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内蒙古沙林中心绿洲农业发展节水灌溉的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
内蒙古沙林中心绿洲农业为水养农业,无灌溉即无农业。干旱、缺水成为制约沙漠林业科研实验以及绿洲经济和产业发展的重要因素,也成为干旱半干旱地区生态环境建设和实现可持续发展的制约因素。分析了沙林中心绿洲农业灌溉现状、存在的问题、节水灌溉的发展和不足,根据试验和巳取得的成就,提出了绿洲农业节水灌溉发展方向,为同类地区节水灌溉的发展提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

<正> 一、前言 根据D.W.Thorne,H.B.Peterson统计,全世界约有55%的土地分布在干旱及半干旱气候带,这些地区雨量稀少,干旱气候带的年降雨量一般不足250毫米,半干旱气候带的年降雨量亦仅250~500毫米。因此,发展灌溉是促进这些地区农业生产发展的一项重要手段。但是,在干旱、半干旱地区,灌溉水质多劣于湿润地区,质量较高的水缺乏,淡水资源不足与农业生产发展的供需矛盾越来越严重,成为一个世界性的问题。世界上许多国家、如印度、美国、苏联、澳大利亚、以色列、以及我国河北、宁夏、内蒙等地,由于水资源不足,利用含盐量较高的回归水、地下水、海水和碱性水进行灌溉。咸碱水灌溉不同于淡水灌溉,它不但要满足作物对水分的要求,而且要控制盐碱的危害。  相似文献   

国营农场推广应用喷灌机械化技术,对农牧业生产发展,提高经济效益,起到了重要作用。 50年代,干旱、半干旱地区农场,主要利用地面水资源,采用引水自流灌溉;山坡、丘陵地区,则采用提水灌溉。60年代,开始利用地下水资源,打机井捉水灌溉;东北地区的农场,采取“小白龙(PE塑料管)”灌溉。这些地面灌溉措施,对农业抗旱丰产起了很  相似文献   

<正>旱作农业,顾名思义就是非灌溉农业,主要依靠农田土壤接纳并储存的自然降水进行农作物生产的农业,又称为雨养农业,多分布于降雨300~750mm的半干旱和半湿润地区。我国干旱、  相似文献   

发展机械化旱作农业的必要性与可行性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国属干旱、半干旱的土地约占总耕地面积的52%,其中不能灌溉的完全旱地有3600万hm2。这些土地粮食产量长期以来低而不稳,严重影响了这些地区农村经济的全面发展,如何从根本上改变这一状况,达到稳产高产的目的,各地实践已证明,机械化旱作农业工程是解决这一问题的有效措施之一。本文从故城县魏家院旱作农业试点的成功经验,谈谈衡水市发展机械化旱作农业的必要性与可行性。  相似文献   

<正> 近几十年来,国内外学者在咸水灌溉方面作了大量的研究工作,这些工作主要为灌溉水质的研究、灌溉后土壤次生盐渍化问题及防治、不同作物的耐盐度以及灌区土壤的水盐动态等。这些工作为充分利用咸水灌溉提供了理论与实践基础。在我国干旱、半干旱地区,灌溉水质多劣于湿润地区,质量较高的水缺乏,淡水资源不足与农业生产发展的供需矛盾越来越严重,因此,很多地区为  相似文献   

我国咸水灌溉对作物生长及产量影响研究进展与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
灌溉水资源的短缺已成为我国干旱半干旱地区农业持续发展的一个重要限制因素,微咸水资源的开发利用可有效的缓解灌溉水源短缺的问题。本文总结了国内咸水灌溉对作物生长与产量影响的研究进展,为合理地利用咸水资源进行灌溉提供指导。从咸水资源灌溉利用现状来看,膜下滴灌为干旱半干旱地区有效的利用微咸水资源以及盐碱地的开发利用提供了有效的手段。但利用膜下滴灌方式进行微咸水灌溉,目前仍存在一些问题,需要进一步研究。此外,如何从流域或区域尺度上评价微咸水灌溉对生态环境的影响,并从更大尺度维持盐分平衡及环境的可持续发展值得深入研究。  相似文献   

为在辽西半干旱地区发展节水农业,通过大田试验,对比分析了压片式微喷带灌溉与传统管灌对玉米生长和产量的影响。结果表明,压片式微喷带灌溉可使玉米灌溉水量和耗水量减少23.8~35.1mm和24.1~48.2mm,且节水效益随着生育期内降雨量的减少而增大;压片式微喷带灌溉对玉米植株生长性状影响较小,而干旱年份则有利于LAI的提高;压片式微喷带灌溉对玉米产量及其构成的影响较小,但WUE可提高6.9%~8.7%。压片式微喷带灌溉技术是适宜辽西半干旱地区的节水灌溉技术,可作为地区节水农业发展的选择。  相似文献   

