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This paper presents the genetic linkage map of the Chinese shrimp Penaeus (Fenneropenaeus) chinensis constructed with 472 AFLP markers. A hundred F1 progeny from an intercross between a female from the new variety “Yellow Sea No. 1” and wild caught male used for the mapping study. Two separate maps were constructed for each parent. The female linkage map consisted of 197 marker loci forming 35 linkage groups and spanned a total length of 2191.1 cM, with an average marker space of 13.5 cM. The male map consisted of 194 marker loci mapped to 36 linkage groups and spanned a total length of 1737.3 cM, with an average marker spacing of 11.0 cM. The level of segregation distortion observed in this study was 12.2%. The estimated genome length of P. chinensis was 3150.3 cM for the female and 2549.3 cM for the male, respectively. The observed genome coverage was 69.6% for the female and 68.1% for the male map. The linkage maps constructed in this study provide basic information for further linkage studies on Chinese shrimp, and more importantly, the construction of the maps are part of the work of the genetic breeding programs which will be used for growth discovered in the QTL analysis of P. chinensis.  相似文献   

To investigate their diel vertical migration (DVM), 599 sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) were implanted with electronic archival tags in the Gulf of Alaska, Aleutian Islands, and the eastern Bering Sea. Of these tags, 98 were recovered with usable depth data (7,852,773 recordings representing 81,233 days) that we used to identify DVM and to classify DVM into one of two types: normal DVM (rise from the bottom during nighttime) and reverse DVM (rise from the bottom during daytime). The results of our study highlight three important attributes of DVM for sablefish. First, all tagged sablefish carried out DVM, although the occurrence was intermittent (26% of the days with usable data) and most commonly for short durations (10 days or less). Second, bottom depth for normal DVM was about 78 m shallower than for reverse DVM. Third, normal DVM occurred most often in fall and least often in spring, whereas this high/low pattern was shifted about 3 months later for reverse DVM; reverse DVM occurred most often in winter and least often in summer. Normal DVM likely occurred to increase foraging opportunity (e.g., nightly shift to match depth of prey). Reverse DVM more commonly occurred during winter and may represent an increase in foraging by sablefish during the daytime to compensate for decreased pelagic resources. The default foraging strategy for sablefish may be benthic because of the uncertainty of vertically migrating to a location where the occurrence of prey is not guaranteed; sablefish may invoke DVM when the non‐DVM foraging benefit is reduced.  相似文献   

采用实验生态学的方法对裸盖鱼(Anoplopoma fimbria)幼鱼进行工厂化养殖试验,以了解和分析其生长特征。在地下海水温度(10.42±0.45)~(13.65±1.22)℃的条件下,经过210 d的养殖试验,裸盖鱼幼鱼由初始平均体重(33.27±5.82)g增长到(805.20±113.79)g,平均增重量最大值为(193.42±29.23)g/月,平均日增重量(3.68±0.61)g/d,最大日增重量(6.45±0.97)g/d。裸盖鱼幼鱼体长与体重呈幂函数关系,回归方程式为:W=0.017 4 L2.943 6(R2=0.973 1)。水温对裸盖鱼幼鱼的增重、存活率及饵料系数均有影响,结果显示,最适养殖水温为(11.32±0.75)~(12.68±0.92)℃,与1龄以上裸盖鱼的最适水温基本一致,在该水温范围内,裸盖鱼幼鱼生长迅速,饵料系数相对较低,存活率较高。研究表明,裸盖鱼喜低温,生长速度快,养殖效益显著,是极具开发前景的冷水性养殖鱼类。  相似文献   

