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Cases of perineal hernias in three cats are described. All the cats were male (2 castrated, 1 intact). The hernias were situated between the external anal sphincter and the levator ani muscle. The hernial sac contained a dilated rectum filled with fecal content (2 cats) as well as a small amount of retroperitoneal fatty tissue (2 cats) and urinary bladder (1 cat). A standard perineal herniorrhaphy in two cats, and herniorrhaphy via elevation of the internal obturator muscle in one cat were performed. No recurrence of the problem was observed in two cats during 9 months following the surgery. In one case, mild stretching of the pelvic diaphragm was noted with sporadic mild defecation problems observed after a 12-month period.  相似文献   

The case records and owners of seventy–two dogs with perineal hernia seen at the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary Hospital were surveyed. The condition was seen in older male dogs, most of which presented with perineal swelling and straining to defaecate. Most dogs were treated by perineal herniorrhaphy. The incidence of recurrence in those dogs treated surgically was 46%. Recurrence was more common when the surgery had been performed by inexperienced surgeons, in those dogs which had been treated surgically elsewhere, and in those dogs in which the time period from surgery to survey was more than 1 year. Other complications occurring were wound infection, faecalincontinence, urinary problems and lameness. Most owners of dogs which were alive at the time of the survey were satisfied with the results of treatment. Castration had no effect on the incidence of recurrence or development of a hernia on the opposite side to that repaired initially. Résumé. On a étudié les dossiers de soixante-douze chiens avec des nernies perinéales, vus à l'Hǒpital vétérinaire de l'Université de Pennsylvanie. On a observé la condition chez des chiens mǎles plus ǎgés dont la plupart souffraient d'enflure périnéale et devaient faire tous leurs efforts pour aller à la selle. La plupart des chiens ont été traités par suture de hernie périnéale. Le taux de récidive chez ces chiens traités par chirurgie, a été de 46%. Les récidives ont été plus communes quand la chirurgie a été pratiquée par des chirurgiens peu expérimentés, chez ces chiens traités par chirurgie ailleurs, et chez ceux pour lesauels le laps de temps d'une opération à une autre était de plus d'un an. Une infection de la plaie, une incontinence de fèces, des problèmes urinaires et un état de claudication se comptent parmi les complications survenues. La plupart des propriétaires dont les chiens étaient vivants au moment de cette étude ont été satisfaits des résultats. La castration n'a pas eu d'effet sur la récidive ou le développement d'une hernie du cǒté opposé de celle qui avait été réparée auparavant. Zusammenfassung. Eine Aufzeichnung von Fàllen mit perinealer Hernie in 72 Hunden, die man im Tierǎrztlichen Krankenhaus der Universitǎt von Pennsylvanien sah, wurde iiberblickt. Man fand den Zustand in àlteren mànnlichen Hunden, von denen die meisten périnéale Sch-wellung und Anstrengung beim Dafàzieren zeigten. Die neisten Hunde wurden durch périnéale Bruchnaht behandelt. Der Vorfall von erneutem Auftreten dieser Beschwerden in jenen Hunden die chirurgisch behandelt wurden, war 46%. Emeutes Auftreten war hàufiger, wenn die Opération von unerfahrenen Ghirurgen ausgefùhrt wurde, in den Hunden die anderswo chirurgisch behandelt waren und in Jenen Hunden, deren Zeitspanne von einer Opération zur anderen mehr als ein Jahr betrug. Andere Komplikationen die vorkamen ware Wundinfektion, Nichthalten-kǒnnen des Kotes, urinàre Problème und Lahmheit. Die meisten Besitzer der Hunde die zur Zeit des Uberlicks am Leben waren, zeigten sich mit dem Ergebnis der Behandlung zufrieden.  相似文献   

Perineal herniation in the bitch is rare and its complication by bladder retroflexion in the bitch has not been previously reported in the literature. This case report describes a multigravid, five-year-old female cocker spaniel with bilateral perineal hernias, complicated by marked rectal sacculation and ventral bladder retroflexion. The case was managed initially by cystopexy and colopexy, followed seven days later by bilateral perineal herniorrhaphy. There was no recurrence of the problem by 12 months postsurgery.  相似文献   

