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漳平永福台湾农民创业园高山茶园生态建设与管理技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茶叶是一种饮料食品。随着人们环保意识和保健意识的增强,对茶叶质量安全十分关注。尤其是加入WTO以后,国际市场对我国茶叶出口提出了更高的质量要求。因此建设生态茶园,生产无公害茶叶,是当前振兴茶业产业发展的必然选择,也是解决"三农"问题的重要途径。本文就无公害茶园的环境条件,生态茶园建设技术与管理进行探讨,以期促进永福茶业产业可持续健康发展。  相似文献   

茶叶出口大有潜力可挖随着人们对茶叶的青睐,其生产量和消费量逐年递增。据专家估计,1998年世界茶业产量达280万吨左右。据联合国粮农组织预测,今后几年全球茶叶产量将以2.9%的速度递增。茶叶的国际贸易量也将逐年增长。我国茶叶出口潜力很大。一是因为我国茶叶生产历史悠久,茶叶资源丰富。我国是世界上仅次于印度的第二大产茶国,茶园面积约110万公顷,每年产茶叶62万吨左右。每年出口茶叶16万吨左右,占我国茶叶产量1/4强,占世界茶叶贸易量的6%左右。二是因为茶叶加工能力强,高、中低档茶叶均能生产,可以满足不同层次的需要;…  相似文献   

中国是茶叶生产大国,目前茶园总面积约113万公顷,居世界第一,茶叶总产量达67.6万吨,茶叶总产值达95亿人民币。据预测,到本世纪中叶中国人均年消费茶叶将达到1公斤以上。然而,不容乐观的是:作为世界上最主要的茶叶出口国,在加入世贸组织后,按说中国茶叶在国际市场上销量更大,更应具有竞争力。可事实恰恰相反。今年1-2月份,中国茶叶对欧盟的出口比去年同期下降了近30%,主要是欧盟在对农药残留的检测标准中实行双重标准,致使中国茶叶出口目前正在欧盟遭遇严冬。茶叶生产大省湖南,前不久有一批茶叶出口欧盟,虽口…  相似文献   

中国茶叶如何真正走向世界   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国是茶的故乡 ,也是茶叶生产与消费大国。“入世”已给中国的茶业带来了前所未有的挑战 ,国际上一些知名茶叶品牌已经进入中国市场 ,而我国茶叶出口 2 0 0 2年却下降了近一成 ,是近年来首次出现的负增长。面对如此局面 ,中国茶叶如何在国际市场上保持竞争力 ,我们必须有清醒的认识。1 中国茶叶在世界上的地位中国产茶源远流长 ,历史上中国即是世界最大的茶叶生产国和输出国。早在 10 0 0多年以前 ,中国茶叶就远销国外 ,先后与中东、南亚、西欧、东欧、北非、西非等地区的 30多个国家建立了茶叶贸易关系。目前全世界有 60个国家种茶 ,其中…  相似文献   

我国是世界上蜂蜜生产和出口第一大国 ,年产量约为2 0万t,年出口约 1 0万t,占全球蜂蜜贸易的 3 0 %左右 ,年均创汇约 1亿美元。欧盟是我国蜂蜜的主要出口市场 ,但是自从 2 0 0 2年 2月份查出中国蜂蜜的氯霉素超标 ,欧盟决定禁止进口中国蜂蜜 ,随之也引发了连锁反应 ,美国、日本、加拿大等其它国家相继提高了对中国蜂产品药物残留的检出限量要求 ,使我国蜂产品出口严重受阻。据统计 ,去年中国蜂蜜出口约 7.6万t,创汇约为 7794万美元 ,同比下降约 2 0 %。蜂蜜出口市场受挫给中国蜂业带来了巨大损失 ,本文通过分析氯霉素事件发生原因及其对中欧…  相似文献   