To investigate the possibility of establishing oyster culture in Malta, growth trials with C. gigas and O. edulis were undertaken. The oysters were placed in floating cages at depths of 3 and 8 m at Marsaxlokk bay, Mistra bay and Rinella creek. These oysters were sampled at two-month intervals for their growth, meat-shell index and survival. The temperature, salinity, oxygen tension, chlorophyll-a levels and the levels of particulate matter in suspension in the water at the test sites were monitored concurrently. A programme of qualitative and quantitative analyses of the natural phytoplankton population was also carried out.O. edulis suffered catastrophic summer mortalities at all locations when the ambient temperature of the water reached about 25°C; this virtually rules out any possibility of starting any flat oyster industry using this system. As for C. gigas, Marsaxlokk bay 3 m appears to hold some promise for its culture. At this location, this species showed reasonable growth, relatively low mortality and normal shell growth. Although at Rinella overall growth of C. gigas was comparable to that at Marsaxlokk at 3 m, the Rinella oysters accumulated copper and exhibited abnormal and thickened shell growth with the result that the oysters were of a much inferior condition. Growth at Mistra (both depths) and Marsaxlokk 8 m was stunted.No clear correlation could be established between the performance of the oysters and the environmental parameters monitored. Several factors that may have been responsible for the observed differences in oyster performance are discussed. In particular, the nature of the water movements is thought to have played a key role in dictating the growth of the oysters.  相似文献   

In the present study, the Indonesian reef-dwelling sponge Callyspongia (Euplacella) biru de Voogd [de Voogd, N.J., 2004. Callyspongia (Euplacella) biru spec. nov. (Porifera: Demospongiae: Haplosclerida) from Indonesia. Zool. Meded. 78, 477-483.] (Demospongiae, Callyspongiidae) was cultured for a period of 6 months at three sites in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia. A total of 250 sponge cuttings of two size classes (30 and 40 mm in length) were threaded on either polyethylene or very fine nylon rope and attached to horizontal mooring systems. All sponge cuttings were photographed at regular time intervals. Survival rates were high (82%-100%) among all treatments used. Growth rates differed significantly among treatments, but did not differ significantly per location, farming method, explant size and explant position obtained from the parent sponge. The concentration of the bioactive compound amphitoxin in the cultured explants was not significantly lower than in the natural population, but the concentration did vary significantly between explants used in the different treatments, and also between the different fragments of the natural population. The high growth potential and high survival rate suggest that this sponge species is a promising candidate for further mariculture development.  相似文献   

This study determined the effect of triploidy on the survival, growth and gonadal development of turbot from 6 to 48 months of age. From 6 to 24 months of age (first sexual maturity), survival was similar in both ploidies (P > 0.05). From 24 to 48 months of age, after the first sexual maturity, survival was 91.9% in diploids and 100% in triploids, which did not exhibit the post-spawning-associated mortality. Growth was similar for both ploidies during the first year of life. After that, triploids grew significantly (P < 0.05) more that diploids, with more marked differences after each spawning season. From 24 to 48 months, the average weight difference between both ploidies was 11.4 ± 1.9%, ranging from 4.3 to 23.0%. At 47 months of age, the biomass of triploids was 10.3% greater in total weight and 14.3% greater in eviscerated weight. Gonads of triploid males were similar to that of diploids, whereas in triploid females, they were significantly smaller and rudimentary. A histological analysis carried out at 47 months of age showed complete sterility of triploids in both sexes. Sex ratio was 1 male (M):0.6 female (F), for diploids, significantly (P < 0.05) different from 1:1, and 1 M:3.3 F for triploids, significantly (P < 0.05) different from 1:1 and from the diploids. Since females grow more than males, culture of triploids benefited from the high female ratio, which helped to reduce size dispersion. In addition, their sterility allowed better performance by avoiding the reduction in growth that takes place during the spawning periods. Together, these observations indicate that triploidy induction can be an interesting option for turbot aquaculture, especially for the production of large-size fish of more than 2 years of age.  相似文献   

Climate–ocean regimes in the north-east Pacific translate into decadal-scale patterns in the relative success of sablefish ( Anoplopoma fimbria ). By combining estimates of year class abundance determined from commercial catches and research surveys for adults and juveniles, we were able to construct an index of year class success. Year classes from 1960 to 1976 were generally below average, with little indication of good year class success. The 1977 year class was exceptionally large and year classes from 1978 to 1990 were generally above average. Year classes following 1990 were generally below average. The periods with above-average year classes were generally characterized by intense Aleutian Lows, above-average frequency of south-westerly winds and warmer coastal sea surface temperatures off the west coast of Vancouver Island. Decadal-scale patterns in the production of sablefish suggest stability in long-term periods of similar recruitment but different mean levels of productivity across periods. However, rapid shifts between periods remain unpredictable and therefore complicate the incorporation of decadal-scale dynamics in management.  相似文献   

