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利用MiSeq高通量测序技术测定16S rRNA基因序列,分析比较池塘金边鲤、稻田金边鲤、池塘建鲤和稻田建鲤4组鲤鱼肠道菌群的结构组成和丰度差异。试验结果显示,池塘金边鲤组、稻田金边鲤组、池塘建鲤组和稻田建鲤组分别获得了377、250、367和455个运算分类单元,其中运算分类单元聚类分析发现,稻田建鲤组与另外3组差异最大;菌群多样性分析发现,池塘金边鲤组的辛普森指数显著高于其他3组(P0.05),而稻田建鲤组及稻田金边鲤组的香农指数分别为1.56±0.22和2.53±0.82,均高于对应的池塘组,但差异不显著(P0.05);此外,池塘金边鲤组中变形菌门(89.56%)和气单胞菌属(82.68%)在其肠道菌群组成中占有绝对优势(P0.05),而另外3组在门分类水平和属分类水平的菌群结构和相对丰度较为相似,优势菌门均为变形菌门、梭杆菌门和厚壁菌门,主要优势菌属为鲸杆菌属、气单胞菌属和乳球菌属;京都基因和基因组百科全书(KEGG)功能预测比较分析发现,各组样品的肠道微生物富集到了多个相同的代谢途径以及部分信号传导、调节和修复机制相关信号通路。本研究结果发现,在稻田和池塘养殖模式下,金边鲤的肠道优势菌群种类、相对丰度以及参与的信号通路与建鲤无显著差异,提示金边鲤与其他鲤鱼一样可适应这两种养殖模式。  相似文献   

去皮豆粕对幼建鲤生长性能和肠道的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
幼建鲤(Cyprinus carpiovar.jian)初始体质量(10.29±0.10)g,分别饲喂去皮豆粕蛋白占总蛋白0、25%、50%、75%和100%的等氮饲料代替白鱼粉蛋白,进行为期9周的生长实验。结果表明,随去皮豆粕增加,SGR下降,饲料系数升高。当替代50%时,SGR、肠重和前肠后肠皱襞高度显著降低(P<0.05),饲料系数、中肠后肠溶菌酶含量和抗体水平显著升高(P<0.05);50%~100%大豆蛋白组出现肠道皱襞顶端上皮细胞脱落、固有层白细胞数量增多等症状。由本结果可知,高比例去皮豆粕抑制幼建鲤生长,并使其肠道生长受阻和结构受损从而导致消化吸收能力下降,降低饲料利用率;肠道损伤的原因涉及肠道非特异性和特异性免疫反应;在饲料总蛋白水平为33%时,去皮豆粕在体质量为10~35g幼建鲤饲料中替代白鱼粉蛋白的适宜比例为25%。  相似文献   

采用全红体色日本彩鲫( Carassius auratus)与青灰色建鲤( Cyprinus carpiovar Jian)杂交,对所获得鲤鲫F1(建鲤♀×彩鲫♂)和鲫鲤F1(彩鲫♀×建鲤♂)两个杂交群体的个体及其父母本的外形特征进行研究,从而了解建鲤与彩鲫正反交后代的形态特征。试验分别从大学实验室随机取样50尾,对体型指数、可量性状、可数性状和肥满度分析比较。在体型指数体长/全长中,鲫鲤F1偏向母本,而在体高/体长中,鲤鲫 F1偏向母本;头高/体高、头高/头长、尾柄长/尾柄高都偏向建鲤,头长/体长这一体型指数处于亲本之间,属于杂交性状。进而推测生长性能出现离散现象,控制体色的基因来自母本。  相似文献   