山东省是我国江北茶区最北部的集中分布区 ,现有茶园面积 760 0hm2 ,其中投产茶园 5933hm2 ,年产茶叶 140 0万kg。 1975年试制成功了卷曲型名茶———雪青。目前卷曲型名茶产量约 3 7万kg ,占茶叶总产量的 2 2 6% ,产值 390 0万元 ,占茶叶总产值的 4 5%。但是卷曲型名茶生产中存在着一些技术问题 ,现结合笔者近 2 0年的实践经验和生产实际提出如下问题和技术改进意见。1 存在问题1 1 原料与贮青管理1 1 1 原料 通过对山东省 2 0余家茶叶生产厂家的调查 ,采摘或收购的原料为单芽及一芽一叶者仅占 31% ,一芽二、三叶者占 69%。另…  相似文献   

加入WTO,金寨板栗面临的机遇、挑战和对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国是世界上主要的板栗生产国,年产板栗达 37万吨,占世界板栗产量 90万吨的 40%,多年来,由于受关税壁垒的限制,我国板栗销售大都为国内市场,出口量仅占总产量的 10%。加入 WTO,使横亘在我国与国际间的关税贸易壁垒随之解除。国际贸易空间的拓宽,带给我国板栗生产的机遇与挑战是并存的。 中国板栗是当今世界最为优良的品种之一。它最为显著的特点是具有风味独特、色泽艳丽、涩皮易剥,对栗疫病、墨水病等病虫害有较强抗性。在欧美和日本遭以上二种病害毁灭性的打击下,这种特性尤其弥足珍贵。尽管近年来,欧美和日本积极开展对…  相似文献   

“以市场为导向”是我国实行社会主义市场经济以来,一个十分重要的企业经营原则,已成为茶业经营者的共识。由此出现了国内各茶区推广适应市场经济的茶栽新技术;着力抓区域性的名优茶生产;培育市场流通体系,强化促销手段;实行茶业为主,多元经营等茶叶发展新格局。但笔者以为,这种局面仅是市场为导向的“表层性效应”只有对以市场为导向的深层次内涵加深认识,推动茶业加快体制改革力度,改善经营机制,提高茶业科技水平,加强茶叶成本管理才能使茶业不被无形的市场所约束,持续高效地发展。  相似文献   

中国茶产业发展现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国茶园总面积、茶叶总产量及绿茶、特种茶、乌龙茶出口创汇呈现持续上升的态势;茶叶功能成分的深度开发与利用,使得茶叶提取物作为膳食补充剂、医药原料及化妆品原料等在国际市场上呈急剧攀升之势。对比分析茶叶等植物原材料的销售产值与茶叶等植物提取物的销售产值,指出在世界茶产业面临供过与求的情况下,扬长避短,生产绿茶、特种茶、乌龙茶等具有国际竞争力的茶叶产品,加大茶叶深加工产品的开发与利用,出口符合国际保健品市场需要的茶叶功能产品,促进茶产业升级换代,是我国茶产业经济增长及发展的重要途径。  相似文献   

我国是一个有五千年历史的文明古国,茶叶和蚕丝业是具有悠久历史的传统产业。世界上有40多个产茶国,其茶籽、茶树和植茶技术,最初都是直接或间接由我国引进。目前世界茶园已发展到超过230万hm2,年产茶叶2500万t左右。茶叶咖啡、果汁、可乐和矿泉水作为国际五大非酒精饮料,世界约有一半人口喝茶,年人均茶叶消费量0.45kg。我国的养蚕技术和丝绸对外传播约有一千八百年历史,20世纪60年代开始,联合国粮农组织把发展养蚕业作为振兴经济的重要内容,向发展中国家推荐,从那以后许多国家兴起了发展种桑养蚕制丝的新“丝绸热”。1茶桑业在…  相似文献   

