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陈渊 《中国蜂业》2008,59(3):31-31
头癣是真菌感染头发和头部皮肤的一种疾病,头癣的种类有头皮屑型、黄癣型、黑癣型、浓癣型等,患者得病后奇痒难受,抓破后又发炎疼痛,致使头发脱落、疤痂累累,头上  相似文献   

影响颗粒饲料耐久性指数的因素及其控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正>颗粒饲料耐久性指数(PDI,Pellet durability index)是反映颗粒饲料质量最主要的指标之一,它是用来衡量颗粒饲料成品在输送和搬运过程中饲料颗粒抗破碎的相对能力。其含义是把冷却、筛分后的颗粒饲料样品放在一个特制的回转箱中翻转一定时间,模拟饲料的输送和搬运过程,在样品翻转后通过筛分,最后  相似文献   

老窝火腿是怒江州的地方特产之一,由于其含盐量适中,腌制方法独特,具有较强的地方风味,受到消费者的好评.近年来,泸水畜牧业快速发展,县内各种畜产品频繁流人到省内各地,另外到泸水旅游人数不断增加,老窝火腿的知名度不断提高,促进了该产品的生产发展.  相似文献   

王福忠 《蜜蜂杂志》2007,27(1):12-13
人们办事情讲究天时地利人和三个条件.养蜂人也讲究三个条件,即:蜜源、蜂群、气候,三者缺一不可.有好的蜜源,蜂群不强壮,有蜜也采不回来,蜂群很强壮,没有蜜源,形成劳力过剩也采不到蜜;蜜源好蜂群壮,椴树生长发育期不是干旱、低温就是虫灾冻害,或者椴树开花期连日阴雨蜜蜂不能出勤采蜜,甚至下起大暴雨而流蜜不收.  相似文献   

木瓜新品种"红霞一号"是由山东省临沂市兰山区南坊镇前小寺村"木瓜大王"倪明前同志经多年嫁接选育而成的木瓜新品种,该品种属蔷薇科、落叶灌木,主杆高2.5 m,冠幅直径1.5 m,枝刺少,叶长椭圆形,先端尖锐,边缘锯齿细密,深绿或淡绿色.秋季花芽分化,严冬吐蕾成红色.清明开花,花色深红,粉红、淡黄、红白镶嵌.结果圆柱形,果色黄绿、带红晕、深红似霞.8-9月成熟,单果平均重250~500g.  相似文献   

曲霉菌病是多种禽类、哺乳动物和常人的真菌病.主要侵害呼吸器官,幼年最易感染并且常呈急性暴发,造成大批死亡.2006年11月,开原市一农户饲养的雏鸭,暴发了以呼吸困难,死亡率高为特征的疾病,经综合诊断为雏鸭曲霉菌病.现将诊疗情况报告如下.  相似文献   

1兔瘟兔瘟是獭兔的头号"杀手",近年来该病明显出现了早龄化、非典型性和散发型特点。发病年龄是多元化趋势,尤其是刚断乳的仔兔也有发生,最早在40日龄左右。临床症状和解剖特点也并非与典型性的兔瘟完全相符,其主要特征是精神  相似文献   

(一)发病情况 2007年6月2日,江苏省滨海县正红镇某养殖户饲养的300多只29日龄草鸡出现精神不振,减食或停食,羽毛松乱,腹泻等症状.于是该养殖户带病鸡来向笔者求诊.主诉:因初次养鸡,只给鸡群在18日龄时用法氏囊苗饮水,且鸡群一直用乳猪料饲喂,求诊时已死亡20多只.  相似文献   

对虾白斑综合征病毒(White spot syndrome virus,WSSV)是引起对虾白斑综合征(White spot syndrome,WSS)的病原。该病一旦流行,对虾在2~7天内的死亡率可达100%,国际兽疫局(OIE)、联合国粮农组织(FAO)以及亚太地区水产养殖发展网络中心(NACA)早在1995年就将其列为需要报告的重要的水生动物病毒性疫病之一。上世纪90年代初,该病首先在台湾地区发生,到1994年已扩展到全亚洲的对虾养殖地区。1995年11月该病毒在西半球被发现,1999年到达美国中部和南部,2001年出现在欧洲和澳洲。短短10年间,对虾白斑综合征席卷全球,给世界对虾养殖业造成了不可估量的损失。  相似文献   