利用免培养的16S rDNA梯度凝胶电泳技术(DGGE)研究脱脂蚕蛹替代鱼粉对建鲤(Cyprinus carpio var. jian)肠道菌群的影响。6个饲养组分别饲喂6种等氮等能饲料, 分别为10%鱼粉的基础饲料、3种替代饲料(脱脂蚕蛹替代鱼粉蛋白, 替代水平分别为25%50%75%)2组分别在50%75%替代基础上分别再添加0.6%0.7%晶体赖氨酸的饲料 (分别记为DSP0DSP25DSP50DSP50-LysDSP75DSP75-Lys)。饲养结束后采集肠道样品, 分析建立指纹图谱, DSP0DSP25DSP50DSP50-LysDSP75DSP75-Lys分别产生了19151112812条可鉴别条带, 各组均存在优势种群条带。DSP0和其他各组(DSP25DSP50DSP50-LysDSP75DSP75-Lys)的相似性指数为50.7%50.6%69.0%42.4%66.7%PCR-DGGE指纹图谱主要条带进一步回收、克隆和测序, 共得到19条序列, 将得到的序列在NCBI数据库中进行同源分析, 发现建鲤肠道菌群归为芽孢杆菌纲、螺旋体纲、β-变形菌纲、梭菌纲、放线菌纲、γ-变形菌纲、蓝藻纲、拟杆菌纲、梭杆菌纲等, 大部分为不可培养细菌。研究发现, 脱脂蚕蛹替代鱼粉对建鲤肠道菌群组成产生显著影响, 随着脱脂蚕蛹替代水平的提高, 肠道菌群多样性下降, 细菌种类从19种锐减至8, 而饲料中补充赖氨酸可减弱这种影响, 本研究可为蚕蛹在鲤配合饲料中的开发应用提供参考资料。


冯琳  杨义  周小秋  姜俊  刘扬 《水产学报》2008,32(4):608-613
试验考察了酶解植物蛋白对建鲤生长性能、肝胰脏和肠道发育及消化酶活性的影响.体质量为(9.18±0.21)g的建鲤900尾,随机分成6个处理组,每组3个重复,每个重复50尾,分别饲喂酶解植物蛋白替代相应完整植物蛋白0、20%、40%、60%、80%和100%的试验饵料,试验期为60 d.结果表明,酶解蛋白替代完整蛋白40%时,生长速度最快,饵料系数最低,摄饵量、蛋白和灰分沉积率最高;替代比例在60%以下时,肠重和肠皱襞高度、肠道脂肪酶、碱性磷酸酶、Na ,K -ATP酶的活性随着替代比例的上升而显著增加;替代比例超过60%以后,生长速度显著降低、饵料系数升高,肠道酶活、皱襞高度、蛋白沉积率下降,而肝胰脏谷草转氨酶活性、血氨浓度和脂肪沉积率升高(P<0.05).结果表明,适宜比例的酶解植物蛋白能促进建鲤生长、肝胰脏和肠道发育,提高饲料利用率.  相似文献   


通过测定建鲤(Cyprinus carpio var. jian)和黑龙江野鲤(Cyprinus carpio haermatopterus)自交和正反交组合的形态参数, 运用方差分析和多元分析, 比较了4个自交和正反交组合的形态差异。结果表明, 不同组合间在侧线鳞、侧线上鳞、侧线下鳞、胸鳍鳍棘以及腹鳍鳍棘数量上没有显著差异(P>0.05)。而在背鳍鳍棘、背鳍鳍条、腹鳍鳍条、臀鳍鳍棘、臀鳍鳍条以及胸鳍鳍条数量上有差异(P<0.05)。聚类分析结果表明, 自交组合之间的形态最为接近, 两个杂交组合与两个自交组合的趋异程度逐渐增大。用判别分析方法构建了4个判别方程, 判别准确率P176.7%~96.7%, 判别准确率P285.2%~90.6%, 综合判别率为87.5%。利用主成分分析提取了9个主成分, 对总变异的累积贡献率为68.943%。研究结果为建鲤和黑龙江野鲤及其杂交后代的种群和亲缘关系鉴定以及育种提供了科学依据。


通过对黄河鲤与德国镜鲤的杂交F1代与亲本的外部形态特征的比较分析,为找出杂交种与亲本在主要性状特征上的差异提供一些依据,以便在生产特别是制种上,能够简便迅速地区分杂种与亲本,保证亲本纯度,保持杂交优势。  相似文献   

