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龟纹瓢虫对枸杞蚜的捕食作用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
龟纹瓢虫是田间捕食枸杞蚜的天敌优势种之一.在室内对龟纹瓢虫对枸杞蚜的捕食作用进行了定量研究.结果表明,龟纹瓢虫成虫对枸杞蚜若蚜的捕食功能反应符合Holling II型反应模型,拟合的圆盘方程为Na=0.716N/(1 0.0159N),其寻找效应随着枸杞蚜若蚜密度的增加而降低.龟纹瓢虫成虫对自身密度的功能反应用Watt模型拟合为A=84.244P-0.4346,其捕食作用率与个体间相互干扰作用的关系用Hassell-Varley干扰反应模型拟合为E=0.9085P-0.3326. 相似文献
栀子灰蝶(Artipe eryx)是栀子(Gardenia jasminoides)及其变种大叶重瓣栀子(G.jasminoides var.fortuniana)、小叶重瓣栀子(G.jasminoides var.radicans)的花蕾和果实害虫,以幼虫蛀害花蕾、果实,造成大量的落花落果,可严重影响栀子花的观赏价值和花、果产量。通过室内饲养和室外观察,对栀子灰蝶在丽水地区的生物学特性进行观察,结果表明,栀子灰蝶在丽水地区一年发生6代,10月下旬起以幼虫或蛹在被害栀子果内或枯枝残叶下越冬,次年2、3月间化蛹,4月成虫羽化。通过冬季清园、保护天敌和适时喷药可控制栀子灰蝶的危害。 相似文献
研究了团聚丽瓢虫Adalia conglomerate的形态特征、生物学特性以及对铁杉球蚜的捕食效应。试验结果表明,团聚丽瓢虫1a发生1代,以成虫越冬。团聚丽瓢虫卵期、1、2、3、4龄、预蛹和蛹的发育历期平均分别是10d~15d,5d~11d,7d~11d,7d~11d,8d~16d,20d~30d,15d~18d。团聚丽瓢虫成虫和3龄幼虫可捕食所有龄期的铁杉球蚜,尤其喜欢捕食卵。捕食能力随着自身龄期增大而增大,成虫日最大捕食量最大,为344.8头。团聚丽瓢虫成虫和幼虫对铁杉球蚜卵的捕食效应均符合HollingⅡ型模型。成虫对铁杉球蚜的寻找效应用Hassel&Varley模型进行模拟,模型为E=0.4517P^0.5568,r^2=0.9859,表明随着猎物密度的增加,个体间的干扰越强,表现出对铁杉球蚜的捕食作用减小。 相似文献
Pine wilt is a serious and fatal disease in pine forests. It is caused by the pine wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus,transmitted by the Japanese saw beetle Monochamus alternatus. Control of this disease depends on reducing its vector population.The public is demanding environmentally friendly control methods and biological control has become increasingly seen as an important, safe and effective approach. Through our investigations both in the field and by breeding in our laboratory, a new predator of M.alternatus, Tetrigus lewisi (Coleoptera: Elateridae), was found for the first time in China. Given our continuous observations, we are assured that the predatory behavior of the elater can be separated into four parts, i.e., foraging and sensing, killing, eating and excretion. They always took several hours to eat the preys that have been killed momentarily. We finally found that most of the elaters preferably attacked in the stomach and abdomen of the larva of M. alternatus. 相似文献
Pine wilt is a serious and fatal disease in pine forests. It is caused by the pine wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, transmitted by the Japanese saw beetle Monochamus alternatus. Control of this disease depends on reducing its vector population. The public is demanding environmentally friendly control methods and biological control has become increasingly seen as an impor-tant, safe and effective approach. Through our investigations both in the field and by breeding in our laboratory, a new predator of M. alternatus, Tetrigus lewisi (Coleoptera: Elateridae), was found for the first time in China. Given our continuous observations, we are assured that the predatory behavior of the elater can be separated into four parts, i.e., foraging and sensing, killing, eating and excre-tion. They always took several hours to eat the preys that have been killed momentarily. We finally found that most of the elaters preferably attacked in the stomach and abdomen of the larva of M. alternatus. 相似文献
