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The phenotypic variation found in four common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) complex primitive landraces, among a group of accessions collected in Northwestern Argentina in several missions is described, with particular attention to the wide diversity found in some small areas. It is presented a hypothesis about the maintenance of such diversity in bean mixtures or complex primitive landraces that grow close to their wild relative. Wide diversity regarding to seed type and plant characteristics was displayed by the landraces MCM-SV (composed of 11 lines), MCM-292 (14 lines), MCM-298 (5 lines) and VAV-3716 (14 lines). Food uses of dry seed and fresh pod seemed to be more relevant than the aesthetic use although all of them were presumably considered by humans for centuries resulting in the current phenotypes of these complex primitive landraces. Additionally, some weedy types (intermediate between wild and domesticated types) were detected in the landracesMCM-292 and MCM-298. The four complex landraces described consisted of highly diverse mixtures and they could play a role in breeding to enlarge the genetic basis of domesticated bean varieties belonging to the Andean gene pool.  相似文献   

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) was introduced in Europe from both Mesoamerican and Andean centres of origin. In this study, a collection including 544 accessions from all European regions showed that the Andean phaseolin types ‘T’ (45.6%) and ‘C’ (30.7%) prevailed over the Mesoamerican ones ‘S’ (23.7%), and accessions with cuboid seed shape (34.9%), maroon coat darker colour seed (44.3%), uniform seed colour (69.6%) were the most frequent. European accessions with phaseolin ‘S’ showed a significantly larger average seed size compared to those from America in the same phaseolin class while those presenting ‘T’ and ‘C’ phaseolin did not. This suggests that, during crop expansion in Europe, sampling or selection favoured the large-seeded races within the Mesoamerican ‘S’ gene pool or, possibly, introgression from Andean germplasm did occur. A core collection was developed using sampling approaches based on the information available in the genebank databases and on phaseolin patterns. Four sampling strategies were used: simple random sampling, and three random-stratified samplings, by logarithm of frequency of accessions by country, by European region, and by phaseolin pattern, respectively. Two sampling strategies resulted in core collections significantly different for phaseolin electrophoretic patterns from the whole collection. Stratification by phaseolin patterns increased the frequency of ‘S’ types (‘C’ type = 33%, ‘T’ type = 5.7% and ‘S’ type = 31.3%). The core collections were validated using seven seed characters, and no significant difference was observed in all strategies. This first developed European bean core collection will help to assess the contribution of the two American gene pools to the European germplasm and their relative importance for breeding purposes.  相似文献   

Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and a semi-random PCR system were used to analyze the genetic diversity of 16 Italian common bean landraces and their relationship to four commercial cultivars. Of the primers tested, 8 ISSR, 6 RAPD and 7 semi-random primers produced polymorphic and reproducible DNA fragments. A higher proportion of polymorphic bands were observed using ISSR (85%) and semi-random (90%) primers than RAPD (69%) method. The combination of any two semi-random markers allowed the identification of all 20 bean genotypes. In contrast ISSR (except for primer (CAC)3GC) and RAPD markers appeared to be less informative as more than two markers were necessary to achieve the same diagnostic level. Moreover, 7 ISSR, 2 RAPD and 8 semi-random exclusive bands were identified as putative population-specific markers. Semi-random and ISSR derived dendrograms showed similar tendencies in terms of genetic relatedness, whereas clustering of genotypes within groups was not similar when compared with the RAPD technique. Despite the different ability to resolve genetic variation among the investigated landraces, two major clusters with less than 60% (ISSR) and 40% (RAPD and semi-random) genetic similarity were formed with all three marker systems. The two groups were correlated with the phaseolin patterns and seed size of the landraces. The analysis showed that the cultivar ȁ8Lingua di Fuocoȁ9 and most of the landraces (13 out of 16) collected in Italy belong to the Andean gene pool, whereas only the three populations from Pratomagno belong to the Middle American gene pool.  相似文献   

