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ABSTRACT:   Common silver biddy Gerres oyena were collected monthly between November 2002 and November 2005 in Okinawa Island of southern Japan. The seasonal reproductive cycle of this species was investigated using the gonadosomatic index (GSI) and through histological observation of gonads. Temporal variation in the GSI reflected gonadal development from histological observations; ovary development occurred from March to September and testes development occurred between March and August. Maximal development was observed in April and May in both sexes. While mean values for hepatosomatic and lipidosomatic indices decreased markedly in females relative to males during gonadal development, mean condition factors decreased with gonadal recrudescence in both sexes. The minimum standard length (SL) at sexual maturity was 89.7 mm for females and 81.4 mm for males and the size at which 50% of individuals were sexually mature was 104 and 92 mm SL in females and males, respectively. The power relationships of batch fecundity (BF) versus standard length (SL, mm) and body weight (BW, g) of females can be expressed as BF  = 46.7 × e1.64 SL and BF  = 19 697 × e0.49 BW , respectively.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The blackspot snapper Lutjanus fulviflammus is one of the most common Lutjanus species landed and consumed on Okinawa Island, Japan. Using 901 fish (29.9–304.2 mm in standard length; SL) obtained from fish markets or caught by angling, the age, growth, maturation size and maturation age were estimated. Each opaque zone formed on the otolith every year correlated with their spawning and was thought to be an annual ring. The main spawning season was estimated to be from April to July, which peaked in May and June, with a few mature fish collected in August and September. Maximum ages were observed as 24 years for both sexes and L (mm SL), K and t0 (years) of the von Bertalanffy growth formula were estimated to be 276, 0.144 and −5.22 for females and 247, 0.227 and −3.18 for males, respectively. First maturation size and age were estimated to be 175 mm SL and 2 years for both sexes. A faster growth rate up to 2 years will allow reproduction at a young age and provide many chances for spawning throughout their long life. Furthermore, the possibility exists that populations would easily recover if regulations were established.  相似文献   

The age and growth of two Nematalosa species around Okinawa Island were examined using sectioned otoliths collected from September 2003 to April 2006. Monthly changes in the frequency of the appearance of a translucent band on the outer margin of the otoliths indicated that ring formation occurred once a year from January to July for Nematalosa come and from January to March for Nematalosa japonica. The von Bertalanffy growth equations for both species were as follows: N. come: L t  = 365.5{1 − exp[−0.111 × (t + 0.288)]} for females and L t  = 214.7{1 − exp[−0.700 × (t – 1.110)]} for males; N. japonica: L t  = 205.1{1 − exp[−1.068 × (t − 1.180)]} for females and L t  = 195.5 {1 − exp[−1.293 × (t − 1.269)]} for males. The maximum ages observed for N. come and N. japonica were 11 and 6 years old, respectively. The growth of these species was characterized by the slow growth of N. come over many years, resulting in a larger size than N. japonica.  相似文献   

根据2013—2014年在大连远洋渔业金枪鱼钓有限公司的超低温金枪钓渔船“天祥”16号船上采集的258个鳍条样品为基础(从845尾长鳍金枪鱼样本中随机选取了258个鳍条样本),研究了北太平洋长鳍金枪鱼的年龄和生长情况。研究首次采用了3个不同的切割位置(鳍条全长的10%、20%、50%标记段)对鳍条截面进行处理,利用线性函数、指数函数和幂函数分别拟合长鳍金枪鱼叉长和鳍条截面半径之间的关系,采用赤池信息准则(AIC)来获得最优化的函数,并计算其逆算叉长,最后得到北太平洋长鳍金枪鱼的生长方程、生长拐点以及生长率和生长指标。研究表明,北太平洋长鳍金枪鱼的主要年龄段集中在4~6龄,不分雌雄的生长方程为Lt=112.231×[1-e-0.277 132×(t+1.435)],拐点年龄为2.53,生长率和生长指标随着年龄的增长呈递减的趋势,且年龄越大变化越小。本研究可为北太平洋长鳍金枪鱼的资源状况评估及渔业可持续发展提供生物学信息。  相似文献   

