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Gas Chromatographie studies showed that air-dry and moist soils have the capacity to sorb dimethyl sulfide (CH3SCH3), dimethyl disulfide (CH3SSCH3). carbonyl sulfide (COS) and carbon disulfide (CS2), but do not sorb sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). Moist soils sorb larger amounts of CH3SCH3. CH3SSCH3. COS or CS2, than do air-dry soils, but the capacity of moist (or air-dry) soils for Sorption of these gases is much smaller than their capacity for sorption of H2S. SO2 or CH3SH. The ability of moist soils to sorb COS is considerably greater than their ability to sorb CH3SCH3, CH3SSCH3 or CS2. and sorption of COS by moist soils is accompanied by release of small amounts of CS2.Experiments with sterilized (autoclaved) soils indicated that soil microorganisms are partly responsible for the sorption of CH3SCH3. CH3SSCH3. COS and CS2 by moist soils. Support for this conclusion was obtained from experiments showing that the rate of sorption of these gases by moist soils increases with time.The work reported provides further evidence that soil is an important natural sink for gaseous atmospheric pollutants, but indicates that soils have little, if any, potential value for removal of CH3SCH3. CH3SSCH3. COS or CS2, from industrial emissions polluted by these gases. The finding that soils have no capacity for sorption of SF6 is significant in relation to use of this gas as a tracer for atmospheric research and as an internal standard for gas Chromatographie studies of evolution and sorption of gases by soils.  相似文献   


Methane (CH4) is one of the most abundant organic gases in the atmosphere. Recently the importance of CH4 as a greenhouse gas has been recognized and studies have been carried out to assess its contribution to global warming. Although the rate of increase has slowed down in the last decade (Steel et al. 1992; Rudolph 1994), the results from some of these studies have shown that the atmospheric concentration of CH4 is increasing at a rate estimated to be approximately 1% per year (Rowland 1991; Blake and Rowland 1988; Bolle et al. 1986; Graedel and McRae 1980). Clearly it is important to identify sources and sinks of CH4, in both terrestrial and oceanic ecosystems, in order to estimate global methane budgets (Cicerone and Oremland 1988).  相似文献   

Ecosystems within the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica are highly sensitive to environmental change. Increases in soil temperature and/or moisture content may dramatically change rates of soil respiration and soil carbon (C) turnover. Present estimates of soil respiration rates and C turnover times are based on surface carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes and soil organic C content. However, the assumption that surface CO2 fluxes are purely biological in origin has not been rigorously tested. We use concentration and, for the first time, the stable C isotopic composition of surface soil CO2 fluxes and subsurface CO2 profiles to: 1) examine mechanisms of soil CO2 uptake and release, 2) identify the location of potential CO2 sources and sinks within the soil profile, and 3) discriminate between biotic and abiotic contributions to CO2 fluxes in soils of Taylor Valley. Surface CO2 fluxes and subsurface CO2 profiles confirm that these soils take up and release CO2 on a daily basis (during the austral summer), associated with small changes in soil temperature. Shifts in the C isotopic composition of soil CO2 are inconsistent with biological mechanisms of CO2 production and consumption. Instead, the isotopic shifts can be accounted for by Henry's Law dissolution and exsolution of CO2 into a solution of high pH, driven by changes in soil temperature. Our results constrain the biological component of soil CO2 fluxes in Taylor Valley to less than 25% (and likely to be significantly less). This finding implies that previous measurements of surface soil CO2 fluxes are overestimates of soil respiration, thus C turnover times calculated from them are underestimates. Discriminating between biotic and abiotic contributions to CO2 fluxes in Antarctic dry valley soils is essential if the effects of climate change on these sensitive ecosystems are to be accurately identified.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) limitation in the coming decades calls for the utilization of alternative fertilizers in agriculture. Struvite is a promising P source, but its potential role as a fertilizer is dependent on different physical, chemical, and biological properties, which are very heterogeneous in soil, complicating the prediction of the best soil conditions for its application. Here, we evaluated the solubility of struvite in soil, its redistribution into P fractions, and its potential abiotic and biotic drivers in 62 globally distributed soils with contrasting properties through an incubation assay. We found that after 40 d, about 35% of struvite P was redistributed into soil fractions more accessible to plants and microbes. Phosphorus redistribution from struvite was driven by a complex suite of soil physical, chemical, and microbial properties as well as environmental factors that varied across soils. Soil texture played a critical role in determining the redistribution of P in struvite-amended soils in soluble (H2O extraction), labile (NaHCO3 extraction), and moderately labile (NaOH extraction) fractions. In addition, the soil solution cation concentration was one of the most important drivers of available struvite-derived P fractions. The great importance of texture and cations in determining struvite-derived P fractions in soil was contrasted with the relatively minor role of pH. At the microbial level, the number of bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) from the unfertilized soils that correlated with struvite-derived P fractions was higher than that of fungi. The number of OTUs that correlated with the struvite-derived soluble P fraction was dominated by fungi, whereas the number of OTUs that correlated with the struvite-derived labile P fraction was dominated by bacteria. Overall, this study provided a predictive framework for the potential use of struvite as a P fertilizer in contrasting soils.  相似文献   

