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试验选择4头体况良好且安装有永久性瘤胃瘘管和十二指肠瘘管的徐淮白山羊,采用4×3不完全拉丁方设计,配制蛋白水平相同但牧草蛋白来源不同的4组日粮,分别为A(苜蓿、羊草和稻草)、B(羊草和苜蓿)、C(羊草)、D(苜蓿和稻草),旨在研究不同蛋白组成日粮对山羊胃肠道氨基酸和肽的影响。结果表明,D组日粮蛋白质消化率和蛋白质沉积量最高。各处理组瘤胃内游离氨基酸、肽氨基酸浓度分别为25.58、26.64、26.03、26.86 mg/100 mL和22.82、24.25、23.53、25.73mg/100 mL;十二指肠食糜中游离氨基酸、肽氨基酸浓度分别为32.52、33.52、33.37、33.93 mg/100 mL和22.39、23.53、23.02、24.21 mg/100 mL。瘤胃液和十二指肠中游离氨基酸和肽氨基酸浓度的日变化趋势,均是在采食2 h后降低,4 h后达到峰值。从蛋白质的消化率和进入十二指肠的氨基酸组成来看,苜蓿和稻草组合的D组瘤胃降解率最高,饲喂山羊效果最好。  相似文献   

小肽对山羊氮平衡和营养物质消化率的影响   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
将8头浏阳黑山羊随机分成4组,其中2组安置十二指肠瘘管,灌注大豆肽与水解氨基酸,按2因素随机化设计,测定灌注与饲喂大豆肽及其水解氨基酸对山羊氮平衡和营养物质消化率的影响.结果表明,从十二指肠灌注小肽组氮沉积显著(P<0.05)高于灌注氨基酸组,极显著(P<0.01)高于饲喂小肽组与氨基酸组,灌注小肽和氨基酸与饲喂小肽和氨基酸氮沉积分别为6.98和5.81 g/d与5.42和5.09 g/d,饲喂小肽较饲喂游离氨基酸能显著(P<0.05)提高氮沉积;饲喂小肽与灌注小肽能显著地提高能量和钙的消化率.  相似文献   

小肽与游离氨基酸对雏鸡血液循环中肽的影响   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  
为了研究鸡肠道是否具有完整吸收和合成肽的能力,用主要由小肽组成的酶解酪蛋白(CSP)和相应组成的氨基酸(FAA)混合物,进行了灌注和^3H-Tyr同位素标记试验。HPLC分析结果表明灌注后10minCSP组门静脉血液循环中的一些肽量和总肽量显著地(P〈0.05)高于灌注前对照,CSP+FAA组和FAA组;与对照相比,CSP组肽量提高66.26%。FAA组注后5min,门静脉血浆中一些肽量显著地高于  相似文献   

本试验探讨了十二指肠灌注大豆小肽和氨基酸对奶山羊小肠肽结合氨基酸和游离氨基酸吸收的影响.选取4只体况良好,体重(38.38±3.09)kg的泌乳奶山羊,安装永久性十二指肠近端瘘管和门静脉、肠系膜静脉以及颈动脉慢性血管插管进行试验.采用交叉试验设计,分别向十二指肠灌注60 g/d大豆小肽以及与60g大豆小肽总氨基酸含量相同的氨基酸.结果表明,与灌注氨基酸相比,灌注大豆小肽显著增加肠系膜排流组织(MDV)总肽结合氨基酸净流量(P<0.05),门静脉排流组织(PDV)总肽结合氨基酸净流量高于灌注氨基酸组,但2组间差异不显著(P>0.05).而灌注氨基酸显著增加奶山羊MDV和PDV总游离氨基酸净流量(P<0.05).研究表明,小肠中肽含量的增加可以促使其在小肠的吸收.  相似文献   

