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The complete archive of the New Zealand Veterinary Journal went online on 1 January 2003 on SciQuest (www.sciquest.org.nz), an innovative new e-publishing website developed by the New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA). This follows hot on the heels of the CD-Rom version released from the same platform in June last year. Subscribers in 2003 will be able to search and retrieve, online, the full text of any article published in the journal since its inception in 1952. To date, few veterinary science journals are able to offer such a complete and comprehensive resource.  相似文献   

The city of Berlin and the Veterinary Faculty were occupied by the Red Army in the beginning of May 1945. After tidying up and first reconstruction as well as reorganisation of the academic stuff the University of Berlin was reopened in January 1946, the semester started in May 1946. At first the number of students at the faculty ranged under 200, the number of graduates was low as well. The numerous vacant chairs could only be filled little by little, in autumn 1949 four chairs were still vacant. Academic stuff, assistants and students were mostly refusing the political system in East Germany. The only slow development upwards was sensitively disturbed by the crisis-like events in 1950/51 and 1956/57.  相似文献   

Veterinary students completed an online survey regarding personal and academic concerns they experienced during their first year of veterinary school. Quantitative results showed a high degree of stress and anxiety among the study participants as well as concerns about time management and study skills. Quantitative analysis using chi-square tests revealed significant associations between concerns about study skills and the independent variables of relationship status and time since obtaining an undergraduate degree. Results of a thematic analysis undertaken with the qualitative data provide further insight into first-year experiences, indicating concerns about the intensity of the program and especially about time commitment, the amount of information students were expected to learn, and the amount of material they were expected to memorize. Another theme revealed that students did not feel academically prepared for some of their first-year courses, which led to their not liking those courses for which they lacked appropriate groundwork. Other themes highlighted the students' desire for more clinically relevant experiences during their first year as well as surprises regarding the maturity level of classmates and the level of support offered by professors. Given the results of this study, suggestions for counselors and others who work with veterinary students are provided.  相似文献   

Ideas about centers of emphasis and veterinary medical teaching consortia have resurfaced to attract students into food-supply veterinary medicine (FSVM). From 1988 to 2000 a multiple veterinary school consortium approach to food-animal production medicine (FAPM) teaching was conducted to handle regional differences in case load, faculty strengths, and student interests. Six universities developed a memorandum of understanding to provide a wide variety of in-depth, species-specific clinical experiences in FAPM to balance their individual strengths and weakness in addressing food-animal agriculture, to provide for student exchange and faculty development, and to conduct research in food safety. Changes in leadership, redirection of funds, failure to publicize the program to faculty and students, and a focus on research as opposed to teaching led to dissolution of the consortium. However, this approach could work to improve recruitment and retention of students in FSVM if it focused on student exchange, fostered a more integrated curriculum across schools, encouraged faculty involvement, garnered institutional support, and used modern technology in teaching. Private veterinary practices as well as public/corporate practices could be integrated into a broader food-animal curriculum directed at building competency among FSVM students by providing the in-depth training they require. Requirements for the success of this type of program will include funding, marketing, leadership, communication, coordination, integration, and dedicated people with the time to make it work.  相似文献   

监测兽用抗菌药使用情况是了解细菌耐药性的必要工作。为了解全球兽用抗菌药使用情况,分析了世界动物卫生组织(WOAH)第6版《兽用抗菌药使用情况监测报告》。分析发现:2020年美洲较多国家/地区允许使用抗菌药饲料添加剂,但趋向使用黄霉素等不易产生耐药性的非重要抗菌药;亚太地区允许使用抗菌药物添加剂的国家/地区数量下降最多,对使用抗菌药添加剂的管理日趋规范;亚太地区养殖量与美洲相当,是欧洲的2倍,但2018年兽用抗菌药总用量是美洲的2倍、欧洲的6倍,单位动物用量是美洲的1.5倍、欧洲的2倍,总体用药量和单位用药量均偏高。值得肯定的是,亚太地区兽用抗菌药使用量下降幅度最大,较2016年下降59%,是美欧地区同比降幅的2倍,兽用抗菌药减量控制效果明显。  相似文献   

大耳白兔中国兽药监察所封闭群兔(以下简称中监所兔)的遗传特征经中国药品生物制品检定所对兔群进行酒精脱氢酶(ADH)等十一个生化位点监测,结果较好地保持远交封闭群的遗传特性,在葡萄糖磷酸脱氢酶-1(Gpd-1)位点上具有特色为a/a单型。中监所封闭群种兔平均体重为3735g,平均耳长为15.2cm,每窝平均产仔数为8.1只,初生均重为59g,1月龄仔兔均重为610g,2月龄均重为1410g。动物品质符合北京市一级兔质量标准。先后有天津实验动物中心等十多个单位到我所引种。我所及北京市药检所等近百个单位用中监所兔进行各种不同的试验,试验结果反应良好。  相似文献   

2010年国内牛肉价格保持稳定,羊肉价格稳中有涨.牛产品累计进口激增,贸易逆差.羊产品出口增幅大于进口,贸易逆差缩小.美国牛肉价格高点后回落,同比上涨,羊肉价格大幅上涨.欧盟牛羊肉价格高点后回落.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to isolate bacteria on the skin of the proximal to distal equine limb to guide the practitioner in the selection of prophylactic antimicrobial protocols. This prospective study involved 20 client-owned horses that were admitted to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital for routine elective surgery. Each horse spent between 12 and 36 hours at our hospital before sampling. Samples were collected from the skin of the left mid-thorax and the dorsal aspect of nine joints on the left side of each horse: front and hind coffin and fetlock joints, carpi, elbows, shoulders, hocks, and stifles. Samples were cultured aerobically and speciated when possible. When evaluating bacterial composition by location, a 40% difference was considered clinically significant. When comparing proximal sites above the fetlock to distal sites, the odds of isolating gram-positive bacteria were 1.23 times (P = .0124) higher at proximal sites; the odds of isolating coliform bacteria were 1.32 times (P = .023) higher at distal sites; and the odds of isolating a common septic arthritis pathogen were 1.16 times (P = .018) higher at distal sites. Coagulase-positive Staphylococcus was not isolated in this study. All comparisons between sites and between the proximal and distal limb were <40%, and thus were not considered clinically significant. No coagulase-positive Staphylococcus was isolated from any of the 200 sites in this study, suggesting that iatrogenic infections by that organism may not be because of preexisting flora. These data suggest that antibiotic prophylaxis targeting preexisting normal flora should be similar regardless of the area of interest on the limb.  相似文献   

整体观念强调畜体自身完整和内环境的统一。该思想在中兽医学理论体系中具有显明的表现。笔者就家畜体是一个有机整体和家畜体与外界环境两个方面从生理和病理上进行了表述。  相似文献   

The British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) was established in 1961 and launched the Equine Veterinary Journal (EVJ) in 1968. This review outlines some of the major advances in equine science and practice that have occurred in that time and the role played by the Journal in facilitating those developments.  相似文献   

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