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为了揭示猪杂种优势的分子机理,利用mRNA差异显示技术研究梅山猪,大白猪和梅大杂交猪背最长肌中基因表达的差异,分离14条在杂种与纯种背最长肌中差异表达的表达序列标签(EST),并用半定量RT-PCR鉴定.核苷酸序列分析表明,这14个EST与已知的基因或表达序列标签没有明显的同源性,随后这14条EST被提交到GenBank数据库.组织表达谱分析揭示了这些EST在心、脾、肝、肾、小肠、卵巢、肺等绝大多数组织中表达,说明这些基因对生命过程很重要.这些研究结果表明梅山×大白杂交组合的杂种与纯种之间的不同基因差异表达的方向存在巨大差异,猪杂种优势可能是在一定阶段有诸多不同的必不可少的基因向各种方向差异表达共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

番茄乙烯信号转导相关基因EIN3(Le-EIL)的克隆和表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
摘要:根据拟南芥?穴Arabidopsis thaliana ?雪、烟草?穴Nicotiana tabacum ?雪EIN3基因保守区序列设计简并引物,采用RT-PCR扩增从番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum )果实中得到一个486 bp的同源片段。以此片段作为探针,从番茄果实cDNA文库中分离到一个拟南芥EIN3的同源基因的cDNA克隆,命名为Le-EIL。该克隆含有一个1 845 bp的开放阅读框,编码615个氨基酸。经同源分析,它与烟草TEIL基因的同源性为79%,与拟南芥EIN3、EIL1、EIL2和EIL3的同源性分别为59%、56%、52%、46%。Le-EIL基因表达与番茄果实的成熟及乙烯生成情况具有较强的相关性。在普通番茄果实的不同成熟时期Le-EIL基因都有表达,并且随着成熟度的增加基因表达有明显的增强,在转色期和粉红期Le-EIL基因的表达最强, 在全红期后减弱。在转反义ACS基因的转基因番茄果实中,只有开花后60 d的果实中Le-EIL基因有微弱的表达,在其它成熟时期均没有表达。  相似文献   

缺磷对不同作物根系形态及体内养分含量浓度的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用营养液培养方法,以水稻、 小麦、 玉米和大豆为试验材料,研究了短期缺磷(2周)诱导根表沉积铁氧化物是否为水稻特有的性质,以及缺磷对不同作物根系形态及其吸收钾、 钙、 铁、 锰、 铜、 锌营养元素的影响。结果表明,供磷和缺磷处理并没有影响小麦、 玉米和大豆3种作物根系的颜色,而缺磷处理水稻根表沉积了铁氧化物而呈红(黄)棕色,且铁氧化物不均匀地富集在根细胞壁的孔隙中; 缺磷促进了水稻,小麦,玉米和大豆根系的生长,分别比供磷处理伸长了11%、 11%、 20%和11%(P0.05)。此外,缺磷胁迫下水稻根表铁氧化物增强了钙、 铁、 锰、 铜和锌在根表的富集而成为其进入根系的缓冲层。缺磷处理水稻根中铁浓度明显高于供磷处理(P0.05),而地上部铁的浓度仅为磷营养正常水稻植株的18%,这说明缺磷诱导的铁氧化物促进了根系对铁的吸收但抑制了铁由根系向地上部的转运。短期缺磷对其他养分在水稻根中和地上部的浓度没有明显影响。对于其他 3 种作物,短期缺磷没有明显影响钾、 钙、 铁、 锰、 铜和锌在其根表富集及在植物体内的浓度。因此,在供试的4 种作物中,由于磷胁迫诱导根表形成铁氧化物是水稻特有的性质,铁氧化物的沉积可促进铁的吸收但抑制了铁向地上部的转运,而短期缺磷并没有影响其他3种作物对钾、 钙、 铁、 锰、 铜和锌养分的吸收和转运。  相似文献   

Plants have diverse strategies to cope with phosphorus (P) deficiency. To better understand how maize responds to P deficiency, a field experiment with two P levels, 0 and 100 kg P2O5 ha-1 (P0 and P100, respectively), was carried out as a part of a long-term Pfertilizer field trial. Plant and soil analyses showed that P-deficient maize reduced its growth rate, increased P use efficiency, and formed more thin roots with the diameter less than 0.6 mm at jointing and silking stages, compared to the plants treated with P100. Further, there were no differences in major inorganic P fractions (Ca 2 -P, Ca 8 -P, Al-P, Fe-P, occluded P and Ca 10 -P) between the rhizospheric and bulk soils at each harvest, even when soil Olsen-P was only 1.38 mg kg-1 . These results suggested that maize responded to P deficiency by reducing the internal P demand for growth and increasing P acquisition ability by favorable root morphological alteration at low carbon cost.  相似文献   


