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荻具发达根茎及不定根系,是优良的固土护坡植物,也具有耐淹能力,可应用于河流岸坡和水库消落带的水土保持。根据对湖北省荻分布的考察结果,将其生态分布划分为湿地植被类型、石漠化和丹霞地貌植被类型与山地植被类型。荻主要呈斑块状分布于池塘、沟渠和耕地边缘、森林边缘,面积从几平方米到几千平方米不等,森林内部没有其踪迹。湖北省荻种群密度一般为51.7~73.4株/m2,仅大柳和丹江口种群密度低于50株/m2。人为破坏生态环境,限制荻根茎的扩展是影响其分布的主要因素。在江汉平原荻生存空间狭小,将导致其一些重要的生态型和基因型的消失,该物种的遗传多样性将逐渐狭窄而成为濒危植物。  相似文献   

本文运用PCR产物直接测序法对巴山榧树10个地理种群的trnL-trnF序列进行了测定,并调用GenBank中6个近缘种的trnL-trnF序列,选用MEGA 4.1软件对巴山榧树不同地理种群及近缘种间的trnL-trnF序列进行分析。结果表明,巴山榧树10个地理种群间的遗传分化程度较低,只有34个变异位点,1个信息位点;7个近缘种间的遗传分化较显著,有75个变异位点,30个信息位点。聚类分析将巴山榧树10个地理种群与6个近缘种聚为2个分支,巴山榧树、云南榧和日本榧树聚为一支,榧树、长叶榧树、佛罗里达榧和加州榧聚为另一个分支。trnL-trnF序列系统树不支持将榧树属分为皱乳榧组和榧树组;赞同将云南榧并入巴山榧树,或作为巴山榧树的变种处理;不支持将巴山榧树和云南榧合并在榧树下作为变种的处理意见。  相似文献   

基于2×2联列表,以χ2检验为基础,结合共同出现百分率JI、联结系数AC以及点相关系数PCC,测定了福建省政和县东平镇凤头村受樵采干扰后闽楠林乔木层主要种群的种间联结性。结果表明:闽楠林乔木层联结程度达到显著的种对很少,群落内105个种对中,7对正联结达显著以上水平,98对(占93.3%)联结不显著,种的分布较独立。与未受干扰的闽楠林群落种间联结比较说明,干扰对闽楠林乔木层主要种群种间联结性有一定的影响。并讨论了抽样单元面积分别为100m2、200m2和400m2时种间关联测定的准确性,抽样单元面积为100m2时适宜对闽楠林主要种群进行种间关联测定。  相似文献   

通过室内实验研究了不同氮磷比条件下主要水华藻类——铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginisa)和巨颤藻(Oscillatoria princeps)的生长和种间竞争。结果表明,无论在纯培养体系还是混合培养体系中,微囊藻在中氮磷比(N/P=4.5)下生长最好,颤藻在低氮磷比(N/P=0.45)下生长最好;氮磷比对藻类的种间竞争抑制参数能够产生明显影响,中氮磷比时微囊藻对颤藻的竞争抑制参数最大,分别是高氮磷比(N/P=45)和低氮磷比时的1.38倍和1.35倍;而颤藻对微囊藻的竞争抑制参数则是在低氮磷比时最大,分别是高氮磷比和中氮磷比时的2.22倍和4.02倍。中、高氮磷比时微囊藻对颤藻的竞争抑制参数(α)大于颤藻对微囊藻的竞争抑制参数(β),而低氮磷比时则相反。根据Lotka-Volterra竞争模型中两物种的竞争结局可初步判断,中、高氮磷比时,微囊藻在竞争中占优势,低氮磷比时,微囊藻和颤藻不稳定共存。  相似文献   

In this paper, the influence of earthworm density is assessed on the life-history parameters: growth, development, reproduction, and survival of Lumbricus rubellus (Hoffm.). Density ranges from two to nine earthworms in 1-l containers, corresponding to field densities of 300-1350 earthworms m−2. Earthworms were kept under optimal laboratory conditions, with a surplus of food. The results show that at high earthworm density, individual growth is retarded, maturation delayed and cocoon production decreased, even when food is optimal. The integration of these results into a Dynamic Energy Budget model suggests that the food intake of individual earthworms is lower at the higher tested densities. This lower food intake is most probably driven by competition for space at the higher densities. The lower food intake results in a lower intrinsic rate of population increase which is negative at the highest tested density.  相似文献   