Distribution and plant uptake of soil Cd as influenced by organic matter and soil type were investigated in a greenhouse experiment. Three soils (a sand, sandy loam and clay loam) were used. The rates of organic matter in its moist state added were 0,20,40, 80, 160 and 320 g kg-1 of the air-dried soil on mass basis. Ryegrass (Lolium multörum L.) was used as a test crop. Soil Cd was analysed by a sequential extraction technique and by extraction with 1 M NH4NO3 and 0.005 M DTPA. The exchangeable fraction of Cd as determined by 1 M MgCl2 in the sequential extraction procedure increased, whereas the Fe-Mn oxidebound fraction decreased, with increasing levels of organic matter addition in all three soils. The dry matter yields of ryegrass were not affected by the addition of organic matter, but the Cd concentrations in both cuts of ryegrass decreased with increasing amounts of organic matter added. The plant Cd was highly but negatively correlated to soil CEC. At any level of organic matter addition, the decrease in Cd concentration of ryegrass was in the order: sand > sandy loam > clay loam.  相似文献   

The direct uptake of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) by plants has the potential to be a primary Factor in ecosystem functioning and vegetation succession particularly in N-limiting environments. Clear experimental evidence to support this view, however, is still lacking. Further, many of the experimental approaches used to assess whether DON is important may be compromised due to the use of inappropriate methods for comparing and quantifying plant available inorganic and organic soil N pools. In addition, experiments aimed at quantifying plant DON capture using dual-labelled (15N, 13C) organic N tracers often do not consider important aspects such as isotope pool dilution, differences in organic and inorganic N pool turnover times, bi-directional DON flows at the soil-root interface, and the differential fate of the 15N and 13C in the tracer compounds. Based upon experimental evidence, we hypothesize that DON uptake from the soil may not contribute largely to N acquisition by plants but may instead be primarily involved in the recapture of DON previously lost during root exudation. We conclude that while root uptake of amino acids in intact form has been shown, evidence demonstrating this as a major plant N acquisition pathway is still lacking.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a small but reactive pool of the soil organic matter (SOM) that contributes to soil dynamics including the intermediary pool spanning labile to resistant SOM fractions. The solubilization of SOM (DOM production) is commonly attributed to both microbially driven and physico-chemically mediated processes, yet the extent to which these processes control DOM production is highly debated. We conducted a series of experiments using 13C-ryegrass residue or its extract (13C-ryegrass-DOM) separately under sterile and non-sterile conditions to demonstrate the importance of DOM production from microbial and physico-chemical processes. Soils with similar properties but differing in parent material were used to test the influence of mineralogy on DOM production. To test the role of the source of C for DOM production, one set of soils was leached frequently with 13C-ryegrass-DOM and in the other set of soils 13C-ryegrass residue was incorporated at the beginning of the experiment into the soil and soils were leached frequently with 0.01 mol L−1 CaCl2 solution. Leaching events for both treatments occurred at 12-d intervals over a 90-day period. The amount of dissolved organic C and N (DOC and DON) leached from residue-amended soils were consistently more than 3 times higher in sterile than non-sterile soils, decreasing with the time. Despite changes in the concentration of DOC and DON and the production of CO2, the proportion of DOC derived from the 13C-ryegrass residue was largely constant during the experiment (regardless of microbial activity), with the majority (about 70%) of the DOM originating from native SOM. In 13C-residue-DOM treatments, after successive leaching events and regardless of the sterility conditions i) the native SOM consistently supplied at least 10% of the total leached DOM, and ii) the contribution of native SOM to DOM was 2–2.9 times greater in 13C-residue-DOM amended soils than control soils, suggesting the role of desorption and exchange reactions in DOM production in presence of fresh DOM input. The contribution of the native SOM to DOM resulted in higher aromaticity and humification index. Our results suggest that physico-chemical processes (e.g. exchange or dissolution reactions) can primarily control DOM production. However, microbial activity affects SOM solubilization indirectly through DOM turnover.  相似文献   


