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We determined the abomasal emptying rates of Holstein-Friesian cows at different stages of lactation, with left displaced abomasum (LDA), or immediately after surgical correction of LDA or abomasal volvulus (AV). D-xylose (0.5 g/kg body weight [BW], 50% solution) was injected into the abomasum in healthy cows (group 1, 4-7 days in milk [DIM], n = 7; group 2, 90-120 DIM, n = 7; group 3, > 300 DIM, n = 7) and in cows with LDA (n = 10; group 4). D-xylose was injected into the abomasum during right flank laparotomy in cows with LDA (n = 22; group 5) and cows with AV (n = 15; group 6). The time to maximal serum D-xylose concentration was used as an index of emptying rate. The abomasal emptying rates for cows in groups 1, 2, and 3 were similar, whereas emptying was slower in cows with LDA and in cows after surgical correction of LDA or AV. The abomasal emptying rate of cows with LDA was slowed to a greater extent immediately after surgery, when compared to the rate obtained before surgery. There was no difference in abomasal emptying rate immediately after surgical correction between cows with LDA or AV. The results indicate that the increased incidence of LDA in the first month of lactation is not associated with an intrinsic decrease in abomasal emptying rate in healthy cows. Our findings also demonstrate that surgical correction further slows the emptying rate in cows with LDA.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to analyze glucose metabolism and abomasal myoelectrical activity during an intravenous glucose tolerance test in cows operated for LDA. Three dairy cows, at the onset of lactation, suffering from left displaced abomasum were selected from the animals presented at the clinic. During surgical therapy, one pair of electrodes was placed in the smooth muscle of the abomasal body, the pars pylorica and the duodenum respectively. The animals were subjected to electromyography on five occasions during hospital admittance (Days 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 post-operative); their insulin, glucagon, glucose, beta-hydroxybutyrate and NEFA levels were then measured. Two days after surgery, the animals were subjected to an intravenous glucose load (300 g glucose in 30 min) during abomaso-duodenal electromyography. The findings indicate that the three animals had glucose metabolism disorders during hospitalization. The abomaso-duodenal myoelectric activity of Cows 1 and 3 was lower than in Cow 2. During the glucose load, the analysis of hormones and metabolites showed that there were different degrees of reactivity and that myoelectric activity differed in the 3 cows. The results of the study suggest that despite the surgical reposition of the abomasum, disorders of abomasal motility persist in different degrees in cows operated for LDA and could be influenced by glucose administrations.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to evaluate supplementation of dried distillers grains with solubles (DGS) to spring-calving beef cows (n = 120; 541 kg of initial BW; 5.1 initial BCS) consuming low-quality forage during late gestation and early lactation. Supplemental treatments included (DM basis) 1) 0.77 kg/d DGS (DGSL); 2) 1.54 kg/d DGS (DGSI); 3) 2.31 kg/d DGS (DGSH); 4) 1.54 kg/d of a blend of 49% wheat middlings and 51% cottonseed meal (POS); and 5) 0.23 kg/d of a cottonseed hull-based pellet (NEG). Feeding rate and CP intake were similar for DGSI and POS. In Exp. 1, cows were individually fed 3 d/wk until calving and 4 d/wk during lactation; total supplementation period was 119 d, encompassing 106 d of gestation and 13 d of lactation. Tall-grass prairie hay (5.6% CP, 50% TDN, 73% NDF; DM basis) was fed for ad libitum intake throughout the supplementation period. Change in cow BW and BCS during gestation was similar for DGSI and POS (-5.0 kg, P = 0.61 and -0.13, P = 0.25, respectively) and linearly increased with increasing DGS level (P < 0.01). Likewise, during the 119-d supplementation period, BW and BCS change were similar for DGSI and POS (-72 kg, P = 0.22 and -0.60, P = 0.10) and increased linearly with respect to increasing DGS (P < 0.01). The percentage of cows exhibiting luteal activity at the beginning of breeding season (56%, P = 0.31), AI conception rate (57%, P = 0.62), or pregnancy rate at weaning (88%, P = 0.74) were not influenced by supplementation. In Exp. 2, 30 cows from a separate herd were used to evaluate the effect of DGS on hay intake and digestion. Supplementation improved all digestibility measures compared with NEG. Hay intake was not influenced by DGS (P > 0.10); digestibility of NDF, ADF, CP, and fat linearly increased with increasing DGS. In Exp. 3, milk production and composition were determined for cows (n = 16/treatment) of similar days postpartum from Exp. 1. Daily milk production was not influenced by supplementation (6.3 kg/d, P = 0.25). Milk fat (2.1%) and lactose (5.0%) were not different (P > 0.10). Milk protein linearly increased as DGS increased (P < 0.05) and was greater for DGSI compared with POS. Similar cow performance was achieved when cows were fed DGS at the same rate and level of CP as a traditional cottonseed meal-based supplement. Increasing amounts of DGS did not negatively influence forage intake or diet digestibility.  相似文献   

