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Three adult cats were deprived of rapid eye movement sleep for six separate periods of up to 32 days. Animals were allowed normal amouints of sleeping time during which rapid eye movement sleep was interrupted, whenever it occurred, by human observers who continually monitored the animals and their electrocortical activity. Cortical responses evoked by pairs of acoustic clicks were recorded during wakefulness. Recovery functions derived from these data were facilitated during periods of deprivation of rapid eye movement sleep and returned to base-line values when animals were allowed normal amounts of this sleep phase. This change was noted repeatedly within, as well as between, subjects. It did not occur during control periods when non-rapid eye movement sleep was interrupted on identical schedules, nor did it occur when the cats were deprived of all sleep for 22 hours a day for 5 days.  相似文献   

Mice that were deprived of rapid eye movement sleep for 2 days immediately after one-trial training in an inhibitory avoidance task and were given an electroconvulsive shock after deprivation displayed retrograde amnesia on a retention test given 24 hours later. Electroconvulsive shock produced no amnesia in comparable groups of animals that were not deprived of rapid eye movement sleep.  相似文献   

Changes in compliance of the tympanic membrane have been detected in normal human sleep, presumably due to spontaneous contraction of the stapedius and tensor tympani muscles of the middle ear. In the waking state, these muscles generally respond to loud sound (middle ear reflex). Middle ear muscle activity typically erupts before or at the onset of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and persists throughout the REM period in a discontinuous pattern resembling that exhibited by rapid eye movements. Approximately 80 percent of all nocturnal middle ear muscle activity is contained in REM sleep. Half of the remaining 20 percent occurs in the 10-minute intervals just prior to the onset of REM sleep. Middle ear muscle activity is often associated with other phasic events such as momentary enhancement of electromyogram inhibition, apnea, and K complexes. Rapid eye movements and middle ear muscle activity, though significantly correlated in REM sleep, are not always simultaneous.  相似文献   

A visual target was mloved left and right in exact synchrony with vertical movements of the head. A few minutes' exposure to this novel head-movement feedback led to a change in the visual discrimlination of head movement from object movement. The critical factor in the adaptation is the novel correlation of eye and head movement elicited during the period of exposure.  相似文献   

Electroconvulsive shock, administered for 5 to 7 days, reduced the daily rapid eye movement sleep time of seven cats to as little as 28 percent of base line levels. After day 4, eye movements during periods of cortical activation without tonic electromyographic activity were greatlyreduced. Although partially deprived of rapid eye movements for as long as 7 days, the cats showed no compensatory rise in rapid eye movement time during the recovery period, but controls equally deprived gave significant rebounds. Rapid eye movement time of anesthetized cats was not affected by current that usually produces con vulsions; it was lowered in animals convulsed with metrazol, but the same dosage of this drug, administered so as to avoid convulsions, had little eflect.It appears that some aspect of the convulsion is responsible for lowering the rapid eye movement time.  相似文献   

Vision in most vertebrates is an active process that requires the brain to combine retinal signals with information about eye movement. Eye movement information may feed forward from the motor control areas of the brain or feed back from the extrinsic eye muscles. Feedback signals elicited by passive eye movement selectively gate retinal outflow at the first relay, the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. The gating predominantly facilitates retinogeniculate transmission immediately after eye movement and inhibits transmission when a new steady-state eye position is achieved. These two gating effects are distributed in a complementary fashion across the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus such that the spatiotemporal activity profile could contribute to object detection and localization.  相似文献   

眼动技术在现代家具创新设计中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
眼动技术在平面设计和心理学研究领域已有广泛的应用,可以进行平面优化设计评估和视觉心理学探究,在家具设计领域应用还比较少见。近几年中国家具企业越来越重视家具的创新性设计,为此以座椅靠背搭脑的造型的评价为例,介绍了眼动技术在家具视觉因素评价方面的应用,并在此基础上探讨了家具创新的新方法和心思路。试验研究表明,注视时间、平均注视时间、注视次数、首视点次数、综合热点图以及注视模式等视觉行为评价指标不仅能够较好地反映家具视觉元素对人体生理、心理的影响,还可以将家具各视觉因素的程度及分布在家具上比较直观地反映出来。  相似文献   

With each flurry of rapid eye movements during the sleep of human subjects there is a decreased amplitude of respiration and a slight increase in rate. Occasionally the rhythmic breathing pattern may even resemble Cheyne-Stokes respiration. The consistency of this breathing pattern suggests that respiration in this stage of sleep is not a direct function of dream content.  相似文献   

