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2005年,环渤海地区较大面积发生水稻红苗病。对发病田的大量现场调查发现,大多数田块的发病症状属于根中毒型赤枯病,少数田块属于缺锌、缺钾型赤枯病,个别田块是由于稻水象甲危害造成。诱发赤枯病的因素很多,但主要是低温缺氧造成的。其防治措施主要有改进耕作技术、改革水层管理和科学施肥等。  相似文献   

晾田可对水稻生长起到先控后促的作用,是水稻高产栽培的水分调节形式,对寒地水稻尤为重要。晾田能够调节土壤养分,促进水稻根系下扎,提高根系质量,控制无效分蘖,抑制长势,改善群体结构,增强植株抗倒伏能力。对晾田控蘖时期、晾田条件和晾田方法进行了总结介绍。  相似文献   

水稻赤枯病的发生与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对盘锦地区水稻赤枯病发生情况,对其病害进行研究。介绍了盘锦地区水稻赤枯病的发生时期、症状和发病原因,并从合理施肥、预防根部中毒、选用抗病品种、采取壮秧早播、浅水灌溉等技术措施方面提出了行之有效的预防与防治措施。  相似文献   

1发病情况水稻赤枯病是水稻分美期间易引发的生理性病害之一。初发时叶片呈锈包小点至暗褐色斑点,以后发展成红褐色、深褐色大小不等的病斑或不规则的条纹状,严重时整个叶片都呈赤褐色。病斑由下部叶片向上都叶片发展,由叶尖向基部发展,根部机能减弱,病菌矮缩,分美减少。施用过量未腐熟的有机肥,低洼积水,土质粘重,氮肥过多等导致根部中毒,生长受阻易引发此病。缺磷、钾,气温高,连续燥热,也利于发病。2防治方法结合排水霜田,每亩用活力素259十磷酸二氧钾150g十喷施宝2·sg,三者混合后对发病株进行药液喷雾。3使用效果施药三…  相似文献   

水稻优化施肥技术主要依据土壤供肥能力和水稻的目标产量来确定N、P、K肥的总用量,利用叶龄来确定水稻生育期,在主要生育期,根据叶色卡的数值确定N肥追施量,以最大限度地满足水稻高产群体各个时期对养分的需求,达到目标产量。超高产试验(SSNM_2)达到716.7 kg/667 m~2,比农民习惯施肥增产173.8 kg/667 m~2,增加效益234.3元/667 m~2。  相似文献   

为探究山地村域水稻合理施肥量,以贵州省安顺市西秀区旧州镇文星村吴章组稻田为研究区域,于2014-2016年进行3414肥料试验,对3年11个点的3414试验数据进行回归分析,建立基于地力的施肥模型;利用ArcGIS软件对吴章组稻田24个随机取样点土壤各养分含量进行插值分析,生成吴章组稻田土壤各有效养分含量分布图,预测吴章组所有田块土壤有效养分含量;根据吴章组田块土壤有效养分含量,应用基于地力施肥模型,获得吴章组各田块的推荐施肥量。  相似文献   

<正> 水稻赤枯病是一种生理病害,各稻区均有发生。据了解,今年盘锦少数地区有发生。为此,有必要介绍一下该病的知识: 症状水稻赤枯病有三种类型,一是缺钾型:叶片发病初呈现锈色小斑点至暗褐色斑点,以后发展成红褐色、深褐色大小不等的病斑,或成不规则条纹状,发病  相似文献   

水稻种子包衣后安排了3种不同的施肥方法,研究结果表明,采用全层一次性施肥法,满足了水稻包衣种子秧苗素质高,早发性好的需肥要求,促进了早分蘖和低节位分蘖。大田表现有效穗多,产量高。  相似文献   

剑麻是我国重要的热带经济作物,杂草危害给剑麻生产带来严重障碍和损失。为了掌握我国广东、广西和海南剑麻园杂草情况,从而进行科学防控。本研究采取踏查和定块系统调查相结合,全面调查了我国剑麻园杂草种类、分布与危害。结果表明,剑麻园共有杂草49科144属200种,其中禾本科40种,菊科24种,豆科20种,茜草科和莎草科各10种;一年生杂草79种,二年生杂草1种,多年生杂草100种,其它生活周期20种;种子繁殖杂草143种,种子、茎和根茎等繁殖杂草57种;外来杂草68种,本地杂草132种;5级危害的杂草3种(大白茅、铺地黍和香附子),4级危害的杂草7种(牛筋草、短颖马唐、假臭草、阔叶丰花草、加拿大蓬、鬼针草、薇甘菊)。在剑麻园杂草防控方面,提出了生态优先,以草治草策略和不生草的剑麻园不可能是生态剑麻园,只有生良草的剑麻园才可能是生态园的新观点,并采取剑麻园种草控草、养地、养麻、养畜和驱虫防病的生态化管理技术措施,达到减肥减药、生态安全的可持续发展目标。  相似文献   

