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小杂鱼携带细菌与大菱鲆疾病发生的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
腹水病是工厂化养殖大菱鲆的一种常见病和多发病,常造成鱼类大规模的死亡。2006年6月山东某大菱鲆Scophthalmus maximus养殖场发生大规模腹水病,通过对病鱼细菌的分离、纯化和培养,对养殖井水、养殖池水和所用饵料小杂鱼进行细菌追踪调查,将从该养殖场所用小杂鱼中分离得到的细菌RF-1与鱼体分离的细菌FS-1进行比较,并对其进行人工感染试验,结果证明这2株菌对健康大菱鲆都具有很强的致病性,而且感染症状完全一致。进而对这2株菌进行了API—ID32E鉴定、传统的生理生化鉴定和16S rRNA序列分析,发现小杂鱼携带细菌RF-1与病原菌FS-1具有一致性,均为溶藻弧菌(Virio alginolyticus)。最后对这2株细菌进行了药敏试验,为控制疾病的发生和蔓延提供用药指导。  相似文献   

<正>弧菌是水产养殖中的常见病原,每年给养殖业带来很大的损失,在实际生产过程中应定期使用消毒剂药物进行预防,发病后应采取适当的治疗措施,笔者结合养殖生产过程中的案例进行治疗试验并进行了分析,以期为养殖户提供参考。1发病过程2009年10月份某养殖户发生大菱鲆养殖疾病,发病初期无明显症状,随着疾病的发生,部分鱼游动缓慢,活力减弱,摄食减少,后来部分鱼逐渐死亡。2临床诊断  相似文献   

用膨化配合颗粒饲料养鱼的经济效益,已在实践中证明,被人们所接受。  相似文献   

大菱鲆疾病的研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文介绍了大菱鲆的疾病种类、诊断技术及流行病学,同时提出了防病治病对策。  相似文献   

大菱鲆常见细菌病的诊治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来大菱鲆养殖在我国发展迅猛,在山东等环渤海地区大规模养殖。由于目前国内大菱鲆养殖场家苗种质量参差不齐,开放式流水养殖而影响大环境质量,大部分场家直接投喂自己加工的冰鲜杂鱼饲料,导致疾病的传播机会增多,加之管理不科学使病害感染机会增多。经过近几年的观察,细菌病成为大菱鲆养殖危害最严重的  相似文献   

真鲷颗粒饲料,是专供海水网箱养殖真鲷的营养需要的特制产品,它是采用优质鱼粉、特殊的粘结剂、预混料等原料,经特殊的加工而成,同饲喂天然饵料相比较,具有无可比拟的优点。主要表现在:一是营养平衡全面,在水中稳定性强,饵料系数低,极大地提高了养鲷鱼的经济效益。二是生长速度快,可提早上市。三是成鱼体形、体色、肉质接近天然真鲷。四是添加有特定的进口添加剂,显著增强真鲷体质,提高成活率,且无出血脱鳞现象。五是内脏比例小,可食比例高,有利于成鱼的销售。为使阿养真鲷专业户掌握科学投喂技术,现介绍如下:一、饵料台。…  相似文献   

水产颗粒饲料投饵装置的原理与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱健康 《福建水产》2011,33(5):67-69
本文分析了离心抛撒式投饵机、气力输送式投饵机和水力输送式投饵机等三种型式投饵机的技术原理与应用,指出水力输送式投饵机适合水产湿颗粒饲料自动投饵,但应解决好湿颗粒饲料机生产能力与水力输送式投饵机投饵能力的衔接配套、降低湿颗粒饲料在输送过程中的饵料溃散技术,以及根据养殖品种不同,分别进行抛投技术处理等问题。  相似文献   

膨化颗粒饲料机本刊1979年第3期已作介绍,这里主要介绍该机工艺、维修和故障排除,供使用单位参考。  相似文献   

黎炽华 《淡水渔业》1974,(10):26-29
原因:液化产气杆菌(Aeromonas Iiguefaciens)或paracolobactrum anguillimortiferum菌寄生在鲤鱼体内繁殖引起的疾病。  相似文献   

根据大黄鱼网箱养殖区的实际条件和大黄鱼的营养需求,以提高饲料利用率、促鱼生长、减少环境污染、易制作为目的,将研制的大黄鱼软颗粒干粉料与常用的鲜杂鱼糜以8∶5比例混合,配以0.4%的鱼肝油,通过水产湿颗粒饲料压制机压制成软颗粒饲料,并用A、B、C、D等4种不同成分含量的软颗粒饲料与鲜杂鱼糜分别投喂大黄鱼进行养殖效果比较试验。结果表明:研制的粒径0.4~1.0 cm的软颗粒饲料,圆柱体外观光滑,无开裂现象,切口整齐;保持鲜杂鱼固有风味,无腐败、霉变及其它异味;水中稳定性良好,沉降速度8.3 cm/s;其诱食效果优于鲜杂鱼糜;投喂大黄鱼,其养殖效果及经济效益优于投喂冰鲜饵料,尤其是其中的D组料(相对增重率81.0%,饲料系数1.81),效果尤其显著,可推广使用。  相似文献   

