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荧光标记技术在增殖放流中的应用现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
正标志技术是用来区分不同个体或种群的常用方法。自Petersen等[1]利用标志方法估算封闭水体中鱼类的利用率及种群大小后,标志技术在渔业和水产养殖研究中得到广泛的发展和应用,标记技术也不断更新。荧光标记技术是渔业和水产养殖研究中常用标志技术手段之一,其通过特定技术方法在标志对象上形成荧光标记进而通过肉眼或借  相似文献   

基于耳石微化学分析的鱼类种群生态学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究鱼类的种群生态学,破解其数量特征、生境利用、种群结构和动态变化等种群属性是保护和合理开发天然渔业资源的基础。耳石微化学分析是破解鱼类的种群生态学难题的新颖而有力的手段,不仅可以反演鱼类生活史过程中所经历的环境条件,还可溯源资源群起源的产卵场等关键生境,在鱼类资源种群空间结构形成机制研究及动态评估中具有优势。本文在分析耳石元素组成及其沉积特征的基础上,重点介绍了耳石微化学分析在鱼类种群生态学(如反演鱼类生活史、评估种群结构、把握关联性和破解混合群体的构成与来源等)中的应用进展,也客观评述了耳石微化学分析在鱼类种群生态学研究中的局限性与解决途径,并对今后相关技术的发展趋势及需要关注的科学问题进行了展望。  相似文献   

黄鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus albacares)作为一种重要的高价值商业性大洋鱼类,广泛分布于大西洋、印度洋和太平洋的热带和亚热带海域。近年来的资源评估表明,其资源量呈现不断下降的趋势,且中西太平洋已处于过度捕捞的状态。为确保黄鳍金枪鱼资源的可持续利用,深入了解其种群结构是必要前提。本文综述了黄鳍金枪鱼种群结构分析的研究成果,通过比较几种研究种群结构的方法后认为:形态学方法是划分群体的重要手段,但在亚种群的划分上灵敏度相对较低;标志重捕法能揭示其运动规律,但单一的标志重捕法不能很好地进行种群划分;分子标志技术可从分子水平对种群遗传结构做深入的分析,但选择合适的分子标志对于合理划分种群结构显得尤为重要。可见,对黄鳍金枪鱼种群遗传结构的研究需要结合不同的方法、并选择合适的分子标志,才能获得可靠的结果。  相似文献   

AFLP技术在鱼类种群分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了扩增性片段长度多态性(amplified fragment length polymorphism,AFLP)技术的原理和应用程序,概述了AFLP技术在鱼类种质资源、种群鉴别和地理分化及种群自我恢复能力等分析研究中的应用现状和应用前景。并期望AFLP种群分析技术也将在鱼类洄游、捕捞量配额分配及生态学等研究中有重要应用。  相似文献   

分离式卫星标志放流技术及其在金枪鱼渔业中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分离式卫星标志放流技术为近十多年来发展起来的一种标志放流方法,依赖于Argos卫星进行定位,现今已发展到了第二代。该方法具精度高、信息量大及不依赖于回收等特点。该技术有助于研究人员掌握鱼类洄游、生长、繁殖和索饵等生物与生态特征,是获得海洋生物信息的一种重要手段,并成为目前海洋渔业资源评估的有效方法之一。上世纪九十年代起,国外学者在三大洋针对金枪鱼开展了分离式卫星标志放流活动,并获得了丰富的信息,也证实了该技术的优越性。我国鱼类卫星标志技术研究起步相对较晚,对于其在渔业资源评估研究中的应用尚处于初步阶段。为此,本文主要介绍了分离式卫星标志与放流技术及其在大洋金枪鱼渔业中的应用,以期为国内研究人员开展相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

随着人们利用分子生物学技术对各种生物基础性研究的深入,对各种生物的相关分子生物特性不断了解与掌握,现在已把该技术广泛应用于各相关学科和应用领域,解决了我们以前一些无法解决的疑难问题。例如,利用分子生物学技术对鱼类种群、种属的分类鉴别,鱼的种群大小的确定,鱼类个体识别,新鱼种的培育,鱼类种属的进化关系等等。让我们对鱼类的进化关系有更进一步的了解,特别是新鱼种的培育,为我们提供更多物美价廉的水产品提供了强有力的技术保证。  相似文献   

