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Shoot growth, chlorophyll concentrations, gas exchange and starch concentrations were studied in lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) seedlings of cultivar "Wai Chee" grown in a heated greenhouse at Nambour in subtropical Australia (27 degrees S). We also examined the effects of shoot defoliation and root pruning on leaf expansion. Shoot growth showed a rhythmic cycle under constant greenhouse conditions, with a mean duration of flushing of 20 days and an interval of 10 days over three cycles. Shoots and leaves expanded in a sigmoidal pattern to about 80 mm and 500 cm(2), respectively, for each flush. Starch concentrations of the lower stem and roots decreased as the young red leaves expanded, and increased as the fully expanded leaves turned dark green. Chlorophyll concentrations and net CO(2) assimilation rate were highest in the fully expanded dark green leaves. Removing 50% of the area of each fully expanded leaf had little effect on the expansion of younger leaves, but total biomass of defoliated plants was only 60% of that of controls. In contrast, removing half the roots just before bud swelling reduced final leaf area by 80%. We conclude that the young shoot has relatively low rates of photoassimilation until the leaves are fully expanded and dark green, and depends on assimilates from elsewhere in the plant. During leaf expansion, translocation of assimilates to the shoot occurred at the expense of the roots.  相似文献   

Changes in gas exchange with leaf age and fruit growth were determined in lychee trees (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) growing in subtropical Queensland (27 degrees S). Leaves expanded in a sigmoid pattern over 50 days during spring, with net CO2 assimilation (A) increasing from -4.1 +/- 0.9 to 8.3 +/- 0.5 micromol m-2 s-1 as the leaves changed from soft and red, to soft and light green, to hard and dark green. Over the same period, dark respiration (Rd) decreased from 5.0 +/- 0.8 to 2.0 +/- 0.1 micromol CO2 m-2 s-1. Net CO2 assimilation was above zero about 30 days after leaf emergence or when the leaves were half fully expanded. Chlorophyll concentrations increased from 0.7 +/- 0.2 mg g-1 in young red leaves to 10.3 +/- 0.7 mg g-1 in dark green leaves, along with stomatal conductance (gs, from 0.16 +/- 0.09 to 0.47 +/- 0.17 mol H2O m-2 s-1). Fruit growth was sigmoidal, with maximum values of fresh mass (29 g), dry mass (6 g) and fruit surface area (39 cm2) occurring 97 to 115 days after fruit set. Fruit CO2 exchange in the light (Rl) and dark (Rd) decreased from fruit set to fruit maturity, whether expressed on a surface area (10 to 3 micromol CO2 m-2 s-1 and 20 to 3 micromol CO2 m-2 s-1, respectively) or on a dry mass basis (24 to 2 nmol CO2 g-1 s-1 and 33 to 2 nmol CO2 g-1 s-1, respectively). Photosynthesis never exceeded respiration, however, the difference between Rl and Rd was greatest in young green fruit (4 to 8 micromol CO2 m-2 s-1). About 90% of the carbon required for fruit growth was accounted for in the dry matter of the fruit, with the remainder required for respiration. Fruit photosynthesis contributed about 3% of the total carbon requirement of the fruit over the season. Fruit growth was mainly dependent on CO2 assimilation in recently expanded dark green leaves.  相似文献   

Eight-year-old lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) trees, cv. 'Bengal,' growing in krasnozem soil were subjected to soil water deficit from one month before flowering until harvest by covering the ground with polyethylene sheeting and withholding irrigation. The ratio of daytime stomatal conductance of unirrigated to irrigated trees decreased 20% during the three months of increasing water deficit. Predawn leaf water potentials of irrigated trees averaged about -0.3 MPa throughout the period, whereas they declined progressively to -0.9 MPa in unirrigated trees. Minimum daytime leaf water potential in the unirrigated trees decreased from -1.0 to -1.1 MPa at the beginning of the drought period to -2.2 to -2.4 MPa after three months, and calculated whole-plant conductance did not change with decreasing availability of water. The calculated soil-root water potential declined to less than -1.0 MPa in unirrigated trees. Capacitance effects on the relationship between leaf water potential and transpiration were significant only at low transpiration rates. Although unirrigated trees reduced soil water content at 0-30 cm depths to an equivalent water potential of -1.0 MPa, fruit shedding was significantly less than in irrigated trees. Water deficit had no effect on the fresh weight of pericarp, but caused increased seed size and decreased fresh weight of flesh, resulting in fruit from unirrigated trees being 16% lower in total fresh weight per fruit than fruit from irrigated trees.  相似文献   