针对黑点青鳉实验室养殖成活率低的问题,对其摄食行为发育进行研究,了解其早期阶段的摄食行为发育状况,为人工养殖提供理论依据。通过单摄像机结合镜面成像的方法,对黑点青鳉胚后发育阶段90 d摄食行为的观察与分析,研究了投喂卤虫无节幼体条件下黑点青鳉的生长特征和摄食行为发育。结果显示,幼体体长平均生长率为2.579%/d,体长与日龄间关系为y=3.132+0.383x-0.004x2+0.000 03x3,R2=0.98。通过各项摄食行为指标将其幼体生长发育分为3期6个阶段:仔鱼期(0~10 d)分为前仔鱼期(0~4 d)和后仔鱼期(5~10 d),稚鱼期(11~30 d)分为前稚鱼期(11~18 d)、中稚鱼期(19~24 d)和后稚鱼期(25~30 d),幼鱼期(31~65 d)。黑点青鳉幼体出膜4 d后开始投喂初孵卤虫,至10 d所有鱼苗均能捕食。黑点青鳉仔鱼期幼体死亡率较高,但摄食能力稳步提升,至该期末,摄食成功率提升至45%~55%,摄食效率达0.5~0.6个/min;稚鱼期幼体的各项摄食指标均有大幅度提升,对饵料的响...  相似文献   

This study investigated: 1) susceptibility differences to infection by Neobenedenia girellae (Capsalidae) between amberjack Seriola dumerili (Carangidae), yellowtail S. quinqueradiata and Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus (Paralichthyidae); 2) growth and egg production of N. girellae on each fish species; 3) acquired protection of each fish species against this parasite. The number of N. girellae on S. dumerili was significantly higher than on S. quinqueradiata and P. olivaceus when these fishes were exposed to oncomiracidia in the same aquarium. Neobenedenia girellae growth on S. dumerili was fastest and, thus the number of eggs laid by parasites on S. dumerili was greater than on the other two species. Seriola dumerili and P. olivaceus, which were previously infected with N. girellae and treated by freshwater bath, acquired partial protection against re-infection by N. girellae. The relative re-infection of three S. dumerili individuals out of eleven individuals was markedly low compared with the initial infection, and the relative initial infection and re-infection on two P. olivaceus out of eleven individuals was markedly low. The results of this study could be useful to control N. girellae infections when cultivating S. dumerili, S. quinqueradiata and P. olivaceus.  相似文献   

The in vitro digestibility of the proteins of broad bean and soya bean was compared by using a physiologically oriented method developed in our laboratory. The physical and chemical conditions of the alimentary tracts of rainbow trout and carp were simulated in vitro as closely as possible. Generally protein digestibility of broad bean is poorer than that of soya bean. Differences in digestibility are more pronounced after digestion under the simulated conditions of the carp gut than under those of the trout gut. The deficiency in the sulfuric amino acids cysteine + methionine is more marked in broad bean than in soya bean. Furthermore, in broad bean, threonine and lysine (for carp) and phenylalanine (for trout) are near or slightly below the limits of dietary requirement.  相似文献   

Four treatments of naturally occurring plants and planted rice were evaluated as forages in experimental crawfish ponds. Their relationships to biomass production, dawn dissolved oxygen, unstable water levels, and crawfish production were determined.Total standing biomass of forage at fall flooding was significantly lower (P < 0.01) for alligatorweed plus volunteer vegetation ponds compared with all other forage regimes. Average dawn dissolved oxygen during the first 5 weeks after flooding varied between 1.7 mg/l and 4.7 mg/l in ponds containing alligatorweed, compared with 1.0 mg/l and 1.5 mg/l in ponds containing other vegetation. Crawfish yields in kg/ha for ponds with stable water levels were: rice plus alligatorweed, 2852; rice only, 2652; rice plus volunteer vegetation, 2117. These forage treatments appeared to sustain the crawfish population, and stunting of crawfish at unmarketable sizes was not observed.  相似文献   

