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Serum fructosamine concentrations were measured in 11 untreated hypothyroid dogs with normal serum glucose and serum protein concentrations. The fructosamine level ranged between 276 and 441 mol/L (median 376 mol/L; reference range 207–340 mol/L). Nine of the 11 dogs had fructosamine levels above the reference range. The fructosamine levels decreased significantly during treatment with levothyroxine. It is suggested that serum fructosamine concentrations may be high in hypothyroid dogs because of decelerated protein turnover, independent of the blood glucose concentration.  相似文献   

Jinbo  T.  Shinmura  R.  Shida  T.  Shimizu  M.  Honda  M.  Hayashi  S.  Iguchi  K.  Yamamoto  S. 《Veterinary research communications》1997,21(5):347-353
A reversed passive latex agglutination test (RPLA) using anti-canine haemoglobin (Hb) antibody was developed for detecting bleeding in the lower digestive organs in dogs, and its applicability as a simple test for faecal occult blood was assessed. In Ouchterlony's gel immunodiffusion test, the anti-canine Hb antibody used to sensitize the latex reacted with canine Hb but not with Hbs, plasmas or meat extracts from pigs, goats, sheep, cattle, horses or chickens, or with fish extracts. Using latex sensitized with 50 µg/mg of anti-canine Hb IgG antibody, the lowest limit of detection for canine Hb was 21 µg/ml, and the latex reacted negatively with all test specimens other than canine Hb. In an in vitro experiment with a mixture of canine faeces and erythrocytes, the antigenicity of the Hb was found to undergo only very slight changes even when the specimens were allowed to stand for 12 h at room temperature. Hb could not be detected by RPLA in any of four successive faecal samples from three experimental dogs after infusion of autologous blood (5, 3 or 1 ml) into the stomach. In 3 other experimental dogs given an infusion of autologous blood (5, 3 or 1 ml) into the ascending colon, the presence of Hb was confirmed by RPLA in all four successive faecal samples obtained from those which received 5 or 3 ml of blood and in all except that obtained following the first defecation from the animal which had received 1 ml of blood.  相似文献   

Haptoglobin is a positive acute-phase protein with a valuable role as a marker of inflammation in both human and veterinary medicine. The aim of this study was to validate a commercially available immunoturbidimetric method designed for human haptoglobin determination (Izasa SA, Barcelona, Spain) for its use in canine samples. Cross-reactivity between anti-human haptoglobin antiserum and canine haptoglobin was found when agarose gel immunodiffusion and ELISA tests were performed. The use of canine pooled serum with haptoglobin concentration of 6.3 g/L as standard provided higher analytical range than commercially available standards. Intra-assay and inter-assay coefficients of variation were 2.49% and 4.60%, respectively. A linear regression model between immunoturbidimetric results and a previously validated spectrophotometric method (Tridelta Development Limited, Ireland) yielded a slope at 95% confidence interval of 0.94 (0.86, 1.02) and y-intercept at 95% confidence interval of 0.11 (−0.59, 0.82). No significant differences were produced by anticoagulants, lipaemia and bilirubinaemia, although haemolysis significantly decreased haptoglobin. A significant increase of haptoglobin concentration was detected in inflammatory conditions such as pyometra and leishmaniasis, in neoplastic conditions, and after glucocorticoid administration. Canine serum haptoglobin concentration can be reliably measured using the commercially available Izasa immunoturbidimetric method developed for human haptoglobin determination. This method is precise and accurate, provides a wider analytical range than previous reported methods, and can be easily automated and used for routine haptoglobin determination in canine samples.  相似文献   

After electrophoresis on cellulose acetate, two haemoglobin phenotypes were detected in Baloochi and Kordi breeds: AA and AB phenotypes. AA was commonest in two breeds. The incidence of type AB haemoglobin in Baloochi and Kordi breeds was 26.5% (9/34) and 9.5% (2/21), respectively. BB phenotype was not seen in Baloochi and Kordi breeds. In sheep with AB phenotype, haemoglobin B was dominant. The mean +/- SD of the two kinds of haemoglobin in sheep with AB phenotype were haemoglobin B percentage 60.5% +/- 9.04%, haemoglobin B absolute 73.84 +/- 5.44 g/L, haemoglobin A percentage 39.5% +/- 9.04%, haemoglobin A absolute 32.88 +/- 2.89 g/L. There were no significant differences for total haemoglobin, haematocrit, red blood cell (RBC) number, iron and copper levels between breed, sex and age groups and also between sheep with AA phenotype and AB phenotype. Pearson's method showed significant correlations for total haemoglobin with packed cell volume (PCV), RBC number, copper concentration and RBC number with PCV, copper level and PCV with copper amount and copper concentration with iron level (p<0.05). In the Kordi breed, significant correlations were seen for total haemoglobin with PCV, RBC number, copper concentration and PCV with RBC number and RBC number with copper level and copper concentration with iron amount (p<0.05). In the Baloochi breed, significant correlations were detected for total haemoglobin with PCV, RBC number and PCV with RBC number (p<0.05).  相似文献   

