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The presence of 5% to 20% hen's egg yolk in a sucrose-based extender significantly improved post-thaw fertility of cryopreserved rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) spermatozoa compared to when the extender without hen's egg yolk was used. However, the degree of increased cryoprotection associated with hen's egg yolk was affected by the quality of the milt. Considerable variation was detected in the performance of various batches of trout eggs used to test post-thaw fertility and the composition of the extender was shown to affect fertilizations differentially with some of the eggs. Despite this variation, the extender containing 10% hen's egg yolk consistently gave high post-thaw fertility in samples of cryopreserved milt (67.3±3.0% S.E.M.) in thirty replicated trials. As such, the method described is reliable for cryopreserving rainbow trout milt and fertilizing small quantities of eggs.  相似文献   

Fish Physiology and Biochemistry - Assessing female fish reproductive success requires a thorough evaluation of egg characteristics, including egg number, size, and variability as well as egg...  相似文献   

Experiments have been carried out aimed at clarifying variations in the digestibility of dietary nutrients in rainbow trout families and studying how differences in digestibility may be related to growth and feed utilisation at various growth rates. The digestibility of protein, lipid, carbohydrates (nitrogen-free extracts, NFE) and dry matter was analysed in two experiments involving eight rainbow trout families [Ab, Ba, Cd, Dc (first study); V, X, Y, Z (second study)]. In the first experiment rainbow trout were reared for 128 days at 13.0°C, and in the second experiment, they were reared for 84 days at 16.8°C. In both experiments, the fish were fed ad libitum and reared from an initial weight of 70–100 g to a final weight of 500–700 g. When the fish reached a weight of approximately 200 g, some individuals were moved to another experimental system in which the digestibility of protein, lipid, nitrogen-free extracts and dry matter was measured. Taken as a whole, our results indicate that selective breeding still offers a large potential for improved growth and feed utilisation in rainbow trout strains. In the first study, family Dc showed a higher specific growth rate (SGR) than the other three families (P < 0.05), and family Ba showed a lower feed conversion ratio (FCR) than family Ab (P < 0.05); there were no observed differences in digestibility despite some differences in growth. In the second study, family Y grew faster than all of the other families (P < 0.05), and family Z grew faster than families V and X (P < 0.01). A comparable pattern was seen for FCR, with family Y utilising feed better than family V (P < 0.05), and families V, Y and Z performing better than family X (P < 0.001). Protein digestibility was higher in the two fastest growing families (Y and Z) than in the slower growing family X (P < 0.05), while lipid digestion was higher in family Y than in family V (P < 0.05). A comparison of the results from both experiments revealed that protein digestibility in particular was closely related to the SGR and the FCR at high growth rates. However, despite the advantageous protein digestibility on fish growth, analysis of the protein retention efficiency (PRE) showed that when protein was ingested in relatively large amounts, as in the fastest growing families, the “excess” nitrogen was excreted and therefore did not contribute to protein deposition in the fish body. Hence, the potential weight gain offered by improved protein digestibility does not materialise when the protein intake is above a certain level. Other factors must therefore explain the positive relation between fast growth and high protein digestibility.  相似文献   

Adult female rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) were fed a commercial trout production diet until approximately 40 days prior to spawning at which time the fish were divided in two groups. One group continued to be fed while the other group was starved until spawning. Egg size, egg number, ovary weight, and egg proximate composition were examined periodically starting 5 months before spawning. Muscle tissues of the fish were sampled at spawning to measure somatic depletion of proximate consituents in the two groups. Egg hatchability was determined by incubating test lots from each spawning female. No significant differences (P > 0.05) were found in egg hatchability between the fed and starved groups. Changes in proximate composition were observed in the eggs during the months prior to spawning, but no differences were detected between the eggs of the starved and the fed groups. Short-term starvation did not significantly alter the proximate composition of muscle tissue of the spawned female trout.  相似文献   