2017年1月9—12日和2月21—24日,在南平建瓯、三明将乐、三明三元、福州闽侯、龙岩新罗以及漳州龙海等6个地区,调查了大棚和露地烟粉虱越冬寄主及种群密度,以期明确福建省露地及设施蔬菜烟粉虱越冬规律,为烟粉虱的综合治理提供理论依据。共记录烟粉虱越冬寄主6科16种,主要包括栽培蔬菜花椰菜、番茄、茄子以及阔叶类杂草龙葵、小飞蓬、辣子草和胜红蓟。在露地花椰菜上,烟粉虱越冬虫口密度1月份显著高于2月份;花椰菜采后残株上的越冬虫口密度显著高于莲座期和花球形成期。在温室大棚中,休耕大棚中越冬虫口密度显著高于生产大棚。无论是蔬菜还是杂草,温室大棚中的越冬虫口密度显著高于露地。烟粉虱各虫态均可在各地温室大棚和漳州露地越冬,而在南平和三明等温度较低的地区以卵和伪蛹在露地越冬。在蔬菜上发现越冬烟粉虱有MEAM1隐种和MED隐种,温室大棚中两隐种数量分别为57只和111只,温室大棚可能有助于MED隐种定殖。室内耐寒性测定证实卵和高龄若虫比低龄若虫以及成虫更耐寒,烟粉虱在花椰菜、龙葵和辣子草上的世代存活率分别为83.7%、79.3%和81.6%,世代发育历期分别为18.9 d、16.7 d和18.8 d,龙葵和辣子草是烟粉虱适宜的越冬杂草寄主。综上,烟粉虱可在福建省露地越冬,温室大棚加重了烟粉虱的发生为害。  相似文献   

沙地樟子松人工林初植密度及其调控研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用灰色系统理论中灰关联和灰预测方法,对毛乌素沙地试区樟子松人工林初植密度和中龄期(15~20年)的适宜密度调控进行了评价与预测.研究结果证明沙地樟子松适宜的初植株行距为2m×2m,进入中龄期后适宜的株行距为3m×4m.  相似文献   

闽北檫树群落乔木层物种多样性特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用对数级数模型对檫树群落物种多度分布格局进行预测与检验结果表明 ,该檫树群落物种多度分布遵从对数级数分布 ,即群落的均匀度相对较小 ,群落稳定且具有较高的生物多样性。  相似文献   

绿盲蝽在转Bt基因抗虫棉的发生动态及其为害研究   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
试验研究转Bt基因抗虫棉对非目标害虫绿盲蝽田间种群的影响结果表明,绿盲蝽在转单价抗虫棉(GK-12)与其亲本上的种群数量整个发生期无显著差异,但二代绿盲蝽对“GK-12”的危害程度大于对其亲本的危害,而对双价抗虫棉(SGK321)与其亲本的种群发生数量及其受害程度均无显著差异,“GK-12”比“SGK321”被害指数高1.27倍。绿盲蝽在单价抗虫棉“GK-12”上的发生为害有加重趋势,而在双价抗虫棉“SGK321”上的发生程度却受到一定抑制。  相似文献   

Seed inoculation is frequently essential for annual Medicago establishment in Mediterranean dryland farming systems. As post-planting soil inoculation is often practiced when seed inoculation fails, the effect of delayed inoculation was investigated. Roots of Medicago rigidula (L.). All selection 716, and Medicago rotata Boiss. selection 2132, were initially pre-exposed to Rhizobium meliloti strains. Subsequently, roots were exposed to a secondary inoculum after 6, 48 and 168 h to simulate delayed inoculation. and subsequent establishment of others strains in the nodules were investigated. Combinations of highly effective and host compatible ICARDA strains (M15 and M53) and effective-ineffective strains (M15 and M28) were used to evaluate proportional nodulation responses. Plants were harvested after 6 weeks of growth. Nodules were assessed for distribution in the root system and for occupancy based on their differential resistance to kanamycin and streptomycin, and, in the case of ICARDA M28, on nodule characteristics. The strain ICARDA M15 was a better competitor than ICARDA M53 when applied in equal density in M. rotata, at zero time. While forming nodules with M. rigidula, ICARDA M53 was equally competitive under the same conditions. With ICARDA M15 as the primary inoculum, and ICARDA M53 delayed for 6, 48 and 168 h, the incidence of ICARDA M15 nodules increased on M. rigidula from 43% (at zero time) to 86, 94, and 97% and, on M. rotata, from 78% (at zero time) to 88%, 95%, and 98% for the three time delays, respectively. Pre-exposure of 2-day old M. rigidula seedlings to the ineffective strain ICARDA M28 as the primary inoculant was followed by significant nodule number increases (P 0.01) as compared with ICARDA M15. Nonetheless, when ICARDA M15 was the primary inoculum, M28 was able to produce about 35% of the nodules when applied at the 6 and 48 h time delays. However, with ICARDA M28 as the primary inoculum, followed by ICARDA M15, nodule occupancy of ICARDA M28 in M. rigidula increased from 40 (at zero time) to 75%, 80%, and 95% for the three time delays, respectively. The percentage of total nodulation by M28, applied at the three delay times, was markedly lower (10%, 5% and 1%, respectively) when M. rotata was pre-exposed to ICARDA M15. This suggested a host preference for ICARDA M15, even if applied as a late inoculum. Results indicate that the early events in the nodulation process of annual medics coupled with host-specificity factors are perhaps the most critical for competition among R. meliloti strains for nodule formation.  相似文献   