灌溉是维持半干旱区作物生产的重要措施,节水灌溉技术因各国国情、地理和气候条件的不同会有所差异,发展节水灌溉是未来农业灌溉的前进方向,是迈向精准农业、智慧农业的必经之路.干旱与半干旱地区的农作物生长发育受灌溉因素影响较大,了解作物应对灌溉的生理响应机制可改善灌溉条件下作物的生长发育状况,为灌溉条件下作物产量的形成奠定基础...  相似文献   

<正> 我国北方干早、半干旱、半湿润地区,在季风气候影响下,天然降雨在年内年际时空分布不均,不能满足农作物在生长季节适宜的水分需求。建国以来,为了克服干旱缺水对农业生产的严重威胁,灌溉事业有了很大的发展。但在发展引黄等河水灌溉中,曾普遍引起地下水位上升,发生大面积次生盐渍化。70年代以来,北方大规模开发利用地下水发展井灌,黄淮海平原次生  相似文献   

干旱半干旱地区缺水导致人们生活饮用水困难,更制约着工农业经济的发展。建集蓄雨水工程-集流场,蓄水水窑,可解决当地群众的生活用水,还可用剩余的水发展庭院经济,脱贫致富。在这类地区微灌技术成为利用集蓄的雨水发展庭院经济的纽带。但目前雨水利用与微灌技术的结合尚处较低水平,有待进一步研究适用于这类地区的设备和技术,使微灌给干旱半干旱地区人民带去福音。  相似文献   

Soil salinity has often become a long-term problem associated with irrigated agriculture in the arid and semi-arid regions. But the problem can be controlled by good management of surface and groundwater resources. Management of groundwater is achieved through drainage, although drainage may not be necessary for some time after the initial construction of a scheme. This paper introduces a regional model for predicting expected soil salinity conditions and groundwater depths over an irrigation scheme. The model considers all the main hydrological systems which influence soil salinity and makes optimal use of sparse point field data from grid surveys. The model can be used to identify priority areas for reclamation measures, ie areas where conditions combine to produce high salinity levels. Thus drainage development can be phased over a period of time and targeted where it will be most effective.  相似文献   

中国水资源的时空分布很不均衡,降雨由东向西减少.西北干旱半干旱区域,年降雨总量少,且按季节分配不均,年降水的60%~70%集中分布于6-9月,降水强度大.要解决西北干旱缺水问题,可从增水、蓄水、保水、高效用水等4个方面综合考虑.就目前形势来看,西北地区水资源的补充主要靠天然降水.为此,研发一种经济、有效的蓄水保墒技术及机具对雨水资源的利用将产生重大的影响.该机具一机多用,少耕免耕,不破坏原有植被,不会引发水土流失,有良好的开发前景.  相似文献   

Globally, about 10 Mha of agricultural land is lost annually due to salinisation, of which about 1.5 Mha is in irrigated areas. While some climate and management aspects are common to semi-arid regions, the detailed mechanisms and options to secure ecological sustainability and economic viability may vary considerably from case to case. This paper applies a whole of system-water balance to compare irrigation in three semi-arid regions suffering from similar sustainability issues: Rechna Doab (RD), Pakistan; the Liuyuankou irrigation system (LIS), China; and Murrumbidgee irrigation area (MIA), Australia. Soil salinity, lack of adequate water resources and groundwater management are major issues in these areas. The MIA and LIS irrigation systems also suffer from soil salinity and low water-use efficiency issues. These similarities occur in spite of very different climatic and underlying hydrogeological conditions. The key data used to compare these different regions are climate and soils, available water resources and their use, as well as components of the water balance. In addition, the history of water resource development in these areas is examined to understand how salinity problems emerge in semi-arid regions and the consequences for production. Based on the efficiency parameters and the definitions of sustainability, approaches are explored to solve common environmental problems while maintaining economic viability and environmental sustainability for irrigation systems.  相似文献   