旨在研究乳腺对不同水平大豆小肽的吸收利用情况.试验选用8只带有十二指肠瘘管和颈动脉、乳静脉血插管的泌乳奶山羊(体质量38 kg±k2 kg),采用交叉设计,分别向十二指肠灌注大豆小肽0、60、120和180 g·d~(-1),连续灌注14 d.结果表明:通过小肽的灌注,(1)提高了乳蛋白产量与乳蛋白含量,而且乳蛋白产量显著提高(P<0.05).乳脂产量与乳脂含量随着灌注量的升高呈显著下降趋势(P<0.05).(2)乳腺血浆流星有轻微的提高,但不显著(P>0.05).与对照组相比,各处理组血浆流量/产奶量出现下降,但只有120 g·~(-1)灌注组下降显著(P<0.05).(3)与对照组相比,大部分游离氨基酸在60和120 g·d~(-1)灌注组吸收量增加,而在180 g·d~(-1)灌注组出现下降趋势.除了PB-Ile,大豆小肽的灌注增加了所有肽结合必需氨基酸的乳腺吸收.但PB-Val、PB-Leu、PB-Phe、PB-Thr、PB-Met和PB-Lys均在120 g·d~(-1)灌注组吸收率最高.非必需氨基酸中,小肽的灌注提高了PB-Ser、PBTyr、PB-Pro的吸收(P<0.05),而PB-Gly的吸收却出现了下降(P>0.05).(4)除了Lys,处理组中所有必需氨基酸的乳中分泌量都高于对照组,从0~120 g·d~(-1)试验组,这些氨基酸乳中分泌量随着小肽灌注量的升高而呈增加趋势(P<0.05);在180 g·d~(-1)灌注组,大部分必需氨基酸的分泌量增加不显著(P>0.05),且低于120 g·d~(-1)灌注组.(5)小肽的灌注明显促进了APN基因的表达.灌注60、120和180 g·d~(-1)小肽后,氨肽酶N(APN)的表达分别是对照组的13.55、18.69和10.01倍.结论:乳腺组织能够吸收动脉血液中的小肽,大豆小肽的灌注提高了乳蛋白产量显示乳腺组织可以将吸收的小肽用于乳蛋白的合成.但当乳腺所需的氨基酸达到饱和以后,再增加氨基酸的浓度会出现吸收抑制.APN表达变化与乳腺小肽吸收增加相一致,这可能因为APN是调控小肽乳腺吸收利用的主要酶类之一.  相似文献   

用3头装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的奶牛,在晨饲前2h采瘤胃液,用于体外批次培养。试验Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组、Ⅲ组日粮中分别添加脂肪包被蛋氨酸和赖氨酸、脂肪包被的小肽、用甲醛处理的蛋氨酸和赖氨酸。试验结果表明,各时间点的体外产气量没有显著差异,各试验组产气量均低于对照组;试验Ⅰ组6h时间点和试验Ⅱ组24h时间点培养液中瘤胃细菌氮产量显著提高(P〈0.01),6h、12h时间点NH3-N产量高于对照组,24h时表现有逐渐下降的趋势。  相似文献   

选取3只体重33 kg左右,安装瘤胃左静脉、肠系膜静脉插管的徐淮白山羊,研究不同植物源性蛋白质日粮对山羊瘤胃左静脉和肠系膜静脉氨基酸及小肽吸收的影响.试验采用4×3不完全拉丁方设计,选用豆粕、棉籽粕、菜籽粕、玉米酒糟四种不同植物源性蛋白质日粮,按13%粗蛋白质水平配制单一蛋白质源日粮(精粗比3:7).试验结果表明:瘤胃左静脉游离氨基酸(fluid amino acid,FAA)和肽氨基酸(pcptide amino acid,PAA)总浓度以豆粕组最高,吸收进入瘤胃左静脉FAA中含量较高的是谷氨酸和精氨酸,PAA中含量较高的是苯丙氨酸,肠系膜静脉FAA和PAA总浓度以玉米酒糟组最高,吸收进入肠系膜静脉FAA中含量较高的是丝氨酸和亮氨酸,PAA中含量较高的是丝氨酸、精氨酸、缬氨酸.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究十二指肠灌注大豆小肽对奶山羊小肠小肽和游离氨基酸吸收的影响。选择7只体况良好、体质量相近的奶山羊((37.88±3.03)kg),安装永久性十二指肠近端瘘管和门静脉、肠系膜静脉近端和远端以及颈动脉慢性血插管进行4×4拉丁方试验,分别从十二指肠灌注生理盐水、60、120、180g.d-1大豆小肽。结果表明,随着十二指肠大豆小肽灌注水平的提高,奶山羊肠系膜排流组织(MDV)总肽结合氨基酸净流量显著增加(P0.05或P0.01);60、120、180g.d-1组门静脉排流组织(PDV)总肽结合氨基酸净流量均显著高于对照组(P0.05),但3个大豆小肽灌注组间无显著性差异(P0.05)。奶山羊小肠对小肽的吸收率随小肠中肽量的增加而下降。随着大豆小肽灌注水平的增加,奶山羊MDV和PDV组织游离氨基酸净流量显著增加(P0.05)。随十二指肠大豆小肽灌注水平的提高,试验羊颈静脉血浆尿素氮浓度显著增加(P0.05),对血浆葡萄糖、胰岛素、生长激素、胰高血糖素和IGF-1浓度没有显著影响(P0.05)。研究结果表明,大豆小肽灌注增加奶山羊小肠中肽结合氨基酸的流量,提高了MDV肽结合氨基酸的净流量,但因肽结合氨基酸吸收率降低或/和肽结合氨基酸吸收细胞降解率提高,降低了进入肠系膜静脉的肽结合氨基酸的比率。  相似文献   

