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珍珠蚌5个群体不同阶段生长性能及外部形态变异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用温室大棚早繁技术,获得三角帆蚌(Hyriopsis cumingii)选育群体、武义养殖群体、鄱阳湖、洞庭湖野生群体,池蝶蚌(Hyriopsis schlegelii)养殖群体的子代,对1龄和2龄蚌的生长性能进行分析,并利用三种多元统计分析方法对1龄蚌外部形态变异进行了研究。结果显示:珍珠蚌5个群体的养殖性能由高到低为:池蝶蚌群体选育群体鄱阳湖群体洞庭湖群体养殖群体。生长指标之间存在显著相关性,与体质量相关程度由大到小为:壳长、壳宽和壳高。1龄时,影响珍珠蚌体质量的生长指标主要为壳长,2龄时,为壳长和壳宽。珍珠蚌生长后期壳宽对体重的影响比重加大,壳高与体重的相关性降低。三种多元分析结果显示,1龄时,池蝶蚌群体与鄱阳湖群体、洞庭湖群体以及养殖群体的外部形态存在较大的相似性,综合判别率较低,选育群体外部形态较前四者存在明显差异。  相似文献   

本文对两种育珠蚌即池蝶蚌和三角帆蚌进行培育有核珍珠和无核珍珠生产对比研究,结果表明:池蝶蚌育珠性能明显优于三角帆蚌;池蝶蚌育珠蚌的成活率、所育珍蛛层厚度和珍珠质量均高于三角帆蚌的育珠蚌;至2005年4月,池蝶蚌育珠蚌的成活率、珍珠产量和所培育无核珍珠的3级、8、9、10mm以上珍珠比例都高于三角帆蚌的育珠蚌,显示出较大的经济优势和推广潜力。  相似文献   

华丹 《科学养鱼》2003,(10):16-17
一、养殖水域的选择 (一)场址的选择 1.池塘 养殖面积因地制宜,小的池塘为3~5亩,大的池塘从十几亩到几十亩都有,水深1.5~2米,水质一般都较肥,饵料生物丰富。池塘中可混养草鱼、鳊鱼、鳙、鲫鱼,放养密度为100~200尾/亩,不宜放养或极少量放养竞食性鱼类如鲢鱼等,切勿放养肉食性鱼类如青鱼、乌鳢等。  相似文献   

卞伟 《内陆水产》2001,26(10):22-23
每年4~6月为三角帆蚌的最佳繁殖季节,雌蚌将成熟的卵球输送到外鳃瓣的鳃丝间隙中,再将雄蚌释放在水体中的精子随呼吸水流纳入外套腔被外鳃瓣滤取,并与待留在鳃丝间隙中的卵球受精。受精卵即滞留在鳃丝间隙中进行胚胎发育。当胚胎发育至钩介幼虫时,雌蚌将成熟的钩介幼虫排放到水体中钩介幼虫遇到鱼体便寄生在鱼鳃和鱼鳍上营寄生生活变态完毕形成仔蚌从鱼体上脱落下来,落入泥底中营独立的埋栖生活。1亲蚌的选择与培育1.1亲蚌雌雄鉴别1雄蚌较狭长,后端较尖,雌蚌体厚,后端较圆2雌蚌的内脏团丰满、色深,雄蚌则小而呈…  相似文献   

三、蚌苗的收集与培育从鱼体脱落下来的蚌苗体长0.3~10毫米 ,体白透明 ,斧足很长 ,纤毛不停地摆动 ,可前后运动。由于个体微小 ,生活能力差 ,如脱落在有机质较多的地方 ,可能会闷死 ,或者受溶氧、水流、饵料等条件的影响和敌害的侵袭而造成死亡。所以必须加强管理和保护 ,才能保证蚌苗的存活和正常生长。(一)流水池蚌苗的收集与培育流水池由贮水池、沉淀池、培育池三部分组成。培育池规格为2米 1米 0.2米。每个池都有进水口和出水口 ,进水口一端高于出水口一端 ,使水流畅 ,并将进出水口用细网拦好 ,防止敌害随水进入。为了保…  相似文献   

把三角帆蚌、褶纹冠蚌放养在不同水体中(开放型水体、封闭型水体),观察其生长状况、食性状况,结果得出两种蚌食性相似,三角帆蚌在两种水体中生长速度相近;褶纹冠蚌在两种水体中生长速度相差较大,在封闭型水体中养殖1年后体重达到初放体重的5.5倍,而在开放型水体中只有1,9倍。这与封闭型水体中水质肥,浮游生物的密度大,褶纹冠蚌日滤水量高有关。  相似文献   

