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对虾养殖在高效益的驱驶下。沿岸开发对虾养殖池塘,不少地区出现超负荷。加之养殖管理不规范,养殖废水任意排放,池塘残饵和对虾的排泄物大量增加,池塘底部污泥的沉积。  相似文献   

正近年来由于养殖环境恶化、良种不良及养殖操作不规范等因素,导致对虾病害严重,生长速度慢,养殖成功率下降,尤其是对虾肝胰腺坏死症、对虾白斑综合症病、传染性皮下及造血组织坏死病和对虾细菌病(副溶血性弧菌)的控制力不足,对虾病害已严重困扰了对虾养殖业的可持续发展,大家都在寻找对虾养殖的出路。本项目通过优质虾苗筛选技术、鱼虾混合生态养殖调控水环境及病害防治技术、水产品质量安全监控技术及规范养殖管理,形成鱼虾混合生态养殖技术规范,该技术易理解、  相似文献   

在对虾的养殖实践中,一些技术管理措施与对虾的形态关系有直接关系,如根据对虾的体长体重计算投饵量,根据敌害鱼胃中对虾头胸甲长研究敌害鱼对对虾的危害情况等等。作者根据多年的对虾养殖实践,经几年实测资料的积累,计算了养殖虾中国对虾体长与体重,  相似文献   

近年来养殖对虾售价较低,养殖户利润减少。鲥料占对虾养殖总成本的70%以上,降低对虾养殖中的饲料用量是减少养殖成本,提高利润的关键。如何降低饲料用量,又要保证对虾快速生长,就必须要有科学的饲养管理措施。  相似文献   

对虾养殖的关键在于养水,养水的根本在于养底。有效地降解、转化养殖代谢产物,平衡调控养殖环境的生物因子和理化因子,平衡藻相与菌相,营造良好养殖生态,是应对当前对虾养殖病害频繁发生和养殖环境污染、实现对虾健康养殖和质量安全管理的关键。近几年来,我公司推广健康养殖技术。经过几年的南美白对虾健康养殖实践,养殖对虾产量每造平均亩产稳定在850公斤以上。总结养殖情况,现将南美白对虾健康养殖关键技术介绍如下:  相似文献   

现在,南美白对虾的养殖技术已经比较成熟,养殖户中有的养殖成功率很高,也有的成功率却不高,这说明养殖者的养殖操作存在差别,对养殖技术的认识还有一些误区。因此,规范对虾养殖操作过程、提高对虾养殖的科技含量是当务之急。以下向大家介绍几点提高养殖成功率的体会。  相似文献   

由农业部渔业局与联合国粮农组织(FAO)、亚洲水产养殖中心(NACA)共同举办的中国国际对虾健康养殖研讨会于2004年11月14日~16日在北京举办,有来自FAO、NACA、中国、泰国、印度、厄瓜多尔和越南的政府、科研和企业方面的代表和专家参加会议。本次研讨会的主题为“健康、安全和环保的对虾养殖”,主要议题为对虾健康养殖模式及管理、质量安全、养殖与环境保护,其中由FAO提出的“对虾养殖中的较好管理实践”是本次会议讨论的重点。“对虾养殖中的较好管理实践”从虾池建设选址、虾池的设计和建造、利用换水技术减少对水资源的影响、虾…  相似文献   

2002年我国养殖对虾产量超过32万吨,再次位居世界第一。养殖对虾的出口再创历史记录,出口量达10.8万吨,出口额达5.7亿美元, 这些都为对虾产业的健康发展注入了生机。但是由于抗生素的原因,欧盟禁止了我国养殖对虾的进口,使我国丧失了出口对虾的第三大市场。另外去年我国养殖对虾的池边交货价也创下了8元/500克的历史最低价,在一定程度上挫伤了养虾业者的积极性。总体上来看,在各级政府的大力扶持下,对虾养殖作为优势产业,得到了迅速的恢复,对沿海农村、农业经济的振兴,渔民的致富发挥了重要的作用。企业破除各个方面的干扰因素,把握各种机遇,积极开拓美国市场,使得去年出口美国的养殖对虾取得了重大突破,对美出口养殖对虾超过4万吨。但对虾的养殖形势仍很严峻,特别是我国入世后,养虾业者必须主动遵守养虾规范,养殖的对虾必须符合主要出口国的食品卫生标准。为了对虾出口美国贸易的顺利开展,本文介绍了国外对美对虾出口的一些经验,以供参考:  相似文献   