奶牛病毒性腹泻病的血清学调查   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
牛病毒性腹泻病毒(Bovine Virus Diarrhoea Virus,BVDV)是一种黄病毒科瘟病毒属成员,可感染牛引起一系列消化道病.临床症状包括发热、腹泻、产奶量下降;在感染的动物群中,具有高发病率、低死亡率特点.怀孕母牛的感染可经胎盘感染给胎儿.胎儿可能会流产、木乃伊、死胎.然而,在很多情况下,如果出现免疫耐受,可以保持持久的病毒血症,成为病毒的传染源.本病在自然情况下可以传染黄牛、水牛、牦牛、绵羊、山羊、猪等,各种年龄的牛均可感染,但以3~18月龄的幼年牛常易表现症状,其他年龄的牛多呈隐性感染.  相似文献   

在测量生长速度时,利用国际标准度量单位(g/d)优于盎司/d或磅/周等英制单位,因为英制的测量单位不是非常精确,尤其是对小猪而言. 在实际生产中,平均日增重(Average Daily Gain,ADG)或每日活体增重(Daily Liveweight Gain,DLWG)是评估猪生长速度的首选词,但在营养学与遗传学研究论文中也常遇到"瘦肉组织增重率(Lean Tissue Growth Rate,LTGR)"这一名词.  相似文献   

The objective of this project was to determine the genetic control of conception rate, or pregnancy percentage in Angus beef heifers. Producers from 6 herds in 5 states provided 3,144 heifer records that included breeding dates, breeding contemporary groups, service sires, and pregnancy check information. Two hundred fourteen sires of the heifers were represented; with 104 sires having less than 5 progeny, and 14 sires having greater than 50 progeny. These data were combined with performance and pedigree information, including actual and adjusted birth weights, weaning weights, and yearling weights, from the American Angus Association database. Heifer pregnancy rate varied from 75 to 95% between herds, and from 65 to 100% between sires, with an overall pregnancy rate of 93%, measured as the percentage of heifers pregnant at pregnancy check after the breeding season. Pregnancy was analyzed as a threshold trait with an underlying continuous distribution. A generalized linear animal model, using a relationship matrix, was fitted. This model included the fixed effects of contemporary group, age of dam, and first AI service sire, and the covariates of heifer age at the beginning of breeding, adjusted birth weight, adjusted weaning weight, and adjusted yearling weight. The relationship matrix included 4 generations of pedigree. The heritability of pregnancy and first-service conception rates on the underlying scale was 0.13 +/- 0.07 and 0.03 +/- 0.03, respectively. Estimated breeding values for pregnancy rate on the observed scale ranged from -0.02 to 0.05 for sires of heifers. Including growth traits with pregnancy rate as 2-trait analyses did not change the heritability of pregnancy rate. As expected for a reproductive trait, the heritability of pregnancy rate was low. Because of its low heritability, genetic improvement in fertility by selection on heifer pregnancy rate would be expected to be slow.  相似文献   

提高非洲鸵鸟孵化率和健雏率的措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸵鸟 (非洲鸵鸟 )是世界上现存的最大禽类 ,具有很高的饲养价值。但是由于非洲鸵鸟的蛋大而重 ,蛋壳厚而结实 ,再加上饲养时间短 ,缺乏经验 ,使得鸵鸟人工孵化的孵化率、健雏率都很低 ,严重影响了其经济效益的发挥。本文就提高非洲鸵鸟人工孵化率和健雏率的措施进行讨论 ,供鸵鸟饲养者参考。1 种鸟的饲养管理1 1 场址鸵鸟场应建在远离公路、机场、居民闹市区、背风向阳、地势较高且平坦的地方 ,土质以沙土或沙壤土为好。1 2 饲养面积鸵鸟的体型较大 ,人工驯化饲养时间短 ,野性尚存。为了适应这种生活习性 ,成年鸵鸟特别是种鸟的饲养面…  相似文献   

Repeated measures of ovulation rate on puberal heifers should be an effective way to select for increased twinning rate. A reliable estimate of the genetic correlation between ovulation and twinning rates is needed to implement such selection and to predict its efficiency. Restricted maximum likelihood was used to estimate genetic correlations from subsets of data collected from the twinning project at the Roman L. Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Research Center. The animal model included numerator relationships among the animals and fixed effects of year-season of measurement, age at measurement, and birth group. Genetic correlations between averages of ovulation rates for three, four, five, six, seven, and eight estrous cycles and the occurrence of twins were, respectively, .62, .76, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, and .98 based on observations on 200 to 325 puberal heifers. Corresponding phenotypic correlations ranged from .06 to .26. Genetic correlations between ovulation rate in a single estrous cycle and occurrence of twins were .38, .98, and .98, respectively, for 323, 430, and 283 cows with ovulation rate measured after measurement of twinning, in the same season as measurement of twinning, and more than 1 yr before measurement of twinning. Phenotypic correlations were .00, .07, and .00. Genetic and phenotypic correlations among ovulation rates at six consecutive estrous cycles averaged, respectively, .66 and .12 for 610 heifers. Heritabilities for ovulation rates in individual cycles averaged .16. No evidence of negative environmental covariance between ovulation rates in adjacent cycles was found. These results support the approach of indirectly selecting for twinning rate by measuring ovulation rates in estrous cycles of puberal heifers.  相似文献   