针对西北干旱区农业水资源短缺的问题,以新疆洛浦县为例,从作物种植结构调整和灌溉面积变化、灌溉水利用系数提高及灌溉方式改变等方面进行节水分析,并对预测水平年农业供需水平衡进行了预测计算,预测结果表明:现有的灌排工程不能满足农业可持续发展要求;提高灌溉水利用系数势在必行;采用滴灌技术极大地减少了农业用水量,是解决农业供需水矛盾的有效措施。最后,根据预测结果,提出了解决农业水资源短缺、可持续发展的对策,为其他区域水资源的合理开发利用提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

Since scarcity of water is a major problem in semi-arid and arid areas of Spain and many other Mediterranean regions, water consumption in irrigated agriculture has to be reduced to a sustainable level that is also adapted to the environment. This goal can be reached by applying the highly effective and resource preserving techniques of micro-irrigation. In order to improve these techniques, a new subsurface irrigation system was developed by modification of conventional subsurface systems through the following innovative elements:

a new design of the lateral hoses which prevents the penetration of roots into the external water outlets and the block up by soil particles;

an impermeable polyethylene foil placed below the lateral pipes to prevent water loss through deep percolation, especially in sandy substrates;

a special installation equipment consisting of a V-shaped device which releases foil and pipe simultaneously into the soil without disturbing the natural soil profile.

After the experience of several years of operation, these elements have proved to be highly effective. Compared to other irrigation methods, the high irrigation efficiency achieved by this system was outstanding. Minimum maintenance requirement and a long life span are additional positive characteristics of the system. The beneficial outcomes of this system give reason for an optimistic appraisal of the strategies involved towards sustainable irrigated agriculture.  相似文献   

我国旱作地区坐水播种机械的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
坐水播种机械是我国典型的行走式节水灌溉机具,适用于我国北方干旱、半干旱地区抗旱播种,抗旱增产效果明显。为此,介绍了机械化坐水播种技术的原理、产生及发展,分析了我国坐水播种机械的研究与应用现状,探讨了我国穴灌坐水播种的主要机型及技术特点。同时,针对目前穴灌坐水播种机存在的问题,提出了我国坐水播种机械的发展研究方向。  相似文献   

Amare Getahun's (1978) paper on agricultural systems in Ethiopia is one of the few attempts to classify agricultural systems in Ethiopia into (a) the highland mixed farming system, (b) low plateaux and valley mixed agriculture, (c) pastoral livestock production of the arid and semi-arid zones and (d) commercial agriculture, and to describe the main characteristics of each system. However, it is not clear what criteria have been used to classify the different agricultural regions into the four general categories developed by Amare Getahun. This review paper discusses agricultural systems by applying the ecological systems approach to agricultural development within the framework of a political economy analysis as a means of evaluating agricultural development strategies.  相似文献   

随着气候变化和人类活动影响,分布于干旱半干旱地区的河川径流量显著减少,这已引起严峻的生活生产及生态等方面问题。本文基于SWAT模型,成功构建典型干旱半干旱地区皇甫川流域分布式水文模型,采用1990-1999年月径流资料进行参数率定,2000-2004年月径流资料作为模型验证,对模型的适用性做了评估。研究结果表明:率定期的Nash-Sutcliffe系数Ens值和相关系数R2均为0.80,相对误差Re为-4.6%,验证期的Ens值为0.66,相关系数R2为0.67,相对误差Re为10.1%,总体模拟结果较为满意。这为干旱半干旱地区分布式水文模型的应用奠定了基础,为皇甫川流域未来的水资源规划管理提供了科学参考依据。  相似文献   

Due to urban growth, some agricultural lands have been replaced by residential, municipal, and industrial areas. In some cases the remaining agricultural land will not have enough water because of transfers from agriculture to M&I (municipal and industrial) users. Therefore, in many places, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, the use of treated wastewater as a reliable source of irrigation water has already been, or will be, considered in the future. Due to its unique characteristics, this new resource has many challenges that cannot be ignored, such as health issues, water quality, and long- and short-term effects on soils and crops. The study described herein considered the development of a new GIS-based model for planning and managing the reuse of treated wastewater for the irrigation of agricultural and green lands, considering various factors such as population and urban growth. The model is composed of several different modules, including an urban growth model. These modules are designed to help in the decision-making process for allocations of water resources to agricultural areas, considering factors such as crop types, crop pattern, water salinity, soil characteristics, pumping and conveyance costs, and also by comparing different management scenarios. Appropriate crops that can be grown with a specific water salinity and soil characteristics, proper water resources for each farm (according to pumping and conveyance costs, and analysis of water demand, and water supply) can be determined through the application of this model. The model can also rank agricultural areas and open spaces in and near an urban area according to their suitability for irrigated agriculture.  相似文献   

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