Ten-year-old 'Tai So' lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) trees growing on a sandy loam soil in subtropical South Africa (latitude 25 degrees S) were watered weekly (well-watered treatment) or droughted from late July until January (drought treatment). After 16 weeks, at which time the trees obtained most of their water from below 150 cm, average soil water content at 0 to 150 cm depth was 14.5 +/- 0.1% in the well-watered treatment and reached a minimum of 7.6% in the drought treatment. At Week 7, minimum leaf water potential (Psi(L)) in the morning and early afternoon declined to -2.6 and -2.8 MPa, respectively, in droughted trees compared with -1.5 and -2.2 MPa, respectively, in well-watered trees. From Week 9, stomatal conductance and net CO(2) assimilation rate ranged from 70 to 300 mmol m(-2) s(-1) and 3 to 13 micro mol CO(2) m(-2) s(-1), respectively, in well-watered trees. The corresponding values for droughted trees were 50 to 180 mmol m(-2) s(-1) and 2 to 6 micro mol CO(2) m(-2) s(-1). Five weeks after rewatering the droughted trees, gas exchange had not recovered to the rate in well-watered trees, although tree water status recovered within a week of rewatering. In the well-watered trees, water use (E(t)) was 26 +/- 1 mm week(-1) with evaporation (E(p)) of 20 to 70 mm week(-1) indicating a crop factor (k(c) = E(t)/E(p)) of 0.4 to 1.2. Before anthesis, tree water status did not affect extension growth of floral panicles or leafy shoots. In contrast, no vegetative shoots were initiated after fruit set in the droughted trees when Psi(L) in the morning declined to -2.5 MPa. Water deficits reduced initial fruit set by 30% and final fruit set by 70% as a result of fruit splitting (41.2 +/- 4.0% versus 10.0 +/- 1.3%). Water deficits did not alter the sigmoidal pattern of fruit growth, but reduced yield from 51.4 +/- 5.5 kg tree(-1) in well-watered trees to 7.4 +/- 3.3 kg tree(-1) in droughted trees.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3):167-174
Euterpe edulis Mart. (Arecaceae) is a threatened palm tree of the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest understory with fundamental importance for the restoration of degraded forest environments. We assessed the leaf gas exchange, growth and survival of E. edulis seedlings transplanted at three different forest sites (S1, S2 and S3) in the same area in which cocoa trees had been cultivated in a rustic agroforestry system. Measurement was carried out during the first year after seedling transplantation. The sites were characterised according to canopy openness (CO) and total daily photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). Average CO and PPFD values were 13.3%, 8.0% and 6.7%, and 3.34, 2.79 and 0.62 mol m?2 d?1 for S1, S2 and S3, respectively. A progressive decline in seedling survival was observed in all sites throughout the experiment. At 387 d after planting, survival at S1, S2 and S3 was 57%, 44% and 37%, respectively. The gross light-saturated photosynthetic rate (Amax), leaf area and plant biomass were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in S1 and S2 when compared with S3. The values of dark respiration rate (R d) and photosynthetic compensation irradiance (I c) were sufficiently low for a positive carbon balance. Notwithstanding, the interpretation of results of microclimate variables together with leaf gas exchange and growth variables indicated that seedlings at all sites were in a suboptimal condition to achieve Amax, which is probably the main cause of the dramatic decline in the seedlings’ survival throughout the first year after transplantation. From a practical point of view, if the values of CO and PFD are lower than 10% and 3 mol m?2 d?1, respectively, it is suggested that the transplanting of E. edulis seedlings to the understory of abandoned agroforestry systems be accompanied by cultural practices, such as the thinning and pruning of tree tops.  相似文献   

  涛等 《山东林业科技》2014,(1):99-102
作为环境因子,风与树木的关系较其他因子复杂,树木对风胁迫的响应与适应是植物逆境生理生态学研究的热点和难点。本文综述了不同叶形树种叶片气体交换对风胁迫的响应差异,总结发现风对不同叶形树种叶片气体交换影响的研究结论差异较大,有的甚至截然相反,表明了不同叶形树种叶片气体交换对风胁迫响应的复杂性。同时分析了由叶形引起的微环境、边界层导度和理化特征对叶片气孔交换的影响。  相似文献   

Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (Anacardiaceae) and Rapanea ferruginea (Ruiz & Pavon) Mez (Myrsinaceae) are two neotropical pioneer trees with wide geographical distribution in South America, highly degree of adaptation to different soil conditions and intense regeneration in areas with anthropic activities. With the aim to recommend the use Schinus and Rapanea in gallery forest restoration programs, we conducted an experiment with the objective to analyze the capacity of these two pioneer trees to tolerate soil flooding, mainly by accessing the effects of flooding on leaf gas exchange, growth and dry matter partitioning. Seedling survival throughout the 56-day flooding period were 100 and 90% for Schinus and Rapanea, respectively. The mean values of stomatal conductance (gs) and net photosynthesis (A) observed in the control seedlings were, respectively, 0.4 mol m–2s–1 and 14 mmolm–2s–1, for Schinus, and 0.5 mol m–2s–1 and 14 mmolm–2s–1, for Rapanea. On day 20 flooding reduced gs and A by 36 and 29% in Schinus, and 81 and 61% in Rapanea. At the end of the experiment, significant decreases were also observed for root and whole plant biomass, in both species. Based on the results, we concluded that seedlings of Schinus and Rapanea can survive and grow throughout a medium period of soil waterlogging, in spite of the alterations observed in their physiological behavior, such as the decreases in stomatal conductance and in whole plant biomass.  相似文献   

对海南红豆和南五味子的1年生实生苗在不同强度干旱胁迫下的叶片气体交换参数进行研究。结果表明:随着干旱胁迫的加强,南五味子和海南红豆的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和叶片水分利用率(WUE)不断下降,而胞间CO2浓度(Ci)为先下降后上升,气孔限制值(Ls)呈现先上升后下降;重度胁迫时海南红豆的Pn、Gs、Tr和WUE均比南五味子大,说明前者对干旱有更强的适应性。  相似文献   

Photosynthetic light response curves (A/PPFD), leaf N concentration and content, and relative leaf absorbance (alpha(r)) were measured in 1-year-old seedlings of shade-intolerant Betula papyrifera Marsh., moderately shade-tolerant Quercus rubra L. and shade-tolerant Acer rubrum L. Seedlings were grown in full sun or 26% of full sun (shade) and in ambient (350 ppm) or elevated (714 ppm) CO(2) for 80 days. In the shade treatments, 80% of the daily PPFD on cloud-free days was provided by two 30-min sun patches at midday. In Q. rubra and A. rubrum, leaf N concentration and alpha(r) were significantly higher in seedlings in the shade treatments than in the sun treatments, and leaf N concentration was lower in seedlings in the ambient CO(2) treatments than in the elevated CO(2) treatments. Changes in alpha(r) and leaf N content suggest that reapportionment of leaf N into light harvesting machinery in response to shade and elevated CO(2) tended to increase with increasing shade tolerance of the plant. Shifts induced by elevated CO(2) in the A/PPFD relationship in sun plants were largest in B. papyrifera and least in A. rubrum: the reverse was true for shade plants. Elevated CO(2) resulted in increased light-saturated A in every species x light treatment combination, except in shaded B. papyrifera. The light compensation point (Gamma) decreased in response to shade in all species, and in response to elevated CO(2) in A. rubrum and Q. rubra. Acer rubrum had the greatest increases in apparent quantum yield (phi) in response to shade and elevated CO(2). To illustrate the effects of shifts in A, Gamma and phi on daily C gain, daily integrated C balance was calculated for individual sun and shade leaves. Ignoring possible stomatal effects, estimated daily (24 h) leaf C balance was 218 to 442% higher in the elevated CO(2) treatments than in the ambient CO(2) treatments in both sun and shade seedlings of Q. rubra and A. rubrum. These results suggest that the ability of species to acclimate photosynthetically to elevated CO(2) may, in part, be related to their ability to adapt to low irradiance. Such a relationship has implications for altered C balance and nitrogen use efficiency of understory seedlings.  相似文献   

