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土壤容重对土壤物理性状和小麦生长的影响   总被引:45,自引:3,他引:45  
以黑土和白浆土为试材 ,进行筒栽试验 .结果表明 ,适宜小麦生长的容重范围分别为 1 .1 5~1 .3 0 g/cm3和 0 .9~ 1 .0 5g/cm3.  相似文献   

为探明华北平原灌溉条件下秸秆覆盖的土壤温度效应对冬小麦根系和籽粒产量的影响,利用大田试验研究了不同秸秆覆盖时间和覆盖量处理对冬小麦土壤温度、根系和籽粒产量的影响。试验设冬小麦播种后覆盖和三叶期覆盖,覆盖量设上茬作物(夏玉米)秸秆全量覆盖(HM)、1/2量覆盖(MM)、1/3量覆盖(LM)和不覆盖(CK)。结果表明:1)与不覆盖(CK)相比,播种后覆盖和三叶期覆盖冬小麦产量分别降低8.6%和2.0%,播种后覆盖减产幅度大于三叶期覆盖;播种后减产是由于小麦千粒重比CK降低4.1%、穗粒数降低6.6%和收获指数降低2.4%,三叶期覆盖减产的原因是收获时有效穗数比CK降低5.8%造成。播种后覆盖处理中随着覆盖量的增加千粒重、有效穗数、收获指数显著降低,三叶期覆盖处理的产量构成没有显著差异。2)秸秆覆盖对小麦分蘖期和越冬期(冬季)土壤温度具有提升作用。覆盖处理日均温平均比CK提高0.56℃;小麦返青期后随着气温的升高,秸秆覆盖具有降温作用。冬季秸秆覆盖提升土壤温度的贡献主要是提升了夜间土壤温度,返青后降温的作用是降低白天的土壤温度;冬季随覆盖量增加增温效应增大,返青后随着覆盖量的增加降温效应增加,各覆盖处理间的土壤温度差异不显著。3)秸秆覆盖促进了冬季冬小麦根系生长,秸秆覆盖处理的根长密度大于CK;返青后秸秆覆盖减弱了根系生长,至扬花期随小麦冠层覆盖度增加,秸秆覆盖与CK的根长密度差异减小。由于小麦分蘖期和越冬期土壤温度高于CK,根系生长快于CK,消耗了更多的土壤氮,造成返青—拔节期土壤全氮含量低于CK。因此,华北平原冬小麦-夏玉米一年两熟灌溉区,为了降低秸秆覆盖对冬小麦产量的不利作用,秸秆覆盖应在三叶期后实施,覆盖量采用上茬玉米秸秆产量的1/3~1/2,其余秸秆可以用于畜牧业饲料。  相似文献   

土壤容重对玉米光合特性的影响及调控研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑存德  依艳丽 《土壤学报》2012,49(5):944-953
以耕地棕壤为试验材料,采用盆栽方法,研究不同土壤容重对玉米光合指标(光合速率、气孔导度、胞间二氧化碳浓度)及叶绿素(a、b)的影响,并进一步研究了施用不同有机肥量及模拟不同耕作深度对玉米光合指标的调控效果。结果表明:不同容重处理之间对玉米叶绿素含量的影响拔节期前差异不显著,拔节期后达极显著差异(p<0.01),叶绿素含量在研究的生育期内始终增长。光合速率与容重、胞间二氧化碳浓度呈负相关,与气孔导度呈正相关。高容重土壤有机质调节至40~50 g kg-1即可以获得比较理想的效果;低容重的土壤有机质在研究含量范围内效果始终显著增长,有机质含量在15 g kg-1左右制约玉米生长,有机质含量应至少调节至3%以上。耕层厚度增加能提高所测定生理指标,但耕层厚度处理对叶绿素、光合指标影响不显著,当耕层厚度调节至30~40 cm时,各项指标增加基本达到限值,再增加耕层厚度作用不再明显。  相似文献   