木材真空-浮压干燥过程中自由水迁移特性   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
该文以马尾松为试验材料 ,通过对真空 浮压干燥中木材内部温度场、湿度场随压力浮动频率变化的试验研究 ,总结出木材在真空 浮压干燥过程中内部自由水迁移的基本规律 ,并对水分迁移的机制与驱动势进行了分析 .试验结果和理论分析显示 ,在真空 浮压干燥过程中自由水的输运由两部分完成 ,一部分为毛细管压力下液体的团块迁移 ;另一部分为在压力梯度下 ,由于压力波动而引起自由水的蒸发或沸腾后所产生的水蒸气的迁移 ,且后者在自由水的迁移过程中占主导地位 .  相似文献   

植物对降雨动能的耗散削减是其重要的水土保持机制,然而缺乏相应的观测测量装置,使得对叶片动能的耗散过程认识并不清楚。为了研究植物叶片在雨滴撞击后的运动过程以及叶片运动能量的变化,以聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)压电薄膜传感器为基础,研制有效检测雨滴撞击之后叶片的运动以及能量耗散测定的装置,对女贞叶片在雨滴击打下的振动进行测量并验证该装置可行性。在对雨滴撞击叶片过程仔细分析研究的基础上,进行监测装置的模块化自主设计,整个监测装置由雨滴发生、叶片运动的监测捕捉和信号的收集处理三个模块组成,其中雨滴发生模块可根据实际情况进行取舍(也可直接测定天然降雨)。薄膜传感系统输出的电压信号包含了雨滴撞击,小水滴飞溅以及薄水层扩散等方面信息。系统输出的电压是背景的几倍到几十倍,电压上峰值和雨滴动能存在明显的线性关系(R^(2)=0.959),信号频域分析发现该系统也能有效捕获连续雨滴撞击树叶的振动信号特征。对于不同动能的雨滴,重复之间的变异系数为<10%的弱变异和10%~100%的中等变异,说明整个装置具有良好的系统稳定性。女贞叶片耗散的能量与雨滴输入能量之间具有明显函数关系,叶片所耗散的动能仅占初始雨滴动能的3%~5%,这可能与没有监测以叶柄扭动、振动的过程有关。该装置可监测雨滴撞击叶片所引起的运动情况和叶片对雨滴动能的耗散特征,有利于深入认识植物对降雨动能耗散的机制。  相似文献   

This paper examines the increasingly popular chisan-chisho movement that has promoted the localization of food consumption in Japan since the late-1990s. Chisan-chisho emerged in the context of a perceived crisis in the Japanese food system, particularly the long-term decline of agriculture and rural community and more recent episodes of food scandals. Although initially started as a grassroots movement, many chisan-chisho initiatives are now organized by governments and farmers’ cooperatives. Acknowledging that the chisan-chisho movement has added some important resources and a conceptual framework, we nonetheless point out that chisan-chisho has been refashioned as a producer movement by government as well as the Japan Agricultural Cooperative, capitalizing on local food’s marketing appeal. Chisan-chisho to date has not been able to become a full-fledged citizen-based political mobilization nor address the issue of marginality in the food system.
Aya Hirata KimuraEmail:

木材真空-浮压干燥过程中吸着水迁移特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文以马尾松为试验材料 ,通过对水分扩散系数和浮压系数的试验研究 ,总结出木材在真空 浮压干燥过程中吸着水迁移的基本规律 .试验分析表明 ,真空 浮压干燥过程中 ,含水率梯度不是水分移动的主要驱动力 .在纤维饱和点以下时 ,木材内部吸着水的迁移可分为 :水蒸汽压力梯度下的扩散迁移和由于干燥介质压力的波动而引起的浮动压力下的迁移两个部分 .由数据分析可见 ,当介质温度一定时 ,木材水分扩散系数随绝对压力的减小和压力变化速率的加大而增加 ,且压力变化速率对扩散系数的影响大于绝对压力的影响  相似文献   

Limulus lateral eye: properties of receptor units in the unexcised eye   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Single receptor units in the compound eye of the horseshoe crab were illuminated, and their impulse discharges were recorded without removing the eye from the animal. The receptors were spontaneously active in darkness and responded without saturation over a light intensity range of 10(10) to 1. When the eye was excised, the receptors did not discharge in darkness and had an intensity range of 10(5) to 1, as is usually found. Experiments show that these and other differences result from cutting off the blood supply to the eye when it is excised. In addition, the range and shape of the intensity characteristic suggest that more than one receptor mechanism encodes light intensity in this eye.  相似文献   

The response of class 2 ganglion cells in the frog retina is dependent on the angular velocity of a black visual stimulus whose size (1.20 degrees ) and contrast against a background are held constant. The relation between neuronal discharge rate and the angular velocity of the stimulus may be expressed as a power function.  相似文献   

Fetal movement: development and time course   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prenatal behavior develops in three phases: early rates, acceleration and maintenance, and deceleration to birth. Fetal activity occurs as discrete movements, bursts of activity, and prolonged activity. Four-hour samples were most representative of the daily rates of movement.  相似文献   

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