蜂胶对糖尿病大鼠血糖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将复制糖尿病模型的 72只SD大鼠随机分为模型组 ,蜂胶水提液低剂量组、高剂量组 ,蜂胶醇提液低剂量组、高剂量组和阳性对照组 (拜糖苹 ) ,另取 12只为正常组。除正常组和模型组外 ,各组分别给予不同的试验药物。给药过程中 ,每周取血一次 ,测空腹血糖 ,给药 7周后 ,取血测定空腹血糖和果糖胺。试验结果表明 ,蜂胶水提液和醇提液均能控制糖尿病大鼠空腹血糖的升高 ,并且随着时间的延长效果越来越明显。  相似文献   

为了研究运输应激伴随的冷应激、驱赶、捕捉及饲料改变等多重应激对比格犬血常规和血液临床生化指标造成的影响,并且评估1周适应性饲养时间的合理性。以30只比格犬作为试验对象,对其适应性饲养前后的血常规和血液临床生化指标进行检查,并对数据进行分析发现,适应性饲养前犬的血常规和生化指标都有显著变化,1周的常规适应性饲养后,犬应激症状消失,血常规和生化检查指标均回复正常;这说明应激对比格犬造成了显著的影响,1周的适应性饲养是合理且必须的。  相似文献   

The concentration of plasma progesterone was measured by ELISA, in serum and samples prepared with three different anticoagulant agents – namely ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), heparine and sodium fluoride oxalate potassium(NaFK). Forty clinically healthy bitches were selected based on the signs of pro‐oestrus or oestrus. Values of progesterone concentration were significantly higher in serum than in EDTA‐plasma (p < 0.0005); heparin‐plasma (p < 0.05) and NaFK‐plasma (p < 0.005). During pro‐oestrus and oestrus until the time of ovulation, progesterone exhibited a conspicuous and statistically verified diurnal pattern (p < 0.05), its serum concentration being higher during 6.00–7.00 p.m. than 8.00–9.00 a.m. By the time of ovulation tendency of higher p.m. progesterone level reverses and from this point on the a.m. progesterone concentration is higher. The results of these experiments indicate that the concentration of canine progesterone assayed with ELISA may be affected by the time of collection and the method of preservation used.  相似文献   

氨氟醚吸入麻醉妊娠犬及其胎儿动脉血药浓度和血气分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
选用 10只妊娠犬 ,实施母体及胎儿股动脉血管插管后 ,测定了氨氟醚麻醉期间母犬及胎儿的动脉血药浓度和血液 p H、PO2 (动脉氧分压 )、PCO2 (动脉 CO2 分压 )、T- CO2 (血浆 CO2 总量 )、HCO- 3 (实际碳酸氢盐 )、SB(标准碳酸氢盐 )、BEb(全血碱超 )、Sat.O2 (血氧饱和度 )。结果 :氨氟醚可透过胎盘进入胎儿血液 ,胎儿血药浓度低于母犬 ,但两者上升和消除变化趋势接近 ;麻醉期间 ,母犬及胎儿血液 p H、BEb下降 (P<0 .0 1或 P<0 .0 5 ) ,PO2 、PCO2 、Sat.O2 升高(P<0 .0 1或 P<0 .0 5 ) ,HCO- 3 、T- CO2 表现升高趋势 (P>0 .0 5 ) ,SB表现下降趋势 (P>0 .0 5 )。结果表明 ,氨氟醚吸入麻醉期间 ,母犬及其胎儿呈现轻度呼吸性酸中毒和代谢性酸中毒并存 ,并随氨氟醚血药浓度的降低而逐渐恢复  相似文献   