The combined effects of feeding time (morning and evening) and dietary fat concentration on feed intake, growth, body composition and lipid tissue distribution were examined in rainbow trout fed on demand. To that purpose, diets with low (LE, 6% lipid) or high energy concentrations (HE, 24% lipid) were used in four treatments that combined provision of the same (HE–HE or LE–LE) or different (HE–LE, LE–HE) diets at morning and evening meals. Digestible energy intakes of the LE–HE (229 kJ kg–1 d–1) and HE–HE (269 kJ kg–1 d–1) groups were significantly different. There was no significant difference in the amount of energy intake between the two meals of the day in any of the treatments. The main effect of dietary treatment was on lipid intake; fish in the HE–HE, HE–LE and LE–HE treatments ingested approximately 3, 2.2 and 1.8 times more lipid than those on the LE–LE treatment. Growth, weight gain and protein gain were not affected by dietary treatment, but lipid gain reflected lipid intake; fish in the HE–HE, HE–LE and LE–HE treatments gained approximately 2.6, 2.1 and 1.7 more lipid than did fish on the LE–LE treatment. Body composition was significantly affected by dietary treatment; whole body lipid content reflected lipid gain, and visceral lipid concentration was affected in a similar way to whole-body lipid. On the other hand, muscle lipid concentrations were similar in fish submitted to the HE–LE, LE–HE, and LE–LE treatments (< 4%), and were lower than in fish on the HE–HE treatment (ca. 5.5%). Consequently muscle lipid concentration was not directly related to lipid intake, because lipid intakes of fish on HE–LE and LE–HE treatments was higher than in those on the LE–LE treatment, while muscle lipid concentration was lower. Thus feeding fish with different diets in the morning and evening might have potential as a tool for manipulating lipid distributions and concentrations without major adverse effects on growth.  相似文献   

Abstract. The aim of this research was lo evaluate the effect of density and feeding level (initially 8 or 16kg/m3 and 1·3% or 2% of present biomass respectively) on productive traits, meat composition and water quality output in farmed rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). Individual fish growth shows significant differences in relation to density and feeding level; feed conversion rate is positively Influenced by the lower feeding level and low rearing density. At low density, specific growth rate, protein efficiency ratio and coefficient of variation of individual final weights are more favourable than at high density. Dry matter and lipid composition of meat are positively affected by feeding level; whereas no differences are recorded on the amino acid and fatty acid profiles. Water quality shows differences due to density (NO3 and NH4+) and feeding level (NO2, NH4+ and P).  相似文献   

Abstract. Measurements of egg number, egg size and total egg volume in relation to post-stripped weight, made on the eggs stripped from 12 separately maintained farm stocks of 4-year-old rainbow trout. Oncorhynchus mykiss Richardson, revealed highly significant differences between populations when analysed by regression and covariance statistical techniques. All of the stocks showed increases in fecundity with increasing fish size, with 61% (coefficient of determination or r2) of the variation in fecundity of the 12 stocks explained by the common regression on parental fish size. Comparison of the regressions of the different stocks revealed that the rate of increase of fecundity with increasing fish weight was constant throughout the weight range (i.e. the regressions had similar slopes) although there were highly significant differences in elevation, with some stocks producing almost twice as many eggs as some of the others. By contrast, the relationship of egg size with fish weight was much more variable with three of the stocks showing no significant regression of egg size on fish weight and a further two stocks with data poorly fitted to the regressions. Of the remaining seven stocks only one showed a significant difference in slope of the regression with modest increases in fish weight being associated with large increases in egg size. Only four of the remaining stocks of fish showed significant differences in the elevation of their regressions, i.e. the egg sizes were significantly different after the potentially conflicting influence of fish size was partitioned using covariance techniques. Assessments of total egg volume produced far improved regressions on post-strip weight with 75% (r2) of the variation in the pooled data of the 12 stocks being described by the line of the common regression. In general, there appeared to be a “trade-off” between egg number and size with the most and least fecund fish producing somewhat smaller and larger eggs respectively. All 12 regressions of totai egg volume on fish weight showed a common slope. However, there were significant differences in elevation of the regressions, with some of the stocks of trout producing up to a 55% greater volume of eggs. There appeared to be no relationship between the differences in egg number, size or total egg volume and the type or geograpfiical location of the farms on which the stocks were held. Although it remains to be determined to what extent these differences in reproductive performance are Inheritable, it is recommended that these characteristics should be taken into account by hatcheries in tbe design of long-term broodstock selection programmes for rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Two hundred and twenty rainbow trouts (IBW: 700 g) were randomly allotted to four tanks, with a male/female ratio of 0.56. Fish were fed for 168 d with four experimental diets containing herring oil, cod liver oil and coconut oil with the following inclusion rates: diet A: 12-1-0% respectively; diet B: 6-1-6%; diet C: 0-1-12%; diet D: 0-0-13%. Irrespective of the dietary treatment, weight gains of broodstocks were high (> 3 g/d) and FCR below 2. No significant difference was observed concerning the total amount of eggs spawn, egg average weight (82.5 mg/egg) and lipid content (5.4 mg/egg). However, the fatty acid profile of eggs was significantly affected by the dietary treatments. The content of unsaturated fatty acids, particularly the n-3 fatty acid series (EPA and DHA) significantly decreased with increasing levels of coconut oil in the diet.  相似文献   