Quantitative histology of mammary parenchymal tissue from 16 Hereford and 16 Holstein heifers was determined for tissue obtained on day 150, 180, and 280 of gestation and on day 49 of lactation. Percent area occupied by stromal tissue was progressively decreased on each consecutive sample day during gestation in Herefords and was lower in both breeds during lactation. Overall, area occupied by stromal tissue elements was also greater in Herefords. Percent lumenal space and number of cells per alveolar cross section was consistently greater for Holsteins and increased across sample periods in both breeds. During lactation more than 40% of the alveolar cells in Herefords were characterized as poorly differentiated, but in Holstein heifers nearly all of the cells were classified as either intermediate or fully differentiated. These data provide additional evidence to support the idea that much of the difference in milk production between beef and dairy animals depends on increased mammary function. Whether differences in milk production within dairy breeds are also explained by altered cellular differentiation remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Peritoneal fluid (PF) was evaluated in 40 cows with left displaced abomasum (LDA) and 15 cows with abomasal volvulus (AV). PF was obtained by abdominocentesis at the right ventral abdomen at admission. Simultaneously, a blood sample was taken from the jugular vein. Biochemical and cytological variables in blood and PF specific for ischaemia, inflammation and cell damage were compared. Total protein, albumin, glucose and cholesterol were normal in PF of cows with LDA and AV. Although L-lactate increased in both groups, cows with AV had significantly higher values (LDA: 1.47/0.69/2.68 mmol/l; AV: 6.45/4.55/12.89 mmol/l (median/1. quartile/3. quartile)). D-dimer (LDA: 0.50/0.22/0.88 mg/l; AV: 1.11/0.40/1.85 mg/l) and LDH (LDA: 663/437/943 U/l; AV: 1099/750/1439 U/l) were only increased in PF of cows with AV. The number of leucocytes was normal; however, significantly more peritoneal neutrophils appeared necrotic or apoptotic after AV. PF of cows with abomasal displacement showed distinctive features of ischaemia and inflammation. Characteristics of haemostatic dysfunction and cell damage were mainly evident in PF of cows with AV. The results suggest that anti-inflammatory therapy is indicated in each cow with abomasal displacement. Additionally, medical treatment should be directed to prevent complications of ischaemia and reperfusion in cows with AV.  相似文献   

Oxidative status during late pregnancy and early lactation in dairy cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the last few years, the detection of free radical damage and the body's defences against it have become increasingly important in clinical medicine as a complementary tool in the evaluation of metabolic status. The aim of this study was to evaluate, under field conditions, the anti-oxidant status of healthy cows during late pregnancy and lactation onset using two parameters: (1) plasma levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), a degradation product of lipid peroxidation, and (2) total antioxidant status (TAS). Results were compared with those obtained in another group of cows with lesser metabolic demands. We also investigated possible relationships between antioxidant status markers and other relevant blood parameters. Our results confirmed the characteristic metabolic changes associated with late pregnancy and early lactation. MDA and TAS provided an accurate reflection of the internal physiological status of the animal. The data indicated increased lipid peroxidation around parturition, but with wide individual variations that may be attributable not only to the physiological stage but also to unknown factors that will have to be further considered in future studies.  相似文献   