1对虾多茬养殖及多品种轮养为了提高虾池的利用率,获得最高的经济效益,近年来许多虾场已开始了对虾的二茬、多茬养殖。浙江以北一般养殖二茬,而南方则利用水温高、持续时间长的优势条件进行多茬养殖。养殖技术与单茬大致相同,只是技术与管理要求更高,目的是缩短养殖周期。提早育苗时间,利用塑料大棚培育早繁苗,给对虾生长以最好的环境条件和提供充足的优质饵料是关键措施。多茬养殖可以采用同一品种,但多采用多品种轮养。目前较多采用的轮养方式是:中国对虾与长毛对虾两季轮养,中国对虾与长毛对虾、脊尾白虾三季轮养,中国对虾与…  相似文献   

林冰 《内陆水产》2014,(2):52-54
近年来,我国对虾养殖发展中存在缺乏优良品种,对虾苗种质量不稳定,养殖技术不规范,病害发生率高、生长速度慢,药物滥用导致产品质量安全问题突出等问题,导致对虾养殖成功率严重下滑。有人疑是种苗问题,有人疑是水质问题,有人疑是天气问题……种种疑惑,回归最初,就是种苗的不健康,育种工作的不完善所导致。  相似文献   

为了促进水产养殖健康发展,基于.NET Framework技术作为开发环境,Access作为后台数据库开发了一套池塘养殖数字化管理系统,并对系统进行了硬件架构和软件设计。硬件架构由水质监测与管理系统、自动投饵系统和投喂决策系统组成。根据测量的水温、溶氧量和酸碱度等信息,结合鱼类生长需要形成合理的投喂量和最佳的投喂时间,实现池塘养殖数字化管理。应用试验表明,系统能够对养殖水体进行实时监测和控制,达到精准投喂,系统平均降低饲料系数20%,提高摄食量1.5~2.0倍。  相似文献   

K Lorenzen  G Xu  F Cao  J Ye  T Hu 《Aquaculture Research》1997,28(11):867-880
A transparent population modelling approach is used to analyse a large-scale extensive fish culture system, the bighead carp, Aristichthys nobilis (Richardson 1845), fishery in a Chinese reservoir. The population model incorporates explicit submodels for density-dependent growth and size-dependent mortality, and allows the assessment of stocking density, seed fish size, fishing mortality (fishing effort), and gear selectivity. The process of model building and parameter estimation from stocking and catch data is described in detail. The full analysis is carried out in computer spreadsheets where all model components are visible and can easily be modified to take account of specific conditions, or to explore different assumptions. The practical use of the model in management decision making is discussed, together with data requirements and the possible need for experimental management.  相似文献   

本文论述了浆叶式增氧机在虹鳟鱼高产养殖中的应用计算方法。此法可算出增氧机使用条件下的动力和鱼污所用增氧机的数量。  相似文献   

对虾养殖现状、发展趋势与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对我国当前对虾养殖存在的许多危及产业持续发展的因素进行分析:如盲目追求高产、技术混乱、种苗质量差、超密度养殖、病害流行、滥用药物、环境污染、造成公害、养殖产品不符合卫生标准等问题。文章指出,当前对虾养殖无论采用哪种养殖模式,都要面对现实,必须进行无公害健康养殖,这是今后水产养殖业的唯一出路,是发展的趋势。阐述无公害健康养殖的要领以及与HACCP的管理体系;特别在整个养殖系统工程,针对种苗,水质环境、饵料、肥料、药物的有关规定,提倡循环水生态精养模式,地膜防渗过滤海水精养模式,零污染养殖模式,并对当前对虾无公害健康养殖管理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

为了更好地提高水产养殖信息化与可视化管理水平,加强对水产养殖区域的动态监测,以国产高分一号遥感影像为数据源进行全国范围内养殖水域的提取,并结合WebGIS技术建立了一个集生产、经营、管理于一体的全国性、综合性水产养殖信息管理平台。该平台主要面向水产养殖从业人员及渔业行政管理部门,综合使用OpenLayers、JavaScript、Geoserver以及PostgreSQL数据库进行系统设计与开发,采用目前主流的B/S(浏览器/服务器)的3层分布式框架结构,主要实现了水体资源管理、养殖生产管理以及市场信息管理等功能。该系统在一定程度上满足了水产养殖从业人员及渔业行政管理部门对养殖过程进行动态与可视化管理、准确掌握水产养殖数据的需要,提高了水产养殖的信息化水平,并可扩展到对大范围的水产养殖区域进行实时动态监测。  相似文献   