三角帆蚌与池蝶蚌杂交繁育初试   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为解决目前我国淡水育珠贝类种质资源退化、缺少优良品种的问题,使用人工自然受精法进行了三角帆蚌与池蝶蚌杂交试验,共获得三角帆蚌与池蝶蚌正交后代20万只,反交后代15万只,三角帆蚌自交后代13万只,池蝶蚌自交后代10万只。养殖及育珠试验表明,以反交F1代生产性能最优,插片手术后第3年的杂交F1代大规格优质珍珠(粒径>8 mm)所占比例达37.98%。  相似文献   

张元培 《内陆水产》2004,29(3):18-18
淡水有核珍珠养殖具有育珠周期短、珍珠颗粒厘码大、形态多样,并能控形生产等特点。我国淡水有核珍珠养殖研究试验,始于20世纪60年代末期,现已经取得了正圆有核珍珠、异形有核珍珠、几何形有核珍珠、大型奇特形有核珍珠、拟态控形有核珍珠、彩色有核珍珠和夜明珠等诸多科研成果。20世纪80年代初,在湖南、江西、湖北等地开始应用于生产,已经取得了很好的  相似文献   

辽宁省淡水养殖鱼类的引种育种概况与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕迅  李温林 《水产科学》1992,11(1):22-24
我国同世界各国一样,十分重视水产养殖种质资源的开发、引进和选优工作,如:青鱼、草鱼、鲢鱼、鳙鱼、鲤、鲫、鳊、鲂等鱼的引入池塘家养及人工繁殖,银鱼、池沼公鱼、鲴鱼等的增殖,鲤鱼、鲫鱼等的属间、种间的杂交,以及从国外引进罗非鱼、胡子鲶、白鲳等  相似文献   

Allograft and xenograft mantle transplantations were studied in three species of freshwater pearl mussels, Hyriopsis (Limnoscapha) myersiana, H. (L.) desowitzi and Chamberlainia hainesiana, by transplanting foreign mantle tissue into the mantle tissue of a host mantle. The pearl sac is completely formed within 15 days after an allograft. After a xenograft from a C. hainesiana donor into a H. (L.) myersiana recipient, it took 13 days, and in the opposite case it took 15 days. For a H. (L.) desowitzi donor, it took 21 days in a C. hainesiana recipient and 27 days in a H. (L.) myersiana recipient. When the recipient was H. (L.) desowitzi, no pearl sac was observed after xenografts from either of the other two mussel species. Allografts of C. hainesiana and H. (L.) myersiana yielded the highest success rate of forming pearl sacs (96 and 97% respectively). Xenografts from a C. hainesiana donor into an H. (L.) myersiana recipient yielded 94%, and the opposite case yielded 90%. The first completed pearl layer was found for xenotransplantation into a C. hainesiana recipient from an H. (L.) myersiana donor at 126 days after transplantation.  相似文献   