Our earlier study demonstrated that the landrace of Japonica rice, Akamai exhibits low-P (phosphorous) tolerance mechanisms compared to the conventional type cultivar, Koshihikari. The present study examined the genotypic difference of yield, plasticity of root growth, and internal utilization of acquired P (allocation pattern of biomass and P among different vegetative and reproductive organs) of two contrasting cultivars in response to P-deficiency. Each cultivar was grown until maturity with (+P) and without (–P) P supply in pots (two plants per pot) filled with 15 kg of Regosol soil. Grain yield and yield components were determined along with biomass and P accumulation in different vegetative and reproductive organs. To assess the plasticity of root growth, the soil column in the pot was divided into two equal portions (upper and lower soil layers) in which the root dry weight and length were measured separately. Among the investigated yield components, the number of filled grains per panicle was the key parameter determining genotypic differences of grain yield of two cultivars. P-deficiency had a marked influence on grain filling of Koshihikari where the filled grain percentage under –P condition was reduced by 29% compared to that under +P condition. However, the respective reduction for Akamai was only 11%. Low-P tolerance ability of Akamai imparts a yield advantage over Koshihikari under P-deficient conditions because of the production of the higher number of filled grains per panicle. Akamai explored both upper and lower soil layers of the pot more efficiently in search of P through greater root biomass and length. Akamai grown under P-deficient conditions had remarkably lower P concentrations in less active vegetative tissues (partly and fully senesced leaves) than those of Koshihikari; whereas, more active organs (green leaves and panicles) contained a greater amount of P. Akamai’s higher plasticity to external P availability can be a genetic resource for developing low-P tolerant, high-yielding rice genotypes suitable for predicted future P-limited environments.  相似文献   

This study examined acid phosphatase activity in the extracts of Capsicum annuum L. cv. ”︁Sweet Banana” seedlings grown axenically on water-agar medium or plants grown in a hydroponic system with or without phosphate. Initially, no elevated phosphatase activity was detected in the root surface, in root surface extractions or cell-free tissue extracts from plants that were not showing morphological symptoms of stress. Then elevated specific phosphatase activity was evident in all organ tissue extracts of the plants that showed signs of growth inhibition. The increase in specific activity in the cell free extracts of different organs appeared to be primarily the result of increased activity of the dominant isozyme present in all these extracts, instead of due to de novo synthesis of new isozymes. These and other experiments indicate the lack of phosphate starvation-inducible (psi) excreted phosphatase in Capsicum annuum L. cv. ”︁Sweet Banana”. Some limitations with the use of XP, 5-bromo-4-chloro-indolyl phosphate p-toluidine, particularly when incorporated into growth media and buffer with or without phosphate for the study of phosphate starvation-inducible excreted phosphatase activity were noted.  相似文献   

低磷胁迫下箭筈豌豆和毛叶苕子根际过程的差异比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用我国北方两个豆科绿肥品种: 箭筈豌豆(Vicia sativa L.)与毛叶苕子(Vicia villosa Roth),在控制条件下通过不同供磷处理的营养液培养,研究了不同绿肥作物适应低磷胁迫根际过程的差异,并揭示其高效利用磷的机理。试验通过分次取样的方法,测定了两种豆科作物在缺磷与供磷条件下的生物量、根系质子释放速率、根系有机酸分泌速率以及根表酸性磷酸酶活性的动态。结果表明,箭筈豌豆与毛叶苕子在生长前期对低磷胁迫的响应存在明显差异。箭筈豌豆主要靠增大质子释放量和提高酸性磷酸酶活性来适应低磷胁迫; 而毛叶苕子主要通过提高根冠比、扩大根系生物量来对外界环境中的缺磷状况做出响应,在缺磷时其根表酸性磷酸酶的活性显著提高。箭筈豌豆与毛叶苕子可通过协调根系形态和生理的适应性变化提高对磷的吸收。  相似文献   