过去人们一直认为蛋白质消化产物的吸收就是游离氨基酸的吸收,后经一些试验发现,使用氨基酸纯合日粮或低蛋白氨基酸平衡日粮,动物并不能达到最佳生产性能。大量研究证实,蛋白质降解产物小肽可直接被吸收利用,且小肽的吸收速度快,耗能低,不易饱和。以小肽形式供给蛋白质,可显著提高动物对蛋白质的利用率。我国蛋白质资源匮乏,尤其是大豆粕的价格居高不下,利用小肽来平衡日粮更显其重要。试验主要研究小肽对肉兔生长性能的影响,以期为科学调配肉兔日粮提供参考。  相似文献   

选择3只徐淮白山羊,采用4×3拉丁方设计研究不同植物性蛋白源日粮(A:豆粕、B:棉籽粕、C:菜籽粕、D:玉米酒糟)对瘤胃和十二指肠内氨基酸和肽的影响。结果表明:各处理组瘤胃内的游离氨基酸、肽氨基酸浓度分别为8.55、5.38、7.37和7.74mg/L和41.76、36.89、33.65、29.59mg/L;游离氨基酸组成以Glu、Pro所占比例相对较大,Gly、Thr、Leu和Phe所占比例相对较小。肽氨基酸组成以Asp、Glu、Ser、Pro、Val含量相对较高,而Arg、Phe含量相对较低。十二指肠食糜游离氨基酸、肽氨基酸浓度分别为48.71、32.26、35.72、51.23mg/L和11.28、8.54、9.95、12.54g、100gDM;其中游离氨基酸中以Tyr、Ala、Val、Leu、Phe含量相对较高,His、Cys含量相对较低。各组中总氨基酸含量以Ala、Val、Leu、Phe含量相对较高,His、Cys含量相对较低;进入十二指肠的菌体蛋白氨基酸含量,以豆粕组最高,进入十二指肠的饲料氨基酸含量,以玉米酒糟组最高。  相似文献   

试验研究了日粮添加复合异位酸对山羊小肠氨基酸流通量和表观消化率的影响。采用3×3拉丁方试验设计,选用3头安装有永久性瘤胃瘘管、十二指肠近端瘘管和回肠远端瘘管、平均体重为(25.4±0.75)kg的健康麻城黑山羊为试验动物。I组为空白对照,饲喂基础日粮。II组、III组分别饲喂含0.3%和0.6%复合异位酸(钠盐形式)的试验日粮。采用Co-EDTA标记法测定小肠氨基酸流通量和表观消化率。结果显示:III组缬氨酸和异亮氨酸十二指肠流通量极显著高于对照组(P0.01),亮氨酸和必需氨基酸显著高于对照组(P0.05);缬氨酸和丙氨酸的小肠表观消化率显著高于对照组(P0.05)。II组缬氨酸和异亮氨酸十二指肠流通量显著高于对照组(P0.05)。III组异亮氨酸十二指肠流通量显著高于II组(P0.05)。  相似文献   

通过对10头15kg体重试验猪实施门静脉血管插管等外科手术,并结合回肠肠系膜静脉灌注对氨基马尿酸(PAH)技术,探讨半乳甘露寡糖对生长猪门静脉血浆流率(PVPF)和血液流率(PVBF)、氨基酸和葡萄糖的净吸收量及耗氧量的影响。10头杜长大阉公猪随机分为2个处理,每个处理5头,单笼饲养于可调节不锈钢代谢笼内,经过14d适应期后,在门静脉、肠系膜静脉、颈动脉安装插管,开始15d正式试验。对照组饲喂玉米-豆粕型基础饲粮,试验组饲喂基础饲粮 0.20%半乳甘露寡糖。结果表明,经过15d饲喂期后,与对照组相比,饲粮添加半乳甘露寡糖可显著降低试猪食后8h内门静脉的平均血浆流率和血液流率,显著提高食后8h内门静脉对氨基酸和葡萄糖的净吸收量,显著降低食后8h内门静脉的耗氧量,也就是说半乳甘露寡糖可通过减少生长猪小肠黏膜对氨基酸和葡萄糖的氧化而增加肠外组织对其吸收。  相似文献   

