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The cerebellum and memory storage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

An extract of immature Wealthy apple seeds, containing substances with gibberellin activity, was applied to unpollinated blossoms of the same variety, resulting in the production of mature seedless fruits. The implications with respect to the normal process of fruit-set are discussed.  相似文献   

Time-dependent processes in memory storage   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
These observations indicate that the long-lasting trace of an experience is not completely fixed, consolidated, or coded at the time of the experience. Consolidation requires time, and under at least some circumstances the processes of consolidation appear to be susceptible to a variety of influences- both facilitating and impairing- several hours after the experience. There must be, it seems, more than one kind of memory trace process (31). If permanent memory traces consolidate slowly over time, then other processes must provide a temporary basis for memory while consolidation is occurring. The evidence clearly indicates that trial-to-trial improvement, or learning, in animals cannot be based completely on permanent memory storage. Amnesia can be produced by electroshock and drugs even if the animals are given the treatment long after they have demonstrated "learning" of the task. Of particular interest is the finding that retention of the inhibitory avoidance response increases with time. In a sense this should be expected, for it has long been known (and ignored) that, within limits, learning is facilitated by increasing the interval between repeated trials (7, 30). Our result may be the simplest case of such an effect. Since the improvement in retention with time seemed not to be due solely to consolidation (as indicated by electroshock effects), it would seem that the "distribution of practice" effect, as it is typically designated, may be due in part to a time-dependent temporary memory storage process. In our work with animals we have found no analog of human immediate memory such as that required for repeating digits (or finishing sentences). Animals tested immediately on the task described above after a trial typically showed no evidence of memory. It could be that the poor performance is due to excessive fright, but the "distribution of practice effect" is also typically observed in learning experiments in which food reward is used rather than shock avoidance. Since the retention tasks require the animals to change their behavior in some way, it could well be that the growth of retention over the first few minutes after a trial is due to time dependent processes involved in the organization of processes necessary for changing behavior, in addition to those involved in temporary storage and retrieval. It is worth pointing out that there is evidence of an analogous process in human memory (32). A complex picture of memory storage is emerging. There may be three memory trace systems: one for immediate memory (and not studied in our laboratory); one for short-term memory which develops within a few seconds or minutes and lasts for several hours; and one which consolidates slowly and is relatively permanent. The nature of the durability of the longterm memory trace (that is, the nature and basis of forgetting) is a separate but important issue. There is increasing evidence and speculation (20, 21, 33) that memory storage requires a "tritrace" system, and our findings are at least consistent with such a view. If there are, as seems possible, at least three kinds of traces involved in memory storage, how are they related? Is permanent memory produced by activity of temporary traces (31), or are the trace systems relatively independent? Although available findings do not provide an answer to this question, there does seem to be increasing evidence that the systems are independent. Acquisition can occur, as we have seen, without permanent consolidation, and both short-term and long-term memory increase with time. All this evidence suggests (but obviously does not prove) that each experience triggers activity in each memory system. Each repeated training trial may, according to this view, potentiate short-term processes underlying acquisition while simultaneously enhancing independent underlying long-term consolidation. Obviously, acceptance of these conclusions will require additional research. If this view is substantially correct, it seems clear that any search for the engram or the basis of memory is not going to be successful. Recognition of the possibility that several independent processes may be involved at different stages of memory may help to organize the search. A careful examination of the time course of retention and memory trace consolidation, as well as examination of the bases of the effects of memory-impairing and memory-facilitating treatments, may help to guide the search. It is clear that a complete theory of memory storage must eventually provide an understanding of time-dependent processes in memory. In 1930 Lashley wrote (2), "The facts of both psychology and neurology show a degree of plasticity, of organization, and of adaptation and behavior which is far beyond any present possibility of explanation." Although this conclusion is still valid, the current surge of interest in memory storage offers hope that this conclusion may soon need to be modified.  相似文献   

We examined the amount of theta rhythm (4 to 9 hertz) in cortical electroencephalograms of rats for 30 minutes after training in one-trial tasks. Some animals received electroconvulsive shock after training. The amount of theta in the electroencephalogram after training was positively correlated with the degree of subsequent retention of a footshock, whether animals had received electroconvulsive shock or not.  相似文献   

Conversion of new memories into a lasting form may involve the gradual refinement and linking together of neural representations stored widely throughout neocortex. This consolidation process may require coordinated reactivation of distributed components of memory traces while the cortex is "offline," i.e., not engaged in processing external stimuli. Simultaneous neural ensemble recordings from four sites in the macaque neocortex revealed such coordinated reactivation. In motor, somatosensory, and parietal cortex (but not prefrontal cortex), the behaviorally induced correlation structure and temporal patterning of neural ensembles within and between regions were preserved, confirming a major tenet of the trace-reactivation theory of memory consolidation.  相似文献   

Members of Macaca speciosa have characteristics that make them suitable primates for neuropsychological investigation. They work well in discrimination training, have a varied behavioral repertoire and social interaction, and seem to be at least as intelligent as M. mulatta. They are docile and submit readily to laboratory routine.  相似文献   

The role of the primate extrastriate area V4 in vision   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Area V4 is a part of the primate visual cortex. Its role in vision has been extensively debated. Inferences about the functions of this area have now been made by examination of a broad range of visual capacities after ablation of V4 in rhesus monkeys. The results obtained suggest that this area is involved in more complex aspects of visual information processing than had previously been suggested. Monkeys had particularly severe deficits in situations where the task was to select target stimuli that had a lower contrast, smaller size, or slower rate of motion than the array of comparison stimuli from which they had to be discriminated. Extensive training on each specific task resulted in improved performance. However, after V4 ablation, the monkeys could not generalize the specific task to new stimulus configurations and to new spatial locations.  相似文献   