李楠  方舟  陈新军 《水产学报》2021,45(6):887-898
剑尖枪乌贼为东海重要经济枪乌贼资源之一,研究其产卵群体的组成、年龄与生长规律是了解其生活史的基础。实验根据2017年和2018年的9月至翌年3月拖网采集的东海剑尖枪乌贼样本,通过耳石日龄信息研究其群体组成及其生长规律的性别及年间差异。结果发现,胴长和体质量组成年间存在差异,而性别间差异不显著。通过读取耳石日龄进行逆推算发现,2年优势日龄组均为190~220 d,雄性日龄组成存在年间差异,逆推算结果显示,孵化高峰期为3—5月和8月,春、夏产卵群体为优势群体。春季产卵群体的胴长和体质量生长以Logistic曲线拟合最佳,夏季产卵群体分别以von-Bertalanffy和Logistic曲线拟合最佳。在180~270 d内,春季产卵群体的胴长和体质量生长速率快于夏季产卵群体,240 d后雄性个体的胴长生长速率快于雌性,而体质量生长速率慢于雌性。春季产卵群体的初次性成熟日龄小于夏季产卵群体,并且雄性个体的初次性成熟日龄小于雌性。研究表明,不同年份存在不同产卵群体,且不同性别间的生长规律存在差异。  相似文献   

为探讨灭活益生菌在海水鱼养殖中的应用前景,研究了饲料中添加活性和热灭活原籍嗜冷杆菌SE6对斜带石斑鱼幼鱼生长性能和血清免疫指标的影响.225尾斜带石斑鱼幼鱼[(14.6±0.2)g]被随机分成3组,每组3个重复.对照组T0投喂基础饲料,实验组T1和T2分别投喂添加1.0×108 cfu/g活性和热灭活嗜冷杆菌SE6的基础饲料,饲喂期为60 d.结果表明,实验前期(0~30 d),实验组T1和T2特定生长率和增重率均显著高于对照组(P<0.05),饵料系数均低于对照组,但差异不显著(P>0.05);实验全期(0 ~60 d),实验组T1和T2特定生长率和增重率均显著高于对照组(P<0.05),实验组饵料系数均下降,其中实验组T1显著低于对照组T0(P <0.05).实验30 d时,实验组T1和T2血清IgM和补体C3含量均高于对照组,但差异不显著(P>0.05);60 d时,实验组T1的补体C3水平、总超氧化物歧化酶活力和IgM含量均显著高于对照组T0(P<0.05),实验组T2的补体C3水平、T-SOD活力、IgM含量和溶菌酶活力也高于对照组,但差异不显著(P>0.05).总之,活性和热灭活嗜冷杆菌均可不同程度地促进石斑鱼生长,降低饵料系数,并能提高石斑鱼特异性和非特异性免疫功能.热灭活嗜冷杆菌的应用效果略低于活性菌,但其具有安全性高、质量稳定、生产储藏容易等优势,在海水鱼养殖中的应用值得深入研究.  相似文献   

Between 1995 and 1997, a traditional Norwegian oyster poll with an attachednursery was used for the production of scallop (Pecten maximus) spat.During summer 1997, four batches of 2 mm scallop spat were placed in thenursery. In June, hydroids (Obelia) caused problems with fouling andaccumulation of sediment in the nursery. Thereafter, the scallop spat wereheavily infested with tube dwelling polychaets (Polydora sp.). Thepolychaets were both introduced with poll water and reproduced inside thenursery. Infested spat suffered high mortalities. Although the spat could have been affected by the hydroids, as well as shortage of food, Polydorainfestations were considered the main cause of the mortalities. Dead andinfested spat were continuously sorted out and discarded, but the infestationproblems persisted. As a result, the scallop spat did not represent anycommercial value for the company, and in September, the nursery wasemptied. In total, approximately one million spat – representing onethird of Norway's intensive scallop spat production in 1997, was lost.  相似文献   

