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稻瘿蚊多抗性材料的聚合与创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用广西高抗稻瘿蚊地方品种GX-M001与已知抗性基因的抗蚊青占、HT1350(含GM6)和高产优质品种桂软占杂交,通过常规育种将GM6抗性基因导入到我的抗源品种GX-M001中,成功地将多抗性基因聚合在一起,培育出多抗性的创新材料。  相似文献   

1引言 水稻是世界上最重要的农作物之一,全球有近一半的人口以水稻作为主粮.水稻育种一直是各国育种学家最重视的研究课题.目前,水稻育种实践中仍主要采用杂交育种等常规育种手段.但是近20a来,随着生物技术的迅速发展,各国育种学家愈来愈广泛地采用基因工程等现代生物技术于水稻育种研究中,试图将一些控制优良性状的外源基因导入水稻,从而培育出高产、优质、抗性强的水稻新品种.  相似文献   

玉米是全球和我国第一大粮食作物,对稳定我国粮食安全具有显著的贡献。随着农杆菌介导法等转基因技术在玉米转基因育种中的应用,能够有效培育抗虫转基因玉米、耐除草剂转基因玉米、耐干旱和品质改良转基因玉米。同时,通过将多基因聚合转化和常规玉米育种技术相结合,研究建立快速有效的玉米转基因检测技术,有助于不断培育优良性状的玉米新品种,促进我国玉米种业发展和乡村振兴。  相似文献   

育种工作者都希望培育出性状优良的品种,从20世纪80年代开始,科学家试图利用基因工程技术,将外源或经体外修饰后的内源基因导入植物,改良植物的性状,并获得成功。近年来,由于生物工程技术的兴起和发展,特别是基因工程技术在改良作物抗性中的广泛应用,为培育抗性品种提供了新的手段,从而开辟了玉米抗性育种的新时代。转基因技术将玉米基因库中不具有的抗性基因导入玉米,实现了传统育种方法无法实现的基因重组,大大提高了育种水平。  相似文献   

贾晓军  贺兰 《种子科技》2009,27(8):20-23
玉米转基因育种是通过基因转移的方法创造玉米新种质或新品种.将转基因技术与玉米常规育种技术相结合,能尽快地培育出符合育种目标的新品种,带来育种水平的提高、创新和突破,加快玉米育种进程.本文论述了转基因技术在玉米育种中的研究进展、主要应用方法、应用现状及现存问题和应对策略.随着转基因技术的飞速发展及其研究的日趋成熟,转基因技术在拓宽玉米种质资源,提高杂交种的抗逆性、抗病虫性、提高产量和品质等方面将发挥更大的作用,应用前景广阔.  相似文献   

杂交水稻在我国水稻及粮食生产中占有突出地位,基因工程可在杂交水稻育种中发挥重要作用,针对杂交水稻育种存在的主要问题,指出应将优质,抗虫和抗病作为当前基因工程育种的研究重点,同时,提出基因工程育种与常规育种紧密结合,优质基因工程着重改良保持系及聚合转基因等策略,以培育出超高产优质抗病虫转基因聚合杂交稻新组合。  相似文献   

Advances in Peanut Breeding in Foreign Countries   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近些年来,传统花生育种方法已经不能满足人们日益增长的要求,飞速发展的生物技术越来越广泛地应用在选育花生优质新品种中。总结了近些年来国际上应用分子标记、种间杂交、转基因技术等方法在选育花生抗病虫、抗旱等多抗性及优质、早熟、高产新品种等方面取得的最新进展。  相似文献   

玉米是全球最主要的粮食作物之一,提高玉米籽粒品质是当今世界玉米育种领域高度关注的问题。因为传统常规育种方法具有育种时间长且转化率低等限制因素,所以解决这一问题最经济有效的方法就是利用分子标记进行辅助选择育种。为了给今后玉米品质性状的分子设计育种提供参考,本研究总结了国内外玉米籽粒品质性状的QTL定位、分子标记辅助改良和候选基因克隆及转基因技术应用的相关研究进展。指出玉米优质基因资源的利用还不够充分,现有分子标记技术在玉米育种中的应用还不够广泛,今后应改进育种方法和品质鉴定技术,以缩短玉米育种周期。  相似文献   

生物技术是玉米育种中最主要的技术之一。通过各种生物技术培育出优质的玉米品种,可以提高玉米的育种效率和玉米产量。主要介绍了几种生物技术在玉米育种中的应用,为玉米育种提供一些参考。  相似文献   