养鳗池塘生态系统中矿物元素及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对比分析了6口处于不同养殖阶段的日本鳗鲡(Anguill japonica)池塘水体、水源、底泥及饲料中的矿物元素,探讨了池塘生态系统中矿物元素的主要影响因素和生产管理对策,结果表明:1)养鳗池塘水体矿物元素与所处养殖阶段投入饲料的品种相关,底泥中矿物元素部分在养殖过程中积累而来;2)主成分分析结果表明钙、镁、铝元素是...  相似文献   

A total of 5488 ha of oxbow lakes in Bangladesh has recently gained importance as a potential fishery resource. The growing need to utilize this resource to a fuller potential requires consideration of cage culture by resource-poor fishing communities as a compliment to existing stock enhancement programmes. In the present study, the existing management systems of eight lakes are reviewed. Water quality was analysed with reference to the largest lake, i.e. Lake Baluhar. During the present study, > 100 cm transparency indicated the suitability of a lake for cage culture. Other water quality parameters, especially dissolved oxygen, ammonia and nitrite concentrations, also indicated suitability for cage culture. Non-fisheries activities, such as the use of agricultural pesticides in the lake catchment and jute retting in its basin, were identified as the most harmful to fish by the majority of the fishermen. An integrated pest management programme using rice–fish based rearing systems in the lake catchment is recommended. It is further recommended that a unified management system should replace the existing dispersed systems under different management bodies.  相似文献   

In order to promote the development of aquaculture informatization and monitor aquaculture ponds more accurately and conveniently, this article has developed a water quality monitoring system for aquaculture ponds based on the narrow band internet of things (NB-IoT) technology. This system realizes remote collection and data storage of multi-sensor processor information (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) and other environmental parameters), as well as intelligent control and centralized management of breeding ponds. The system uses STM32L151C8 microcontroller and sensor terminal real-time acquisition, such as temperature, pH value, dissolved oxygen. It realizes data aggregation and transmission over a long distance to the Internet of things (IoT) telecom cloud platform through the technology of NB-IoT. The software called Keil implement the data format design of wireless communication module and data transmission. Java is used to develop background monitoring applications for accessing cloud platform, controlling underlying devices and local data processing. It can not only send hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) requests to monitor cloud platform data, but also issue commands to the underlying control module to control the startup and shutdown of equipment such as aerator. The system was implemented and tested in ChangZhou, JiangSu Province, China. The experimental results showed that the system can obtain water quality parameters in time. The temperature control accuracy is maintained at ±0.12℃, the average relative error is 0.15 %, the dissolved oxygen control accuracy is maintained within ±0.55mg/L, the average relative error is 2.48 %, the pH control accuracy is maintained at ±0.09, and the average relative error is 0.21 %. The system has stable overall operation, real-time and accurate data transmission, which can meet the actual production needs and provide strong data and technical support for further water quality regulation and aquaculture production management.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of a Community‐based Fish Culture (CBFC) system on household expenditure and how expenditure inequality in the fish‐producing communities has changed due to involvement in the CBFC system. Six floodplains, comprising three project sites and three controls, were chosen from three river basin areas of Bangladesh; data for this study were collected for a period of 3 yr. A propensity score matching method was used to evaluate the impact of CBFC on household expenditure; while a Gini coefficient and Gini decomposition were used to estimate inequality. The results show that the CBFC system has a positive and significant impact on fish culture community household expenditure. Results also reveal that the CBFC system has an equalization effect on food, clothing, and healthcare expenditure. Furthermore, this management system helps to distribute total expenditure 15% more equally among the fish culture communities.  相似文献   

为了解决水文生态空间数据的海量存储、时空一体化管理问题,探讨GIS在自动化、标准化和可视化的数据管理与服务平台构建中的作用,提高水文生态空间数据管理、分析能力和工作效率。以干旱区新疆石河子垦区为例,针对基础空间数据和水文生态专题数据,从数据的分类组织、数据库系统的总体结构、建库技术流程和数据集成方法等方面,探讨了水文生态空间数据库的设计思想及关键技术,构建了基于ArcGIS Geodatabase的石河子垦区水文生态空间数据库。运用系统工程理论,对水文生态空间数据库管理系统的总体结构和系统功能进行了设计,开发了基于ArcGIS Engine的水文生态空间数据库管理系统,实现了水文生态空间数据的数据库管理、数据预处理、数据浏览、数据服务和安全维护功能,为干旱区水文生态及水安全评价提供了一体化的数据支撑服务平台。研究表明,通过构建以GIS为核心的水文生态空间数据库及管理系统,实现了水文生态研究中属性数据和空间数据自动化、标准化和可视化的海量存储和统一管理,增强了水文生态空间数据管理与分析能力,提高了水文生态研究的工作效率。  相似文献   

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