A common bean genomic library was constructed using the ‘IAC-UNA’ variety enriched for (CT) and (GT) for microsatellite motifs. From 1,209 sequenced clones, 714 showed microsatellites distributed over 471 simple and 243 compound motifs. GA/CT and GT/CA were the most frequent motifs found among these sequences. A total of 123 microsatellites has been characterized. Out of these, 87 were polymorphic (73.7%), 33 monomorphic (26.8%), and 3 (2.4%) did not amplify at all. In a sample of 20 common bean materials selected from the Agronomic Institute Germplasm Bank, the number of alleles per locus varied 2–9, with an average of 2.82. The polymorphic information content (PIC) of each marker varied from 0.05 to 0.83, with a 0.45 average value. Cluster and principal coordinate analysis of the microsatellite data were consistent with the original assignment of the germplasm accessions into the Andean and Mesoamerican gene pools of common bean. Low polymorphism levels detected could be associated with the domestication process. These microsatellites could be a valuable resource for the bean community because of their use as new markers for genetic studies.  相似文献   

Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) is a strategic nut tree species in the Middle East which holds comparative advantage over other fruit trees in view of its hardiness, income generation opportunities and benefits for the ecosystem. Yet pistachio cultivation depends on a very narrow genetic base, in spite of the existence of many varieties still marginally exploited. Syria is an important center of diversity for pistachio. A country wide ecogeographic survey in this country was carried out to determine the extent of pistachio genetic diversity and its use. As a whole, 114 accessions were collected from 37 farms to assess diversity at morphological and molecular level. Molecular evaluation was carried out using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) technique and performed using seven primer pair combinations. Results from the studies allowed the identification of 25 pistachio female varieties in Syria, some of which unique and described for the first time. Three groups of pistachio diversity were identified by cluster analysis which provides useful information about the distribution of genetic diversity in Syria for enhanced use and sustainable conservation.  相似文献   

The genetic relationships among 56 melon (Cucumis melo L.) genotypes collected from various parts of Turkey were determined by comparing their phenotypic and molecular traits with those of 23 local and foreign melon genotypes to investigate the taxonomic relationships and genetic variation of Turkish melon germplasm. Sixty-one phenotypic characters and 109 polymorphic RAPD markers obtained from 33 primers were used to define the genetic similarity among the melon genotypes by dendrograms or two and three dimensional scaling. There were high correlations (r ≥ 0.97) among the four resulting matrices used in molecular characterization. The correlations between phenotypic (Euclidean) and molecular Euclidean, Jaccard, Simple matching, and Nei analyses were r = 0.41, r = −0.40, r = −0.43 and r = −0.40, respectively. Related genotypes or genotypes collected from similar regions were partitioned to similar clusters. Both analyses (phenotypic and molecular) indicated that non-sweet melon types were dissimilar from sweet types and diversity of Turkish melon genotypes was higher than that of sweet foreign cultivars examined, but similar to that of the reference accessions employed. It was also observed that sweet Turkish melon genotypes belonging to groups inodorus and group cantalupensis were highly variable and could have intermated or have crossed with other non-sweet types.  相似文献   

Fifty-three wheat cultivars have been genotyped using 24 SSR (simple sequence repeat) markers in order to evaluate genetic similarities among Polish wheats, i.e. 53 spring and winter cultivars; ‘Chinese Spring’ was taken as reference. ll but one SSR marker allowed to identify DNA polymorphisms, giving in total 166 alleles (including nulls), from 3 to 13 alleles per marker with mean of 7.22. Based on marker data, genetic similarities were calculated and a dendrogram was created. ‘Spring’ cultivars were less diverse than winter ones, showing the biggest similarity to ‘Chinese Spring’. Four sister cultivars (Nutka, Tonacja, Zyta and Sukces), formed a cluster of very similar materials, of which Zyta and Sukces had the highest similarity indices. Parental lines Jubilatka and SMH 2182 were more distant from each other (genetic similarity of 0.227). It was possible to differentiate all the wheats using only four SSR markers: Xgwm186, Xgwm389, Xgwm459 and Xgwm577.  相似文献   