The Kenyan coastal forests make up one of the World 25 Biodiversity Hotspots. They consist of over 140 fragments (the majority with areas less than 0.5 km2) of the once extensive Zanzibar-Inhambane lowland moist forest. The over 60 known Mijikenda sacred Kaya forests and groves scattered along the coastal hinterland form the greater part of this ecosystem. The forests are of biological and cultural significance, and this has been recognized nationally and internationally, with some now listed as World Heritage Sites. The forests are protected by councils of Kaya elders who regulate use of their resources. Increasing human population and subsequent rise in demand for forest products and land for settlement has put a strain on these relic forests. Farm encroachment and extraction of forest products in different Kaya forests have affected the vegetation ecology at varying levels. This study investigated the spatial species distribution, association and regeneration potential of commonly utilized plants in one of these traditionally managed ecosystems. A modified nested plot method was used to collect data in the field.Using TWINSPAN multivariate, and indicator species analysis, two plant communities (Asteranthe and Bridelia) and an undifferentiated vegetation type were identified. Species association in Asteranthe consisted largely of forest dependant species, with a significant presence of woody climbers. It was comprised of two sub-communities namely Manilkara and Scorodophloeos. In contrast the second plant community, Bridelia, was dominated by light demanding species. It comprised one sub-community (Catunaregam) and a seral stage (Keetia). The species diversity and richness was higher in the Asteranthe community compared to Bridelia. Some of the forest species commonly utilized by the local people were observed to regenerate both in open and closed forest habitats while others had seedling recruitment confined to closed forest.Despite some coastal forests showing physiognomic similarity, detailed study shows intra-variation linked to topography, exposition, type and intensity of human perturbation both currently and in the distant past. Clearly, vegetation patterns of coastal forests of eastern Africa change at fairly short intervals.Recruitment of forest specialists is likely to decline if closed forests are opened up by farm encroachment, however their less specialized counterparts can pioneer in re-colonization of disturbed sites if conservation is strengthened. There is need to invigorate traditional management systems of forests with cultural significance by recognizing and giving increased legal mandates to the local custodians.  相似文献   

Invasion of natural ecosystems by exotic plant species is a major threat to biodiversity. Disturbance to native plant communities, whether natural or management induced, is a primary factor contributing to successful invasion by exotic plant species. Herbivory by both wild and domestic ungulates exerts considerable impact on structure and composition of native plant communities. Intensive herbivory by ungulates can enhance exotic plant invasion, establishment, and spread for three reasons: (1) many exotic plants are adapted to ground disturbances such as those caused by ungulate feeding, trampling, and movements; (2) many exotic plants are adapted for easy transport from one area to another by ungulates via endozoochory and epizoochory; (3) many exotic plants are not palatable or are of low palatability to ungulates, and consequently, their survival is favored as ungulates reduce or eliminate palatable, native plants. Ungulate herbivory is a chronic, landscape-scale disturbance capable of influencing plant communities as much as episodic events such as fire. Consequently, ungulate herbivory has the potential to facilitate the invasion and establishment of exotic plants in the interior Pacific Northwest where ungulates occupy nearly every ecosystem. Moreover, ungulate herbivory has intensified in many ecosystems, owing to the addition of domestic ungulates with that of existing, wild ungulates, coupled with the reduction or elimination of migratory movements and predators that previously regulated wild ungulate populations and influenced their distributions. Despite the observational evidence for ungulate herbivory as a strong facilitator of exotic plant invasion and establishment, current knowledge of cause–effect relations is severely limited by a lack of manipulative experiments. Most studies have been observational, unreplicated, and lack the experimental controls needed to eliminate or account for confounding sources of variation. Heightened attention to conservation of biodiversity will increase the importance of managing ungulates in balance with the plant communities that support them.  相似文献   