Left displaced abomasum (LDA) and abomasal volvulus (AV) occur most commonly in postparturient dairy cows. Our main hypothesis was that endotoxemia occurred more frequently in the peripheral blood of cows with LDA or AV than in healthy cows because increased luminal pressure in AV or LDA, or the presence of a hemorrhagic strangulating obstruction in AV, may have injured the abomasal mucosa, thereby facilitating translocation of luminal endotoxin into the circulation. Therefore, our main objective was to compare the prevalence and magnitude of endotoxemia in healthy postparturient cows with the prevalence and magnitude of endotoxemia in cows with AV and LDA. We examined 60 adult dairy cows in early lactation that were diagnosed with AV (n = 15) or LDA (n = 15) or were healthy on physical examination (control group, n = 30). Jugular venous blood was obtained from cows in all 3 groups, and right gastroepiploic venous blood was obtained during surgical correction of AV and LDA immediately after repositioning of the abomasum. Platelet-rich plasma endotoxin concentrations were measured with a chromogenic limulus amoebocyte lysate assay. Endotoxin was detected in jugular vein plasma in 50% (15/30) of control cows; however, the prevalence of endotoxemia was significantly lower (P < .05) in cows with AV (7%, 1/15) or LDA (20%, 3/15). Endotoxin was detected simultaneously in right gastroepiploic and jugular vein plasma in only 1 cow with LDA and 0 cows with AV. Contrary to our hypothesis, we conclude that endotoxemia is infrequently present in postparturient dairy cows with AV or LDA.  相似文献   

Most of the metabolic diseases of dairy cows occur within the first 2 wk after calving, and cows with a metabolic disease are prone to infectious diseases. Although metabolic diseases are generally recognized as a risk factor for infectious diseases owing to the associated decrease in immune function, the difference in immune status between cows with milk fever (MF) or displaced abomasum (DA) during the lactation period has not been clarified. Therefore, the peripheral blood leukocyte populations in 38 multiparous Holstein cows from 1 herd were analyzed after calving. The cows were divided into 3 groups according to health: 21 cows that remained clinically healthy throughout the experimental period (control group), 9 cows that had MF on the day of calving, and 8 cows with an onset of DA within 4 wk after calving. The T- and B-cell numbers were lowest at week 0, and they increased gradually after calving. There was no significant difference between the 3 groups in the number of each subset of leukocytes on the day of calving, but the number of CD8+ T-cells was significantly lower in the MF and DA groups than in the control group at week 1. The numbers of CD4+, CD8+, and WC1+ T-cells tended to be lower in the DA group than in control group from weeks 4 to 12, a tendency not observed in the MF group. These data suggest that when cows have DA around the time of calving, their lymphocyte numbers remain lower until 12 wk after calving.  相似文献   

The possibility that alterations in liver function may occur during late pregnancy as well as after calving has been investigated in healthy dairy cows and the results compared with those from non-pregnant non-lactating cows. There were significant alterations in plasma total bilirubin, glucose, total ketone body and urea concentrations, in bromsulphthalein clearance and in plasma aspartate aminotransferase and creatine kinase activities in periparturient cows compared with non-pregnant non-lactating cows. Of these, only the alterations in glucose, ketone bodies and urea concentrations and bromsulphthalein half-time and retention were markedly different before calving. The degree of fatty infiltration of the liver was significant two weeks before as well as two weeks after calving which differed from previous reports. It seems likely that the changes in the liver in dairy cows are functional and reversible and related to the metabolic demands of late pregnancy and early lactation. The results suggest that such changes in the liver occur well before calving.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare abomasal luminal gas pressure and volume and perfusion of the abomasum in dairy cows with a left displaced abomasum (LDA) or abomasal volvulus (AV). ANIMALS: 40 lactating dairy cows (25 with an LDA and 15 with an AV). PROCEDURE: Abomasal luminal gas pressure and volume and pulse oximetry values for the caudal portion of the dorsal ruminal sac and abomasal wall were measured during laparotomy. Abomasal perfusion was assessed on the basis of abomasal O2 saturation (pulse oximetry) before correction of the LDA or AV. Abomasal perfusion was also assessed after correction of the LDA or AV by measuring venous O2 saturation in the right gastroepiploic vein and calculating the abomasal oxygen-extraction ratio. RESULTS: Abomasal luminal gas pressure and volume were higher in cattle with an AV than in cattle with an LDA. Abomasal O2 saturation was lower and abomasal oxygen-extraction ratio higher in cattle with an AV, compared with values in cattle with an LDA. In cows with an AV, lactate concentration in the gastroepiploic vein was greater than that in a jugular vein, whereas no difference in lactate concentrations was detected in cows with an LDA. Abomasal luminal gas pressure was positively correlated (r, 0.51) with plasma lactate concentration in the gastroepiploic vein and negatively correlated (r, -0.32) with abomasal O2 saturation determined by use of pulse oximetry. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Abomasal perfusion decreases as luminal pressure increases in cattle with an AV or LDA.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine changes in abomasal position and dimensions during the last 3 months of gestation and first 3 months of lactation via transabdominal ultrasonography and determine whether surgical correction of left-displaced abomasum (LDA) by right flank omentopexy alters abomasal position within the abdomen in Holstein-Friesian cows. DESIGN: Observational study. ANIMALS: 20 heifers and 20 cows with no history of an LDA and 7 cows that had been treated for LDA via right flank omentopexy during an earlier lactation. Procedure-Ultrasonographic measurements were obtained 8 times during the last 3 months of gestation and first 3 months of lactation. Abomasal length, width, and volume were calculated from these measurements. RESULTS: The abomasum was always wider than it was long and located predominantly to the right of the midline. The presence of a right flank omentopexy had no effect on the measured parameters. Abomasal length decreased and width increased during the last 3 months of gestation, resulting in a more transverse orientation of the abomasum within the abdomen. These changes appeared to be in response to cranial expansion of the gravid uterus. The abomasum returned to a more caudal and right sagittal position within 14 days after parturition. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Abomasal dimensions, position, and volume change markedly during the last 3 months of gestation and first 3 months of lactation. Results permit detection of abnormal abomasal position in ill cows and indicate that the preferred location for abomasopexy is 20 cm caudal to the xiphoid process and 5 to 10 cm to the right of the ventral mid-line.  相似文献   