Dead seeds of a fodder beet cultivar ‘Elvetham’ stored under ambient conditions since 1880 were compared to a homonymous sample preserved in an on-farm situation in Denmark. DNA was isolated from single seeds and successfully applied to Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) analysis of the accessions. Six primer pairs were used to determine the similarity between the two accessions based on 112 polymorphic bands. Furthermore, similarity among seven cultivars of fodder beets representing the main types used in Scandinavia at the end of the 19th century was determined. This analysis was based on 152 polymorphic bands. Differentiation among the seven cultivars was determined to a mean G ST value of 0.438, while G ST between the two ‘Elvetham’ accessions was 0.266. A principal coordinate analysis based on jaccards similarity index illustrates that the two ‘Elvetham’ accessions are different from each other. The differentiation is higher than the value found between two separate ‘Eckerndorfer’ accessions. The results indicate that the cultivated accession has changed. Additionally, the value of applying old dead seed material for documentation in gene banks is demonstrated. During the analysis it was found that DNA isolated from seeds and leaves behaved differently in the AFLP process, however, the two fractions assigned to their common accession.  相似文献   

Heat susceptibility is a cause of yield loss in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in temperate and tropical lowland growing regions. Interspecific hybridization with related species that include tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray) can potentially be used to transfer heat tolerance traits to common bean. This study evaluated 25 tepary bean plant introductions (PIs) following exposure to high-temperature (35 °C day/32 °C night) and control temperature (27 °C day/24 °C night) during reproductive development. These 25 PIs were selected for high yield potential in a 14 h photoperiod greenhouse environment. High temperature when compared to non-stress treatment resulted in a mean reduction in seed yield of 88.8% among tepary beans and caused 100% yield loss in common beans. Twelve P. acutifolius PIs exhibited negligible yield under heat-stress when compared to control treatment. Although yields of these accessions were low under very high-temperature conditions, PI 200902, PI 312637, PI 440785, PI 440788, and PI 440789 exhibited the highest yield component stability under the high temperature treatment.  相似文献   

Cropping in low fertility soils, especially those poor in N, contributes greatly to the low common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) yield, and therefore the benefits of biological nitrogen fixation must be intensively explored to increase yields at a low cost. Six field experiments were performed in oxisols of Paraná State, southern Brazil, with a high population of indigenous common bean rhizobia, estimated at a minimum of 103 cells g–1 soil. Despite the high population, inoculation allowed an increase in rhizobial population and in nodule occupancy, and further increases were obtained with reinoculation in the following seasons. Thus, considering the treatments inoculated with the most effective strains (H 12, H 20, PRF 81 and CIAT 899), nodule occupancy increased from an average of 28% in the first experiment to 56% after four inoculation procedures. The establishment of the selected strains increased nodulation, N2 fixation rates (evaluated by total N and N-ureide) and on average for the six experiments the strains H 12 and H 20 showed increases of 437 and 465 kg ha–1, respectively,in relation to the indigenous rhizobial population. A synergistic effect between low levels of N fertilizer and inoculation with superior strains was also observed, resulting in yield increases in two other experiments. The soil rhizobial population decreased 1 year after the last cropping, but remained high in the plots that had been inoculated. DGGE analysis of soil extracts showed that the massive inoculation apparently did not affect the composition of the bacterial community.  相似文献   

ISSR molecular markers have been used to investigate genetic diversity of oca (Oxalis tuberosa Mol.), an Andean neglected tuber crop species. Sampling procedure allowed a preliminary study of the genetic diversity at the intra- and intervarietal levels. Twenty tuber lots conserved in situ in the microcentre of Candelaria and ex situ in the Toralapa Centre (Bolivia) were identified. Four ISSR primers amplified a total of 25 fragments of which 17 (68%) were polymorphic. These experiments show that the structure of oca varieties is mainly based upon vernacular names with a greater differentiation among tuber lots than within them, supporting agromorphological data. ISSR technique enlightened the existence of heterogeneous varieties in oca and divergence between in situ and ex situ conservation strategies. These observations are potentially linked to the different ways of management of tubers in these two conservation systems.  相似文献   