西藏雅鲁藏布江双须叶须鱼的年龄结构与生长特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据2008–2009年、2012年以及2013年采自雅鲁藏布江水系的956尾样本对双须叶须鱼(Ptychobarbus dipogon)的年龄结构和生长特征进行研究。雌性渔获物体长范围为146~569 mm,雄性渔获物体长范围为167~506 mm,性别未辨渔获物体长范围为78~297 mm;耳石上的年轮形成于每年的3–6月份;估算的雌性群体年龄范围为3~24龄,雄性群体年龄范围为3~13龄,性别未辨群体年龄范围为2~6龄。体长(Ls)–体重(W)方程分别为:W=2.494×10–5Ls2.877(雌性),W=2.790×10–5Ls2.856(雄性);拟合出来的von Bertalanffy生长方程为:Lt=606.9[1–e–0.114(t+0.163)],Wt=2538.4[1–e–0.114(t+0.163)]2.88(雌鱼);Lt=496.3[1–e–0.162(t–0.018)],Wt=1391.1[1–e–0.162(t–0.018)]2.86(雄鱼)。估算的雌鱼和雄鱼的拐点年龄分别为9.1龄和6.5龄,对应的体长和体重分别为396.0 mm、743.6 g和322.5 mm、406.3 g。研究表明,双须叶须鱼种群结构趋向低龄化,可能受全球气候变化、生物入侵和过度捕捞等因素的影响。针对这些影响因素,本研究提出了相应的渔业管理措施。  相似文献   

Twoexperiments were conducted to determine the effects ofArtemia sp. or mysids on growth and survival ofS. officinalis hatchlings, and their effect throughout thelife cycle. For experiment I, for the first 20 days, one group was fed adultArtemia sp. and the other was fed mysid shrimp(Paramysis nouvelli). Eggs laid by females in both groupswere counted and weighed, and hatchlings were weighed, to determine differencesin both groups. For experiment II, during the first 10 days, one group was fedArtemia sp. and the other was fed mysids (P.nouveli). After the period of differentiated feeding, the 2 groupsinexperiment I were fed grass shrimp (Paleomonetes varians)to 70 days old, and dead crabs (Carcinus maenas)afterwards. Cuttlefish in experiment II were fed grass shrimp from day 10 untilthe end of the experiment. For both experiments, hatchlings fed mysids grewsignificantly bigger (p < 0.01) and survival was higher. For experiment I,eggs laid by females fed mysids and the hatchlings born from these eggs werebigger (p < 0.001) compared to the group fed Artemiasp.initially. Individual fecundity was slightly higher for females in the groupfedArtemia sp. (163 eggs female–1) than forthe group fed mysids (144 eggs female–1). Egg laying startedatthe age of 125 days and lasted 45 days in both groups. Time between first egglaying day and first hatchlings to be born was 21 days. The last female to die(after spawning) in both groups was 167 days (less than 6 months old).  相似文献   

摘要详细报道了中华鳖亲鳖培育、产卵、收卵、鉴别、孵化、稚幼鳖培育技术。探讨了亲鳖怀卵量与体重的相关关系,给出回归方程式,并分析了亲鳖年龄与产卵量、受精率、孵化率、卵重等的关系。  相似文献   