Eighteen pregnant mares were randomly allotted to one of two treatment groups. The control group was fed a conventional concentrate and the fat group was fed a concentrate containing 5% feed-grade rendered fat. Both concentrates had the same nutrient:calorie ratio and were fed in amounts required to maintain zero change in percent body fat of the mares. During the study, which began 60 d prior to expected foaling date and ended 60 d postpartum, mares were monitored for feed intake, body weight, rump fat thickness, ration digestibility, plasma glucose and lipid concentrations, milk composition and reproductive efficiency. Birth weight, growth rate, and plasma glucose and lipid concentrations were also measured in foals. Mares fed fat consumed less concentrate (P<.09 during the last 60 d of gestation but consumed similar amounts of concentrate over 60 d of lactation. Protein and ether extract digestion was higher (P<.05 and P<.09, respectively) in the mares fed fat during the postpartum period. Dietary treatment had no influence on plasma glucose or lipid concentrations of the mares or plasma glucose concentrations of their foals, but foals whose dams were fed fat had higher plasma lipid concentrations at birth (P<.01), d 10 and d 30 (P<.05). Percent fat was higher in milk samples from mares fed fat at d 10 (P<.09, 1.23 vs .99%) and d 60 (P<.01, .72 vs .43%) of lactation. Reproductive performance was not significantly different between treatment groups, however there was a trend for a shorter postpartum interval and fewer cycles per pregnancy in the mares fed added fat. Foals from both groups were of similar size and weight at birth and had similar weight gains over 60 d, however, foals nursing mares fed fat tended to gain more weight in the first week of life (1.85 vs 1.56 kg/d) and have more rump fat at d 60 (.53 vs .44 cm) than foals nursing control mares.  相似文献   

Concentrations of penicillin-G in serum were determined after single intravenous doses of potassium penicillin-G (10 mg/kg body wt) to ewes and cows in late pregnancy and in early lactation. Penicillin-G in serum was analysed by a microbiological method and pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by model-independent methods. Serum concentrations were lower in early lactation than in late pregnancy in both ewes and cows. The differences were statistically significant at most sampling times in ewes but only during the first hour in cows.
Weight corrected values of clearance and volume of distribution were significantly higher in early lactation than in late pregnancy in both ewes and cows. Mean residence time and elimination-half life were shorter in lactating than in pregnant ewes, however for the latter parameter the difference was not statistically significant. Neither of these parameters changed in cows.
It is concluded that in both ewes and cows pharmacokinetic parameters of penicillin-G are altered from late pregnancy to early lactation but that these changes have little practical impact and do not call for a revised dosage regime of the studied drug.  相似文献   