This study presents data on the biomass and net aerial primaryproductivity (NAPP) of two contrasting East Anglian salt marshes.One site was at Tollesbury, Essex where the marshes are of theestuarine type and are subject to marsh degradation and erosionwhile the other site was 130 km to the north at Stiffkey, Norfolkwhere the barrier-type marshes are still actively developing withno signs of erosion. The NAPP was determined by the method ofSmalley with quadrats being harvested monthly with replacement.At the lowest levels at Tollesbury there was Pioneer Marshwhich was dominated by a mixture of Salicornia spp. and Astertripolium. At higher levels at Tollesbury there was LowerMarsh which was dominated by a mixture of Atriplex portulacoides andPuccinellia maritima. Over the four years of the studyPuccinellia became the dominant species following a markeddecrease in the extent and vigour of Atriplex. At Stiffkey theMiddle Marsh was at a much higher level and the vegetation waspredominantly a short dense sward with Atriplex portulacoides,Puccinellia maritima and Limonium vulgare together with smallerquantities of Armeria maritima and Plantago maritima. The meanNAPPs over three years of the Pioneer and Lower Marsh atTollesbury (467 & 519 g m-2 yr-1respectively) were similar butin 1993 the NAPPs recorded at Tollesbury were higher than thoserecorded at Stiffkey (625 & 583 compared with 458 g m-2yr-1).Smalleys method is difficult to apply to communities wherespecies dominance is variable, especially when dominance isshared between species with markedly different growth patterns.The results for NAPP obtained from the salt marshes at Tollesburyand Stiffkey are discussed in relation to results obtained byother workers from comparable areas in England and theNetherlands. Attention is also drawn to the possibly largerbelow-ground component of production that is frequentlyoverlooked. The importance of salt marshes in relation to othercoastal communities lies in the export of a proportion of theorganic matter produced and this mainly depends on theabove-ground production.  相似文献   

Elevated landslide rates in forested landscapes can adversely impact aquatic habitat and water quality and remove and/or degrade soil resources required for forest regeneration. As a result, understanding the associations between management actions, natural factors, and landslide rates is important information needed for land managers. An unusual and powerful storm in early December, 2007, caused record flooding and thousands of landslides across southwest Washington and northwest Oregon, USA, and provided a rare opportunity to examine the effects of both natural factors and forest management practices on landslide density. Landslide inventory data were collected from both aerial photos and systematic field surveys to provide a broad survey database that was used to develop estimates of landslide density and to examine associations between landslide density, precipitation, topography, and forest stand age across a 152,000 ha forested landscape in the Willapa Hills, Washington. We estimated the probability of detecting landslides on aerial photos for six strata defined by forest stand age and a broad range of rainfall intensity, expressed as percent of the 100-year, 24-h, maximum rainfall. Key findings are that landslide detection probability decreased with increasing stand age, but was similar across rainfall intensities. The overall fraction of field-detected landslides that were not detected on 1:12,000-scale aerial photos was 39%. Very few landslides occurred in the 0–100% of 100-year rainfall category, regardless of stand age or slope gradient class. At higher rainfall intensities, significantly higher landslide densities occurred on steep slopes (>70% gradient) compared to lower gradient slopes, as expected. Above ∼150% of 100-year rainfall, the density of landslides was ∼2–3 times larger in the 0–5 and 6–10 year stand age categories than in the 11–20, 21–30, 31–40, and 41+ categories. The effect of stand age was strongest at the highest rainfall intensities. Our results demonstrate that ground-based landslide inventory data are required in order to correct for detection bias from aerial photos, develop reasonable estimates of landslide density across environmental gradients such as rainfall magnitude and topography, and make unbiased interpretations of relationships between forest management associations and landslide occurrence.  相似文献   

油桐立地分类及评价的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以系统理论为指导,以生态经济学原理为基础,根据中国油桐产区地域分异的自然特点,采用以定性为主,定性与定量相结合的原则,依据气候、大地形、小地形综合分析逐级控制的方法,划分出3个立地大区,13个立地小区,41个立地类型组,72个立地类型四级立地分类评价系统。并从立地质量多用途角度来评价油桐产量及其发展适宜度、林地效益。  相似文献   

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