1材料和方法1.1材料1.1.1亲鱼雌鱼14尾,雄鱼10尾,总重51.5千克,雌鱼比雄鱼略大。亲鱼来源于本所池塘,为3龄性成熟个体。1.1.2塘口条件亲鱼培育池1口,面积800米2,水深1.5米。苗种培育池2口,1#池面积1000米2,2#池面积667米2,水均为1.2米。1.1.3其它鱼饲料为小麦、豆饼、黄豆;催产药物为促黄体生成素释放激素类似物(LRH-A)、生理盐水;鱼巢、注射器等。1.2方法1.2.1亲鱼培育选择体质健壮,无病无伤,发育良好,重量2千克左右的成鱼作亲鱼。亲鱼入塘前,每667…  相似文献   

建鲤是农业部推广的优良品种之一。为了考察建鲤在我地区的适应程度,验证其优良经济性状,1991年在本所试验场和灯塔县柳条寨乡朱官台村进行养殖试验,取得良好的效果。现将试验场养殖情况报告如下:  相似文献   

<正> 建鲤养殖在南方地区已初具规模。丰南县于1992年6月从湖北省水产局鱼种场引进建鲤夏花鱼种,在渤海综合养殖场开展了建鲤苗种大规模集约化养殖试验,并取得成功。  相似文献   

A 60‐day feeding trial was carried out with juvenile Jian carp (Cyprinus carpio var. Jian) to study the effects of myo‐inositol (MI) on the growth, digestive enzyme and intestinal microbial population. Diets with seven levels of inositol (163.5, 232.7, 384.2, 535.8, 687.3, 838.8 and 990.3 mg MI kg?1 diet) were fed to Jian carp (initial weight 22.28±0.07 g). Per cent weight gain (PWG) was improved with increasing inositol levels up to 535.8 mg MI kg?1 diet (P<0.05), and plateaued (P>0.05). The protein production value, lipid production value and ash production value were increased with increasing dietary inositol levels up to 384.2, 838.8 and 838.8 mg MI kg?1 diet respectively (P<0.05). Although intestinal protein content and trypsin activity were not affected by inositol levels (P>0.05), chymotrypsin, lipase and amylase activities in intestine were the lowest for fish fed the MI‐unsupplemented diet (P<0.05). Alkaline phosphatase, Na+, K+‐ATPase, γ‐glutamyl transpeptidase and creatinkinase activities in the intestine were increased with an increase in the inositol levels up to 384.2–687.3 mg MI kg?1 diet (P<0.05). Intestinal Aeromonas hydrophila and Escherichia coli decreased with an increase in the levels of dietary inositol up to 232.7 and 687.3 mg MI kg?1 diet respectively (P<0.05), while Lactobacillus in the intestine increased with an increase in inositol levels up to 990.3 mg MI kg?1 diet (P<0.05). In conclusion, inositol improved growth, digestive capacity and intestinal microbial population of juvenile Jian carp, and the dietary inositol requirement for PWG of juvenile Jian carp is 518.0 mg MI kg?1 diet.  相似文献   

In a 80-day feeding trial, a total of 1050 juvenile Jian carp ( Cyprinus carpio var. Jian) with an average initial weight of 10.71 ± 0.05 g were fed semi-purified diets containing seven graded levels of pyridoxine (0.20, 1.71, 3.23, 4.96, 6.32, 8.58 and 12.39 mg pyridoxine kg−1 diet). Results indicated that with increasing dietary pyridoxine levels up to 4.96 mg kg−1 diet, percent weight gain (PWG) and specific growth rate (SGR) were improved, and no differences were found with further increase of pyridoxine levels. Feed intake also followed the similar pattern to that observed with PWG and SGR when dietary pyridoxine levels were ≤6.32 mg kg−1 diet. But feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratio were not affected by pyridoxine levels. Crude protein of carcass, productive protein value and plasma ammonia concentration were improved with increasing dietary pyridoxine levels up to 4.96 mg kg−1 diet. Amylase activities in the intestine were improved with increasing dietary pyridoxine levels up to 4.96 mg kg−1 diet, but protease and lipase activities in the intestine were not affected by pyridoxine levels. Na+, K+-ATPase and Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activities in proximal intestine, mid intestine (MI) and distal intestine (DI) were lowest when fed the diet containing 1.71 mg pyridoxine kg−1 diet. The alkaline phosphatase activities in MI and DI followed the same pattern. The dietary pyridoxine requirement of juvenile Jian carp based on PWG estimated by broken line model was 6.07 mg pyridoxine kg−1 diet.  相似文献   