为了解与评价大红瓢虫对竹秆红链蚧的捕食潜力,对大红瓢虫成虫捕食竹秆红链蚧1龄与2龄若虫以及雌成虫的功能反应、寻找与干扰效应进行测定,结果表明:功能反应均符合Holling-Ⅱ型圆盘方程,捕食率随着竹秆红链蚧密度的增加而下降;寻找效应随着竹秆红链蚧密度的增加而降低,其自身密度对竹秆红链蚧的捕食存在干扰作用,随着自身密度的增加,捕食率随着下降;大红瓢虫成虫对竹秆红链蚧的捕食作用还受两者间密度的制约,随着两者密度的增加,相互干扰作用越大,捕食率越低,其干扰反应模型符合Hassell模型;大红瓢虫成虫对竹秆红链蚧1龄与2龄若虫和雌成虫的日最大捕食量分别为185.3、134.3、71.6头;日最佳寻找密度分别为42.91、35.30、25.11头。大红瓢虫成虫对竹秆红链蚧具有较强的捕食作用,可在生物防治中加以应用。 相似文献
研究了胡瓜钝绥螨[Amblyseius cucumeris(Oudemans)]等4种捕食螨对高海拔冷凉区冬季温室草莓(Fragaria ananassa Duch.)红蜘蛛(Tetranychus cinnbarinus)的防治效果。结果表明,每667 m^2释放25万头胡瓜钝绥螨或5万头瑞氏钝绥螨30 d后,对草莓红蜘蛛的防治效果分别达到80.35%和76.93%,均好于15%哒螨灵乳油0.1%浓度的溶液的防效,每667 m^2释放25万头胡瓜钝绥螨防治草莓红蜘蛛成本较低,经济效益较好,可推荐在生产中应用。 相似文献
Present study was designed to assess the prey preference behaviour of three most dominant hunting spiders [Lycosa terrestris Butt, Anwar and Tahir 2006 (Araneae: Lycosidae), Pardosa birmanica Siman 1884 (Araneae: Lycosidae) and Oxyopes javanus (Thorell 1887) (Araneae: Oxyopidae)] of rice ecosystems both in the laboratory and in the field. Two types of laboratory
experiments, i.e., choice and no choice feeding, were performed using only adult male and female specimens of the spiders.
No choice test showed that each of the three hunting spiders readily consumed larvae and nymphs of rice pests offered. Female
hunting spiders consumed more prey compared to male hunting spiders. Results of choice feeding test indicated that L. terrestris and P. birmanica preferred nymphs of rice insect pests while O. javanus preferred larvae of rice insect pests. Results of direct observations showed that in August, dipterous insects were the most
numerous rice pests consumed by L. terrestris, P. birmanica and O. javanus, comprising over 56.3, 38 and 48% of their respective diets. In contrast, in September, the proportion of dipterous insects
decreased dramatically and hoppers become the most numerous pests, comprising over 50, 51 and 41% of all prey and spiders
consumed by L. terrestris, P. birmanica and O. javanus, respectively. In October, aquatic Heteroptera were frequently observed in their diets. Predatory potential of these hunting
spiders differed statistically in the laboratory as well as in the field. It is concluded from the results of present project
that studied species of spiders could successfully be used to control insect pests of rice ecosystems. 相似文献
于2004--2005年对云南元谋干热河谷捕食性昆虫多样性进行调查,报道元谋干热河谷捕食性昆虫89种(含待定种10种),其中印度暗带螳为中国新记录,云南新记录有11种;步甲科种类最丰富,占所有捕食性昆虫种类的19.1%.元谋干热河谷9种生境捕食性昆虫群落多样性的排序为:桉树印楝林>多树种混交的人工林>印楝林>明油子--扭黄茅灌草丛>云南松林>桉树新银合欢林>桉树林>牛筋条一黄荆林>余甘子一明油子灌木林.许多人工植被与自然植被捕食性昆虫群落之间相似性较高,反映出人工种植的乔木尚不能影响植物群落发展.人工封育措施对桉树印楝林的多样性保护起到了积极作用;草本层和地被物不发达、地表裸露是制约捕食性昆虫群落多样性的主要因素.提出对分布较狭窄的自然植被及草本层不发达的人工植被进行优先保护和修复的建议. 相似文献