石磺繁殖生物学的实验研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
沈和定 《水产学报》2006,30(6):753-760
用实验室小型试验、贝类育苗场生产性试验和自然群体实地观察的方法,结合养殖池塘内石磺(Onchidium sp.)繁殖习性跟踪观察,2年内研究了沪浙地区石磺的繁殖季节,繁殖方式,繁殖力,受精卵的发育孵化,水温和盐度对胚胎发育的影响,胚胎停止发育现象,幼虫发育及变态前形态变化,对石磺繁殖生物学作了比较系统的实验研究。结果显示石磺雌雄同体,雄性先熟,异体交配,体长5 cm体重10 g以上的个体为繁殖的主要群体,其生物学最小型为体长3.1 cm和体重3.5 g;交配期多在气温22 ℃以上的5月中下旬至9月下旬,6~8月为繁殖盛期。产卵前经过5~10 h的求爱和1~5 h的交配过程,交配后15 d左右产出受精卵,多在大潮日至小潮日期间3~5 d内的晚间产卵;繁殖期具有6个明显的产卵高峰。卵群表面积15~30 cm2,每平方厘米卵群含卵子2 650±300个,每个卵群含卵子4.4~8.0万粒。水里与潮湿环境中卵群孵化率没有明显差异;26~35 ℃的水温下,卵群孵化时间10~14 d,水温23 ℃以下石磺胚胎出现停止发育的现象。适合卵群孵化的海水盐度为6~20,孵化出膜2~3 d后的面盘幼虫开始摄食单胞藻。自由生活面盘幼虫经23 d培育后出现明显的革质膜;变态后的幼体可能存在不断蜕去革质膜的过程,面盘幼虫的变态过程和变态条件仍有待研究。  相似文献   

南极鱼类年龄与生长研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
朱国平  魏联 《水产学报》2017,41(10):1638-1647
南极鱼类生长相对缓慢,独特的生物学特性使其年龄鉴定较其他海区鱼类更为困难。但考虑到鱼类年龄鉴定是开展渔业资源评估的基础,因此过去一些年来,硬质部位,如鳞片、鳍条(棘)、脊椎骨以及耳石等仍成为南极鱼类的主要鉴龄材料。本文对南极鱼类年龄鉴定的方法和材料进行了总结回顾,将年龄鉴定的方法和材料进行比较,分析各自优缺点。结果显示:(1)对于具鳞的南极鱼类,因鳞片在鱼类生长过程中存在重吸收现象,因而利用鳞片及鳍条(棘)单独鉴龄所得出的结果通常小于耳石的鉴龄结果,缺乏精确性;(2)南极鱼类生活跨度较大,高龄鱼体长频次分布严重重叠,以致无法准确判断其年龄结构;(3)耳石重量法易受到特殊个体影响而误判年龄;(4)因鳍条易损坏,脊椎骨采集较为困难,且许多南极鱼类无鳞,目前大多数南极鱼类使用耳石鉴定年龄,其也成为目前最为精准的南极鱼类鉴龄方法,但同时利用鳞片和耳石重量等对鉴定结果进行验证;(5)南极鱼类尚存在无统一的鉴龄标准、人为主观性较强以及缺乏早期生活史研究等不足之处;(6)为了研究南极鱼类早期生活史,耳石微化学及微结构等方法将被广泛利用。  相似文献   

长江中游武汉江段铜鱼的年龄与生长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解长江中游武汉江段铜鱼种群的年龄和生长特征,2017年7月—2018年12月,在武汉江段逐月收集了 435尾铜鱼样本的基础生态学数据、年龄鉴定材料,并进行数据分析和年龄鉴定.结果显示,样本体长分布范围为152.1~325.2 mm,平均体长(233.2±73.4)mm;体质量分布范围为33.1~429.8,平均体质...  相似文献   