A 60‐day experiment was carried out to study the effects of vitamin C [ascorbic acid (AA)] on the growth, digestive enzyme activities and intestinal microbial population. Diets with six levels (0.0, 21.4, 45.1, 69.5, 93.6 and 142.1 mg AA kg?1 diet) of supplemental ascorbyl polyphosphate were fed to juvenile Jian carp (Cyprinus carpio var. Jian) (12.63±0.02 g). The specific growth rate (SGR), feed efficiency and productive protein value were significantly improved with increasing AA levels up to 45.1 mg AA kg?1 diet (P<0.05). The hepatopancreas and muscle AA concentrations were increased with increasing dietary AA levels up to 69.5 and 45.1 mg kg?1 diet respectively (P<0.05). The activities of intestinal trypsin, chymotrypsin, lipase, α‐amylase, Na+, K+‐ATPase, alkaline phosphatase, gamma‐glutamyl transpeptidase and creatinkinase were all positively affected by the AA supplementation (P<0.05). Intestinal Lactobacillus and Bacillus were increased with increasing AA levels up to 45.1 mg AA kg?1 diet (P<0.05), while intestinal Escherichia coli decreased with increasing AA levels up to 45.1 mg AA kg?1 diet (P<0.05). In conclusion, AA improve the digestive capacity and intestinal microbial population of Jian carp, and the dietary AA requirement for SGR of juvenile Jian carp was 40.9 mg AA kg?1 diet.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Zinc (Zn) concentration in the digestive tract of common carp is always >10 times higher than most animal tissues. In a previous paper, it was reported that this high Zn came from a 43 kDa Zn-binding membrane protein. In this present study it was further found that in the digestive tract of common carp, Zn content was closely associated with the amounts of extracellular macromolecules. The higher the Zn content, the more there is of collagen and glycosaminoglycans. An indirect immunoperoxidase staining method using antibody against the 43 kDa Zn-binding protein, or the fibroblast marker (Thy 1.1 protein) was applied to the sections of digestive tract of fish. It was found that the Zn-binding protein in the digestive tract of common carp is mainly located in the connective tissue of its lamina propria and submucosal layer. Connective tissue cells, probably fibroblasts, hold the 43 kDa Zn-binding protein. In the common carp Zn might be bound to the external side of the fibroblast. The present finding may have a significant meaning on extending the studies of Zn in biology to the field of Zn with extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

A 60‐day feeding trial was carried out to investigate the effect of iron on growth, body composition and digestive enzyme activities. Diets with seven levels of iron (53.9, 90.0, 115.6, 146.1, 176.0, 215.8 and 266.0 mg iron kg?1 diet) were fed to Jian carp (initial weight 11.4 ± 0.0 g). Per cent weight gain (PWG), feed efficiency (FE) and protein efficiency ratio were the lowest in fish fed the basal diet (P < 0.05). Body protein content was increased with the increasing iron levels (P < 0.05), but moisture, lipid and ash of fish were not significantly affected by dietary iron levels (P > 0.05). Activities of trypsin, lipase, α‐amylase, Na+, K+‐ATPase, alkaline phosphatase and gamma‐glutamyl transpeptidase were improved with increasing dietary iron levels. Serum iron were significantly enhanced with dietary iron levels up to 146.1 mg iron kg?1 diet, and plateaued. In conclusion, iron improved digestive enzyme activities of juvenile Jian carp and the dietary iron requirement for serum iron of juvenile Jian carp (11.4–64.0 g) was 147.4 mg iron kg?1 diet with ferrous fumarate as the iron source.  相似文献   