Worldwide genetic diversity in 200 individuals comprising 41 castor bean accessions was assessed using amplified fragment polymorphisms (AFLPs) and simple sequence repeats (SSRs). We found that, despite surveying five continents and 35 countries, genetic diversity in castor bean germplasm is relatively low (overall H e = 0.126 for AFLPs and 0.188 for SSRs) compared to estimates of genetic diversity in other plant species. Our data also show no geographic structuring of genotypes across continents or countries within continents. An assessment of the congruence between AFLP and SSRs indicates a low correlation (R 2 = 0.19) between the two data sets, but each marker class nonetheless shows similar patterns of low-genetic diversity and a lack of geographic structure. Our data do suggest that SSRs yield a higher percentage of polymorphic loci, higher heterozyosity and a greater range of genetic distances, and are therefore more informative than are AFLPs on a locus-by-locus basis. Based on comparisons with numerous other plant species, we suggest that the lower genetic variation in this worldwide collection may be due to one or more factors including: sampling strategies that have not captured the full extent of genetic variation in the species; artifactual variation due to long-term germplasm storage and seed regeneration; or intense selection followed by domestic cultivation of a limited number of castor bean genotypes, which are widely propagated for their horticultural and agro-economic value.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and symbiotic efficiency among indigenous rhizobia isolates obtained from native field with or without organic fertilization and superficial mineral fertilization were investigated. Eighty-six indigenous rhizobia were isolated from these fields using four common bean varieties as trap-host. The common bean varieties Mexico 309 and Rio Tibagi selected the most efficient rhizobia strains because they showed the best yields and N contents results. The genetic characterization of 36 rhizobia isolates was evaluated by using electrophoretic profiles of amplification products using primers ERIC1-R and ERIC-2. Our results demonstrated that besides the large diversity in the indigenous rhizobial community, the genotype of the trap-host probably influences the selection of the most efficient strains.  相似文献   

This study examines the potential, magnitude, and causes of enhanced biological N2 fixation (BNF) by common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) through bio-char additions (charcoal, biomass-derived black carbon). Bio-char was added at 0, 30, 60, and 90 g kg−1 soil, and BNF was determined using the isotope dilution method after adding 15N-enriched ammonium sulfate to a Typic Haplustox cropped to a potentially nodulating bean variety (CIAT BAT 477) in comparison to its non-nodulating isoline (BAT 477NN), both inoculated with effective Rhizobium strains. The proportion of fixed N increased from 50% without bio-char additions to 72% with 90 g kg−1 bio-char added. While total N derived from the atmosphere (NdfA) significantly increased by 49 and 78% with 30 and 60 g kg−1 bio-char added to soil, respectively, NdfA decreased to 30% above the control with 90 g kg−1 due to low total biomass production and N uptake. The primary reason for the higher BNF with bio-char additions was the greater B and Mo availability, whereas greater K, Ca, and P availability, as well as higher pH and lower N availability and Al saturation, may have contributed to a lesser extent. Enhanced mycorrhizal infections of roots were not found to contribute to better nutrient uptake and BNF. Bean yield increased by 46% and biomass production by 39% over the control at 90 and 60 g kg−1 bio-char, respectively. However, biomass production and total N uptake decreased when bio-char applications were increased to 90 g kg−1. Soil N uptake by N-fixing beans decreased by 14, 17, and 50% when 30, 60, and 90 g kg−1 bio-char were added to soil, whereas the C/N ratios increased from 16 to 23.7, 28, and 35, respectively. Results demonstrate the potential of bio-char applications to improve N input into agroecosystems while pointing out the needs for long-term field studies to better understand the effects of bio-char on BNF.  相似文献   