 近些年来,传统花生育种方法已经不能满足人们日益增长的要求,飞速发展的生物技术越来越广泛地应用在选育花生优质新品种中。总结了近些年来国际上应用分子标记、种间杂交、转基因技术等方法在选育花生抗病虫、抗旱等多抗性及优质、早熟、高产新品种等方面取得的最新进展。  相似文献   

根据中国马铃薯产业发展的需要,黑龙江省农业科学院马铃薯研究所1997年开始了马铃薯炸条专用品种选育研究,利用高产、商品薯率高的亲本F81109与还原糖含量低、干物质含量高、炸片品质好的品种B5141-6杂交,经多年选育鉴定育成白皮白肉炸条专用品种克新17号,于2005年3月经黑龙江省农作物品种审定委员会审定推广。该品种干物质含量23.37%左右,Vc含量20.43毫克/100克鲜薯,还原糖0.213%,食味好,抗病毒退化能力强、高产、综合性状优良,炸条产品色泽好,同时本文对中国培育炸条品种的亲本选配及杂种群体处理方法作了探讨。  相似文献   

针对我国高寒山区积温少、无霜期短,无杂交玉米,从搜集超早熟玉米种质资源入手,利用超早熟、抗寒冷玉米珍贵种质资源“坝上火玉米”,导入高配合力、优良农艺性状遗传基因,选育出极早熟优良自交系“承18”,总结出选育一环系和二环系相结合的顶交玉米育种的新途径,并分析该系的特点和育成经验,可为今后选育极早熟玉米自交系提供借鉴.  相似文献   

Most fenugreek, Trigonella foenum-graecum L. suitable for western Canada exhibit an indeterminate growth habit and take about 120 days to produce a good proportion of high quality seed. Late maturity is a major inconvenience for seed producers in temperate climates prevalent in this region where plants must mature within a much shorter growing season. The objective of this study was to develop early maturing fenugreek mutants with a determinate growth habit to ensure uniform maturity within the 100 frost free days available on the Canadian prairies. Seeds from Tristar Fenugreek, a forage cultivar developed for production in western Canada, were treated with 10–300 mM ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) for 2–24 h and plants were selected for determinate growth habit, early maturity and high seed yield. This mutation breeding approach has detected new breeding material exhibiting early seed maturity coupled with high seed yield, seed quality and determinate growth habit. Successful development of useful mutants in fenugreek was reported before, but this is the first report on successful use of mutation breeding for improvement in quantitative traits in this crop.  相似文献   

影响青贮玉米品质因素研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
青贮玉米是反刍动物的重要粗饲料来源。优质的青贮玉米具有生物学产量高、干物质含量高,粗蛋白含量高、淀粉含量高,纤维素含量低,消化率高等特征。青贮玉米的品质很不稳定,受多种因素影响,影响青贮玉米品质的因素主要包括青贮玉米的品种、生长季的栽培管理措施、玉米的收割时间、青贮措施、添加剂等。本文综述影响青贮玉米品质的主要因素,为青贮玉米生产提供一定参考。  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass is an important turf and forage grass in temperate regions worldwide. Limited genetic gains have been made with current breeding strategies compared with other grass crops, such as rice and maize, which benefit from Filial 1 (F1) hybrid breeding. One of the largest constraints on hybrid breeding in ryegrass is self-incompatibility preventing inbreeding, as homozygous parental lines are required to develop hybrids with maximal hybrid vigour. Obligate outcrossing in ryegrass has resulted in cultivars with high levels of heterozygosity, lacking trait uniformity across the population. A naturally occurring self-fertile (SF) locus that overcomes the self-incompatibility system has been identified in a European perennial ryegrass population. This study crossed the SF locus into an elite cultivar, producing a self-compatible population that was inbred for several generations. Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) was used to assess the population structure and degree of inbreeding in the self-compatible population. Phenotypic analysis indicated that increased homozygosity did not necessarily affect growth and performance. This study concludes that self-compatible ryegrass is a promising tool for hybrid breeding and agronomic improvement of perennial ryegrass.  相似文献   