The weight of the tractor is not the only factor affecting soil compaction. Soil-management practices, such as the use of fertilizers and pesticides, also affect soil properties through an increased number of overriding. The aim of the current study was to investigate compaction effects on soil physical properties, such as dry bulk density and penetration resistance, and the growth of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) as a monoculture. The five-year experiment was conducted on the Estonian University of Life Sciences’ research field at Eerika, near Tartu in 2001–2005. The soil of the experimental site is sandy loam Stagnic Luvisol. The treatments included were no compaction, one pass, three passes, and six passes. All passes were track-by-track. Measurements of soil and plant were made in the earing phase of barley and measurements of yield in the maturity phase of barley. The compaction treatment was conducted using an MTZ-82 tractor (total weight 4.84 Mg). Neither fertilizers nor herbicides were used. 5 years after compaction distinguishable subsoil and topsoil compaction was detected. Soil deformation increases with the number of passes; in the case of six passes soil bulk density increased by 0.15 Mg m?3 and penetration resistance by 3 MPa. However, there were no significant differences in the soil bulk density and penetration resistance between treatments compacted with one and three passes. The effect of compaction on soil bulk density was higher when the soil was compacted under wet conditions. Compaction decreased the quantity of barley shoots, their phytomass, and grain yield by more than 80%. In the second year of the experiment the dry weight of above ground biomass decreased by almost three times and shoots’ density by 1.5 times, compared with the first year results. In the third year of the experiment the biomass, plant density, and grain yield of barley were stabilized and no further decreases were detected in the following two experimental years. The results from the experiment revealed that even a low weight tractor can induce subsoil compaction and a high decrease of plant productivity by repeated passes over time.  相似文献   

玉米秸秆全量深翻还田对高产田土壤结构的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为达到玉米生产耕层最适深度(22 cm)和耕层最适土壤容重(1.1~1.3 g×cm~(-3)),解决内蒙古平原灌区耕层浅、犁底层坚硬且厚的农田土壤结构问题,分别选用连续1、2、3、4年秸秆深翻还田定位试验地,秋收后玉米秸秆全量粉碎深翻还田,秸秆年均还田量为20 034.97 kg×hm-2,形成秸秆深翻还田1~4年的4个试验处理(SF1-SF4),以不深翻秸秆还田的处理为对照(CK),研究土壤容重、土壤坚实度、土壤团聚体及其稳定性、土壤肥力及p H随不同年限秸秆深翻还田的变化规律。结果表明:1)SF1-SF4处理0~40 cm土层,土壤容重和土壤坚实度比CK显著减小。2)0~20 cm土层,SF4处理0.25 mm团聚体比例(R0.25)、几何平均直径(GWD)和平均重量直径(MWD)均比CK显著减小;SF1处理土壤团聚体破坏率(PAD)比CK显著降低9.56%,不稳定指数(SWA)随深翻年限增加而显著降低;团聚体分形维数SF4比CK显著增大7.30%。3)20~40 cm土层,SF1和SF2处理R0.25比CK分别显著增加13.69%和17.83%;SF2处理的MWD和GWD分别比CK显著增加23.92%和53.38%;SF1-SF4处理的PAD比CK显著降低,且SF2显著高于SF1和SF3;而SF1-SF4的SWA比CK显著增加,且随秸秆深翻年限的增加呈逐渐升高趋势;团聚体分形维数SF2比CK显著降低7.39%。4)土壤有机质含量SF1-SF4比CK显著增加,且SF2-SF4处理显著大于SF1;速效氮、速效磷和速效钾SF1-SF4比CK显著增加,土壤p H SF3、SF4比CK显著降低。总之,深翻秸秆还田1~4年对0~40 cm土层土壤影响显著;深翻秸秆还田2年适合土壤犁底层结构的改良,深翻秸秆还田3年和4年适合土壤耕层结构的改良。玉米秸秆全量深翻还田既能达到耕作土壤的目的,同时也增加了土壤有机质,降低土壤团聚体破坏率和土壤水稳性团聚体的不稳定系数,利于培肥耕层土壤。  相似文献   

容重与含水率对砂质黏壤土静水崩解速率影响研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
崩解在土工试验中叫做湿化,是指土壤在静水中发生破裂解体、塌落或强度减弱的现象[1].土壤的崩解机制与土壤侵蚀的发生过程密切相关,是土壤侵蚀发生的必要条件之一.国内外对于土壤崩解的研究相对较少,而对于容重或含水对崩解性的影响的研究更少,国内仅有的研究目前大多限于黄土和南方的一些典型土壤,如燥红壤、红壤、褐红壤等.在降雨和地表灌溉作用下产生的土壤侵蚀过程中,崩解是侵蚀发生的一个前提条件.  相似文献   

