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A growout cage that retains oysters, excludes predators and reduces maintenance is described; it is cut from 200 mm (8 in) steel reinforcing mesh as kitset units and then hot dip galvanised. Each cage is 2.2 m long, 0.8 m wide and 1.0 m deep (88 × 22 × 40 in) and contains five floors which are 203 mm (8 in) apart. The floors and the walls are covered with 19 mm (34 in) galvanised wire mesh, or high density polyethylene plastic mesh. These cages may be slung from rafts, fitted with individual flotation or lowered to the bottom with a marker buoy; they weigh approximately 70 kg (154 lb) empty and about 220 kg (484 lb) when harvested. Each cage crop consists of approximately 2.5 bags totalling about 150 kg (330 lb), and in good growing areas three to four crops have been harvested from each cage per year. In two such crops culled spat (22–29 g whole wet weight) were converted to plate (first grade) oysters (40–67 g); in the other two, seconds (29–40 g) were converted to plate oysters. Growth rates, stocking densities and mortality data are given for 11 crops.  相似文献   

Oysters removed cornflour particles of 0–4 μm diameter at a rate significantly different (5% level) from the controls. For 4–6 μm particles the difference was significant at the 10 but not the 5% level. There were no significant differences in removal rates for 6–10 μm particles. Particles less than 5 μm in diameter seemed optimum for ingestion.The optimum concentration for riceflour particles less than 5 μm in diameter was approximately 2 mg/l; at this concentration there was maximum faecal production and minimum pseudofaecal production. The changeover point (50% producing pseudofaeces) was approximately 18 mg/l; above this concentration pseudodefaecation steadily increased until 35 mg/l, when pseudofaeces (as well as faeces) were being produced by 100% of the oysters. Similar results were obtained for riceflour, starch gluten effluent and active dried yeast, but the ranges were different.  相似文献   

Sydney rock oysters, normally intertidal, were submerged below rafts in vertical stacks of 15 oyster trays extending 2 m deep. Growth rates and mortality were not good or economically encouraging. The best growth was from small culled spat (43 whole oysters/kg) to large seconds (28/kg), an increase of 59% in 9 months. The minimum mortality was 52%. Fouling growths of barnacles, tunicates, sponges and hydroids were restricted by placing experimental trays on top of the raft for several days to dry out. Compared with controls, this resulted in increased oyster growth in experimental trays during the next 6 months. Oyster mortality and incidence of mudworm blisters (resulting from the polychaete Polydora websteri) were similar in both control and experimental trays during this period. For improved growth of trayed submerged oysters the optimum vertical distance between trays and the optimum density of oysters on trays need to be determined.  相似文献   

The progeny of four breeding lines of Sydney rock oysters, Saccostrea commercialis, selected for faster growth over two generations, were compared with controls in an 18-month farming experiment. Mean whole weights of oysters from all four selection lines did not differ significantly from each other but, were significantly greater (P<0.05) than mean whole weight of controls (spat produced from two groups of non-selected oyster populations). The mean increase in weight for the selection lines over the controls of 18% (range 14–23%) after two generations of selection (third generation) compares extremely favourably with the 4% reported previously after one generation of selection.  相似文献   

Rafts carrying five permanently submerged oyster trays were moored in nine New South Wales estuaries during 1976–1977 to determine how rapidly culled spat oysters (25–29 g whole weight) or seconds (29–40 g) could be grown into first grade (plate) oysters (40–67 g).In the first series of trials results were obtained from seven localities after 3 months summer growth. The average weight increase was 51%; mortality averaged 17%. A further series of trials were conducted for 3 months in autumn at four localities. Weight increases averaged 40% and mortality 8%.The growth rates calculated from weight increases were two to three times greater than those expected from normal intertidal culture traditional of Australia. The estimated time to convert spat to plate oysters was 4 months for summer and autumn crops.  相似文献   

Differences in the survival of QX-resistant fifth generation (QXR5) and wild-caught (Wild-Caught) Sydney rock oysters were assessed over the QX-disease risk period in the Pimpama River, SE Queensland. Cumulative mortality of Wild-Caught oysters (31.7%) was significantly greater than QXR5 oysters (0.0%) over the 118 days of the experiment. PCR and histological results showed that Wild-Caught oyster did not die from QX disease. Histology revealed oysters were infected with disseminating hemocytic neoplasia, a Steinhausia-like infection, a Rickettsia-like organism infecting epithelial cells of the gill, digenean flukes encysted in the gonadal tissue and a gill response to an unknown toxin. The cause of mortality is attributed to disseminating hemocytic neoplasia.  相似文献   