计算机技术在研究鱼类种群数量变动上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵燕  刘海映 《水产科学》1996,15(2):25-28
计算机技术在研究鱼类种群数量变动上的应用赵燕,刘海映,马志强(辽宁省海洋水产研究所,大连116023)关键词:计算机技术,鱼类,种群数量变动数理统计方法是研究鱼类种群数量变动、资源评估和编制渔业预报的主要方法之一。随着计算机技术的发展,使我们能利用计...  相似文献   

陈惠 《水产学杂志》1999,12(2):94-99
鱼类生物工程育种技术黑龙江鲫鱼种群的遗传特性鲫鱼是黑龙江水系的主要经济鱼类,具有生长快、适应性强、肉味鲜美等特点,经济价值很高。本研究在鱼类遗传基础上对黑龙江鲫鱼的种群分布。生殖方式、信性、遗传特性和系统分类等问题,提出了有重要学术价值的见解,填补了国内对鲫鱼遗传研究的一些空白,达到同类研究的国际水平;而且在鲫鱼的选种及其开发应用上提供了可靠的依据,并已在生产上取得了显著的效果。由于这一研究查清了黑龙江水系存在两个种群,它们的生殖方式不同,就避免了移殖引种的盲目性,保证了全国十几个省市银鲫的移植…  相似文献   

鱼类的血型及其在区分种群上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘成汉 《淡水渔业》1979,(7):27-31,7
鱼类种群的区分是鱼类学及渔业生产上的一个重要问题,在渔业生产上对任何一种经济鱼类的养殖或捕捞对象实际上是该种鱼类的一定种群的代表,因此只有在正确区分鱼类种群的基础上才能根据不同种群的特性,采取更有效的措施,达到理想的渔业效果。在鱼类学的研究中,种群的区分是有关鱼类分类、演化、生态、遗传等问题的前题,一些较年青的学科如种群生态学、种群遗传学、数学生态学、数学分类学等都是以不同种群作为基本对象进行探讨的,  相似文献   

养殖密度影响鱼类福利是鱼类生理生态学、福利学和种群生态学研究中的关键问题,已受到各国学者的关注。文章综述了养殖密度影响鱼类福利的主要研究进展,讨论了鱼类死亡率、生长、摄食以及应激反应等福利指标随养殖密度变化的规律及其描述方法;在此基础上,对鱼类福利指标随不同放养密度变化规律的研究以及应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

邱晨  姜涛  陈修报  刘洪波  杨健 《水产学报》2018,42(11):1754-1765
利用100 mg/L的茜素络合物(alizarin complexone,ALC)对鲤仔鱼进行48 h的水环境浸泡标记,以探讨该ALC标记方法的特征,及其对矢耳石、星耳石和微耳石的标记效果以及鱼体ALC浸泡、续养恢复与耳石ALC标记区域形成和消失的时滞进行研究。结果显示,3种耳石在可见光和荧光下均能检测到明显的标记环。其中星耳石的标记效果最佳,微耳石次之。耳石上荧光信号出现和消失的时间与鱼体ALC浸泡开始和结束的时间均存在1 d的时滞。此外,浸泡标记过的鲤仔鱼在进行了长达50 d的续养恢复后,其耳石上的ALC标记环仍清晰可见。研究表明,ALC标记法所形成的标记环在耳石上可长期存在,使用ALC对鲤仔鱼进行生态标记具有很强的可行性。  相似文献   

海洋食物网拓扑学方法研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于生态系统的渔业管理(EBFM)对海洋食物网研究提出了新的理论和方法需求.作者针对食物网动态这一生态系统的核心问题,对其近期发展起来的研究领域——食物网拓扑学理论和方法进行综述.食物网拓扑学通过建立一系列拓扑学指标,定量描述食物网各个成员之间的联系紧密程度,以及各个成员对整个食物网的作用.评价渔业对食物网的影响或食物网对外界的响应,开发可持续的捕捞方案,需要建立并运用食物网的动态模型.鱼类生物的重要特点是其捕食关系在很大程度上由个体大小(体长、体重)决定.而体长结构的渔业种群动力学模型发展已经成熟.因此,建议将食物网拓扑学的动态建模、体长结构的渔业种群生物量模型、鱼类个体大小相关的捕捞过程研究结合起来,作为基于生态系统渔业管理的一个重要的、潜在解决方案.对此,下一步的研究重点是,选择食物网资料采集较为容易、渔业统计资料较为全面的海洋食物网,开展试点研究,从而逐步构建起完整的、具有实际应用能力的EBFM方法体系.  相似文献   

