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Growth, intensity of Perkinsus marinus (Levine) infection, and survival of synchronously spawned North Carolina (NC) and Chesapeake Bay‐heritage (CB) oysters, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) were evaluated under standard tray culture conditions at several sites in both regions (Wye River, Maryland; Mobjack Bay, Virginia; Pamlico River, NC and Bogue Banks, NC). Infection prevalence reached 100% in oysters held at all high‐ and moderate‐salinity sites, at which time the CB strain ceased to grow. Shortly after growth ceased, CB oysters exhibited mortality that rapidly progressed to 100%. Unlike the CB strain, growth continued in the NC strain despite high P. marinus prevalence. When mortality did occur in the NC strain, at a reduced rate of 37–40%, it was associated with higher intensity of P. marinus than the infection intensity correlated with death of CB oysters. At the low‐salinity site in NC, P. marinus infection persisted at low weighted prevalence throughout the latter portion of the culture period but was not associated with mortality of either strain. These trends in growth and disease resistance for the two strains demonstrate that aquaculture performance is related to the level of disease resistance in oyster strains, salinity of water in growing areas and virulence of P. marinus.  相似文献   

于1996~1997年,用6-DMAP抑制太平洋牡蛎受精卵第二极体的释放,诱导产生三倍体,最高诱导率为93.8%。该实验组胚胎孵化率为81.0%,D形幼虫畸形率为17.6%。实验选用L9(34)设计,进行三因素三水平的正交试验:6-DMAP浓度,设300、450和600μmol/L等三水平;诱导时机(观察静止状态的受精卵,以受精卵出现第一极体的百分率指示),设10%、30%和50%等三水平;诱导持续时间,设10、15和20min等三水平,试验设三次重复。解剖法获取精卵,人工授精。染色体倍性检查采用染色体计数法。根据正交试验直观分析结果,得出诱导太平洋牡蛎三倍体各因素的最优水平组合:当30%受精卵出现第一极体时,将受精卵浸泡在含6-DMAP450μmol/L的海水中10min;三因素的主次顺序:6-DMAP浓度→诱导时机→诱导持续时间。6-DMAP的浓度和诱导时机对三倍体诱导率的影响显著;但诱导持续时间影响不显著。部分试验组得到4.2%~13.6%的四倍体和10%左右的非整倍体,这种情况可能与受精不同步抑制第一极体释放而导致的染色体多极分离有关。  相似文献   

Ovarian follicles taken from sexually maturing rainbow trout at the mid-vitellogenic stage of ovarian development were incubated in vitro in the presence or absence of melatonin or somatostatin-14 (SRIF-14) to determine whether there is evidence of a direct action of these factors on gonadal steroidogenesis in fishes. The steroidogenic capacity of the ovarian follicles was assessed by measuring testosterone (T) and 17-estradiol (E2) release into the incubation medium, and by examining the steroid metabolites produced following incubation of follicles with radiolabelled steroid precursors.Melatonin appears to elicit a biphasic effect on steroidogenesis by in vitro rainbow trout ovarian follicles; at a concentration of 1 × 10–3 M, melatonin stimulated basal T and E2 production, but at a concentration of 1 × 10–2 M there was an inhibition of basal and sGtH-stimulated T and E2 Melatonin may act to reduce the activity of specific steroidogenic enzymes, since there was evidence of melatonin at 1 × 10–2 M enhancing the accumulation of [3H]17-hydroxyprogesterone in the medium following incubation with [3H]pregnenolone, possibly suggesting the inhibition of C17,20-lyase activity. In contrast, SRIF-14, used at concentrations of 1 × 10–8 M and 1 × 10–6 M, had no effect on basal or sGtH-stimulated E2 or T production by ovarian follicles, incubated in vitro.  相似文献   

Growth of Mugil cephalus, indicated by increase in length and weight, was studied in seven ponds at Mex Experimental Station, Alexandria. The ponds were treated with different fertilizers and the fish were given supplemental artificial food.Different patterns of growth were studied and compared. The best and cheapest method of increasing the growth of M. cephalus in experimental ponds was to fertilize with superphosphate at a monthly rate of 20 kg. The increase in the growth rate of the fish in ponds receiving superphosphate, and superphosphate plus ammonium nitrate indicated by condition factor values was nearly double that reported by other investigators.  相似文献   

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