Abstract. To prepare a diagnostic test, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with universal primers was used to amplify the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) of Marteilia sydneyi rDNA. A radiolabelled probe for M. sydneyi comprising putative ITS1 rDNA gave a strong signal for genomic DNA from M. sydneyi and no signal for host genomic DNA in Southern blots. A PCR to detect M. sydneyi used a forward primer designed from an internal site within the sequenced region and a reverse universal primer. It amplified a 650-bp fragment of M. sydneyi DNA when a combination of host and parasite DNA, extracted from an infected oyster, was used as the template.  相似文献   

Naturally spawned Sydney rock oysters Saccostrea commercialis (Iredale and Roughley),were used to determine the appropriate stage of development for inducing triploidy and to compare the effectiveness of cytochalasin B (CB) and 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP) in dose-optimization trials. Induction should commence at 50% first polar body (PB1) extrusion in eggs (approximately 17-19 min post-fertilization at 25oC). By day 5 the highest triploidy percentage and yield (number of triploid larvae per 100 fertilized eggs) were achieved in the ranges of 0.75-1.5 mg CB 1-1 (1.6-3.1 μm CB)or 200-400 μm 6-DMAP (32.6-65.3 mg 6-DMAP l-1). However, CB treatment resulted in greater survival and triploidy percentage than 6-DMAP in Sydney rock oysters.  相似文献   

Growth and mortality of sibling triploid and diploid Sydney rock oysters, grown at two tidal heights, three stocking densities and three different sites on the Camden Haven River estuary, were compared. Triploids grew faster than diploids. The majority of the growth rate difference occurred after the oysters reached 2 years of age. By 3.2 years, triploids were 49% heavier than diploids. Oysters grown intertidally were larger than those grown subtidally. Oysters stocked at the lightest density of 2 L per basket grew to a significantly larger size than baskets stocked at 3 or 4 L. Growth rates were significantly different at the three sites. Growth was reduced the further the oysters were from the mouth of the estuary. There was no significant difference in mortality between ploidy level, but there were differences between tidal heights, stocking densities and sites. Intertidal oysters suffered higher mortality than subtidal. Oysters stocked at the highest density had a significantly higher mortality than the lowest density; neither of these was significantly different from the medium density. The site closest to the mouth of the estuary had significantly lower mortality than the middle and upper estuary sites.  相似文献   

In a 2-year grow-out trial, triploid Sydney rock oysters, Saccostrea commercialis (Iredale & Roughley), from two initial size grades grew faster (in terms of both mean whole weight and shell height) than the equivalent initial size grades of sibling diploids (P < 0.05). Small size grade triploids caught up with and had significantly heavier (P < 0.05) final whole weights than large size grade diploids after a 2-years grow-out period. The initial size grade had a significant effect on final mean whole weight and shell height for both ploidy types. After the 2-years grow-out trial, the final mean whole weights (but not shell heights) of small and large diploids (35.8 ± 0.6 g and 39.4 ± 0.5 g, respectively) were significantly different (P < 0.05). Small and large triploids grew at a similar rate for the first 18 months despite the significantly (P < 0.05) heavier final mean weight of large grade triploids (48.4 ± 0.8 g and 61.2 ± 0.7 g, respectively). The effect of the initial size grade on subsequent growth of both diploid and triploid oysters which was demonstrated in the present study is of significant commercial value to hatchery and nursery operators as well as growers of single seed oysters. In addition, small-grade triploids appeared to be more valuable in terms of potential growth rate than all diploid grades. There was no significant difference in the final percentage triploidy between small and large grade triploids. A large proportion of diploid/triploid mosaicism was detected in adult oysters.  相似文献   

Four large rafts (6.4 × 4.3 m), each costing $ A 543 totally equipped and holding 600 kg of trayed layers of oysters, were sited in New South Wales estuaries during 1977 and 1978. Small, single oysters (spat at 25–29 g whole weight or seconds at 29–40 g) were grown to restaurant (plate) grade (40–67 g).Sixteen crops were harvested, usually after three months growout. None showed evidence of overspatting (attachment of young oysters to the crop). Growth rates (measured as oyster weight increases) ranged from 5 to 30% per month and averaged 19%. In four of the crops mortality was high (12, 22, 22 and 90%) due to parasites, predators or wave action. In the remaining 12 crops natural mortality averaged 6% total for the growout period. The average actual wholesale value of the crops was $ A 422 and this could be raised to an estimated wholesale value of $A 527 per crop by utilising pregrowout grading and harvest date selection. Several husbandry practices are recommended. (1) Grading oysters mechanically before growout to produce more uniform crops. (2) Covering top trays to prevent fish attacks and losses through waves. (3) Deciding optimum harvest date by inspection after three months growth.  相似文献   