不同磷效率小麦对低铁胁迫的基因型差异   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
用营养液培养方法研究了不同磷效率小麦幼苗对低铁胁迫的基因型差异。结果表明,低铁胁迫(-Fe)对磷高效基因型小麦生长的抑制作用显著大于对磷低效基因型。低铁处理下,磷高效基因型81(85)-5-3-3-3、Xiaoyan54和Taihe-5025的植株地上部干重平均比正常供铁(+Fe)处理下降55.2%;磷低效基因型Jinghe90-Jian-17、NC37和Jing41平均33.0%。低铁胁迫显著降低了磷高效基因型小麦的叶片叶绿素含量,3个磷高效基因型的叶绿素a、叶绿素b和叶绿素a+b含量分别降低了35.6%、35.3%和35.3%,磷低效基因型分别降低了16.8%、7.7%和11.9%。低铁胁迫对小麦的根系生长、根系吸磷量和磷利用效率均未产生明显的影响,但显著降低了磷高效基因型小麦的植株地上部吸磷量和根效率比。与正常供铁的处理相比,磷高效和磷低效基因型小麦的地上部吸磷量和根效率比在低铁处理中平均降低了55.0%、54.9%和32.5%、36.4%。磷高效基因型小麦植株体内积累的磷量明显高于磷低效基因型,这是磷高效基因型不耐低铁的主要原因。磷效率越高,对低铁的反应越敏感。  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) treatments were used to evaluate APSIM-SoilP-Wheat model and phosphorus use efficiency (PUE) of two wheat cultivars (NARC-2009 and Chakwal-50) during 2011–2013. Overall, the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) model accurately simulated dry matter, grains per spike, grain yield, biomass P, and grain P for two years, for both genotypes in response to all P fertilizer treatments. NARC-2009 had 55% higher PUE compared to Chakwal-50. Information on PUE will be helpful in breeding high PUE cultivars. Modeling results showed that the production of wheat depends on growth as well as on P uptake of the plants. The close agreement between observed and simulated results confirmed the accuracy of the model which was validated with skill scores like R2 and RMSE. APSIM simulation proved to be valuable tool to evaluate PUE under rainfed conditions.  相似文献   

‘Phosphate solubilizing bacteria' (PSBs) are able to release unavailable P from native and applied P sources into plant‐available soil pool through their solubilizing and acidifying effects. The effects of three indigenous and one exotic PSBs on P solubilization from different P sources, plant biomass production, and P‐uptake efficiency of maize (Zea mays L.) were examined in an incubation and greenhouse study. For incubation study, surface (0–15 cm) soil was collected from an arable field (Inceptisols) and amended with rock phosphate (RP), single superphosphate (SSP), poultry manure (PM), and RP+PM with and without PSBs. The amended soil was incubated in the control environment at 25 ± 2°C for a total of a 100‐d period to establish relative potential rate of P solubilization of added P sources. A complementary greenhouse experiment was conducted in pots by growing maize as a test crop. Growth characteristics, P‐uptake, and P‐utilization efficiency (PUE) were determined. Phosphate solubilizing bacteria generated a solubilization effect on different P sources by releasing more P into plant‐available soil pool, i.e., 14.0–18.3 µg g?1 in RP, 5.0–9.9 µg g?1 in SSP, 1.4–4.4 µg g?1 in PM, and 4.5–7.8 µg g?1 in RP+PM compared to their sole application without PSBs. The available P from inorganic SSP declined continuously from the mineral pool (after day 30) and at the end 40% of applied P was unaccounted for. However, P losses were reduced to 28 and 27% when PSBs (PSB1 and PSB3) were applied with superphosphate treatments. In the absence of PSBs, the recoveries of applied P (in soil) from RP, SSP, PM and RP+PM were 4, 25, 9, and 12%, respectively, those had been increased to 14, 30, 12 and 15% in the presence of PSBs. Similarly, the plant biomass in RP+PSBs treatments compared to the RP without PSBs increased between 12–30% in first sampling (30 DAG) and 13–30% in the second sampling (60 DAG). The P utilization efficiency (PUE) in plants supplemented with PSBs was 20–73% higher compared to those without PSBs. The detection of oxalic and gluconic acids in culture medium treated with PSBs (7.8–25.0 and 25–90 mg L?1, respectively) confirmed the production of organic acids by the indigenous bacterial isolates. This study indicate that low P recovery both in plant and soil can likely be improved by using indigenous PSBs and organic amendment poultry manure, which allowed a more efficient capture of P released due to P solubilization.  相似文献   

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