将320只21日龄艾维因肉鸡随机分为5个CO2浓度组(3 000 mg/m35、000 mg/m38、000 mg/m3、12 000 mg/m31、5 000 mg/m3),分别饲养在结构一致的自制环控塑料棚舍内。研究不同CO2浓度对肉鸡血液中免疫球蛋白及其它血液生化指标的影响。鸡舍内CO2浓度为5 000 mg/m3时,免疫球蛋白高于其它组(P>0.05);而当鸡舍内CO2浓度升高到12000 mg/m3时,免疫球蛋白呈下降趋势,血液中白细胞数量、血红蛋白含量和平均血红蛋白含量显著高于其它组(P<0.05),而死亡率比对照组高150.32%(P<0.05)。说明鸡舍内CO2浓度为5 000 mg/m3时,可提高肉鸡特异性免疫;当鸡舍内CO2浓度升高到12 000 mg/m3时,肉鸡正处于一种应激状态,不利于肉鸡健康。  相似文献   

为探讨丹参注射液联合奥曲肽对犬急性胰腺炎的临床疗效,选取浙江大学附属动物医院2014年7月至2016年7月门诊诊断为犬急性胰腺炎的70例病例,将其分为治疗组和对照组,每组35例。对照组采用奥曲肽进行治疗;治疗组采用奥曲肽联合丹参注射液进行治疗,分析2组治疗后犬特异性胰脂肪酶水平、腹痛缓解时间、治疗时间以及临床综合效果。结果显示,治疗组和对照组的治疗有效率分别为80%和65.7%,两组之间具有显著性差异(P0.05),即治疗组能显著缓解腹痛时间和缩短治疗时间。因此,丹参联合奥曲肽治疗犬急性胰腺炎的临床效果显著优于单独使用奥曲肽,为犬急性胰腺炎的治疗提供一种新的临床方案。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the long-term (month-to-month) between-dog, within-dog and analytical components of variance for fasting plasma glucose and serum fructosamine in healthy dogs to assess the usefulness of a single measurement of these analytes in a single dog.Fasting plasma glucose and serum fructosamine were measured in blood samples collected every month for 9 months from 23 clinically healthy dogs, and the results were subjected to nested analysis of variance. The between-dog variation, the within-dog variation, and the analytical variation were 3.8%, 9.5% and 3.7%, respectively, for plasma glucose and 4.2%, 11.1% and 2.8%, respectively, for serum fructosamine.The maximum allowable analytical imprecision, analytical inaccuracy and difference between analytical methods were 4.8%, 2.6% and 3.2%, respectively, for plasma glucose and 5.6%, 3.0% and 3.7%, respectively, for serum fructosamine.The index of individuality, 2.7 for both analytes, indicated that the test results from single dogs can be compared usefully to the corresponding population-based reference intervals.The number of samples required to estimate the true individual mean value ±5% for a single dog was 16 for fasting plasma glucose and 20 for serum fructosamine.The one- and two-sided critical differences expressing the difference needed for two serial results from the same dog to be significantly different at a 5% level was 24% and 28%, respectively, for plasma glucose and 27% and 32%, respectively, for serum fructosamine.  相似文献   

为探讨在冷冻稀释液中添加谷胱甘肽(GSH)对犬精液冷冻保存效果的影响,采用按摩法采集5只杂种土犬的精液,离心去精清后,在冷冻液中分别加入0.5、1.0、1.5、2.0、2.5 mmol/L的GSH,制成0.25 mL的冻精进行冷冻保存,以不添加GSH的处理组作为对照组。解冻后在含有5% CO2的空气、37 ℃、相对饱和湿度条件下孵育10 h,分别在孵育0、2、4、6、8、10 h时检查精子活力。结果显示:冻融后0 h,0.5、1.0 mmol/L GSH处理组的精子活力较高,分别为0.36和0.38,均显著(P<0.05)高于对照组和2.0、2.5 mmol/L处理组,且两者之间差异不显著(P>0.05);1.0 mmol/L处理组的精子顶体完整率最高,为85.10%,显著(P<0.05)高于对照组,同时,其精子畸形率最低,为23.00%,显著(P<0.05)低于对照组。冻融后体外孵育2、4 h时,0.5、1.0 mmol/L处理组的精子活力均较高,其中,0.5 mmol/L处理组在体外孵育4 h时,其精子活力仍可达到0.30;孵育6 h时,1.0 mmol/L处理组精子活力最高,显著(P<0.05)高于对照组和2.0、2.5 mmol/L处理组;孵育8 h时,各GSH处理组的精子活力均显著(P<0.05)高于对照组;在孵育至10 h时,各GSH处理组的精子活力较其他孵育时间均有较大幅度的下降,未检测到对照组中有呈直线运动的精子。综上提示,在犬精液冷冻液中添加0.5~1.0 mmol/L的GSH能够显著提高冻融后的精子质量和体外存活时间。  相似文献   