The Sydney rock oyster Saccostrea glomerata (Gould, 1850) industry acquired hatchery-produced spat selected for faster growth for the first time in January 2004. Selectively bred and non-selected (Control) spat produced concurrently were used to compare performance when grown under commercial conditions. Spat were distributed to farmers in seven estuaries in New South Wales. Individual farmers cultivated these oysters using their own techniques and growth and mortality were recorded quarterly. At each site, the two oyster types were cultivated using the same culture method, location and density. Growth was compared when oysters were 27 months of age. At this time, selectively bred oysters were significantly larger and heavier than Control oysters. The same result was obtained when oysters were compared at the point in time when selectively bred oysters had reached 50 g at each site. No significant difference was found for cumulative mortality between the selectively bred oysters and Control oysters across all sites. However, the seven sites had significantly different levels of cumulative mortality. Overall, the performance of selectively bred oysters was superior to the Control oysters and selectively bred oysters reached the 50 g bench mark within 29.3 months when averaged across all sites.  相似文献   

QX disease causes mass mortalities among Sydney rock oysters (Saccostrea glomerata). To overcome commercial production losses, Industry & Investment NSW has been developing mass selected QX disease‐resistant breeding lines since 1997. This breeding programme has significantly reduced QX‐associated mortality in the Lime Kiln Bar (LKB) breeding line relative to non‐selected, wild‐type (WT) oysters. The current study assessed mortality in families produced by single‐pair mating between LKB and WT oysters. When these families were grown in a QX disease‐prone area, the progeny of LKB × LKB crosses had significantly lower mortality compared with LKB × WT or WT × WT families. Mortality in the different crosses was associated with infection by sporulating Marteilia sydneyi, the parasite responsible for QX disease. Overall, the study identified a strong association between parentage and mortality resulting from QX disease.  相似文献   

Pontoons made from plastic pipe were tested as an alternative to racks for deepwater culture of the Sydney rock oyster. The growth and mortality of oysters permanently suspended in water on trays beneath floating pontoons were compared with oysters on trays in an intertidal zone. For both culled spat (30–31 g whole oyster weight) and seconds oysters (37–39 g) beneath pontoons the growth rate, measured by weight increases, was three times that of oysters on intertidal racks over a 5-month period. Mortality (from unknown causes) was higher beneath the pontoons. The mean mortality of spat oysters was 40% compared with 24% on the intertidal trays, and for seconds oysters was 51% compared with 34%.  相似文献   

Carp (Cyprinus carpio) larvae were fed on measured numbers of Artemia nauplii, and daily growth of the larvae monitored for a period of 10 days in order to determine the effect of varying feeding levels. A 34% reduction in specific growth rate was observed over the experimental period. At a temperature of 24 ± 0.5° C, carp larvae were found to require 200–250% of their body weight of Artemia nauplii per day for optimal growth and food conversion during the first five days of feeding, reducing to 100–120%/day over the following five days. The significance of these results is discussed in relation to potential economies of Artemia cyst use in hatcheries.  相似文献   

Brachionus plicatilis and Artemia nauplii were fed to a number of larval stages of the penaeid prawn Penaeus indicus to determine ingestion rates, larval energy requirements and to establish at which stage larval predation commenced. The raptorial feeding rates were then contrasted on an energy basis with filter feeding rates for P. indicus larvae to compare the relative efficiency of these two feeding mechanisms. Brachionus was first eaten as early as protozoea 1 to protozoea 2, while the maximum ingestion rate of 300 rotifers larva?1 d?1 (1.06 J larva?1 d?1) was obtained during protozoea 3 to mysis 1. Artemia were effectively ingested by P. indicus protozoea 3 (4.1 J larva?1 d?1) to post-larva (8.2 J larva?1 d?1). Daily energy intake rate from filter feeding increased from 1.1 J larva?1 d?1 during protozoea 1 to reach a peak of 5.32 J larva?1 d?1 during mysis 3 after which it declined to 2.66 J larva?1 d?1 during the post-larval stage. This decline in energy intake from filter feeding with a concomitant increase in energy intake from Artemia predation demonstrates a predominant feeding mode changeover point during mysis 3. Energy intake was consistently low with Brachionus, indicating that it may be unnecessary for commercial culture purposes.  相似文献   