秸秆生物炭对潮土作物产量和土壤性状的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
将秸秆转化为高碳含量和稳定性的生物炭施入土壤无疑可提升碳库,但也会影响土壤性状和作物生长。为评估秸秆生物炭在北方潮土(p H 8.30)的应用潜力,设每季生物炭施用量为0(对照)、2.25(低量)、6.75(中量)和11.3 t hm-2(高量)(四季后总施炭量分别为0、9、27、45.2 t hm-2)4个处理,通过2年小麦-玉米轮作小区试验,观测了作物产量、籽粒品质、氮素吸收和土壤矿质氮、p H、容重、水分的变化。结果显示,中量生物炭处理下第四季玉米产量增加8.43%;中、高量生物炭处理下四季作物总产量提高4.54%~4.92%。生物炭对小麦和玉米籽粒蛋白质、小麦湿面筋含量及容重无负面影响。作物地上部分氮素吸收、土壤矿质氮含量和p H各处理间无明显变化。中、高量处理下四季作物后土壤容重降低2.99%~10.4%,含水量增加10.3%~20.2%,最大持水量提高14.5%~15.0%。表明中、高量秸秆生物炭每季还田对作物有小幅增产作用,且不影响籽粒品质。土壤容重、水分、持水量等物理性状的改善可能是作物增产的重要原因。  相似文献   

Lodging is the permanent displacement of cereal stems from the vertical. Cereal plants growing in the edge rows next to both wheel tracks (‘tramlines’) and the gaps between experimental plots (‘inter-plot spaces’), which are traversed by farm vehicles during planting operations and agrochemical application, are less prone to lodge than plants growing elsewhere in fields and plots. Previous research has attributed this phenomenon to an increase in the stem strength of edge row plants, and hence their resistance to stem lodging, resulting from reduced competition between edge row plants for resources. However, this explanation gives no consideration to the anchorage strength of edge row plants, and hence their resistance to root lodging. Differences in soil and plant characteristics between the edge and centre rows of plots of winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) were examined on sand, silt and clay dominated soil types. Edge rows next to tramlines were investigated on the silt and clay soil types, whereas edge rows next to inter-plot spaces were investigated on the sand soil type. Edge row plants next to both tramlines and inter-plot spaces had 58.8% greater anchorage strength and hence resistance to root lodging than centre row plants. This was attributed to (1) greater soil compaction in the edge rows resulting from wheel traffic in the tramlines and inter-plot spaces, which increased the strength of the soil matrix surrounding the roots, and (2) greater plant root growth in the edge rows resulting from reduced competition. Bulk density, root plate spread and structural rooting depth were 19, 22, and 12% greater, respectively, in the edge rows of all soil types. The results suggest that in order to reduce lodging risk, energies should be directed towards identifying agricultural practices that optimise soil compaction in the seedbed without causing significant limitations to root growth.  相似文献   

秸秆粉碎氨化还田对土壤体积质量及持水特性的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
王增丽  王珍  冯浩 《农业工程学报》2011,27(11):211-215
为尝试解决秸秆还田中秸秆分解缓慢、易诱发病虫害及与作物争氮等问题,通过室内土柱培养试验对比研究了秸秆粉碎程度及秸秆不同C/N值对自身分解速率、土壤体积质量、土壤持水特性的影响。结果表明:短期内秸秆粉碎程度对秸秆分解速率影响不大,但粉碎秸秆在试验后期分解速率明显高于长秸秆,氨化措施可显著加快秸秆的分解速率;粉碎秸秆对土壤体积质量的减小作用明显较长秸秆为好,在整个试验期,粉碎氨化秸秆处理的土壤体积质量均显著低于同时期其他处理;各处理土壤持水能力差异不大,但粉碎氨化秸秆能明显增强土壤耐旱性。该结果为探索一种能最大效益发挥秸秆改良土壤作用的秸秆还田新方式提供了一定的参照。  相似文献   