Haemoglobin (Hb) types were studied in three breeds of Omani goats, Batinah (n = 22), Jebel Akhdar (n = 27) and Dhofari (n = 85). Type A was the only adult Hb observed in adult Batinah and Jebel Akhdar goats. In contrast, only 34% of the Dhofari goats were homozygous for Hb A, while 66% were heterozygous for Hb A and Hb B. Dhofari goats with type AB could further be differentiated into those with approximately 67% type A and 33% type B and those with approximately 33% type A and 67% type B. None of the goats was homozygous for type B. Seventeen kids observed from birth exhibited different levels of fetal Hb, dependent upon whether they developed the adult phenotype AA or AB. Kids that became homozygous for type A were born with approximately 90% Hb F and 10% Hb A. In contrast, goats that developed the heterozygous AB phenotype were born with only 30–60% Hb F, the remaining Hb being types A and B. These findings are not in accordance with previous reports that kids are born without any adult Hb. Hb F was no longer detectable in any of the three breeds of goats at 49 days of age. There was no evidence of Hb C, the pre-adult form of Hb.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the effect of storage on ammonia concentration in canine packed red blood cell (pRBC) units.
Design: In vitro and in vivo study.
Setting: University Veterinary Teaching Hospital.
Interventions: Ammonia concentration was measured in 7 units of canine pRBC prepared in citrate-phosphate-dextrose (CPD) and Adsola on Days 1 and 35 of storage. Ammonia was measured in 4 additional units of canine pRBC on Days 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35. Plasma ammonia was also determined in 5 anemic dogs receiving pRBC.
Measurements and Main Results: Ammonia concentration increased from 73 ± 15 mmol/L (mean ± SD) on Day 1 to 800 ± 275 mmpl/L on Day (p<0.001). When measured every 7 days in 4 units of canine pRBC, ammonia concentration increased from 23 ± 8 mmol/L on Day 0 to 179 ± 13 mmol/L (Day 7), 276 ± 56 mmol/L (Day 14). 383 ± 47 mmol/L (Day21), 466 ± 30 mmol/L (Day 28), and 562 ± 27 mmol/L (Day 35) (p<0.05 for all comparisons). In a preliminary study, plasma ammonia concentration measured in blood samples from 5 anemic dogs without primary liver disease immediately before and after transfusion with 5–10 ml/kg of stored pRBC remained in the normal reference range.
Conclusions: The ammonia concentration in stored canine pRBC increased markedly with time. In this preliminary study, ammonia concentrations in dogs without primary liver disease did not increase above the reference range after transfusion with pRBC.  相似文献   

冕宁县今年出现犬呕吐、排黄色生蕃茄红色粪便,特别腥臭,病犬多在1-7日内死亡。白细胞和血清总蛋白减少,取回肠切片检查发现上皮细胞内有嗜酸性核内包涵体,初步诊断为犬细小病毒病。预防采取清洁、消毒、疫苗接种等综合措施。治疗采用高免血清和对症疗法相结合、治愈率可达50%-92.7%。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate behavior problems of the Jindo dog, the native dog of Korea, based on an owner''s survey and their effect on pet relinquishment. To live a better life with their own pet and prevent relinquishment, it is important to understand the innate behavior characteristics of dog breed and the potential causes of relinquishment. Information concerning various factors and demonstration of the five most common behavior problems was collected via 189 completed questionnaires. No factors significantly affected the demonstration of behavior problem. A total 151 of 189 dogs had behavior problems (79.9%) and 38 dogs did not have behavior problems (20.1%). Among 151 dogs, 139 dogs showed single behavior problem (92.1%). They were ''excessive excitability'' (46.8%), ''excessive vocalization'' (30.2%), ''inappropriate elimination'' (17.3%), ''destructive behavior'' (4.3%), and ''aggressive behavior'' (1.4%), respectively. In addition, 12 dogs showed two concurrent behavior problems (7.9%) According to the results, the relinquishment of Jindo dogs was not significantly associated with canine behavior problems, which is the single greatest risk factor of relinquishment in general. The possible reasons for potential behavior problems include improper raising, lack of socialization, and insufficient dog training classes, therefore canine behavior would be improved by owner education.  相似文献   

Background: The ADVIA 120 is a laser-based hematology analyzer with software applications for animal species. Accurate reference values would be useful for the assessment of new hematologic parameters and for interlaboratory comparisons.