The production of unattached hatchery-reared oyster seed has encouraged the initiation of oyster cultivation in new areas throughout the British Isles, and has led to innovations in methods of handling and growing-on oysters. Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland is an area with no traditional oyster fishery, and the introduction of the fast growing pacific oyster has led to consideration of the most feasible method of cultivating this species. Although raft culture to market size has known advantages, it is normally associated with oysters attached to cultch. However, off-bottom culture by growing unattached oysters intertidally in trays held off the sea-bed is an alternative, which provides higher survival, better growth, higher stocking densities and complete cropping compared with traditional sea-bed culture. Considering these advantages, tray cultivation may be economically justifiable, especially in an area without an existing oyster fishery.  相似文献   

The Australian edible oyster industry has been severely impacted by disease and declining yields since the 1970s. Selective breeding of Saccostrea glomerata is one measure addressing these problems by producing fast‐growing, disease‐resistant oysters. Farmers report that selected oysters have different growth characteristics than their wild counterparts using conventional grow‐out methods. This study investigated how different grow‐out methods influence commercially valuable oyster characteristics including shell length, shape, surface growth deformities and meat condition. In June 2015, selectively bred S. glomerata spat were deployed in two estuaries (Hawkesbury River and Georges River) in NSW, Australia, using three grow‐out methods (fixed trays, Stanway cylinders and floating baskets). In November 2015, oysters were transferred among grow‐out methods to test for the effects of changing grow‐out methods on oyster growth patterns. Oysters transferred from baskets to cylinders and from trays to cylinders had, on average, deeper and wider shells, a higher meat condition and fewer shell surface deformities than oysters in other grow‐out method combinations. However, these oysters were smaller than oysters not grown in cylinders. While there were some differences in growth patterns between the estuaries, overall it was the grow‐out methods that most influenced oyster characteristics. This was attributed to differences in the amount and magnitude of movement oysters experienced in the grow‐out methods, as recorded by motion sensors. This study demonstrates how grow‐out methods can be managed to achieve desired growth trajectories and therefore improve marketability among selective bred S. glomerata.  相似文献   

育肥时间对三疣梭子蟹卵巢发育和营养品质的影响   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
采用育肥养殖实验和生化分析技术,研究了育肥时间对三疣梭子蟹雌体卵巢发育和营养品质的影响。结果发现,(1)经90 d育肥的雌体卵巢指数显著上升,出肉率和总可食率呈先上升后下降趋势,育肥30~60 d的总可食率达42%以上。(2)育肥时间对肌肉中常规营养成分含量无显著影响,育肥60 d卵巢和肝胰腺中的蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物含量最高,水分含量最低;育肥使肝胰腺和卵巢中胆固醇百分含量呈显著下降趋势,育肥后期卵巢和肝胰腺中的磷脂含量显著上升;就不同组织而言,肝胰腺中的甘油三酯含量最高。(3)育肥使卵巢和肝胰腺中的单不饱和脂肪酸呈上升趋势,而多不饱和脂肪酸呈先下降后上升趋势,肌肉中脂肪酸组成无显著变化;整体上,肌肉的脂肪酸营养价值优于肝胰腺和卵巢。(4)育肥早期卵巢中氨基酸含量显著上升,整个育肥过程中肌肉中的甜味氨基酸含量呈显著上升趋势,育肥60 d后卵巢和肌肉中所有必需氨基酸分值均大于100,无限制性氨基酸。研究表明,生殖蜕壳后的三疣梭子蟹雌体适宜育肥时间为60 d,育肥不仅提高了总可食率,且优化了其营养价值。  相似文献   

Results showed that all-male Nile tilapia can be cultured in milkfish ponds without affecting the growth and production of milkfish, at ratios of 1–3 tilapia to 5 milkfish; 2:5 is the optimum ratio.Supplemental feeding with fine rice bran or copra meal at a daily rate of 5% of the biomass increased the net production of milkfish but had no influence on all-male Nile tilapia. Standing crop of about 890 kg/ha in 135 days was obtained in a polyculture system of milkfish, all-male Nile tilapia and snakehead when fed rice bran.  相似文献   

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