The Brokopondo reservoir is situated in north-east Surinam and has a surface area of 150,000 ha. The dam was completed in 1964 for providing hydroelectric power. During the filling stage of the reservoir. 1964–1967, the composition of the fish fauna was studied. From 1967 to the present, no fishery research has been carried out in the reservoir. The aim of a mission, which was conducted in December 1978, was to obtain fundamental information on the fishery potential and fish fauna. Thirty-seven species have been collected with various fishing techniques; of these the characid Serrasalmus rhambeus (Linnaeus, 1766) and the cichlid Cichla ocellaris Block & Schneider, 1801 are possibly exploitable. The potential yeild of the reservoir is estimated at 3500 tonne yr-1. Gill nets with large mesh sizes proved to give the best results of the different fishery techniques tried. A comparison of the recent ichthyofauna with the fish species composition during 1966–1967 is provided and discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Stock, catch and fishing effort statistics for a 12·5-ha lowland pul-and-lake trout fishery have been used to compute the ‘catchability’ of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, during the fishing seasons 1980–1983. Seasonal trends in the fishes’ susceptibility to capture by fly-fishing are apparent but there was no indication that, in this fishery, newly stocked fish were more vulnerable than the longer-term residents. This consistency of recapture rates of rainbow trout, relative to the population available, is a function both of the fish's behaviour and that of the anglers themselves, and it is suggested that for management purposes the latter must be taken into account. In the fishery studied rainbow trout grew well at fish densities below 60 kg ha?1, but even with overall recapture levels exceeding 80% the yield of the fishery was less than the weight of fish stocked. The selection of strains of rainbow trout which satisfy the requirements of sport fisheries is discussed.  相似文献   

《Fisheries Research》2007,88(2-3):181-195
This investigation reconstructs the development of major fisheries for herring, eel and whitefish in the Limfjord estuary, Denmark ca. 1667–1860, and then evaluates how their long-term dynamics have been influenced by some key fishery and environmental developments. The commercially most important fishery was for herring, Clupea harengus, which spawned in the Limfjord. This fishery underwent large changes in these centuries. High landings occurred in two periods in the early 18th and again in the early 19th centuries, when 4000–8000 metric tonnes were caught annually. In 1830, the fishery collapsed and landings were <1000 tonnes until the 1910s. Even during the 20th century using modern fishing techniques, the herring fishery never exceeded 7000 tonnes. The collapse was most likely due to unsustainable fishing practices (direct impacts on adults, juveniles, larvae and eggs). The second most important fishery of the Limfjord was the eel fishery. Eel, Anguilla anguilla, seems to have fled the fjord after a winter storm in 1825 broke the narrow Agger Tange isthmus which used to separate the Limfjord from the North Sea, and permanently increased the salinity in the western part of the Limfjord from 8 psu to 33 psu. The, so-called pulse seine fishery for eel declined rapidly following the salt water intrusion, and the population needed at least one to two generations to even partly recover. One possible technological reason for the recovery of the fishery was the 1848 invention of a new type of gear in the Limfjord which today is known as the Danish seine. However, the commercial eel fishery in Limfjord ceased by the 1980s coincident with the overall decline in European eel populations. The third fishery analyzed is the fishery for common whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus. A local population formed the basis of a substantial seasonal fishery, but the whitefish did not survive the salinity obstacle presented by the salt water intrusion in 1825. This study documents both the effects of fishing and environmental variability on collapses of different Limfjord fish species.  相似文献   