在水培条件下,本文探讨了NaCl胁迫对青檀种子发芽率、叶气体交换和苗木生长的影响。研究结果表明,NaCl胁迫延长了青檀种子的发芽时间,特别是当NaCl浓度超过17mM(1.0g/L)时,发芽率明显降低;NaCl胁迫降低了青檀叶的呼吸速率、气孔导度和净光合速率,并随着NaCl胁迫浓度的提高,下降的幅度更大,但NaCl胁迫苗木胞间隙CO2浓度明显高于对照;与对照相比,在NaCl胁迫50天后,青檀苗木的成活率、苗高和地径生长以及根系、茎和叶生物量显著降低,但茎和叶生物量下降更为明显。本文的研究结果认为,青檀是一种对盐胁迫较敏感的植物,一年生幼苗的耐盐阈值在34mM(2.0g/L)左右。图2表3参27。  相似文献   

Effects of NaCl on seed germination, leaf gas exchange and seedling growth were investigated. The germination of P. tatarinowii seeds was delayed in the presence of NaCl, and was significantly inhibited when NaCl concentration exceeded 17 mM (1.0 g·L−1). NaCl treatments induced reductions of transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and net photosynthetic rate and their reductions were significant with the increasing of NaCl concentration. However, intercellular CO2 concentration in seedling leaves under salt stress was significantly higher than that of controls. There was a significant reduction in survival, basal diameter increment and height increment with increasing NaCl concentration 50 days after NaCl treatment, and a significant reduction in the dry weight increment of roots, stems, and leaves was also observed in the NaCl treatments. The deleterious effect on the biomass increment was more evident in the case of stems and leaves. Results from this study suggest that P. tatarinowii is sensitive to salinity stress and the salinity threshold for seedling growth might be less 34 mM (2.0 g·L−1). Biography: FANG Sheng-zuo (1963–), male, Professor, College of Forest Resources and Environment, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, P. R. China.  相似文献   

The litchi stink bug (Tessaratoma papillosa Drury) is one of the major pests of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) in tropical Asia. Systemic effects of azadirachtin (at a concentration of 0.17 g active ingredient per centimeter trunk diameter) on T. papillosa were examined by injecting the dissolved product (NeemAzal U) into the trunks of four caged litchi trees in an orchard in northern Thailand. Four untreated caged trees served as control. Mean weekly mortality rates of individuals released on the treatment date (initially 55 nymphs per cage) were significantly higher in the treatment cages (55%) than in the control cages (10%) between the second and the fourth week of the experiment. Mortality in the treatment cages was probably due to both toxic effects (ecdysis inhibition) and antifeedant effects (starvation). Weekly mortality rates of individuals released 2 weeks after tree injection (initially 20 nymphs per cage) were not significantly different between treatment and control cages, indicating a weakening effect of azadirachtin, 2–3 weeks after tree injection. Azadirachtin concentration in ripe fruits was less than 5 mg/kg fruit pulp 18 days after tree injection. Although the results of this study are not yet sufficient for practical recommendations, they provide indications of alternative options for integrated pest management approaches. The azadirachtin tree injection method should also be tested against other pests of litchi, and of fruit trees in general.  相似文献   

Effects of sodium naphthenates (NAs) on root hydraulic conductivity (Lp) and gas exchange processes were examined in aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) seedlings grown in solution culture. Exposure of roots to NAs for 3-5 weeks significantly decreased Lp and stomatal conductance. Root-absorbed NAs also decreased leaf chlorophyll concentration, net photosynthesis and leaf growth. Short-term (< or = 2 h) exposure of excised roots to NAs significantly decreased root water flow (Qv) with a concomitant decline in root respiration. We conclude that NAs metabolically inhibited Lp, likely by affecting water channel activity, and that this inhibition could be responsible for the observed reductions in gas exchange and leaf growth.  相似文献   