Depressed performance and availability of some amino acids (AA) in pigs fed excess Leu diets appear to be related to lower feed intake. Surplus Ile and Val may help to overcome this effect. An experiment was conducted with 24 pigs (31.8 ± 1.2 kg initial BW) to evaluate the effect of dietary excess of either Leu alone or with surplus Ile and Val on performance and serum concentration (SC) of essential AA. Treatments were as follows: T1, basal diet; T2, basal plus 0.43% L‐Leu (excess Leu); T3, basal added with 0.43% L‐Leu, plus 0.20% L‐Ile and 0.25% L‐Val (excess LIV). The basal diet was formulated to contain 0.90% standardized ileal digestible Lys and added with crystalline L‐Lys, L‐Thr, DL‐Met, L‐Trp, L‐Leu, L‐Ile, L‐His and L‐Val to create essential AA:Lys ratios close to an ideal protein for growing pigs. All pigs were fed the same amount of feed twice a day (average, 3.42× the requirement of NEm). Blood samples were collected at 2.5 (absorptive) and 11.0 h (post‐absorptive) post‐prandial to analyse SC of AA. Excess of either Leu or LIV did not affect growth rate nor feed conversion. Excess Leu increased Leu SC and decreased Ile and Val SC (p < 0.05) at both absorptive and post‐absorptive phases, but excess LIV restored the SC of Ile and Val. The SC of other essential AA was not affected by excess of either Leu or LIV. The SC of all AA during absorptive, on average, was about two times higher than that of post‐absorptive phase. These results suggest that the reduced availability (SC) of Ile and Val in pigs consuming excess Leu diets is attributed to a reduced absorption and increased cellular degradation rates of them.  相似文献   

Plasma bile acids, plasma amino acids, and the total hepatic pools of aspartate aminotransferase, gamma glutamyltransferase, glutamate dehydrogenase, and sorbitol dehydrogenase were compared in control sheep (Group 1), sheep with subclinical pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicosis (Group 2), and in sheep with acute hepatocellular necrosis associated with the hemolytic phase of chronic copper poisoning (Group 3). Subclinical pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicosis was not associated with any changes in bile acid or amino acid status but was associated with a significant decline in the hepatic pools of sorbitol dehydrogenase and aspartate aminotransferase. This observation could not be explained in terms of enzyme leakage from damaged hepatocytes and suggested that pyrrolizidine alkaloids might specifically inhibit hepatocellular enzyme synthesis. Group 3 sheep also had reduced hepatic enzyme pools which were at least partly referable to enzyme leakage from damaged hepatocytes. In these sheep, increases in plasma bile acids were a more sensitive index of hepatic function than were either increased aromatic amino acid concentration or the ratio between branched chain and aromatic amino acids.  相似文献   

The dietary contents of crude protein and free amino acids (AA) may affect the protein digestion and AA absorption in pigs. Trypsin and chymotrypsin activities, AA serum concentrations and expression of AA transporters in the small intestine of pigs fed a low protein, AA‐supplemented (19.2%, LPAA) or a high protein (28.1%, HP), wheat‐soybean meal diet were measured in two 14‐d trials. The LPAA diet contained free L‐Lys, L‐Thr, DL‐Met, L‐Leu, L‐Ile, L‐Val, L‐His, L‐Trp and L‐Phe. All pigs were fed the same amount of feed (890 and 800 g/d for trial 1 and 2 respectively). In trial 1, samples of mucosa (duodenum, jejunum and ileum) and digesta (duodenum and jejunum) were collected from 14 pigs (17.2 ± 0.4 kg); in trial 2, blood samples were collected from 12 pigs (12.7 ± 0.3 kg). The trypsin and chymotrypsin activities in both intestinal segments were higher in pigs fed the HP diet (p < 0.01). Trypsin activity was higher in jejunum than in duodenum regardless the dietary treatment (p < 0.05). Pigs fed the LPAA diet expressed more b0,+AT in duodenum, B0AT1 in ileum (p < 0.05), and tended to express more y+LAT1 in duodenum (p = 0.10). In pigs fed the LPAA diet, the expression of b0,+AT was higher in duodenum than in jejunum and ileum (p < 0.01), but no difference was observed in pigs fed the HP diet. Ileum had the lowest b0,+AT expression regardless the diet. The serum concentrations of Lys, Thr and Met were higher in LPAA pigs while serum Arg was higher in HP pigs (p < 0.05). Serum concentrations of AA appear to reflect the AA absorption. In conclusion, these data indicate that the dietary protein contents affect the extent of protein digestion and that supplemental free AA may influence the intestinal site of AA release and absorption, which may impact their availability for growth of young pigs.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to elucidate the effects of post‐ruminal administration of starch and casein (Exp. 1), plasma amino acids concentrations (Exp. 2), and plasma glucose and insulin concentrations (Exp. 2) on plasma ghrelin concentrations in sheep. In Exp. 1, plasma ghrelin concentrations were determined by four infusion treatments (water, cornstarch, casein and cornstarch plus casein) in four wethers. Abomasal infusion of casein increased plasma α‐amino N (AAN) concentrations. Infusion of starch or casein alone did not affect plasma ghrelin concentrations, but starch plus casein infusion increased plasma levels of ghrelin, glucose and AAN. In Exp 2, we investigated the effects of saline or amino acids on ghrelin secretion in four wethers. Two hours after the initiation of saline or amino acid infusion into the jugular vein, glucose was also continuously infused to investigate the effects of blood glucose and insulin by hyper‐glycemic clump on plasma ghrelin concentrations. Infusion of amino acids alone raised plasma levels of ghrelin, but the higher plasma glucose and insulin concentrations had no effect on plasma ghrelin concentrations. These results suggest that high plasma levels of amino acids can stimulate ghrelin secretion, but glucose and insulin do not affect ghrelin secretion in sheep.  相似文献   