Two groups each of 10 suckler cows were given a basal diet of oat straw and pressed unmolassed sugar beet pulp for the last 19 weeks of pregnancy and the first 6 weeks of lactation. One group received 0.88 kg extracted soya bean meal (SBM) in pregnancy and 1.03 kg in lactation. The other was given 0.27 kg of a liquid supplement (LS) (containing inter alia urea and phosphoric acid) in pregnancy increasing to 0.33 kg in lactation. Both diets provided about the same amounts of digestible crude protein and about 10 g phosphorus (P) per day in pregnancy and 12 g P per day in lactation. Cows given SBM consumed marginally more straw but there were no differences in total diet digestibility. Cows given LS lost significantly more liveweight but their calves grew equally well. There were indications that cows given LS had slightly higher mean blood inorganic P and lower mean blood calcium (Ca) concentrations. Mean blood inorganic P concentrations were not below 1.4 mmol/l in pregnancy or 1.2 in lactation. There were no signs of reduction in voluntary straw intake or depraved appetite. When transferred to grass with a bull at the end of the experiment all cows were served within 24 days. It is concluded that these amounts of dietary P were adequate over the 25 weeks.  相似文献   

Thirteen primiparous and 41 multiparous Holstein-Friesian cattle were used to study the relationship between maternal plasma progesterone (P4) and estrone sulfate (E1S) concentrations and the prevalence of dystocia. The calvings in 4 heifers and 30 cows were normal (eutocia), while the calvings in 9 heifers and 11 cows were difficult (dystocia). Neither the concentrations of P4 nor E1S were different between the groups with eutocia and dystocia from days 90 to 270 of pregnancy. However, a few days prior to parturition, eutocial cows and heifers showed a sharp decline of plasma P4, while dystocial cattle did not show such a remarkable decline of P4 concentration. Plasma P4 levels in dystocial cows a few days antepartum were significantly higher than in eutocial animals (P<0.05 or P<0.01). Prepartum E1S concentrations were significantly lower (P<0.05) in dystocial than eutocial cattle during the prepartum period from days 6 to 1 in heifers and from days 3 to 1 in cows. These results suggest that insufficient production of E1S and delayed regression of the corpora lutea are possible causes of dystocia in cattle.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary fat or fructose supplementation during late gestation and lactation on sow milk production and composition and on progeny were examined. On d 88 of gestation, 24 sows were allotted by parity to three dietary treatments (eight sows/treatment). Treatments were 1) a 12.5% crude protein, corn-soybean meal control, 2) the control + 10% added fat or 3) the control + 23% high fructose corn syrup. All treatments were fed to supply 1.82 kg/d of the control diet from d 89 of gestation to parturition with sows in treatments 2 or 3 receiving .18 kg of additional fat or .53 kg of additional high fructose corn syrup, respectively. Feed was gradually increased from d 1 to 7 of lactation to 4.54 kg/d of the control diet (plus .45 kg of added fat and 1.33 kg of added fructose for treatments 2 and 3) and remained at these levels for the remainder of the 21 d lactation period. All treatments were iso-nitrogenous; treatments 2 and 3 were iso-caloric. Litter birth weights, number of pigs born alive, weaning weights and piglet survival rate were not affected by sow treatment. Stillbirths were less (P less than .05) for sows fed fat. Lipid content of milk 24 h post-farrowing was greater (P less than .05) from sows fed fat compared with sows fed fructose. Milk production estimates indicated that multiparous sows fed fat produced more (P less .05) milk than sows fed the control diet. On d 112 of gestation and d 15 of lactation, serial blood samples were drawn to monitor sow response to a glucose challenge (1 g/kg body weight).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to determine the effects of interval feeding of whole sunflower seeds on the performance of beef cows and their progeny. During mid to late gestation, 144 multiparous, spring-calving beef cows (588 kg of initial BW; 5.6 initial BCS; 4 to 13 yr old) were individually fed 1 of 3 supplements 4 d/wk for a 76-d period. Supplements (DM basis) included: 1) 0.68 kg of soybean meal/feeding (NCON); 2) 3.01 kg of a soybean hull-based supplement/feeding (PCON); and 3) 1.66 kg of whole sunflower seeds high in linoleic acid/feeding (WSUN). Supplements were formulated to provide similar amounts of CP and ruminally degraded intake protein; PCON and WSUN were also formulated to be isocaloric. During the supplementation period, cows