东北黑土区农业机械化水平高,农机作业压实导致的土壤结构和物理性状退化问题日益严重,压缩特性是定量分析土壤压实过程的有效手段,但目前黑土压缩特性随初始含水量和初始容重的变化规律尚不明确。为了解初始含水量和初始容重对黑土压缩特性的影响程度及其变化关系,该研究以重塑黑土为对象,设0.15、0.20、0.25、0.30、0.35、0.40 g/g共6个初始含水量水平,设1.00、1.10、1.20、1.30、1.45、1.60 g/cm3共6个初始容重水平,使用固结仪进行单轴压缩试验测定土壤压缩曲线,分析初始含水量和容重对压缩特性影响。结果表明,土壤初始含水量、容重及两者交互作用均极显著影响重塑黑土压缩特性(P<0.001),据此建立了预测压缩特性的土壤传递函数。黑土的预固结压力为10.42~1 106.17 kPa,与初始含水量显著线性正相关、与初始容重显著线性负相关(P<0.05);压缩指数为0.311~0.852,与初始含水量和容重呈二元多项式方程的关系,随初始容重的增大而降低,在中等含水量时最大;回弹指数为0.007~0.321,与初始含水量正相关,与...  相似文献   

灌水与肥密配置对甘啤7号大麦产量和蛋白质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为筛选高产、优质、节水啤酒大麦新品种甘啤7号合理种植方式和适宜的肥密组合,2012~2013年,研究两种灌水条件下不同施肥水平、栽培密度对啤酒大麦甘啤7号产量和蛋白质含量的影响。结果表明,全生育期灌水一次(S1)和全生育期灌水两次(S2)处理下均为高肥水平(F4)大麦籽粒产量高于其它施肥水平,两种灌水条件下,F4较不施肥处理F1(CK)增产幅度均达到60%以上。S1与S2处理均显示:随着施肥量的增加大麦籽粒蛋白质含量增加,且各施肥水平之间籽粒蛋白质含量差异达显著水平。在F1、F2与F3施肥水平下其蛋白质含量均达到国家一级或者优级酿造标准。播种密度对啤酒大麦产量影响不显著,对啤酒大麦蛋白质含量无影响。通过肥料和密度互作效应结果分析得出:组合F3M2产量在所有组合中始终位于前四,并且其酿造品质一直良好。在相同肥密配置下,S1与S2处理的产量表现出相同的变化趋势,基本表现为大麦籽粒产量S1S2。综合生态、经济以及其酿造价值等诸多因素,建议啤酒大麦新品种甘啤7号全生育期灌水一次,肥料施用量为180 kg/hm2,种植密度为600万株/hm2。  相似文献   

Diffusion coefficients of chlorde ions in four soils of different exture with varying effective moisture content and varying bulk density from 1.1 to 1.6 g cm^3 under three different temperatures were determined by the diffusion-cell method using ^36Cl-labelled CaCl2 solution.The result showed that activation energy decreased with water content,which indicated that the threshold fro diffusion was lower at a higher soil moisture rate .Therefor,the diffusion coefficient(D) of chloride ions in soil increased consistently with soil moisture,Although a near linear increase in the diffusion coefficient with increasing soil moisture or bulk density in all the soils was observed,the increase rate in different soils was not the same.The D value increased with teperature,and with temperature increased by 10℃ in the range from 5℃to 45℃ the D valve increased by 10%-30%,averaging about 20%.  相似文献   

 The combined effects of soil compaction and soil waterlogging on the growth of two rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L., cultivars Kanto 168 and Koshihikari) and soil N transformations were studied in pots. Although waterlogging eliminated initial differences in mechanical resistance between compacted and loose soils, Kanto 168 and Koshihikari roots had, respectively, less biomass and a lower porosity if soil was compacted prior to waterlogging. The cause for this was probably established before waterlogging. Redox values showed that upland soils were well aerated. Loose waterlogged soils contained oxic sites, but compacted waterlogged soils did not. Potential denitrification was stimulated by waterlogging and, to a larger extent, by plant presence. Waterlogging lowered potential nitrifying capacities, by competition between plants and micro-organisms for NH4 + rather than by oxygen shortage. Compaction prior to waterlogging benefited the potential nitrifying capacity of soils with either cultivar and the potential denitrifying capacity for soils with Koshihikari. Compaction had no effect on nitrification or denitrification in upland soils. N recoveries were low, especially in pots without plants, as a result from sampling strategy and N loss. On day 42/43 after potting, total δ15N values of waterlogged pots were positive, whereas after 22 days all pots had negative total δ15N values. Final δ15N values of plant parts from waterlogged and upland soils were positive and negative, respectively. Although the δ15N values generally accorded well with the other results, they did not support higher N losses from compacted waterlogged soils than from loose waterlogged soils with plants, as suggested by potential denitrifying activities. Received: 4 February 2000  相似文献   