提高肉用犊牛生产效率和生产水平已经成为我国肉牛养殖业关键环节,文章根据已有研究结论结合笔者多年实践经验,总结出了一套从肉用犊牛出生处理、科学吃到初乳、正确哺乳补料到循序渐进断奶操作提高犊牛存活率和健犊率的新措施,以期为提高肉用犊牛生产效率和生产水平带来帮助。  相似文献   

Heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) are often determined with Polar heart rate monitors (HRMs; S810i; Polar, Kempele, Finland). The aims of this study were to compare data from horses obtained by Polar HRMs and a portable Televet electrocardiogram (ECG; 100 version 4.2.3; Kruuse, Marslev, Denmark) device and to determine appropriate recording times in horses (n = 14). Correlations were calculated and a Bland-Altman analysis was carried out to examine agreement between recording systems. For beat-to-beat (RR) interval, uncorrected and corrected data were highly correlated irrespective of the recording system and recording time (r > 0.99, P < 0.001). For HRV variables, standard deviation of RR interval and root mean square of successive RR intervals, correlations higher than 0.9 were obtained between uncorrected and corrected ECG but not Polar data. The RR interval, HR, and HRV from corrected Televet and Polar data at no time differed between the recording systems. However, with the increase in recording time, the RR interval decreased (P < 0.001). Thus, for comparisons, recording intervals of similar length should be chosen. Correlations among RR interval, HR, and HRV variables obtained by ECG and HRMs were highly significant at all recording times (r > 0.9, P < 0.001). Correlations increased with increasing recording time. Bland-Altman graphs showed a strong agreement between HRMs and ECG and mean RR intervals, HR, and HRV variables were close to identical. In conclusion, Polar HRMs are as adequate as ECG recordings in horses. Owing to a low HR in stationary horses, recording times below 2 minutes will underestimate changes in HR and HRV.  相似文献   

Ewes from lines selected for high and low reproductive rate and a control line bred and selected randomly were endoscopically examined 3 to 5 d after breeding to determine ovulation rates in the fall of 1985, 1986 and 1987. Fertility (ewes lambing per ewe exposed), lambing rate (lambs born per ewe exposed) and litter size (lambs born per ewe lambing) were evaluated at lambing in the spring of each year. Embryonic survival was estimated as the number of lambs born per corpora lutea. Ovulation rates were 1.28, 1.73 and 1.46 for low, high and control lines, respectively. More (P less than .01) single ovulations occurred in low-line ewes than in the other two lines; high-line ewes had more (P less than .01) twin ovulations than did low- or control-line ewes. Fertility did not differ among lines. Selection line affected (P less than .01) lambing rate at first and all services. Control-line ewes had mean lambing rates at first and all services that were intermediate between those of the low and high lines, which were different from each other. Line x age of ewe interactions existed (P less than .01) for lambing rate at all services and litter size at first and all services. High-line ewes had lower lambing rates and litter sizes as 2-yr-olds than other lines, but their performance increased steadily to 6-yr-olds, whereas the low and control lines remained relatively constant. Embryo survival differed (P less than .10) between lines, being 74%, 63% and 67% for low, high and control lines, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abortion and preterm birth of foals are major reasons for reproductive losses in the horse. Risk pregnancies require close supervision so that adequate treatment can be initiated in time. The aim of this study was to determine normal values in heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) of the pregnant mare compared to her foetus and to detect physiological changes during ongoing gestation. In mares, the RR interval decreased from 1480±29 ms on day 270 of pregnancy to 1190±58 ms on day 330 of pregnancy (p<0.05). In contrast, foetal RR interval increased during the same time period from 611±23 ms on day 270 of gestation to 756±25 ms on day 330 of gestation (p<0.05). Concomitantly, maternal HR increased and foetal HR decreased. No further changes in RR interval occurred during the last 10 days before foaling, neither in the mare nor the foetus. In the last hours preceding parturition, maternal RR interval was lower than at all times earlier in pregnancy (average of 1037±13 ms) but did not change during this time. Maternal HRV did not change during gestation. Marked changes in HRV occurred only during the last minutes of foaling. Then, all HRV variables increased significantly (standard deviation of beat-to-beat interval: p=0.01, root mean square of successive beat-to-beat differences: p<0.01). The cardiovascular system of pregnant mares adapted to the demands of ongoing pregnancy with an increase in HR. We have no evidence that in healthy mares, pregnancy is a major stressor.  相似文献   

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