The population dynamics and exploitation of the yellow eel (Anguilla anguilla (L.)) stock on the Swedish west coast were studied. In contrast to a generally observed reduction in the recruitment of glass eels in Europe, including in Swedish waters, there was no indication of a decline in the total eel fishery yields along the Swedish west coast. Long-term records of daily catches as well as by test fishing results also shown that this stability in eel fishery yields has not been maintained by an increase in fishery effort, as the catch-per-unit-efforts in the past 20 years have been more or less unchanged. These findings implied that the number of recruits to the fishery has been rather stable, possibly indicating that density-dependent factors at the elver and yellow eel stages may moderate variations in glass eel recruitment. Total instantaneous rate of mortality was estimated from records on eel length distribution in the professional fyke-net fishery. The estimated total mortality rate in an isolated archipelago population on the west coast was chosen as an approximation of the instantaneous rate of natural mortality and net emigration in the west coast eel stock. The differences between these two estimates could, thus be regarded as the mortality that occurred due to fishing. It was found that the eel fishery was very intense and most fish were caught in small sizes, resulting in a low escapement rate of maturing fish.  相似文献   

Norway leads the world aquaculture production of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and farmed Norwegian Atlantic salmon is currently consumed around the globe. However, sea lice infestation is a major problem faced by the salmon aquaculture industry in Norway and elsewhere. The use of wild-caught cleaner fish, mainly wrasses, has been recommended over the other available methods as the most economical and environmentally friendly option to control sea lice infestation in salmon farming. Here, we review the development of the Norwegian wrasse fishery and the use of wrasses as cleaner fish. In this document, we address the sea lice problem and introduce the main wrasse species employed as cleaner fish, document the cleaning behaviour of wrasses, present the development of a new wrasse fishery associated with the salmon aquaculture industry, and finally, we identify the main challenges associated with the intensive use of wild-caught cleaner wrasses and provide some insight for future directions of the wrasse fishery and further development of aquaculture techniques to supply salmon facilities with domesticated cleaner fish.  相似文献   

人工鱼巢渔业资源增殖效应研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
受自然和人为因素的干扰,淡水鱼类的产卵场及栖息地遭到严重破坏,渔业资源日益衰退。近年来,人工鱼巢被广泛应用于淡水流域及河口渔业资源及其生境的修复和管理,为保护淡水流域生物多样性和制定渔业管理措施等方面提供了一条有效途径。本文对国内外人工鱼巢的类型、构造、材质进行了总结归纳,阐述了人工鱼巢的效应、布设方式及管理应用,重点介绍了不同类型人工鱼巢在渔业资源增殖效应方面的研究实例,并对今后人工鱼巢的构造和材质选择提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

Spatial behaviour of fishes in fresh and brackish water ranges in temporal scales between localized diel movements, often associated with foraging and predator evasion, to seasonal or life‐cycle related events involving movements between freshwater habitats or freshwater and marine biotopes. Recent technological advances have resulted in dramatic improvements in the range of techniques available for the study of spatial behaviour of freshwater fishes in the natural environment, and broadly may be divided into two categories: capture dependent and capture independent. The former incorporates those methods that rely on sampling marked fish (mark–recapture) or unmarked fish (density estimates, catch per unit effort) over defined scales of time and space in order to derive information on distribution and movement. Captured fish may also be tagged with transmitters that radiate energy, enabling the fish to be tracked and/or environmental data to be gathered. Biochemical analysis of samples from fish, requiring non‐destructive sampling (genetic analysis and scale microchemistry) or destructive sampling (otolith microchemistry) may also provide information on migration and ontogenetic processes. Capture independent techniques include visual observation and video techniques, hydroacoustics and automated fish counting. Catch per unit effort and mark–recapture techniques are most efficient where long‐term fishery or monitoring studies are in place and data on crude spatial and temporal scales are acceptable. They also have the advantages of low technical requirements and low equipment costs. Where specific management or ecological questions are pertinent, recapture independent techniques may be more appropriate. Telemetric methods can provide high resolution information at the individual level, while hydroacoustics is increasingly providing information at the population level in large lake and river environments. Biochemical methods are becoming increasingly useful in determining the extent of population segregation, where DNA analysis is used, and in the study of migration and ontogenetic changes in behaviour, where otolith microchemistry and stable isotope analysis is used.  相似文献   

声学方法作为现代渔业资源调查评估方法的重要手段,在北太平洋渔业资源评估中应用日益广泛.其中,目标强度对声学调查评估精度影响重大.目前,已经有许多学者使用不同的方法对北太平洋一些物种的目标强度进行了研究.本文系统梳理了现有的北太平洋主要渔业资源的目标强度及其测量方法,将其归纳总结为原位测量(in situ)、非原位测量(...  相似文献   

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