This paper describes two cases of perineal hernia in the cat, a condition so far unreported in this animal. One, a 10-year-old spayed female, had a history which could have explained the development of the condition. The other, a 15-month-oId male, had no apparent predisposing history. The surgical repair is described and aetiologies discussed.  相似文献   

A young pregnant rottweiler bitch was presented with a large mass of tissue protruding through the vulvar lips. Foetal death was diagnosed on ultrasonography, and ovariohysterectomy was performed, at which time the bladder was observed to be dislocated caudally into the pelvic cavity under the vagina. The bladder was manually repositioned during surgery. One week later, the bitch was healthy with no evidence of dysuria, stranguria or urinary incontinence. Two months later, the owner reported that the bitch was clinically normal with no recurrence of the retroflexion. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first reported case of retroflexion of the urinary bladder during pregnancy.  相似文献   

A cougar (Felis concolor) was diagnosed with hepatic yersiniosis by bacterial culture and histopathology. The animal had a 2-week history of anorexia and jaundice before its death. Grossly, the liver exhibited caseo-necrotic foci. Histopathologically, there was necrotizing and suppurative hepatitis, with large numbers of intralesional gram-negative coccobacilli. Additional hepatic lesions included central vein thrombosis, lymphoplasmacytic portal hepatitis, and capsulitis. Yersinia pseudotuberculosis coccobacilli were isolated in pure culture from the hepatic lesions. Because the hepatic lesions in this animal resemble those of other zoonotic diseases, such as plague and tularemia, veterinarians and laboratory personnel who handle samples should take adequate safety precautions. This report is the first to describe the pathology associated with hepatic yersiniosis in a cougar.  相似文献   

Bilateral eyelid agenesis was presented with multiple ocular anomalies in a captive Texas cougar (Felis concolor). Corneal exposure resulted in substantial keratoconjunctivitis and blepharospasm. Bilateral inferopapillary fundic colobomas, persistent pupillary membranes, and an atypical iris coloboma OD were present. Surgical repair with a rotational pedicle flap resulted in functionally effective eyelids. Trichiasis was later treated with cryotherapy. Eyelid agenesis is reported infrequently in domestic cats and among large felids has only been reported in the snow leopard.  相似文献   

Perineal urethrostomy can be used successfully in male cats to help manage certain lower urinary tract diseases. Indications and surgical technique are discussed and illustrated. Potential complications encountered with the surgical technique along with methods for preventing and managing are elaborated. With experience, perineal urethrostomy can be performed successfully and with minimal complications.  相似文献   


A modified technique for transposition of the internal obturator muscle was used to repair perineal hernias in 100 dogs. Complications and long‐term results are described. The most important complications were wound infection (45%), faecal incontinence (15%), and perineal fistula (7%). These complications often occurred in combination. The recurrence rate of perineal hernia was 5%.

Nine of the 15 patients with faecal incontinence had paresis of the external anal sphincter or faecal incontinence before surgery. We suggest that in numerous patients, faecal incontinence is a complication of the condition rather than a complication of treatment. The owner's assessment of the surgical result was good in 71% and moderate in 18% of the cases.  相似文献   

A two-year old neuteral/male cougar (Felis concolor) was presented because of abnormal eating habits and an irregularity of the mandibular right first molar that was noted by the caretaker. Oral examination and dental radiographs showed a lesion consistent with odontoclastic resorption of the mandibular right first molar, and a crown fracture and dilacerated root of the maxillary right first incisor. Exodontic therapy was performed on both teeth. The caretaker reported no problems associated with the patient's oral cavity 10-months following treatment.  相似文献   

A modified technique for transposition of the internal obturator muscle was used to repair perineal hernias in 100 dogs. Complications and long-term results are described. The most important complications were wound infection (45%), faecal incontinence (15%), and perineal fistula (7%). These complications often occurred in combination. The recurrence rate of perineal hernia was 5%. Nine of the 15 patients with faecal incontinence had paresis of the external anal sphincter or faecal incontinence before surgery. We suggest that in numerous patients, faecal incontinence is a complication of the condition rather than a complication of treatment. The owner's assessment of the surgical result was good in 71% and moderate in 18% of the cases.  相似文献   

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