大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus)是我国北方沿海地区重要的养殖经济鱼类,在北方沿海区域经济的快速发展中发挥了重要作用.但随着养殖的规模化和集约化发展,大菱鲆病害问题已成为产业可持续发展的主要瓶颈之一.文章综述了大菱鲆腹水病的临床症状、病原菌和致病条件,并结合养殖现状,提出在实际生产中采取免疫接种等综合预...  相似文献   

大菱鲆生长性状在不同生长发育阶段的相关分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
为培育优良大菱鲆养殖品种,收集来源于不同国家、不同地区和不同批次的大菱鲆亲鱼8批,从各群体中挑选性腺发育良好的个体,利用不平衡巢式设计方法和人工授精技术,每条雄鱼个体配两条雌鱼个体,共构建38个父系半同胞和76个母系全同胞,分别测定了每个家系生长到25和80日龄的体重、全长和体长,利用父系半同胞组内相关法估计各性状之间的相关性。对大菱鲆遗传相关分析表明,体重和全长的遗传相关系数为0.95,体重和体长的遗传相关系数为0.88和1.00,全长和体长的遗传相关系数为0.99。对大菱鲆表型相关分析表明,体重和全长的表型相关系数为0.881,体重和体长的表型相关系数为0.622和0.871,全长和体长的表型相关系数为0.947。并且经相关系数显著性检验,各性状间的表型相关都呈极显著水平(P<0.01)。另外,多元回归分析建立了全长(X1)和体长(X2)对体重(Y)的回归方程,生长性状与体重的复相关指数为R2=0.789,说明它们都是直接影响体重的重要指标。  相似文献   

养殖大菱鲆主要疾病及防治技术   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19  
在流行病学调查的基础上,对目前我国大菱鲆养殖中常见疾病进行了较全面的介绍,包括病毒性、细菌性和寄生虫性疾病。系统地描述了这些疾病的流行特征、发病症状、危害程度、感染率及致病原等。同时为各种疾病提供了具体的防治技术和措施,对大菱鲆养殖生产与疾病防治具有理论指导意义和重要的参考价值。本文系国内首次对养殖大菱鲆疾病进行的全面性报道。  相似文献   

To understand the nutrient utilization efficiency and distribution in indoor fish culture system under treatment of probiotics, this study examined water quality and nitrogen budget in turbot Scophthalmus maximus culture system supplemented with four strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from fishery products. The results showed that the concentration of ammonia nitrogen (NH?‐N) and nitrite nitrogen (NO?‐N) in LAB treatments were all significantly lower (p < 0.05) than in the control group. The nitrate nitrogen (NO?‐N) in LAB treatments showed no significant differences (p > 0.05) compared with control group. The fish feed and water exchange accounted for 79.07% and 17.02% of total N input respectively. For N output, the drainage and residual diets in LAB treatment accounted for 24.50%–25.80% and 1.33%–1.60% respectively, and they were significantly lower than in the control group (27.60% and 2.20% respectively). Fish growth and lost N in LAB treatments accounted for 27.10%–30.50% and 11.00%–18.50% respectively, and they were both significantly higher (p < 0.05) than in the control group (22.30% and 5.30% respectively). The results indicated that the indigenous LAB strains were capable of improving fish growth, and reducing NH?‐N and NO?‐N level (at concentration of 105 cfu/ml) by directly adding in S. maximus culture water. Moreover, specific strains of LAB may increase nitrogen loss by promoting denitrification process in culture system.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters for resistance to Vibrio anguillarum in Scophthalmus maximus were estimated using three different statistical models. Data were recorded from an experimental infection performed on 2,400 individuals from 30 full‐sib groups. Cross‐sectional linear model and cross‐sectional threshold probit model were used to analyse the test‐period survival; the cross‐sectional threshold logit models were used to analyse the test‐day survival. The heritability values estimated by cross‐sectional linear model (CSL), cross‐sectional threshold (probit) model (THRp) and cross‐sectional threshold (logit) model (THRl) were 0.202 ± 0.101, 0.296 ± 0.168 and 0.110 ± 0.023, respectively. The correlation coefficients between the full‐sib families’ estimated breeding values (EBVs) based on these three models were over 0.993. An almost identical ranking of families was generated using any of these models. Accuracy of selection using CSL, THRp and THRl models was 0.783, 0.789 and 0.801, respectively. Accuracy of selection based on the THRl model was higher than that based on CSL and THRp models.  相似文献   