This paper presents the relationship between egg quality and egg biochemical composition of cultured and wild Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica. Eggs were obtained by artificialinduction of maturation. Fertilization and hatching rates were used as characteristics of egg quality. Egg quality characteristics showed large variation; fertilization rate, 0–96; hatching rate, 0–84%. The biochemical composition also showed a large variation. There was no marked relationship between egg quality and fatty acid contents of eggs, except for n-6 highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA). Both the fertilization and hatching ratesincreased proportionally withincreases of the -tocopherol g(-Toc) contentin eggs. A more significant correlation was found between the amount of -Toc relative to the amount of HUFA and egg quality. The results of this study show that the egg quality of Japanese eel is affected by the –Toc level, andin particular, the ratio of -Toc to HUFAin the eggs. Abbreviations: BHT – butylhydroxytoluene; EFA – essential fatty acids; FAME – fatty acid methyl esters; HPLC – high performance liquid chromatography; HUFA – highly unsaturated fatty acids; NADH – nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; NADPH - nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate; ROS – reactive oxygen species; -Toc –-tocopherol.  相似文献   

The widespread belief in the superior quality of highly pigmented eggs is examined by bringing together evidence concerning the effect of the carotenoid content of salmonid eggs on their viability. It is concluded that, in rainbow trout, there is not a simple linear relation between these two quantities. There is some evidence that a critical level exists (ca. 1–3 μg carotenoid/g eggs) above which hatching percentages of more than 80% may be expected but below which hatching percentages of less than 50% tend to occur. However, the evidence is not conclusive and suitable experiments under controlled conditions have not been performed. Eggs of wild fish are frequently of higher quality than eggs of farmed fish but this difference is not necessarily caused by the large difference in egg carotenoid content but rather by the generally superior nutrition of the wild fish. The effects of egg carotenoid composition, including the artificial pigmentation of eggs with dietary canthaxanthin, on egg viability are considered, and the possible functions of egg carotenoids during embryonic development are discussed. Only one such function has been conclusively demonstrated, namely that they act as a source of pigment for the chromatophores of the alevin. Analogy with other animals suggests that β-carotene, when present, may act as a precursor of vitamin A. There is growing evidence that carotenoids may perform some undefined function in respiration of egg or alevin when oxygen is deficient.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effect of arginine on seminal plasma composition in rainbow trout. Male rainbow trout broodstocks (2500 ± 200 g) were fed five practical diets (each consisting of three triplicates) supplemented with Arginine at 0.50%, 1.50% and 2.00%. The control group were fed without arginine. Broodstock feeding lasted for 90 days, and then fish semen was sampled. Results indicated no significant differences in LDH, ALP, Fe2+ and phosphorous content among the different treatments. The lowest levels of AST and ALT and the highest levels of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions were observed in the treatment fed with 1.50% arginine, which showed significant differences from other treatments (P < 0.05). Moreover, the amount of Cl?, Na+ and K+ ions was significantly increased in the seminal plasma in fish fed diets containing arginine in comparison with the control. As the amount of arginine was increased, the levels of uric acid became significantly greater in contrast to urea and glucose levels. The highest amounts of cholesterol, fructose and total protein were observed in treatments fed on 2.00%, 0.50% and 1.00% arginine, respectively, showing significant differences from other treatments (P < 0.05). The highest pH value was assayed in the 1.50% arginine treatment. Results indicated that arginine had a potential efficacy on semen quality in rainbow trout broodstocks.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Feeding activity was examined at high temperatures by using a demand feeder for thermally selected and normal rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss strains. When the water temperature was raised in experiment 1 from 17.5 to 25.7°C at 0.3°C/day in 21 days, the average daily food consumption rate in the thermally selected strain rose to 7.1%, which was significantly higher than that of the normal strain (4.1%, P  < 0.05). The corresponding rate was also significantly higher in the thermally selected (0.8%) than in the normal strain (0.2%, P  < 0.05) of fish in experiment 2 where water temperature was raised to 24.1°C in 0.5°C/day increments. When water temperature was raised rapidly in experiment 3 from 16.7 to 21.7°C in one day and gradually to 24.4°C in 28 days at 0.1°C/day, the average daily food consumption rates were 1.0 and 0.1% for the thermally selected and normal strains, respectively, with significant difference ( P  < 0.01). These results suggest that the thermally selected strain has acquired thermal tolerance as a result of artificial selection.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance ‐based metabolomics was applied to study effects of egg aging on ovarian fluid metabolites in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. The eggs of three females were pooled and then assigned to three plastic vials for 18 days in vitro storage at 4°C. Ovarian fluid samples were taken 0, 6, 12 and 18 days after storage. Three groups of metabolites including amino acids, osmolytes and energy metabolites were found to change during storage period. The glucose levels of ovarian fluid showed significant decreases on days 12 and 18 after storage (< .05). For acetoacetate and acetate, significant increases were observed, respectively, on days 12 and 18 after storage (< .05). The creatine levels of ovarian fluid increased significantly on days 12 and 18 after storage (< .05). Lactate levels in ovarian fluid elevated during storage period (< .05). Glycerol levels showed a significant increase on days 12 and 18 after storage (< .05). The values of osmolytes in ovarian fluid (e.g., betaine, taurine, trimethylamine‐N‐oxide, N,N‐dimethylglycine) showed a decreasing trend on day 12 which continued until the end of storage on day 18 (< .05). Almost all amino acids elevated on days 12 and 18 after storage (< .05). After an apparent elevation in isoleucine levels on days 6 and 12, this amino acid decreased on day 18 after storage (< .05). The osmolytes might act as antioxidant against free‐radicals produced as a result of over‐ripening. Glucose can be used as energy resource for eggs and bacteria during ova storage. Also, change pattern of amino acids indicate hydrolysis of proteins as the time of storage increases.  相似文献   