Summary In the Netherlands, the dung beetleTyphaeus typhoeus (Col., Geotrupidae) is confined to sandy and loamy sandy soils. Experiments were carried out in the laboratory and in the field to ascertain the effects of soil bulk density and soil moisture on various aspects of the reproductive behaviour and development of this dung beetle. Some of the results were validated under natural field conditions. The nesting burrows were shown not to penetrate beyond the upper level of the soil moisture saturation zone. The depth of the burrows was not influenced by the bulk density in moist and free-drained sandy soils. Lower bulk densities of the soil were shown to result in fewer dung sausages being made, even when sufficient dung was availabe to provide for the larvae. This phenomenon was attributed to a behavioural response from the dung beetles. The critical bulk density in the field appeared to be approximately 1.40 × 103 kg/m3. The survival rate of eggs and larvae was shown to be adversely affected by conditions of high soil moisture (> 20% by volume) at the depths where the larvae develop. Evidence is given for a low survival rate of larvae at conditions of low soil moisture (pF > 2.7) at these depths. The impact of certain other soil factors is discussed.Communication no. 280 of the Biological Station, Wijster, The Netherlands  相似文献   

土壤增氧方式对其氮素转化和水稻氮素利用及产量的影响   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
以3种不同生态型水稻品种中浙优1号(水稻)、IR45765-3B(深水稻)和中旱221(旱稻)为材料,比较研究了不同增氧方式(T1-增施过氧化钙、T2-微纳气泡水增氧灌溉、T3-表土湿润灌溉和CK-淹水对照)下稻田土壤氮素转化和水稻氮素吸收利用特性。结果表明:1)增氧处理明显改善土壤氧化还原状况,3种增氧方式下土壤氧化还原电位均高于CK。稻田增氧促进土壤氮素硝化,在分蘖期和齐穗期T1、T2和T3的土壤硝化强度和脲酶活性均显著高于CK,反硝化强度显著低于CK。2)不同增氧处理对水稻氮素吸收的影响不同,在拔节期、齐穗期和完熟期3品种的植株氮素积累量均表现为T1、T2显著高于CK,而T3显著低于CK;在完熟期,T1处理下中浙优1号、IR45765-3B和中旱221植株氮素积累量分别较CK增加了21.2%、13.2%和17.0%,而T2处理下3品种的植株氮素积累量分别较CK增加了14.3%、6.9%和9.1%。3)与CK相比,T1和T2显著提高水稻籽粒产量和收获指数,氮素籽粒生产效率与CK无显著差异,而T3显著增加水稻氮素干物质生产效率和氮素籽粒生产效率。可见,施用过氧化钙和微纳气泡水增氧灌溉能有效改善稻田土壤氧化还原状况,不仅显著提高水稻产量,而且显著增强稻田氮的硝化而减少氮素损失,从而提高水稻氮素积累量和氮素收获指数。  相似文献   

垄沟集雨对紫花苜蓿草地土壤水分、容重和孔隙度的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在旱作条件下, 将垄沟集雨措施应用于紫花苜蓿种植, 研究沟垄宽比和覆膜方式对2年龄紫花苜蓿草地土壤水分状况、土壤容重及孔隙度的影响。结果表明: 全越冬期, 膜垄和土垄处理0~120 cm土壤水分平均散失量分别低于CK(平作)28.43 mm和13.61 mm。膜垄处理整个集雨期的蓄墒增加率为59.03%~99.27%, 产流效率为53.43%~91.72%; 2009年集雨前期(4月上旬~6月上旬)土垄处理的蓄墒增加率、产流效率分别为1.92%~2.74%和1.71%~2.55%, 2009年集雨中后期(6月中旬~9月下旬)土垄处理的蓄墒增加率、产流效率较集雨前期显著升高, 分别为8.85%~36.77%和8.01%~35.82%; 膜垄和土垄处理的蓄墒增加率、产流效率均随垄面宽度增加而显著增加, 且膜垄的蓄墒增加率、产流效率显著高于土垄处理。垄沟集雨种植能够显著降低0~40 cm土壤层容重, 且0~20 cm土壤层容重降幅表现为膜垄大于土垄。垄沟集雨种植也能够显著增加0~40 cm土壤层孔隙度, 且0~20 cm土壤层孔隙度增幅表现为膜垄大于土垄。  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) growth and yield are most sensitive to variations in plant density and nitrogen (N) in north-western Pakistan. This study was conducted on the Agricultural Research Farm of NWFP (North West Frontier Province) Agricultural University, Peshawar, from 2002–2004 to establish an accurate plant density and N management system aimed at high yield of maize. The 2 × 3 × 6 factorial experiment was designed having two plant densities (P1 = 60,000 and P2 = 100,000 plants ha?1) and three nitrogen rates (N1 = 60, N2 = 120 and N3 = 180 kg N ha?1) applied to the main plots, while six split application for N in different proportions were applied to subplots at different growth stages of maize in two equal (S1), three equal (S2), three unequal (S3), four equal (S4), five equal (S5) and five unequal splits (S6) at sowing and with 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th irrigation at two-week intervals. Growth rate and yield increased with elevated dose and number of N split applications. Improved endurance to high stands allowed maize to intercept and use solar radiation more efficiently, contributing to the remarkable increase in the crop growth rate and yield.  相似文献   