Objective: The goal of this study was to establish reference intervals for CBC results and new parameters for RBC morphology, reticulocytes, and platelets in healthy dogs and cats using the ADVIA 120 hematology system.


Methods: The ADVIA 120, with multispecies software (version 1.107-MS), was used to analyze whole blood samples from clinically healthy dogs (n=46) and cats (n=61). Data distribution was determined and reference intervals were calculated as 2.5 to 97.5 percentiles and 25 to 75 percentiles.


Results: Most data showed Gaussian or log-normal distribution. The numbers of RBCs falling outside the normocyticnormochromic range were slightly higher in cats than in dogs. Both dogs and cats had reticulocytes with low, medium, and high absorbance. Mean numbers of large platelets and platelet clumps were higher in cats compared with dogs.


Conclusions: Reference intervals obtained on the ADVIA 120 provide valuable baseline information for assessing new hematologic parameters and for interlaboratory comparisons. Differences compared with previously published reference values can be attributed largely to differences in methodology.  相似文献   

对体重为4 5±0 5kg的雄性京巴、沙皮和杂种宠物犬,随机分成2组,每组9只,由桡静脉采取自身对照血液后,冷应激组置于0℃的冰水混合物中30min,分别于刺激结束后0h、1h、2h采血;热应激组置于41~42℃的环境中1h,分别于刺激30min和60min时,刺激结束后1h和2h采血。测定血样中的红细胞数、白细胞数、血红蛋白含量、红细胞比容、血沉、红细胞脆性等血液指标,并用放射免疫法测定血清中的皮质醇、促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)的浓度。结果表明:在热刺激条件下,各试验期皮质醇和ACTH的浓度均高于各自对照期,但热刺激30min和60min时,与各自对照期相比,皮质醇浓度和ACTH浓度差异均极显著(P<0 01);刺激结束后1h,皮质醇浓度与对照期相比差异仍极显著(P<0 01),ACTH浓度差异显著(P<0 05);刺激结束后2h二者虽都高于对照期,但差异不显著(P>0 05)。冷刺激条件下,各试验期皮质醇和ACTH的浓度均高于各自对照期,其中冷刺激结束时均差异极显著(P<0 01),结束后1h差异显著(P<0 05),结束后2h差异不显著(P>0 05)。冷热刺激对各项血液生理指标也都有或多或少的影响。以上结果显示:上述神经内分泌和血液生理指标的改变与急性冷热应激反应有关,提高了机体对环境变化的适应能力,从而保证生命活动的正常进行。  相似文献   

犬血丝虫病是由犬血丝虫寄生于犬类动物右心室或肺动脉引起的犬类动物的一种重要的寄生虫病,以循环障碍、呼吸困难、贫血为主要特征。犬血丝虫又叫犬心丝虫或犬恶丝虫,犬为其终末宿主,蚊、蚤等吸血昆虫是中间宿主。当寄生的虫体影响心脏器质功能(比如三尖瓣或肺动脉瓣功能不全)时,患犬会出现呼吸困难、胸腹水、下体浮肿等较为严重的临床症状,甚至发生急性死亡。诊断本病以外周血中查到犬血丝虫的幼虫微丝蚴为主。治疗本病则以驱虫为主,补血、输液等对症治疗作为辅助措施。  相似文献   

犬细小病毒病是由犬细小病毒(canine parvovirus,CPV)引起的以出血性肠炎或非化脓性心肌炎为主要特征的一类高度接触性传染病,本病无明显的季节性,各季节均可发病。作者根据其临床特征、剖检变化、诊断等情况,对38例犬细小病毒肠炎型临床病例进行了诊断并采取了相应的治疗措施,取得了较好的疗效。  相似文献   

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