Forms of metals in soils control their availability to plants and animals and affect the environment differently. To evaluate shifts of metal forms as affected by organic amendments, a sequential extraction procedure was used to fractionate calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) in two Hawaii soils amended with three organic wastes. The designated forms are water‐soluble, exchangeable, sorbed, organically bound, carbonate, and residual fractions. The soils, a Mollisol (Waimanalo series) and an Ultisol (Paaloa series), were incubated at 25°C±2°C at field capacity with either chicken manure, sewage sludge, or green manure (cowpea leaves) at 0, 5, and 20 Mg#lbha‐1 for one or five months. Organically bound metals decreased with time because of organic matter decomposition. Iron was mostly residual, but water‐soluble Fe also increased in the acid Paaloa soil. Unlike Fe, most forms of Ca and Mg were transformed to the exchangeable form in 5 months. There was no significant change of Mn forms during the 5‐month incubation. Virtually all organically bound Zn shifted to carbonate and residual forms in the neutral Mollisol (pH 6.2), but shifted to carbonate and exchangeable forms in the acid Ultisol (pH 4.5). The solubilities and exchangeabilities of the five metals in the two soils treated with sewage sludge were not significantly different from those treated with cowpea green manure or chicken manure during the 5‐month incubation. The results suggest that the additions of sewage sludge, chicken manure, or cowpea green manure to Hawaii soils at 20 Mg#lbha‐1 do not have environmentally significant impacts in terms of Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, and Zn. On the other hand, the amendments may decrease Ca and Mg deficiencies in highly weathered, nutrient‐poor soils such as Ultisols and Oxisols of the tropics.  相似文献   

The sorption of three groups of polar organic compounds capable of H bonding with inorganic soil surfaces (phenols, alcohols, and ketones) by three soils having different organic-carbon (OC) contents was compared with the sorption of nonpolar compounds by the same soils. Soil OC content and compound hydrophobicity were observed to be of value in predicting sorption coefficients for all groups of compounds except phenols. The higher OC soil (1.2% OC) exhibited a significant relationship between sorption coefficient and hydrophobicity for all compound classes; the very low OC soil (0.06% OC), however, exhibited a relatively weak relationship between sorption coefficient and hydrophobicity. The data support the application of hydrophobicity-based predictions of soil/sediment sorption coefficients to compounds capable of weak H-bond interactions with mineral surfaces and soils of ≥0.1% OC.  相似文献   

All synthetic pyrethroids are chiral compounds, and isomerization has been frequently observed from exposure to certain solvents. However, so far, pyrethroid isomerization caused by solvents has not been characterized at the enantiomer level. In this study, we evaluated the occurrence of enantiomerization of two commonly used pyrethroids, permethrin and cypermethrin, in various organic solvents and solvent-water systems. The four stereoisomers of permethrin were stable under all test conditions. Rapid enantiomerization of cypermethrin was observed in isopropanol and methanol but not in n-hexane, acetone, or methylene chloride. After 4 days at room temperature, 18-39% conversions occurred for the different cypermethrin stereoisomers in isopropanol and methanol, and the enantiomerization invariably took place at the alpha-carbon position. The extent of enantiomerization was affected by temperature dependence and was also influenced by water as a cosolvent. In solvent-water mixtures, cypermethrin underwent gradual enantiomerization in acetone-water and rapid enantiomerization in isopropanol-water or methanol-water. The extent of enantiomerization varied among the solvents and as a function of the solvent-to-water ratio. Results from this study suggest that exposure to certain solvents and water may cause artifacts in chiral analysis and that for isomer-enriched pyrethroid products, such abiotic enantiomerization may render the products less effective because the conversion leads to the formation of inactive stereoisomers.  相似文献   