为探索乌蔹莓鹿蛾的人工饲养条件, 就幼虫饲养密度(每瓶1 头、3 头、5 头、7 头、9 头)和温度(25 ℃、28 ℃、31 ℃)对乌蔹莓鹿蛾的发育历期、存活率和取食等进行了研究。结果显示, 与群体饲养相比, 单头饲养的乌蔹莓鹿蛾幼虫的发育历期长, 成活率低, 取食量较大。在25~31 ℃的环境温度下, 乌蔹莓鹿蛾幼虫的发育历期随温度升高而缩短, 28~31 ℃较有利于幼虫生长发育, 28 ℃的存活率最高(79.47%), 31 ℃时幼虫取食量最大(2.45 g·头-1)。在人工饲养条件下, 初龄幼虫以3~5 头群体饲养为宜, 3 龄以后以单头饲养为宜, 饲养温度以28~31 ℃为宜。  相似文献   

Although demographic models have become increasingly important tools in plant conservation, few models have considered the implications of seed banks for population persistence. Based on a 15-year study of the threatened herb, Helenium virginicum, we created a stage-class transition matrix to model the population dynamics of the plant. Our goal was to determine the role of the seed bank in population persistence and in the design of monitoring programs for the plant. Using data from marked plants, a long-term study of seed viability, and a seed bank census, we created a deterministic model and three stochastic models. The stochastic models were a model in which yearly correlations among parameters were retained, a model in which parameters were uncorrelated, and a model in which parameters were derived from log-normal distribution. We also constructed a fourth model in which we assumed a minimum seed lifetime consistent with the seed viability data. Both elasticity and perturbation analysis suggested that seed survival within the seed bank had by far the largest effects on the population growth rate (λ), with 47-64% of the change in λ being controlled by seed survival. Correlations among life history parameters had little effect on λ in the original models, but substantially reduced λ (from 0.97 to 0.86) when seed survival was limited. Given the importance of the seed bank and the high yearly variability in adult plant density, we used simulations to compare power to detect declines with seed bank samples versus censuses of adult plants. The power of adult plant censuses was extremely low (13-22%). The power of seed bank censuses was substantially higher (48-59%), but was limited by large pulses of recruitment to the seed bank in good years. Power was only moderately reduced when seeds were sampled every two or four years instead of yearly (from 59% to 48%). Together, our results suggest that seed survival is crucial to persistence of Helenium populations and that future empirical studies should focus on understanding the factors that affect seed survival. In addition, managers should consider seed bank censuses rather than above-ground plants when designing monitoring programs for plants in variable environments where above-ground plants vary greatly from year to year.  相似文献   

根据斜纹夜蛾发育历期与温度的数学关系、卵和幼虫田间自然存活率及田间逐日产卵量参数,研究建立了斜纹夜蛾种群数量动态预测的变维矩阵模型。并运用该模型预测南昌市郊区甘蓝田斜纹夜蛾自然种群数量动态,其预测结果与实际观测结果基本相符。  相似文献   

Due to its practical relevance to conservation, considerable efforts have been devoted to understanding the effects of logging on orangutan (Pongo spp.) population densities. Despite these efforts, consistent patterns have yet to emerge. We conducted orangutan nest surveys and measured forest quality and disturbance level at 108 independent locations in 22 distinct sites in the forests of the Berau and East Kutai regencies of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Survey locations varied substantially in orangutan density, forest structure, distance to villages, and logging intensity. We incorporated site-specific nest tree composition into our estimates of nest decay rates to reduce errors associated with inter-site differences in nest tree selection. Orangutan nest densities were uncorrelated with altitude, fig density, or any other ecological measure. Multivariate analyses demonstrated that densities were not significantly affected by logging intensity (at the relatively light levels we report here) or the distance to the nearest village, but were positively correlated with the distance from the nearest village known to hunt orangutans. These results indicate that provided hunting is absent, lightly to moderately degraded forests retain high conservation value for orangutans. Widespread incorporation of degraded areas into management plans for orangutan populations would substantially increase the size of populations that could be protected, and thereby improve their changes for long-term survival.  相似文献   

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