5'-Uridylic acid (UMP), which is present at high concentrations in cow's colostrum, has been shown to cause a reduction in increased plasma levels of insulin and glucose after ingestion of milk replacer in pre-weaning calves. However, the precise mechanisms of UMP action have not been investigated, and its action has not been investigated in other pre-weaning ruminants. In order to demonstrate whether UMP causes changes in postprandial metabolic and hormonal parameters in pre-weaning goats, 11 Saanen kids were given milk replacer (twice a day) without ( n  = 5) or with ( n  = 6) UMP (1 g for each meal, 2 g/day for each head) for 14 days. Analysis of blood samples taken in the morning of day 14 demonstrated that the feeding of milk replacer with UMP abolished the significant changes in postprandial plasma glucose, NEFA, GH and insulin concentrations induced by feeding of milk replacer alone, and demonstrated a tendency to increase IGF-I levels. However, there was no significant difference between the two groups at any sampling time. We conclude that UMP feeding with milk replacer showed a tendency to blunt the postprandial changes in levels of some plasma metabolites and hormones that are induced by replacer alone in pre-weaning goats.  相似文献   

Effects of rice straw particle size and physically effective neutral detergent fiber (peNDF) on particle size distribution of different digestive tract, nitrogen (N) metabolism, blood biochemical parameters, microbial amino acid (AA) composition and intestinal AA digestibility in goats were investigated. A 4 × 4 Latin square design was employed using four mature Liuyang black goats fitted with permanent ruminal, duodenal, and terminal ileal fistulae. During each of the four periods, goats were offered one of four diets that were similar in chemical composition, but varied in particle sizes and peNDF through alteration of the theoretical cut length of rice straw (10, 20, 40 and 80 mm, respectively). Dietary peNDF contents of four diets were 17.4, 20.9, 22.5 and 25.4%, respectively. Results showed that increasing particle size of rice straw and dietary peNDF significantly affected the particle size distributions of digesta in rumen, duodenum and ileum, except feces. However, increasing particle size of rice straw and peNDF did not affected N metabolism in goats, except the increased apparent N digestibility in rumen and large intestine, and the decreased apparent N digestibility in small intestine. Furthermore, increasing particle size of rice straw and peNDF showed little influence on the profile of blood biochemical parameters, microbial AA composition and intestinal AA digestibility in goats.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary methionine (Met) levels on endogenous N and amino acids (AA) flows at different part of the digestive tract of growing goats was determined using a 15N isotope dilution technique. Three goats (25 ± 2.5 kg) were fitted with the ruminal, duodenal and ileal cannulae and allocated to three dietary treatments in a 3 × 3 Latin square design. The dietary treatments consisted of a total mixed ration containing three levels of Met (0.15%, 0.25% and 0.35%) respectively. It was found that at 0.15% Met level, the lowest flow in endogenous N and total AA at the duodenum and ileum occurred. The endogenous N secretion contributed to 26% and 23% of the duodenal and ileal total N flows, respectively, and the proportions were not affected by the dietary Met levels. The duodenal and ileal flows of endogenous total AA were 11.1, 11.8, 11.3 g/d and 2.9, 3.9, 4.1 g/d respectively. The average real digestibility of N was 65%, 87% and 95% in the forestomach, intestine and whole digestive tract respectively.  相似文献   

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