含水量和容重对旱地耕层土壤热导率的影响及预测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
土壤热导率是研究地表能量平衡和土壤水热运移过程中的一个基础参数。受土壤耕作、干湿交替和根系生长等过程的影响,耕层土壤的含水率和结构呈现较强的变异特征,而目前缺乏关于定量分析耕层土壤热导率变异特征的研究。该研究利用田间定位试验,采用热脉冲技术测定了含水率和容重变化条件下耕层土壤热导率的变异特征,并利用传递函数模型对耕层土壤热导率进行了预测。结果表明:含水率和容重是影响耕层土壤热导率变异的主要因子,而耕作强度和干湿交替是这种变异的关键驱动力;与翻耕和旋耕处理相比,免耕处理提高了土壤容重和含水率,从而增大了土壤热导率;在干湿交替作用下,翻耕后土壤容重逐步增加,耕层热导率也呈现上升趋势,波动幅度与含水率的变化相关。基于含水率、容重和质地信息,土壤热导率传递函数模型可以给出可靠的田间土壤热导率估计值,其均方根误差和平均偏差分别为0.09和-0.01 W/(m·K);考虑耕层土壤容重的动态信息,可以提高该模型预测土壤热导率的准确性。  相似文献   


Split nitrogen applications are widely adopted to improve grain yield and enhance nitrogen use effective in crops. In a two-year field experiment at two eco-sites, five fractions of topdressed nitrogen of 0%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% were implemented. Responses of radiation interception and leaf photosynthesis after anthesis, dry matter accumulation and assimilates remobilization, nitrogen use efficiency and grain yield to fraction of topdressed nitrogen treatments were investigated in malting barley. Net photosynthetic rate of the penultimate leaf, leaf area index and light extinction coefficient increased with increasing fraction topdressed nitrogen from 0% to 30%, and then decreased from 30% to 50%. The putative gross maximum canopy photosynthesis was the highest for fraction of topdressed nitrogen of 30%, which was concomitant with the highest amount of post-anthesis accumulated assimilates. The remobilization of pre-anthesis stored assimilates from vegetative organs into grains was hardly significantly affected by fractions of topdressed nitrogen. Grain yield was the highest for fraction of topdressed nitrogen of 30%, which coincided with the highest plant nitrogen uptake and physiological and agronomic nitrogen use efficiencies. The enhanced nitrogen use efficiency was corresponding to the improved photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency in the leaves at fraction of topdressed nitrogen of 30%. In conclusion, appropriate fraction of topdressed nitrogen application on malting barley improved assimilation rate and nitrogen use efficiency resulting in higher grain yields and proper grain protein content in malting barley.  相似文献   

土壤透水状况对水稻根系生长与氮素利用的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以"II优7954"为材料,盘栽比较了不同透水性土壤(常规淹水无渗漏、渗漏10mm/d、20mm/d、40mm/d和无水层无渗漏)对水稻根系生长与N素利用的影响,结果表明:水稻植株根系生长与土壤透水性关系较大,适当的土壤水分渗透能促进根系生长,提高N素利用。土壤透水量10mm/d有利于水稻早期根系生长,提高根总量和深层根比例,开花期白根比高,N肥吸收利用率达77.05%,远高于常规淹水无渗漏对照,对水稻产量也有促进作用。土壤透水量超过20mm/d时不利于产量提高及后期水稻根系和植株地上部的生长。适当土壤透水能提高籽粒千粒重,但渗漏率超过20mm/d则千粒重有下降趋势。  相似文献   

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