had free-choice access to bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) and tall-grass prairie hay. By the end of the 76-d supplementation period, cows fed PCON (P < 0.01) and NCON (P < 0.01) had gained more BW than cows fed WSUN (33, 23, and 10 kg, respectively). However, from the end of this supplementation period to the beginning of the breeding season 84 d later, cows supplemented with PCON had lost more (P < 0.01) BW than cows supplemented with WSUN (-123 kg vs. -111 kg). Cow BW change through weaning (-50 kg, P = 0.43) and final cow BW (536 kg, P = 0.70) at weaning were not different among supplement groups. Furthermore, cow BCS was similar among supplement treatment groups at the end of the supplementation period (5.3, P = 0.09), at the beginning of the breeding season (4.8, P = 0.38), and at weaning (4.7, P = 0.08). No difference among treatments was detected for calf birth weight (36 kg, P = 0.42), calf weaning weight (235 kg, P = 0.67), percentage of cows exhibiting luteal activity at the beginning of the breeding season (57%, P = 0.29), or pregnancy rate (88%, P = 0.44). However, first service conception rate was greater (P = 0.01) for cows fed PCON (79%) and tended (P = 0.07) to be greater for cows fed WSUN (74%) than for cows fed NCON (53%). After weaning, all steer calves were placed in a feedlot and fed a high-concentrate finishing diet for an average of 188 d. Supplements fed to dams during gestation did not influence feedlot performance or carcass characteristics. Prepartum energy supplementation, regardless of energy source or prepartum energy balance, resulted in improved conception rate, but other measures of reproduction, calf and feedlot performance, and carcass characteristics were not affected.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate whether administration of recombinant porcine somatotropin (pST) to sows (Hampshire-Yorkshire) enhanced lactational performance. In Exp. 1, sows (n = 84) were fed a corn-soybean meal diet (17.8% CP), or a similar diet with 8% added fat, from d 108 of gestation to d 28 of lactation. Half of the sows fed each diet were injected with 6 mg/d of pST from d 108 of gestation to d 24 of lactation. Diets were fed at 2.27 kg/d from d 108 of gestation until farrowing and then were self-fed during lactation. By d 3 of lactation, litter size was standardized at 8 to 10 pigs per litter. Treating sows with pST resulted in a 10-fold increase (P less than .001) in serum somatotropin at 4 h postinjection. Serum glucose was increased (P less than .01) and serum triglycerides, creatinine, and urea N were decreased (P less than .01) by pST. During the summer, apparent heat stress occurred in pST-treated sows, resulting in 14 deaths. Most (10) of the deaths occurred just before, during, or shortly after farrowing. Fewer (P less than .08) deaths occurred when pST-treated sows were fed the diet with added fat. Sows treated with pST consumed less feed (P less than .10) and lost more backfat (P less than .10) during lactation than controls. Increasing the dietary fat did not prevent these changes. Weaning weights of pigs and milk yield of sows (estimated by deuterium oxide dilution) were not affected by pST treatment. In Exp. 2, sows (n = 42) were injected weekly with 0 or 70 mg of pST on d 3, 10, 17, and 24 of lactation. Litters were standardized by d 3 at 8 to 10 pigs, and sows were fed the same control (low fat) diet as in Exp. 1. Sows treated with pST consumed less feed and lost more weight and backfat during lactation than untreated sows. Litter size, average pig weaning weights, and milk yield were not influenced by pST treatment. These data indicate that a 6-mg daily injection of pST from 6 d prepartum to d 24 of lactation or a 70-mg weekly injection of pST from 3 d postpartum to d 24 of lactation does not increase milk production in lactating sows.  相似文献   

During the fall of 1982, increased incidence of left displaced abomasum (LDA) was seen in a group of cows fed a complete pelleted ration (3/16 inch) at the university's dairy center during the early postpartum period. Of these, 17.4% developed LDA when fed this experimental ration, whereas only 1.6% of the remaining cows in the herd developed LDA. The latter cows (as a control) were fed loose alfalfa hay, sorghum silage, and an 18% crude protein mix. Most of the fiber in the experimental diet or pelleted diet was alfalfa hay (30% as-fed basis) that was ground through a quarter-inch screen for incorporation into the pellet. Another 10% of the dietary fiber was contributed by cottonseed hulls. Thus, increased incidence of LDA may be associated with short length of the dietary fiber in the pelleted form.  相似文献   

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