献
利用地统计学研究土壤有机质空间分布:评估意大利中部地区土地退化的重要指标 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Soil organic matter (SOM) content is one of the main factors to be considered in the evaluation of soil health and fertility. As timing, human and monetary resources often limit the amount of available data, geostatistical techniques provide a valid scientific approach to cope with spatial variability, to interpolate existing data and to predict values at unsampled locations for accurate SOM status survey. Using geostatistical and geographic information system (GIS) approaches, the spatial variability of some physical and chemical soil parameters was investigated under Mediterranean climatic condition in the Abruzzo region of central Italy, where soil erosion processes accelerated by human induced factors are the main causes of soil degradation associated with low SOM content. Experimental semivariograms were established to determine the spatial dependence of the soil variables under investigation. The results of 250 soil sampling point data were interpolated by means of ordinary kriging coupled with a GIS to produce contour maps distribution of soil texture, SOM content related to texture, and C/N ratio. The resulting spatial interpolation of the dataset highlighted a low content of SOM in relation with soil texture in most of the surveyed area (87%) and an optimal C/N ratio for only half of the investigated surface area. Spatial location of degraded area and the assessment of its magnitude can provide decision makers with an accurate support to design appropriate soil conservation strategies and then facilitate a regional planning of agri-environmental measures in the framework of the European Common Agricultural Policy. 相似文献
Spatial distribution of the parent materials, color, clay-eluviated horizon thickness, textural profile type, presence and position of the ferruginous nodules and ferricretes in the profile are analyzed at a small scale using the thematic information content of the published 1:200,000 soil map of Benin. Analyses indicate that there is a regional differentiation of the soil cover which is first drawn on that of the geological provinces, sedimentary basins, great morpho-structural units, and then determined by the factors that control the preservation or the transformation and erosion of an ancient lateritic mantle. These factors are directly influenced by differential changes of the local base levels. 相似文献
Fourty‐one soil samples from the “Eternal Rye” long‐term experiment in Halle, Germany, were used to test the usefulness of near‐infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to differentiate between C derived from C3 and C4 plants by using the isotopic signature (δ13C) and to predict the pools considered in the Rothamsted Carbon (RothC) model, i.e., decomposable plant material, resistant plant material, microbial biomass, humified organic matter, and inert organic matter. All samples were scanned in the visible‐light and near‐infrared region (400–2500 nm). Cross‐validation equations were developed using the whole spectrum (first to third derivative) and a modified partial least‐square regression method. δ13C values and all pools of the RothC model were successfully predicted by NIRS as reflected by RSC values (ratio between standard deviation of the laboratory results and standard error of cross‐validation) ranging from 3.2 to 3.4. Correlations analysis indicated that organic C can be excluded as basis for the successful predictions by NIRS in most cases, i.e., 11 out of 16. 相似文献
Goovaerts P 《European Journal of Soil Science》2011,62(3):371-380
Information available for mapping continuous soil attributes often includes point field data and choropleth maps (e.g. soil or geological maps) that model the spatial distribution of soil attributes as the juxtaposition of polygons (areas) with constant values. This paper presents two approaches to incorporate both point and areal data in the spatial interpolation of continuous soil attributes. In the first instance, area-to-point kriging is used to map the variability within soil units while ensuring the coherence of the prediction so that the average of disaggregated estimates is equal to the original areal datum. The resulting estimates are then used as local means in residual kriging. The second approach proceeds in one step and capitalizes on: 1) a general formulation of kriging that allows the combination of both point and areal data through the use of area-to-area, area-to-point, and point-to-point covariances in the kriging system, 2) the availability of GIS to discretize polygons of irregular shape and size, and 3) knowledge of the point-support variogram model that can be inferred directly from point measurements, thereby eliminating the need for deconvolution procedures. The two approaches are illustrated using the geological map and heavy metal concentrations recorded in the topsoil of the Swiss Jura. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the new procedures improve prediction over ordinary kriging and traditional residual kriging based on the assumption that the local mean is constant within each mapping unit. 相似文献