A bioassay technique was used to investigate heavy metals uptake by wheat seedlings grown in fly ash-amended soils. No negative effect of fly ash on the growth of wheat seedlings was found. The addition of the fly ash generally decreased the heavy metal concentration in the wheat seedlings. The total accumulation largely depended on the soil characteristics. The variation in the soil pH induced by the fly ash treatment could be considered the most important parameter that influenced heavy metals uptake. In the soil with a higher increase of pH (2 units) total accumulation of heavy metals decreased with increasing fly ash addition. In the other soils where the pH variation was lower (0.4 units), total accumulation of some heavy metals increased. These obtained data provide useful information which is required before the agronomic use of fly ash can be recommended in Italian soils.  相似文献   

Effects of soil organic matter (80M) on P sorption of soils still remain to be clarified because contradictory results have been reported in the literature. In the present study, pH-dependent P sorption on an allophanic Andisol and an alluvial soil was compared with that on hydrogen peroxide (H202)-treated, acid-oxalate (OX)-treated, and dithionite-citrate- bicarbonate (DCB)-treated soils. Removal of 80M increased or decreased P sorption depending on the equilibrium pH values and soil types. In the H2O2 OX-, and DCB-treated soils, P sorption was pH-dependent, but this trend was not conspicuous in the untreated soils. It is likely that 80M affects P sorption of soils through three factors, competitive sorption, inhibition of polymerization and crystallization of metals such as AI and Fe, and flexible structure of metal-80M complexes. As a result, the number of available sites for P sorption would remain relatively constant in the wide range of equilibrium pH values in the presence of 80M. The P sorption characteristics were analyzed at constant equilibrium pH values (4.0 to 7.0) using the Langmuir equation as a local isotherm. The maximum number of available sites for P sorption (Q max) was pH-dependent in the H202-, OX-, and DCBtreated soils, while this trend was not conspicuous in the untreated soils. Affinity constants related to binding strength (K) were less affected by the equilibrium pH values, soil types, and soil treatments, and were almost constant (log K ≈ 4.5). These findings support the hypothesis that 80M plays a role in keeping the number of available sites for P sorption relatively constant but does not affect the P sorption affinity. By estimating the Q max and K values as a function of equilibrium pH values, pH-dependent P sorption was well simulated with four or two adjustable parameters. This empirical model could be useful and convenient for a rough estimation of the pH-dependent P sorption of soils.  相似文献   

施用有机物料对土壤镉形态的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
采用室内培养试验,研究作物新鲜秸秆和腐熟猪粪对模拟镉(Cd)污染的土壤中Cd形态转化的动态影响。结果表明,各处理土壤交换态Cd含量随培养时间均逐渐降低。碳酸盐结合态和铁锰氧化物结合态Cd含量先增加后降低, 而有机质结合态和残渣态Cd含量则逐渐增加。添加秸秆可增加土壤交换态Cd含量,但随时间延长,增幅逐渐降低, 猪粪则可降低土壤交换态Cd含量。添加有机物后土壤交换态Cd含量的变化主要是由有机质结合态或残渣态Cd含量的变化而引起。秸秆和猪粪对土壤Cd形态的转化与土壤胡敏酸(HA)和富里酸(FA)的变化有关。秸秆对能活化土壤Cd的FA增加幅度大于对能钝化土壤Cd的HA增加幅度,降低HA/FA比,但降幅随时间逐渐减少; 猪粪在整个培养阶段对HA增加幅度均大于FA的增加幅度,增加HA/FA比。秸秆和猪粪均可降低潮土pH而提高红壤pH,但只有猪粪可通过提高红壤pH降低Cd向交换态转化。添加秸秆和猪粪后,Cd由低活性态向交换态转化与HA/FA呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