The activity of the ovary-inhibiting hormone in the eyestalks of female prawns, Parapenaeopsis hardwickii, was determined during its ovarian developmental cycle. In the inactive (stage I) and post-spawned phases of ovarian development, the ovary-inhibiting hormone activity was found to be very high. During the phase of full vitellogenesis (stage IV), the inhibiting activity is almost negligible. After spawning (stage V) it is present, but at a lower level than during inactive and post-spawned phases. Hence it is inferred that ovary-inhibiting hormone appears to be responsible for the phase of ovarian quiescence and to control the rate of vitellogenesis.  相似文献   

The effects of three different rearing temperatures (12, 15 and 18°C) on growth and survival of sablefish larvae (Anoplopoma fimbria) were examined from 5 days poststocking to weaned subjuveniles. First‐feeding larvae were stocked into 960‐L circular tanks at a density of 15 larvae/L (n = 3 per temperature treatment). Feeding, increases in light and water flow and other changes during the experiment were based on a degree‐day (°Cday) schedule to adjust for time and temperature. The larvae were weaned on calendar day 41, 34 and 30 in the 12, 15 and 18°C treatments respectively. Survival to weaning was greater at 15 than 12 or 18°C. Calendar day and degree‐day length and dry weight were greater in the 18°C treatment. The larvae were weaned 7 days earlier at 15°C and 11 days earlier at 18°C compared to larvae at 12°C. Sablefish larvae can be reared at 15°C with faster growth and good survival compared to 12°C and at an approximately 17% reduction in cost and labour. Sablefish grew even faster but had higher mortality rates at 18°C compared to 15°C. Results from genotyping strongly suggest that there is a genetic basis for performing differentially at varying rearing temperatures and would also suggest that selection for faster growth and higher survival could be accomplished in a broodstock programme.  相似文献   

Tilapia and striped bass larvae inflate their swim bladders on the 7th–9th and 5th–7th days after hatching, respectively. The primordial bladder of Tilapia has no pneumatic duct and larvae do not gulp atmospheric gas for the initial swim bladder inflation. Prominent columnar epithelium is characteristics of the bladder of Tilapia prior to inflation. Hypoxic conditions inhibit inflation and result in degeneration of the columnar epithelium and the irreversible malfunction of the swim bladder. The swim bladder of the striped bass has a glandular epithelium and a pneumatic duct prior to inflation. The mode of the initial inflation and functional role of the pneumatic duct remain unclear, although strong aeration and turbulent water in the rearing containers were observed to be main factors enhancing normal inflation of the larval swim bladder.  相似文献   

Results showed that all-male Nile tilapia can be cultured in milkfish ponds without affecting the growth and production of milkfish, at ratios of 1–3 tilapia to 5 milkfish; 2:5 is the optimum ratio.Supplemental feeding with fine rice bran or copra meal at a daily rate of 5% of the biomass increased the net production of milkfish but had no influence on all-male Nile tilapia. Standing crop of about 890 kg/ha in 135 days was obtained in a polyculture system of milkfish, all-male Nile tilapia and snakehead when fed rice bran.  相似文献   