大菱鲆鳔器官发育的形态学与组织学特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
取0—63日龄的大菱鲆(Sxophthalmus maximus L.)进行固定并显微组织切片观察。根据观察结果特大菱鲆鳔器官发育周期分为形成、充气、退化和消失4个阶段。在水温15—16℃下,初孵仔鱼的鳔原基末出现;孵化后第2天,鳔原基形成;孵化后第5天,气腺形成并首次充气;孵化后第8天,鳔腔中充满气体。到第19天大部分仔鱼的鳔腔中充满气体,气腺最发达。仔鱼的变态发育和鳔器官的退化几乎同步进行。孵化后第25天,鳔前端的气腺上皮首先退化,只余腹部的气腺上皮;至第31天,整个气腺完全退化,开始变态为幼鱼;至第63天鳔完全消失。过度膨胀的鳔器官内腔被来自内壁增生和肥大的上皮细胞占据。末充气的鳔器官较小,鳔腔内有中等程度的炎症。本实验目的旨为大菱鲆人工育苗中提高鳔的充气率从而提高其成活率提供基础依据。  相似文献   

As is the case at other sites in the body (e.g. the gut, skin and mouth), the ocular microbiota plays a crucial role in their host, as disturbances of the composition and function of the ocular microbiota are known to be associated with ocular disorders. Exophthalmic disease (ED) is a significant cause of high mortality in fish species, including farmed turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). However, the relationship between alterations in the ocular microbiota and ED in turbot is unclear. In this work, we collected turbot samples from farmed ponds with ED and healthy samples to understand changes in the ocular microbiota of turbot suffering from ED. We compared the structural and metabolic differences of ocular bacterial communities from farmed turbot with exophthalmic disease and those of healthy controls. Besides less microbial diversity found in turbot with ED regarding the control group, we also found that Aeromonas was the dominant bacteria both in controls and ED samples, but the abundance of Aeromonas was significantly greater in ED individuals. Moreover, the results of correlation test further suggest that Aeromonas overgrowth was correlated with the progress of the disease and shifts in ocular microbiota functional pathways in turbot. These findings emphasize that an increased abundance of Aeromonas serves as an ocular bacterial signature associated with ED in turbot, which provide basic information useful for diagnoses, prevention and treatment of ocular diseases occurring in cultured fish.  相似文献   

Intraperitoneal injection of turbot with Cd induced the synthesis of a low molecular weight hepatic Cd-binding protein and a 500bp mRNA, which hybridised to a plaice metallothionein (MT) cRNA probe. The Cd-binding protein displayed cross-reactivity in a competitive ELISA with antiserum raised against rainbow trout MT and had the characteristic amino acid composition, metal stoichiometry and spectral characteristics of a Class I MT. Only one isoform was apparent on ion exchange chromatography. Southern blot analysis of DNA cleaved with four restriction enzymes suggested that only a single MT gene is present in turbot.In an established turbot fibroblast cell line, Cd induced MT mRNA and MT levels in a dose and time-dependent manner. MT was also induced by Cu, Hg and Zn but not Pb exposure. Physiological concentrations of glucocorticoids and sex hormones did not induce MT synthesis, although at high concentrations a positive response to corticosterone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone or progesterone was observedin vitro indicating the possible presence of a functional steroid regulatory element in the fish MT gene.Abbreviations used AMP adenosine monophosphate - CHSE chinook salmon embryo - DMSO dimethyl sulphoxide - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - KB kenacid blue - MT metallothionein - Mr molecular weight (kDaltons) - NR neutral red - PEG polyethylene glycol - RTH rainbow trout hepatoma - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - SSC 0.15M NaCl, 0.015M sodium citrate - TF turbot fibroblast  相似文献   

比较了两种加工工艺对饲料(D1、D2)颗粒物理性状的影响,并用其投喂初始体重为16 g的大菱鲆幼鱼64 d,比较其对大菱鲆幼鱼生长、饲料利用和养殖水环境的影响。结果显示,D2组饲料平均颗粒直径、平均百粒重和水中稳定性显著高于D1组(P0.05),但其吸水性、堆积密度和沉降速度显著低于D1组(P0.05)。D2组大菱鲆幼鱼的增重率、特异生长率、摄食率及蛋白质效率显著高于D1组(P0.05)。大菱鲆对D2组饲料中干物质和粗蛋白的表观消化率显著高于D1组(P0.05),但对粗脂肪和总磷的表观消化率无显著影响(P0.05)。投喂18 h后,养殖水体中N、P含量均有了显著升高,D2组每升水中每千克鱼产生的亚硝酸氮含量显著高于D1组(P0.05),但硝酸氮和总氮增加量显著低于D1组(P0.05);D2组活性磷酸盐及总磷酸盐增加量显著低于D1组(P0.05)。研究结果表明,不同的加工工艺显著影响了颗粒饲料的物理性状和饲料利用,并对养殖水环境造成了影响。  相似文献   

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