Sustainable agricultural land use requires an assessment of degradable soil organic matter (SOM) because of its key function for soil fertility and plant nutrition. Such an assessment for practical land use should consider transformation processes of SOM and its sources of different origin. In this study, we combined a 120‐day incubation experiment with thermal decay dynamics of agricultural soils altered by added organic amendments. The aim was to determine the abilities and limits of thermal analysis as a rapid approach revealing differences in the degradability of SOM. The carried out experiments based on two independent sampling sets. The first sample set consisted of soil samples taken from non‐fertilized plots of three German long‐term agricultural field experiments (LTAEs), then artificially mixed with straw, farmyard manure, sheep faeces, and charcoal equal to 60 Mg ha?1 under laboratory conditions. The second sample set based on soil samples of different treatments (e.g., crop type, fertilization, cultivation) in LTAEs at Bad Lauchstädt and Müncheberg, Germany. Before and after the incubation experiment, thermal mass losses (TML) at selected temperatures were determined by thermogravimetry indicating the degradability of organic amendments mixed in soils. The results confirmed different microbial degradability of organic amendments and SOM under laboratory conditions. Thermal decay dynamics revealed incubation‐induced changes in the artificial soil mixtures primarily at TML around 300°C in the case of applied straw and sheep faeces, whereas farmyard manure showed mainly changes in TML around 450°C. Charcoal did not show significant degradation during incubation, which was confirmed by TML. Detailed analyses of the artificial soil mixtures revealed close correlations between CO2‐C evolution during incubation and changes in TML at 300°C with R2 > 0.96. Results of the soils from LTAEs showed similar incubation‐induced changes in thermal decay dynamics for fresh plant residues and farmyard manure. We conclude that the practical assessment of SOM could be facilitated by thermal decay dynamics if modified sample preparation and evaluation algorithms are used beyond traditional peak analysis.  相似文献   

Sorption of volatile organic contaminants by soils (a review)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The sorption of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)—the most common, mobile, but relatively poorly studied contaminants—by soils is considered. Typical VOCs of different classes, the major processes determining their retention by soils, the main rules and mechanisms of VOC sorption, and the experimental methods of its measurement are characterized. The common approximation models and geometrical shapes of VOC sorption isotherms are discussed. Provisional analytical ranges of experimental VOC sorption values in the aqueous and the vapor phases at low and high relative concentrations are reported.  相似文献   

Direct uptake and rapid decrease of organic nitrogen by Wollemia nobilis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Organic nitrogen (N) can be directly taken up by many plants, particularly under low-temperature and N-limited conditions. The natural environment of Wollemia nobilis, shady conditions and shallow, acidic soils with high organic matter, led to the hypothesis that organic N might be a potential N source, although this species is living in a subtropical area. A pot experiment was carried out to investigate whether W. nobilis seedlings have the capability to take up intact organic N and whether the uptake of organic N contributes significantly to N acquisition for W. nobilis. Three 15N-labeled N forms, ammonium (NH4-N), nitrate (NO3-N), or glycine, were injected into soils separately, and the tissues of plants were then harvested 6 and 48 h after injection. Our results demonstrated that W. nobilis, a subtropical species, has the capability to take up intact glycine as indicated by the enrichment of 13C and 15N in fine roots at a nearly 1:1 ratio. The uptake rate of glycine-N was faster than that of inorganic N, but which was only restricted in the short term (6 h). The absorbed glycine-N reduced quickly (in 48 h), indicating that organic N uptake did not contribute greatly to N acquisition for W. nobilis.  相似文献   