为筛选出更有效的虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)精液冷冻保存液,在以10% 甲醇和0.3 M葡萄糖作为主要成分的基础上,分别或同时添加0.9 g/L氯化钾和10% 蛋黄形成四种冷冻保存液,用于虹鳟精液冷冻保存试验,分别形成4个处理组:Ⅰ#(不添加氯化钾和蛋黄)、Ⅱ#(添加氯化钾)、Ⅲ#(添加蛋黄)和Ⅳ#(...  相似文献   

Hybridisation with introduced taxa poses a threat to native fish populations. Mechanisms of reproductive isolation can limit or prevent hybridisation between closely related species. Understanding how these mechanisms interact between the same species across geographically distinct occurrences of secondary contact, and how regional factors influence them, can inform our understanding of hybridisation as a threat and management actions to mitigate this threat. We used data collected on adult fish migration timing and approximate emergence timing of subsequent juvenile fish paired with genomic data to assess whether temporal isolation in the timing of spawning exists between Yellowstone cutthroat trout, rainbow trout and hybrids in the North Fork Shoshone River drainage in northwest Wyoming. We found evidence that Yellowstone cutthroat trout spawn, on average, two to four weeks later than rainbow trout and hybrids and two environmental covariates related to water temperature and discharge were associated with differences in spawning migration timing. Despite statistical support for Yellowstone cutthroat trout spawning later, disproportionately high numbers of rainbow trout and hybrids, paired with extended spawning seasons, lead to substantial overlap between all genotypes. Our results provide further evidence of temporal segregation in the timing of spawning as a mechanism of reproductive isolation between closely related species, but substantial spawning overlap suggests temporal segregation alone will not be enough to curtail hybridisation in conservation populations.  相似文献   

金鳟是日本从虹鳟体色突变种中选育出的金黄色品系,1996年引进我国后根据其体色特征所命名,其生物学特性以及生长速度、单位面积产量等与三倍体  相似文献   

By use of sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, ovarian fluid proteins and main proteins of unfertilized eggs were qualitatively and quantitatively investigated in the brown trout, Salmo trutta, to see whether some of them were correlated with the rate of embryos reaching the eyed embryo stage. In the ovarian fluid, 12 types of proteins in the range of 39–166 kDa were detected whereby three proteins were lipoproteins and two were glycoproteins. Ovarian fluid proteins with a molecular weight of 85, 68, 62 and 39 kDa were negatively correlated with the percentage of eyed stage embryos. The statistical significance of the relations was low in simple and multiple regression models (R2≤0.534) indicating that the relations were influenced and superposed by other factors. Therefore, ovarian fluid proteins give only poor information about maturity and quality of eggs. In the eggs, nine major types of proteins in the range of 95–15 kDa were identified. The 95 kDa protein was a lipoprotein, the 85 and the 62 kDa protein were glycoproteins, and the 15 kDa protein was a phosphoprotein. The 95, 85, 77 and 39 kDa protein were positively correlated with embryo survival to the eyed embryo stage. The explanatory effect of the multiple regression model was very high (R2=0.961) indicating that distinct egg proteins are closely related with egg quality.  相似文献   

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