为获知盐度—光照强度—温度对半咸水硅藻——角毛藻SHOU-B98生长及高不饱和脂肪酸含量的影响,实验采用L_9(3~4)正交设计探讨其在不同盐度(6、12和18)、光照强度[10、30和50μmol/(m~2·s)]及温度(10、20和30℃)组合条件下的生长及藻细胞ARA、EPA和DHA含量的变化。结果显示,盐度、光照强度、温度三因素对角毛藻SHOUB98的生长及高不饱和脂肪酸含量均有显著影响,且存在因素间的交互作用。角毛藻SHOU-B98在盐度12、光照强度30μmol/(m~2·s)和温度30℃及盐度18、光照强度50μmol/(m~2·s)和温度20℃的组合条件下生长最快,第4天后这2组做藻的生物量显著高于其他组(P0.05)。角毛藻细胞积累不同高不饱和脂肪酸的最佳培养条件也不同,细胞积累ARA的最优培养组合条件为盐度6、光照强度50μmol/(m~2·s)和温度30℃;细胞积累EPA和DHA的最优培养组合条件为盐度18、光照强度50μmol/(m~2·s)和温度20℃。研究表明,角毛藻SHOU-B98生长快且细胞脂肪酸营养价值高的培养条件为盐度18、光照强度50μmol/(m~2·s)和温度20℃的组合。  相似文献   

在水温22~24℃,pH7.0左右的人工培育条件下,对密斯特黄彩鲶(Mystus sp.)仔、稚、幼鱼的形态特征和生长发育进行了观察与研究。密斯特黄彩鲶的鱼苗发育分为卵黄囊期仔鱼期(初孵至第5天)、晚期仔鱼期(第6~10天)、稚鱼期(第11~20天)和幼鱼期(第20天以后)。初孵仔鱼平均全长5.12 mm,卵黄囊体积1.63 mm3;仔鱼第3天开始摄食,第5天卵黄囊被完全吸收,鱼苗主要外部器官主要集中在晚期仔鱼阶期和稚鱼期内形成。仔鱼在饥饿状态下最高初次摄食率出现在出膜后第6天,为84.0%,其饥饿的不可逆点则为出膜后第8天,第8天以后即进入不可逆PNR期,至第11天绝大部分饥饿仔鱼死亡。  相似文献   

Two types of infection with myxosporean parasites, which were different in cyst size, were found from the gill of Rhinogobius sp. OR collected from the Nagara River, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. A myxosporean forming large-type cysts in the gill filament was morphologically identified as Henneguya rhinogobii. Another myxosporean forming small-type cysts was found to be parasitic in the gill lamella. Average spore sizes of the latter myxosporean were 15.8 (range 14.2–17.8) μm in length, 5.3 (4.7–5.8) μm in width, 6.5 (5.9–7.6) μm in polar capsule length and 34.9 (25.3–42.9) μm in caudal appendage length, which were almost identical to those of H. rhinogobii. However, the two were distinguishable by the location in the gill (intrafilamental or intralamellar) and by the difference in the sequence of SSU rDNA (about 96% similarity). We propose the myxosporean forming intralamellar small-type cysts as Henneguya pseudorhinogobii n. sp. and redescribe H. rhinogobii by morphological and molecular studies.  相似文献   