建鲤苗种体长与体重间相互关系的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盛东峰  郭翠红 《河北渔业》2009,(7):6-7,32,63
利用建鲤实测体长和体重数据,应用统计分析方法进行体长-体重线性回归分析.结果表明:建鲤体长和体重之间呈曲线相关关系,其相关公式为:W=0.011L3.077(R=0.9919)。  相似文献   

杨严鸥 《水产学报》2006,30(4):571-576
In order to investigate the difference in utilization of diets with different quality in Jian carp(Cyprinus carpio var. Jian)and allogynogenetic silver curcian carp(Carassius auratus gibelio), a 55 d growth trial was conducted and low quality diet (LQ-diet) and high quality diet (HQ diet) were tested. LQ-diet contained 33.91% dietary protein which is mainly from soybean meal while HQ-diet contained 45.59% dietary protein which is mainly from fish meal. The initial average body weights were from 5.58 g to 5.82 g for two fish strains. The trial was carried out in a system consisting of 12 self circulation 320 L tanks. During the experiment, the fish were fed to satiation twice a day (at 9: 00 and 15:00), and uneaten feed was collected 1 h after feeding and dried. Feces were collected twice a day (at 11:00 and 16:45) from the fecal traps and dried at 70 ℃. The results show that feed intake was higher in Jian carp than in allogynogenetic silver curcian carp when fed LQ diet, while there was no significant difference between weight gain, feed conversion efficiency, protein efficiency rate and apparent digestibility. When fed HQ diet, Jian carp showed a lower feed intake, but higher feed conversion efficiency and protein efficiency rate than allogynogenetic silver curcian carp while there was no significant difference in the weight gain and apparent digestibility of both species. For Jian carp, feed intake and protein efficiency rate for the fish fed HQ diet and LQ diet were not significantly different, while the fish fed HQ diet showed higher weight gain, feed conve rsion efficiency and apparent digestibility. For allogynogenetic silver curcian carp, the fish fed HQ diet showed significantly higher feed intake, apparent digestibility, weight gain, feed conversion efficiency and lower protein efficiency rate. For Jian carp, body contents of dry matter, protein, lipid and energy for the fish fed HQ diet and LQ diet were significantly higher. For allogynogenetic silver curcian carp, body contents of dry matter and protein was significantly higher, while body contents of lipid and energy were affected by diet qualities. Compared to Jian carp, allogynogenetic silver curcian carp showed better utilization when fed LQ diet while poorer utilization when fed HQ diet.  相似文献   

本文通过组织解剖与切片法测量了鲤、草、鲢、鳙的相关生物学参数,系统观察了四种鱼的消化道肌肉层、肠绒毛以及粘液细胞的显微结构及分布特点,探究其与食性的相互关系。结果显示:鲤比肠长1.0,环行肌较纵行肌发达,肠绒毛丰富,粘液细胞均匀分布在整个消化道中;草鱼比肠长2.13,消化道组织结构均一,肌肉壁中纵行肌所占比例高,粘液细胞体积小,分散于整个消化道中,肠绒毛极发达;鲢比肠长8.49,环行肌极发达,粘液细胞集中于消化道前段,肠绒毛由前至后逐渐呈短粗状;鳙比肠长4.58,环行肌极为发达,粘液细胞数量多且均匀地分布于消化道前、中段,肠绒毛较为稀疏短粗,粘液细胞较少。这四种鱼消化道的组织结构特征与各自食性密切相关。  相似文献   

鲤、鲢、鳙、草鱼消化道结构与食性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过组织解剖与切片法测量了鲤、草、鲢、鳙的相关生物学参数,系统观察了四种鱼的消化道肌肉层、肠绒毛以及粘液细胞的显微结构及分布特点,探究其与食性的相互关系.结果显示:鲤比肠长1.0,环行肌较纵行肌发达,肠绒毛丰富,粘液细胞均匀分布在整个消化道中;草鱼比肠长2.13,消化道组织结构均一,肌肉壁中纵行肌所占比例高,粘液细...  相似文献   

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