Sustainable food production includes mitigating environmental pollution and avoiding unnecessary use of non-renewable mineral phosphate resources. Efficient phosphorus (P) utilization from organic wastes is crucial for alternative P sources to be adopted as fertilizers. There must be predictable plant responses in terms of P uptake and plant growth. An 18-week pot experiment was conducted to assess corn (Zea mays L.) plant growth, P uptake, soil test P and P fractionation in response to application of organic P fertilizer versus inorganic P fertilizer in five soils. Fertilizers were applied at a single P rate using: mono-ammonium phosphate, anaerobically digested dairy manure, composted chicken manure, vegetable compost and a no-P control. Five soils used varied in soil texture and pH. Corn biomass and tissue P concentrations were different among P fertilizers in two soils (Warden and Quincy), with greater shoot biomass for composted chicken manure and higher tissue P concentration for MAP. Plant dry biomass ranged from highest to lowest with fertilizer treatment as follows: composted chicken manure?>?AD dairy?=?MAP?=?no-P control?=?vegetable compost. Soil test P was higher in soils with any P fertilizer treatment versus the no-P control. The loosely bound and soluble P (2.7?mg P kg?1) accounted for the smallest pool of inorganic P fractions, followed by iron bound P (13.7?mg P kg?1), aluminum bound P (43.4?mg P kg?1) and reductant soluble P (67.9?mg P kg?1) while calcium bound P (584.6?mg P kg?1) represented the largest pool of inorganic P.  相似文献   

Kinetics of microbial phosphorus uptake in cultivated soils   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Knowledge about the role of microorganisms in P cycling at conditions of constant soil respiration rates and constant size of microbially bound P is lacking. To study the kinetics of microbial P uptake and cycling under such conditions, soils differing in biological activity were 33PO4 labelled by introducing a carrier-free tracer solution and incubated for 56 days. The 33PO4 incorporation into the fraction of microbial P releasable by chloroform treatment (Pchl) was assessed and the isotopic composition [=specific activity (SA); SA=33PO4/31PO4] of Pchl and soil solution P compared. Soils were taken from a 20-year-old field experiment including a non-fertilised control (NON), a minerally fertilised conventional (MIN) and two organic farming systems [bio-organic (ORG); bio-dynamic (DYN)]. Tracer P incorporation continuously increased during incubation in DYN, ORG and MIN soils. It decreased in the order DYN>ORG>MIN, with differences in 33PO4 uptake between the farming systems being higher than suggested by the differences in the amount of Pchl. In the P-deficient NON soil, the highest initial incorporation of tracer P was found, but no additional uptake could be detected thereafter. In all soils, the SA of Pchl converged to the SA of the soil solution with increasing time. Since Pchl remained almost constant during the experiment, the findings suggest an intensive uptake of P from the soil solution into Pchl and concomitant release of P back to the soil solution and, thus, a rapid cycling through Pchl. Intensive P cycling between Pchl and the soil solution was confirmed in an additional experiment where microbial activity was stimulated by glucose and N additions.  相似文献   


Antecedent soil moisture before freezing can affect greenhouse gases (GHG) fluxes from soils during thaw, but their critical threshold values for GHG fluxes and the underlying mechanisms are still not clear. By using packed soil-core incubation experiments, we have studied nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes from a mature broadleaf and Korean pine-mixed forest soil and an adjacent white birch forest soil with nine levels of soil moisture ranging from 10 to 90% water-filled pore space (WFPS) during a 2-month freezing at ?8°C and the following 10-day thaw at 10°C. The threshold values of soil moisture ranged from 50 to 70% WFPS for CH4 uptake and from 70 to 90% WFPS for N2O and CO2 emissions from the two soils during the freeze-thaw period. Under the optimum soil moisture condition, fulvic-like compounds with high bioavailability contributed more than 60% of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the soil. Cumulative N2O emissions from forest soils during the freeze-thaw period were greatest when the concentration ratio of nitrate-N to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was 0.04 g N g?1 C. Cumulative soil CO2 emissions and CH4 uptake during the freeze-thaw period were both regulated by the interaction between soil DOC and net N mineralization. The activities of β-1,4-glucosidase and β-1,4-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase, microbial biomass C and N, and the microbial biomass C-to-N ratios, were all significantly correlated to the soil N2O, CO2, and CH4 fluxes. Overall, upon a freeze-thaw period with different soil moistures, GHG fluxes from forest soils were jointly regulated by inorganic N and DOC concentrations, and related to the labile components of DOM released into the soil, which could be strictly controlled by the related microbial properties.  相似文献   

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