Solari LI  Johnson S  DeJong TM 《Tree physiology》2006,26(10):1333-1341
We investigated relationships between tree water status, vegetative growth and leaf gas exchange of peach trees growing on different rootstocks under field conditions. Tree water status was manipulated by partially covering (0, approximately 30 and approximately 60%) the tree canopies on individual days and then evaluating the effects of tree water status on vegetative growth and leaf gas exchange. Early morning stem water potentials were approximately -0.4 MPa for trees in all treatments, but mean midday values ranged from -1.1 to -1.7 MPa depending on rootstock and canopy coverage treatment. Relative shoot extension growth rate, leaf conductance, transpiration rate and net CO2 exchange rate differed significantly among trees in the different rootstocks and canopy coverage treatments. Shoot extension growth rate, leaf conductance, leaf transpiration rate and leaf net CO2 exchange rate were linearly correlated with midday stem water potential. These relationships were independent of the rootstock and canopy coverage treatments, indicating that tree water relations are probably directly involved in the mechanism that imparts vegetative growth control by selected peach rootstocks.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that stomata respond to changes in hydraulic conductance of the flow path from soil to leaf. In open-grown tall trees, branches of different heights may have different hydraulic conductances because of differences in path length and growth. We determined if leaf gas exchange, branch sap flux, leaf specific hydraulic conductance, foliar carbon isotope composition (delta13C) and ratios of leaf area to sapwood area within branches were dependent on branch height (10 and 25 m) within the crowns of four open-grown ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws.) trees. We found no difference in leaf gas exchange or leaf specific hydraulic conductance from soil to leaf between the upper and lower canopy of our study trees. Branch sap flux per unit leaf area and per unit sapwood area did not differ between the 10- and 25-m canopy positions; however, branch sap flux per unit sapwood area at the 25-m position had consistently lower values. Branches at the 25-m canopy position had lower leaf to sapwood area ratios (0.17 m2 cm-2) compared with branches at the 10-m position (0.27 m2 cm-2) (P = 0.03). Leaf specific conductance of branches in the upper crown did not differ from that in the lower crown. Other studies at our site indicate lower hydraulic conductance, sap flux, whole-tree canopy conductance and photosynthesis in old trees compared with young trees. This study suggests that height alone may not explain these differences.  相似文献   

Both drought and root pruning (RP) increased the number of cones induced when black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) grafts were injected with gibberellins A(4/7) (GA), but their effects on predawn shoot water potential and current-year needle development differed. Drought decreased predawn shoot water potential (Psi(pd)), but only during the period when irrigation was withheld, and it had no effect on the growth or gas exchange properties of current-year needles. Conversely, root pruning had little effect on Psi(pd), but it resulted in trees with smaller current-year needles that had lower nitrogen and chlorophyll concentrations and reduced rates of gas exchange up to the later stages of shoot elongation compared with needles of control trees. These findings are discussed in relation to potential effects on the development of induced cones in the following growth cycle.  相似文献   

Specific chloroplast proteins, gas exchange and dry matter production in oak (Quercus robur L.) seedlings and clonal cherry (Prunus avium L. x pseudocerasus Lind.) plants were measured during 19 months of growth in climate-controlled greenhouses at ambient (350 vpm) or elevated (700 vpm) CO(2). In both species, the elevated CO(2) treatment increased the PPFD saturated-rate of photosynthesis and dry matter production. After two months at elevated CO(2), Prunus plants showed significant increases in leaf (55%) and stem (61%) dry mass but not in root dry mass. However, this initial stimulation was not sustained: treatment differences in net assimilation rate (A) and plant dry mass were less after 10 months of growth than after 2 months of growth, suggesting acclimation of A to elevated CO(2) in Prunus. In contrast, after 10 months of growth at elevated CO(2), leaf dry mass of Quercus increased (130%) along with shoot (356%) and root (219%) dry mass, and A was also twice that of plants grown and measured at ambient CO(2). The amounts of Rubisco and the thylakoid-bound protein cytochrome f were higher in Quercus plants grown for 19 months in elevated CO(2) than in control plants, whereas in Prunus there was less Rubisco in plants grown for 19 months in elevated CO(2) than in control plants. Exposure to elevated CO(2) for 10 months resulted in increased mean leaf area in both species and increased abaxial stomatal density in Quercus. There was no change in leaf epidermal cell size in either species in response to the elevated CO(2) treatment. The lack of acclimation of photosynthesis in oak grown at elevated CO(2) is discussed in relation to the production and allocation of dry matter. We propose that differences in carbohydrate utilization underlie the differing long-term CO(2) responses of the two species.  相似文献   