1. Two experiments were carried out in a Scottish river to test the effects of electrofishing on endangered freshwater pearl mussels (Margaritifera margaritifera). 2. In the first experiment, two areas of mussel bed were marked out as treatment and control sites and the former was electrofished using standard equipment. The mussels were examined 10 min, 24 h and 35 days after treatment and their shell valve closure responses, burrowing capabilities and gravidities were recorded as signs of normal ‘functioning’. 3. In the second experiment, individual mussels were marked as treatments and controls and the former were electrofished. These mussels were examined as before. 4. No mortalities occurred and no significant differences in ‘functioning’ between treatments and controls were observed in either experiment. 5. Since no measurable treatment effect could be demonstrated, it appears that electrofishing did not adversely affect the short‐term survival of M. margaritifera. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. In rearing experiments performed between 1997 and 2007, captive‐bred juvenile mussels were harvested shortly after they had dropped off their host fish, and exposed to different types of cages and holding systems.
  • 2. Survival of juveniles ranged from 0 to 92% in the first 4 months, but the mean annual mortality was high in all trials and with all systems. In three trials with sheet cages and sediment boxes exposed to mussel rivers from an initial number of 1440 to 1660 only one to eight mussels reached 4 years of age.
  • 3. With the exception of mussels kept in spring water no relationship between growth and survival was observed.
  • 4. Low survival rates were obtained in sheet cages exposed to very oligotrophic and highly eutrophic brook stretches. Several natural sites that were lacking recruitment in the wild nevertheless showed good results in the cages.
  • 5. All holding systems showed irregular variations in survival rates. Pairs of sheet cages showed no correlation between the survival of mussels in the adjacent cages. In contrast, growth rates were correlated.
  • 6. No relationship could be found between the growth or survival in sheet cages at different sites and brooks and the corresponding data on water chemistry.
  • 7. The systems tested for rearing young mussels involving a minimal time and effort in the natural habitat were not successful due to the elevated mortality rates of juveniles.
  • 8. The rearing success of young pearl mussels in cages in the water flow of mussel rivers gives no information about the suitability of these sites for natural reproduction. Thus, to find potential natural habitats for Margaritifera, it is imperative to survey water quality, sediments and habitat structure. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  • 1. Experiments were carried out in the River Spey, Scotland to determine the effects of aquatic weed (Ranunculus spp.) removal on populations of freshwater pearl mussels (Margaritifera margaritifera) and juvenile salmonids (Salmo salar, Salmo trutta) and their river‐bed habitats.
  • 2. Physical removal of Ranunculus had no significant impact either on pearl mussels or on salmon and trout fry.
  • 3. Regrowth of Ranunculus post‐removal was negligible for one year, indicating that hand‐removal may be an effective control measure.
  • 4. Ranunculus roots appear to facilitate substantial depositions of fine sand that are detrimental both to pearl mussels and salmonid fry.
  • 5. The rapid spread of invasive Ranunculus is a potential threat to the conservation status of M. margaritifera in the River Spey.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

分析研究珍珠质量的制片、植片手术工艺 ,消毒防疫以及劳动管理等因素 ,探索在手术作业环节中如何提高淡水无核珍珠质量。  相似文献   

浙江省诸暨市属丘陵地带,全市有养鱼水面7万亩,其中70%为山塘小型水库,为了做好水产业内部结构调整,进一步提高以灌溉为主的小型水库经济效益,2002年,我们进行了小型水库河蚌育珠试验,取得了较为理想的效益。一、基本情况1.水库选择 虾公湖水库集雨面积3.4km2,正常水位时的养鱼面积57亩,平均水深3.5m,最深处水深8.7m,下游灌溉粮田105亩。2.清塘消毒 因为灌溉需要,水库不能干池,2002年1月上旬,用100kg/亩生石灰带半库水体进行清库消毒。3.鱼蚌放养 2002年2月上旬,放养于前年10月份插种好的体质强壮、无病害的一龄三角帆蚌1000只/亩…  相似文献   

为了筛选优质的珍珠蚌插片组合,探究不同种类珍珠蚌相互插片后生长性状间的差异和相关性,以及各组合无核珍珠成珠率和大小的差异,利用三角帆蚌(S)、池蝶蚌(C)和褶纹冠蚌(Z)分别作为供片蚌和育珠蚌,获得9个育珠蚌组合,测量各育珠组合的体质量、壳长、壳高和壳宽,比较9个育珠蚌组合及3个未插片的三角帆蚌、池蝶蚌和褶纹冠蚌对照组在1年后生长性状的差异,对各生长性状相关性进行分析。测量每个育珠蚌所产无核珍珠的数量和大小,计算成珠率和圆度,分析不同组合之间无核珍珠的差异。结果显示,无核育珠手术影响珍珠蚌的生长性能,以三角帆蚌和池蝶蚌为育珠蚌的组合生长性状均优于对照组,S-S育珠组合在以三角帆蚌为育珠蚌组合内生长最优,SC和C-C育珠组合在以池蝶蚌为育珠蚌组合中生长最优,而以褶纹冠蚌为育珠蚌的组合插片后生长性状指标均小于对照组。其中除了池蝶蚌同种插片组合(C-C育珠组合)外,其余各育珠组合壳长与体质量间相关系数均高于其他生长性状间相关系数,C-C育珠组合壳宽与体质量相关系数最大;三角帆蚌和池蝶蚌之间的插片组合(S-S、C-S、S-C和C-C育珠组合)及褶纹冠蚌同种插片组合(Z-Z育珠组合)成珠率较高(...  相似文献   

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