In the province of Bolívar in the Andean region 212 farmers, six salesmen and 14 technicians, involved in maize production, were interviewed. The majority of the farmers interviewed were small-holders; 64% of the farmers had a farm size of less than 4.5 ha. Maize is the most important crop and is often grown in association with beans. Most maize, 96%, is soft maize meant for human consumption. The cultivars grown are open pollinated ones. One cultivar, Guagal, was grown extensively. A few others, among which an improved version of Guagal were of some importance. In the production of maize the farmers consider damage due to insects, wind (lodging), diseases, drought and hail, the low prices for their surplus maize and the high costs of fertilizers, chemicals, sowing seed and labour as the most important constraints. The seed for sowing the next crop mainly came from seed kept from the last harvest. Farmers indicated that they select from the harvested ears the healthy looking larger ones. Kernel type also was a selection criterion. Selection for plant type in the field was rarely done. Of the farmers 71% stored the maize as kernels while 29% stored the seed kept on the ears. The storage was predominantly done somewhere in the house in plastic (56%) or cloth bags (14%), in a pile (13%), just on the floor (4%) or in cans (4%). Some farmers still had seed left from the last sowing and were willing to give a sample for testing. From 32 such samples the quality was assessed by INIAP, the Ecuadorean governmental research and breeding organisation. The samples were consistently of a low quality. Especially the vigour of the seedlings was poor and most of the seeds were infected or contaminated by fungi. In the region a few salesmen offer maize seed for sale of cultivar Guagal at prices affordable by the farmer. Of improved cultivars the prices were higher than most farmers are willing to pay. The technicians considered good seed quality and good maintenance of the cultivars effective methods in obtaining better yields. Many farmers do not have access to seed of INIAP and are not familiar with the improved cultivars.  相似文献   

实现玉米高产高效、环境友好是当前玉米生产技术发展的重要方向。针对玉米耕层障碍、秸秆处理难和群体质量差三大难题,中国农业科学院作物科学研究所研发出了玉米推茬清垄精播技术。该技术在前茬秸秆堆积地块,可对播种带的行内进行推茬清垄、播种带中间深松、深层施肥、小双行错位精量播种等多项作业过程,通过机械一次性完成,构建了玉米以推茬清垄精播为特点的机械化密植轻简栽培技术体系。在我国玉米主产区进行该技术示范推广,证明该技术可改善土壤耕层条件,提高玉米免耕直播的播种质量,并提高作业效率、减少能量消耗及预防秸秆焚烧,实现了玉米增产、降本、控焚烧的良好效果。  相似文献   

M. J. Carena 《Euphytica》2013,191(2):165-171
Maize (Zea mays L.) breeding programs integrating pre-breeding with cultivar development are needed. The objectives of the North Dakota corn breeding program are to adapt exotic and unique germplasm, maximize the genetic improvement of adapted germplasm, and develop unique short-season products for breeding and commercial use. This applied program has significant support from state maize grower organizations, farmers, food and fuel processors, and industry. As a result 25 inbred lines and 17 improved populations, carrying unique alleles not present in the B73 line and the Nested Association Mapping population (NAM) genomes, were released in the past 10 years and six hybrids were identified for commercial purposes. These included the first releases from our NDSU EarlyGEM program to increase the genetic diversity of U.S. northern hybrids and break environmental margins. These are not registered nationally due to exclusive agreements with industry. The strategic location of this research program allows the exploitation of challenging environmental conditions making evolution toward desirable goals faster, discarding unstable and weak maize varieties effectively. There are still several challenges to be addressed though. Retailer companies offer fewer products with more events making maize more vulnerable due to similar genetics. The confidential nature of the maize business limits breeding rights to develop better industry products, which currently reduces the breeding efficiency to identify the most outstanding hybrids for farmers across regions. Maize research, development, and production in marginal regions can be uniquely positioned to lead breeding research for climate changes and the development of the next generation of genetically broad-based elite products. Improvements in intellectual property and re-thinking of breeding rights access are encouraged.  相似文献   

塘四平头种质的遗传改良与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高翔  曹绍书 《中国农学通报》2006,22(10):154-154
自20世纪70年代以来,优质、抗逆、高配合力和适应性广的新种质匮乏,已成为影响玉米商业育种进一步发展的“瓶颈”。生产用种质的遗传脆弱性受到普遍关注,种质扩增、改良与创新成为作物育种研究最重要的发展方向。塘四平头种质对中国玉米育种和生产贡献巨大,因此,玉米育种工作者系统了解、掌握和应用其遗传改良和利用的目标、原则与依据、材料与方法以及途径非常必要,对新世纪继续沿用原有典型的杂种优势利用模式和创建新的杂种优势利用模式奠定基础,具有十分重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。  相似文献   

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