沈永富  臧东升  吴峰  戴小杰  李云凯 《水产学报》2023,47(8):089109-089109
镰状真鲨属大型中上层鲨鱼,是东太平洋地区金枪鱼延绳钓和围网兼捕渔获最多的鲨鱼种类,近年来资源衰退严重,被世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)评估为易危物种,并列入《濒危物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)附录II。开展鱼类年龄与生长研究,是评估其资源状况的基础,可为制定有效的物种保护政策提供理论依据。以东太平洋金枪鱼延绳钓兼捕记录的802尾(雌性316尾,雄性486尾)镰状真鲨为研究对象,实验随机采集67尾(雌性35尾,雄性32尾)脊椎骨样本,通过切片法和草酸铵结晶紫染色法鉴定年龄,建立最适生长模型。结果显示,延绳钓兼捕的东太平洋镰状真鲨以全长160~220 cm,年龄9~15龄个体为主,雌、雄最大观测全长分别为222.58和233.47 cm,最大年龄分别为18龄和17龄,雌、雄逆推全长的最适生长模型均为Logistic模型,其中雌性■雄性■,雌、雄个体50%性成熟年龄t50分别为(13.50±0.43)和(13.42±0.46)龄,50%性成熟全长L50分别为(207.60±2.43)和(200.67±3.60) cm。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The diet shift of larval and juvenile Ryukyu-ayu Plecoglossus altivelis ryukyuensis was investigated for the landlocked population stocked in the Fukuji Reservoir, Okinawa Island. Gut contents of 274 specimens (5.1–31.4 mm in body length) including 31 yolk-sac larvae (5.7–8.0 mm) were examined. The diet of larval and juvenile landlocked P. a. ryukyuensis was mainly composed of zooplankton such as dinoflagellates, rotifers, copepods, and cladocerans. Feeding incidence was 48% in total and it gradually increased with growth. Diet analysis clearly demonstrated a diet shift during the larval and juvenile periods. For yolk-sac larvae and 5.0–19.9 mm fish, the diet was dominated by dinoflagellates Gymnodinium sp., and Peridinium sp., both numerically and by frequency, followed by rotifers that mainly consisted of Polyarthra spp. Diet breadth (Levin's standardized index BA) diversified with growth, and feeding on copepods and cladocerans gradually increased in 10.0–14.9 mm fish. Diet overlap (Morisita's index: C) showed that diet drastically changed in 20.0–24.9 mm fish with a specialization on cladocerans Bosminopsis deitersi and Diaphanosoma brachyurum . This diet shift probably corresponded with an increase of feeding ability resulting from an enlargement of the mouth, increased swimming ability, and the development of sense organs.  相似文献   

Three soft coral cuttings (finger soft coral, Sinularia sp.; black finger soft coral, Cladiella sp. and leather mushroom soft coral, Sarcophyton sp.) were selected to distinguish among the effects of five methods of attachment (adhering, containing, impaling, tethering and a natural attachment method used as a control) in a recirculating seawater system on healing time, time of self‐attachment, development of the cuttings and final survival. Three replicate and 30 cuttings per replicate (n = 30) were used for each treatment and the experimental period was 70 days. The results showed that the cuttings of Sinularia sp., Sarcophyton sp. and Cladiella sp. had already healed the wound area with pigmentation between 7 and 12 days for all the methods of attachment. The shortest time of self‐attachment for the Sinularia sp., Sarcophyton sp., and Cladiella sp. cuttings was obtained in the impaling method, with average values of 8.2 ± 0.9 days, 6.1 ± 0.1 days and 9.00 ± 0.8 days respectively. At the end of the experiment, the highest average final survival values of the Sinularia sp., Sarcophyton sp. and Cladiella sp. cuttings were obtained in the impaling method (86.7 ± 5.7%), the containing method (93.3 ± 5.7%) and the containing method (53.3 ± 5.7%), respectively. It was concluded from the study that the suitable methods of attachment for each soft coral were different and these methods are available for use in targeted propagation farms for restoration purposes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Elongate ilisha Ilisha elongata is a commercially important fishery resource in both Japan and China. Age and growth of the species were investigated by scale analysis from June 1996 to July 1997 in Ariake Sound, Japan. Scale annuli were formed once a year mainly between June and July. The age was 1–6 years for both male and female individuals. There was no significant difference in the regression of fork length (FL) on scale radius ( R ) between sexes by a covariance analysis. The combined sex von Bertalanffy growth equations were expressed as L t  = 495.4 × (1 − e−0.3176( t  + 0.4108)), where L t is FL in mm at age t . Comparison of the age and growth among different populations from coastal waters in the western North Pacific Ocean suggested that the FL of the Ariake population is the smallest at each age. The spatio–temporal variations in growth are possibly relevant to environmental conditions of the growth grounds of subadults; however, there was no gradient change in the growth of I. elongata with latitude. Water temperature may not be the main factor affecting the growth of this species . The growth of the tropical population from Sarawak differs greatly from those of temperate and subtemperate populations, which implies genetic variation or phenotypic plasticity in different climate zones.  相似文献   

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