James SA  Bell DT 《Tree physiology》2000,20(15):1007-1018
Light availability strongly affects leaf structure of the distinctive ontogenetic leaf forms of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. ssp. globulus. Late-maturing plants from St. Marys, Tasmania and early maturing plants from Wilsons Promontory, Victoria (hereafter referred to as Wilsons Prom.) were grown for 9 months in 100, 50 or 10% sunlight. Growth, biomass and leaf area were significantly reduced when plants were grown in 10% sunlight. Provenance differences were minimal despite retention of the juvenile leaf form by the Tasmanian plants throughout the study. The time taken for initiation of vegetative phase change by the Wilsons Prom. saplings increased with decreasing light availability, but the nodal position of change on the main stem remained the same. Both juvenile and adult leaves remained horizontal in low light conditions, but became vertical with high irradiance. Leaf dimensions changed with ontogenetic development, but were unaffected by light availability. Juvenile leaves retained a dorsiventral anatomy and adult Wilsons Prom. leaves retained an isobilateral structure despite a tenfold difference in light availability. Stomatal density and distribution showed ontogenetic and treatment differences. At all irradiances, juvenile leaves produced the smallest stomata and adult leaves the largest stomata. Amphistomy decreased with decreasing irradiance. Detrended, correspondence analysis ordination highlighted the structural changes influenced by ontogenetic development and light availability. Adult leaves had characteristics similar to the xeromorphic, sun-leaf type found in arid, high-light conditions. Although juvenile leaves had characteristics typical of mesomorphic leaves, several structural features suggest that these leaves are more sun-adapted than adult leaves.  相似文献   

Diurnal and seasonal patterns of leaf gas exchange and water relations were examined in tree species of contrasting leaf phenology growing in a seasonally dry tropical rain forest in north-eastern Australia. Two drought-deciduous species, Brachychiton australis (Schott and Endl.) A. Terracc. and Cochlospermum gillivraei Benth., and two evergreen species, Alphitonia excelsa (Fenzal) Benth. and Austromyrtus bidwillii (Benth.) Burret. were studied. The deciduous species had higher specific leaf areas and maximum photosynthetic rates per leaf dry mass in the wet season than the evergreens. During the transition from wet season to dry season, total canopy area was reduced by 70-90% in the deciduous species and stomatal conductance (g(s)) and assimilation rate (A) were markedly lower in the remaining leaves. Deciduous species maintained daytime leaf water potentials (Psi(L)) at close to or above wet season values by a combination of stomatal regulation and reduction in leaf area. Thus, the timing of leaf drop in deciduous species was not associated with large negative values of daytime Psi(L) (greater than -1.6 MPa) or predawn Psi(L) (greater than -1.0 MPa). The deciduous species appeared sensitive to small perturbations in soil and leaf water status that signalled the onset of drought. The evergreen species were less sensitive to the onset of drought and g(s) values were not significantly lower during the transitional period. In the dry season, the evergreen species maintained their canopies despite increasing water-stress; however, unlike Eucalyptus species from northern Australian savannas, A and g(s) were significantly lower than wet season values.  相似文献   

Tree thinning reduces tree-to-tree competition and likely contributes to the improvement of tree water status and productivity in water-limited systems. In this study, we examined the importance of competition for water among Quercus ilex trees in open woodlands by comparing the water consumption and physiological status of trees located along stand density gradients which ranged from 10% (low density; LD) to 100% (high density; HD) of canopy cover. The study was carried out at two sites which differed in mean annual rainfall (506 and 816 L m−2; Dsite and Wsite, respectively). Predawn and midday leaf water potential (ψd and ψm, respectively) and CO2 assimilation rate (A) were measured every two weeks from mid May to mid September, in eight trees located along a stand density gradient at each site. Sap flow and soil moisture were measured only at Dsite. Sap flow was continuously recorded by sap flowmeters (constant heating method) installed in 12 trees along two stand density gradients. Soil moisture (?) was measured every 20 cm for the first meter and then every 50 cm up to 250 cm. Measurements were conducted in 18 soil profiles, 6 located in HD and 12 in LD (six beneath and six out the canopy). At Wsite, differences among stand densities for ψ and A were very small and emerged only at the end of the dry season. At Dsite, ψ (both predawn and midday), A, ?, and sap flow density were significantly higher in LD trees than in HD ones. At Dsite, some water remained unused in the soil at the end of the dry season beyond the canopy in the LD areas, and trees did not experienced such an acute water deficit (ψd > −1 MPa) as the HD trees did (ψd < −3 MPa). Summer tree transpiration at the stand level (Estand) tended to saturate with the increase of canopy cover. Estand increases by 32% when canopy cover goes from 50% to 100%. Results confirmed that the increase of tree-to-tree competition with stand density was much more significant at dry sites. In these sites, tree thinning is recommended as a way to maintain tree functioning.  相似文献   

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