Pattern completion, the ability to retrieve complete memories on the basis of incomplete sets of cues, is a crucial function of biological memory systems. The extensive recurrent connectivity of the CA3 area of hippocampus has led to suggestions that it might provide this function. We have tested this hypothesis by generating and analyzing a genetically engineered mouse strain in which the N-methyl-D-asparate (NMDA) receptor gene is ablated specifically in the CA3 pyramidal cells of adult mice. The mutant mice normally acquired and retrieved spatial reference memory in the Morris water maze, but they were impaired in retrieving this memory when presented with a fraction of the original cues. Similarly, hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells in mutant mice displayed normal place-related activity in a full-cue environment but showed a reduction in activity upon partial cue removal. These results provide direct evidence for CA3 NMDA receptor involvement in associative memory recall.  相似文献   

Hippocampal neurons were recorded under conditions in which the recording chamber was varied but its location remained unchanged versus conditions in which an identical chamber was encountered in different places. Two forms of neuronal pattern separation occurred. In the variable cue-constant place condition, the firing rates of active cells varied, often over more than an order of magnitude, whereas the location of firing remained constant. In the variable place-constant cue condition, both location and rates changed, so that population vectors for a given location in the chamber were statistically independent. These independent encoding schemes may enable simultaneous representation of spatial and episodic memory information.  相似文献   

An adenylate cyclase that is activated specifically by very low concentrations of octopamine has been identified both in homogenates and in intact cells of the thoracic ganglia of an insect nervous system. This enzyme appears to be distinct from two other adenylate cyclases present in the same tissue, which are activated by dopamine and by 5-hydroxytryptamine, respectively. The data raise the possibility of a role of octopamine-sensitive adenylate cyclase in the physiology of synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

Synaptic potentials and changes in resting membrane potentials of superior cervical ganglia of the rabbit were measured in the presence of adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate and agents that affect its metabolism. Adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate and its mono- and dibutyryl derivatives caused a hyperpolarization of the postganglionic neurons. Theophylline potentiated the slow inhibitory postsynaptic potential that follows synaptic transmission, as well as the hyperpolarization of postganglionic neurons caused by exogenous dopamine. Conversely, prostaglandin E(1) inhibited both the slow inhibitory postsynaptic potential and the dopamine-induced hyperpolarization. We hypothesize that the slow inhibitory postsynaptic potential as well as the dopamine-induced hyperpolarization result from increased amounts of adenosine 3'5'-monophosphate in the postganglionic neurons. The dibutyryl derivative of guanosine 3'5'-monophosphate caused a depolarization of the postganglionic neurons, which is consistent with the possibility that guanosine 3'5'-monophosphate mediates synaptic transmission at muscarinic cholinergic synapses.  相似文献   

Examination of temporal lobe structures from Alzheimer patients reveals a specific cellular pattern of pathology of the subiculum of the hippocampal formation and layers II and IV of the entorhinal cortex. The affected cells are precisely those that interconnect the hippocampal formation with the association cortices, basal forebrain, thalamus, and hypothalamus, structures crucial to memory. This focal pattern of pathology isolates the hippocampal formation from much of its input and output and probably contributes to the memory disorder in Alzheimer patients.  相似文献   

Associations of carbonaceous material with iron-nickel alloy, carbides, and oxides were identified by analytical electron microscopy in ten unmelted chondritic porous micrometeorites from the earth's stratosphere. These associations, which may be interpreted in terms of reactions between a carbon-containing gas and catalytically active dust grains, suggest that some of the carbon in the chondritic porous subset of interplanetary dust was emplaced through heterogeneous catalysis.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that working memory is crucial for reducing distraction by maintaining the prioritization of relevant information was tested in neuroimaging and psychological experiments with humans. Participants performed a selective attention task that required them to ignore distractor faces while holding in working memory a sequence of digits that were in the same order (low memory load) or a different order (high memory load) on every trial. Higher memory load, associated with increased prefrontal activity, resulted in greater interference effects on behavioral performance from the distractor faces, plus increased face-related activity in the visual cortex. These findings confirm a major role for working memory in the control of visual selective attention.  相似文献   

Hippocampal inhibitory postsynaptic potentials are depolarizing in granule cells but hyperpolarizing in CA3 neurons because the reversal potentials and membrane potentials of these cells differ. Here the hippocampal slice preparation was used to investigate the role of chloride transport in these inhibitory responses. In both cell types, increasing the intracellular chloride concentration by injection shifted the reversal potential of these responses in a positive direction, and blocking the outward transport of chloride with furosemide slowed their recovery from the injection. In addition, hyperpolarizing and depolarizing inhibitory responses and the hyperpolarizing and depolarizing responses to the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid decreased in the presence of furosemide. These effects of furosemide suggest that the internal chloride activity of an individual hippocampal neuron is regulated by two transport processes, one that accumulates chloride and one that extrudes chloride.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that rods mediate iconic storage was tested by presenting letters of one color against a field of another. The colors were chosen to be discriminable only by the cones, only by the rods, or both. Under dark adaptation, the rods had little if any effect on partial-report advantage; however, they were important in determining the phenomenal persistence of the stimulus. Under light adaptation, the rods played no apparent role in either type of persistence.  相似文献   

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