为研究太平洋鳕发育早期特异免疫系统形成的机制,通过RAG1和IgM基因的转录水平衡量特异免疫系统的发育特点.根据GenBank中RAG1和IgM的序列信息,分别设计1对特异引物,从太平洋鳕头肾中扩增得到RAG1和IgM的基因片段.将所获基因片段分别插入到克隆载体pMD18-T中,从而构建太平洋鳕RAG1和IgM基因的质粒标准品.建立并优化太平洋鳕RAG1和IgM基因绝对荧光定量PCR方法.为进一步验证该方法的可靠性,分别利用绝对定量和相对定量检验目的基因在太平洋鳕早期发育过程不同组织内的表达差异.以优化后的绝对荧光定量PCR方法检测不同发育时期太平洋鳕RAG1和IgM的表达情况.结果显示,RAG1的回归方程为y=-3.266x+33.77,回归系数R2=0.996;IgM的回归方程为y=-3.119x +27.61,回归系数R2 =0.998.绝对定量和相对定量结果在基因转录趋势上显现出一致性,即RAG1基因在胸腺和头肾中表达,且在胸腺中的表达量显著高于头肾中的表达量,在肝脏和脾脏中无表达;IgM基因在胸腺、头肾、肝脏和脾脏中均有表达,其中脾脏中表达量最高,其次是头肾.RAG1基因在太平洋鳕发育早期的表达水平很低,到61日龄(days posthatching,dph)至95 dph表达量显著提高;IgM基因在早期表达水平同样很低,到33 dph至61 dph才有明显表达,在95 dph时表达量显著提高.研究表明,本实验方法可靠,特异性较强,可成功对目标基因转录水平进行检测.  相似文献   

Group-0 turbot Scophthalmus maximus L. were fed on artificial diets for 13 months, at 15° C. Partially defined diets containing about 40% protein were used and fish were fed once per day with moist pellets.The mean weight of the fish, at the beginning of the experiment, was 3.5 g. During the first 6 months, a fish gained 15 g weight on average, and 40 g in the following 6 months. The final mean weight was 62 g, and the final mean total length, 15.3 cm. The daily growth rate was 0.7% and the protein efficiency ratio (P.E.R.) ranged between 1.4 and 2.1.For fish fed on natural food at 15° C, the results were similar for the first 9 months. Subsequently, these fish grew faster than those fed artificial diets.  相似文献   

An integrated fish and hydroponic tomato production system was evaluated for use in the US Virgin Islands. The system was constructed from readily available materials, and designed to minimize capital costs, energy and water use, and the technological skill needed for operation. Tilapia (Sarotherodon aurea) and tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) were cultured outdoors for 181 days in a closed system containing 7.34 m3 of water. Water quality suitable for fish production was maintained by aeration, biological filtration, sedimentation, hydroponic vegetable production and the addition of make-up water. Fish metabolites, wasted feed, and small quantities of inorganic fertilizers served as nutrient sources for tomato production. Fish survival (97.5%) and growth (2.54 g per day) were excellent with 63.6 kg of fish averaging 521 g each recovered at harvest. The total yield of ripe tomato fruit was 87.0 kg, of which 87.4% was marketable. The yield and quality of fruit produced hydroponically exceeded that produced under field trial conditions. Capital costs for the complete system were estimated to be US$612 (1979). Electrical energy and water use were 9.12 kWh day?1 and 2.6% of the total volume per day, respectively. Cost and return projections indicate the system could be operated on a profitable basis in the US Virgin Islands.  相似文献   

采用光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜技术分别对患海豚链球菌病的罗非鱼的病理学变化进行了研究。分离的病原菌革兰氏染色呈阳性,透射电镜负染观察菌体球形或卵圆形,直径0.6~1.0μm,多数呈链状排列。组织学病变主要表现为全身多组织、器官水肿,出血、变性、坏死以及炎症反应,特别是肝、脾、肾和脑分别表现为肝炎,脾炎,间质性肾炎和脑膜炎。超微结构观察发现病鱼肝、脾、肾、脑、心肌和骨骼肌等器官的细胞超微结构都有较为严重的破坏,细胞核畸形,染色质浓缩或边集,粗面内质网囊泡化及脱粒,线粒体肿胀,嵴断裂或溶解消失。研究表明,海豚链球菌能造成罗非鱼全身性组织器官病变,致使器官功能障碍,正常生理代谢调节紊乱,最后导致死亡。  相似文献   

Four species of rabbitfishes, Siganus concatenata, S. oramin, S. striolata and S. virgata were held in rearing tanks and fed with benthic algae. Out of 101 algae species and 4 vascular plants offered, the fishes ate only 67 species. The electivity indices E, for 23 algae were determined. The species Enteromorpha intestinalis, Gracilaria confervoides and G. cylindrica proved to have the highest indices with E = 0.594, E = 0.269 and E = 0.182, respectively.  相似文献   

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