木薯生长过程中,水土流失会影响木薯生长以及最终产量,能否采取良好并且积极的措施进行木薯种植地的水土保持是实现木薯丰产的重要保障。文章归纳了目前木薯种植地水土保持采取的免耕法、有机质补偿以及种植生物绿篱等技术手段的类型和特点,概述了水土流失的主要原因以及对木薯生长和产量的影响,并对未来木薯种植地水土保持的种植以及遥感技术的应用等进行了展望。  相似文献   

This paper introduces an irrigation system developed in the floodplain of a lake and studies the water management technique of the irrigation system by estimating the total water balance of the whole system. The system is characterized by a reservoir combined with a dike system in the floodplain of the Tonle Sap Great Lake and an irrigation system. Two main models are used for calculating the total water balance. The first model is the water balance of the reservoir. The inputs to the model are water level of the reservoir, precipitation, lake evaporation, infiltration, and area–volume curve of the reservoir. The outputs are inflow and outflow of the reservoir. The supply from the reservoir to paddy fields is computed from the outflow. The second model is the water balance of paddy fields, based on which the water requirement in paddy fields is derived. The reference evapotranspiration needed to calculate the water requirement is simulated for monthly time series using the FAO Penman–Monteith model. Since there is no drainage network in the irrigation system, surface drainage and runoff are not included in the calculation of the water balance, and seepage is considered negligible in the flat floodplain area. The evapotranspiration, rice variety, soil type and irrigated area are used to simulate water consumption in paddy fields. Finally, the two models are connected to produce the total water balance from the reservoir to paddy fields. The total outflow from the reservoir is estimated and the total water consumption for dry season cultivation is also determined. Finally, the efficiency of the whole system is examined.  相似文献   

针对化学农药污染严重影响稻米品质问题,开展试验示范。结果表明,在盘锦稻区,采用生物农药菌毒杀星防治稻瘟病;用1%苦参碱杀灭稻水象甲;用杀虫灯、糖酒醋液诱杀水稻害虫;用稻糠、生物纸膜、养殖河蟹消灭稻田杂草等项技术措施,可安全有效地控制水稻田中病虫草害,且无任何环境污染。  相似文献   

Alternate wetting and drying irrigation (AWD) has been reported to save water compared with continuous flooding (CF) in rice cultivation. However, the reported effects on yield varied greatly and detailed agro-hydrological characterization is often lacking so that generalizations are difficult to make. Furthermore, it is not known how AWD modifies nutrient use efficiencies and if it requires different N-fertilizer management compared with CF. This study quantified the agro-hydrological conditions of the commonly practiced AWD and compared the impact of AWD and CF irrigations at different N-fertilizer management regimes on rice growth and yield, water productivity, and fertilizer-use efficiencies in five crop seasons in 1999 and 2000 at two typical lowland rice sites in China (Jinhua, Zheijang Province and Tuanlin, Hubei Province), with shallow groundwater tables.Grain yields varied from 3.2 to 4.5 t ha–1 with 0 kg N ha–1 to 5.3–8.9 t ha–1 with farmers N-rates (150 kg N ha–1 in Jinhua and 180 in Tuanlin). In both sites, no significant water by nitrogen interaction on grain yields, biomass, water productivity, nutrient uptakes and N-use efficiency were observed. Yield and biomass did not significantly differ (P >0.05) between AWD and CF and among N timings. The productivity of irrigation water in AWD was about 5–35% higher than in CF, but differences were significant (P <0.05) only when the rainfall was low and evaporation was high. Increasing the number of splits to 4–6 times increase the total N uptake, but not total P-uptake, and total K-uptake compared with farmers practices of two splits. Apparent Nitrogen recovery (ANR) increased as the number of splits increased, but there was no significant difference in ANR between AWD and CF. During the drying cycles of AWD irrigation, the perched water table depths seldom went deeper than – 20 cm and the soil in the root zone remained moist most of the time. The results suggest that in typical irrigated lowlands in China, AWD can reduce water input without affecting rice yields and does not require N-fertilizer management differently from continuous flooding. The results can be applied to many other irrigated lowland rice areas in Asia which have a shallow groundwater table.  相似文献   

结实期干湿交替灌溉对水稻根系、产量和土壤的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]干湿交替灌溉(WMD)对水稻根系生长和产量形成有重要影响,但其对土壤性状的影响,以及与根系生长的关系尚不明确.[方法]本研究以5个不同类型的水稻品种为材料,在结实期设置常规灌溉(CI)和干湿交替灌溉(WMD)两种灌溉方式处理,研究了其对水稻产量、根系形态生理及土壤性状的影响.[结果]1)与CI相比,结实期WMD...  相似文献   

辽宁玉米-油菜复种模式的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用裂区试验设计,对玉米收获后复种油菜的栽培技术与生态效益进行了初步研究。结果表明,复种油菜可延长土壤绿色覆盖时间,控制水土流失,保护生态环境;油菜用作绿肥可提高土壤有机质含量,改良土壤性能。油菜生长速度快,可作为蔬菜开发,对促进农业可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本试验对2株/穴、3株/穴、4株/穴、5株/穴、6株/穴的生育进程进行跟踪调查,结果表明,每穴插秧株数以3~4株为宜,产量水平较高,经济效益较佳。  相似文献   

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