Elymus trachycaulus complex species are known for their morphological variability, but little is known about their genetic basis. The phylogenetic relationships among the E. trachycaulus complex, and their systematic relation to other species in Triticeae remain unknown. Nucleotide diversity of ribulose-1,5 bisphosphate-carboxylase (rbcL) gene in E. trachycaulus complex species and several other Triticeae was first characterized and compared. A primary conclusion of the present study is that nucleotide diversity for rbcL gene in E. trachycaulus species was detected with the estimates of nucleotide diversity θ = 0.00039 and π = 0.00043. The estimate of nucleotide diversity in rbcL gene for species with different genome constitution here ranged from 0.00099 (π) and 0.00099 (θ) for the species with Ns genome to 0.00226 (π) and 0.00291 (θ) for the species with St genome. The phylogenetic relationships of these species were assessed using these rbcL sequences. A total of 47 variable positions including 19 parsimony-informative sites were detected among 24 accessions of 18 species/subspecies. The species with St, H/I and Ns genomes well separated from each other, and formed a three distinct clades with higher bootstrap values support for both Parsimony and NJ analyses. The St genome containing species is sister group of H/I genome containing species. Our result confirms that Pseudoroegneria is the maternal genome donor to these Elymus species studied here, regardless of their distribution. Elymus trachycaulus complex are more related to each other than to E. glaucescens, E. patagonicus, and E. solandri. This study suggested that Elymus species with StH genomes may form from multiple closely related sets of donors.  相似文献   

The high molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunit composition of 111 common landraces of bread wheat collected from Hubei province, China has been determined by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Ninety six of the accessions were homogeneous for HMW glutenin subunit composition and 15 were heterogeneous. For the Glu-1 loci, 16 alleles were detected, 3 at the Glu-A1locus, 9 at the Glu-B1and 4 at the Glu-D1. Three novel alleles were identified, two at the Glu-B1 and one at the Glu-D1locus. Combination of these 16 alleles resulted in 14 different HMW subunit patterns. The distribution of HMW glutenin subunit alleles in a subset of 105 of the 111 accessions representing six populations was assessed both at the individual population and whole population levels. The results demonstrated that the distribution of allelic patterns varied among populations. Taken together, 62.5% of the alleles detected were considered to be rare alleles while the Glu-A1c (null), Glu-B1b (1Bx7 + 1By8) and Glu-D1a (1Dx2 + 1Dy12) alleles were found most frequently in the six populations. The subset exhibited relatively high genetic diversity (A = 5.33, P = 1.00, Ae = 1.352 and He = 0.238) with 81.5% of the diversity being within populations and 18.5% between populations.  相似文献   

A total of 242 accessions of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) released in China since the 1940s were evaluated with AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) technique. Genetic diversity was analyzed using five pairs of polymorphic primer combinations with 245 polymorphic bands. The highest genetic diversity was found in the accessions of the 1950s, and in the next place was that in the 1940s. The genetic diversity began to descend in the 1960s, and fell to the lowest in the 1970s. After that, the genetic diversity came back to some extent in the 1980s, however, it became much lower in the 1990s compared with that in the 1940–1950s. Landraces and introduced accessions from foreign countries showed greater genetic diversity in comparison to improved varieties. In addition, greater genetic diversity was observed in winter wheat. It was emphasized that great attention should be paid on further exploration of genetic diversity in wheat breeding program.  相似文献   

The Emilia region (Northern Italy) is characterised by the occurrence of microclimates that permit olive growing. The presence of the species, albeit sporadic, in these territories for several centuries as a fruit crop is well documented, by both archaeological and written testimony, and by a large number of plants well over a century old, located in particular sites, favourable for growth and development of the tree. Olive genetic diversity was studied using RAPD and SSR techniques, on plants growing in the Emilia territory (Reggio Emilia and Parma provinces). For genotype identification comparisons were made with 8 cultivars, some of which from Central Italy. Screening was obtained analysing patterns produced by 20 RAPD primers and 3 SSR primers, developed by other authors; the primers and we were able to discriminate olive cultivars with a sufficient degree of reliability. The dendrograms obtained from the analysis show the genetic relationship among accessions present in the Parma-Reggio Emilia district. Our results demonstrated the reliability of RAPDs and SSRs to identify all studied olive cultivars and to reveal the degree of their relatedness to each other. The analysis also reveals the presence of an interesting amount of genetic diversity among the studied individuals.  相似文献   

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