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英语的静态特征与汉语的动态特征是由中西文化背景和中西方人士思维方式的不同造成的。这一语言现象主要体现在表意功能、句法结构和用词频率的差异等方面,翻译时,搞好英语静态与汉语动态之间的转换是关键。  相似文献   

The segregation of secretory proteins into the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is normally tightly coupled to their synthesis. This feature distinguishes their biogenesis from that of proteins targeted to many other organelles. In the examples presented, translocation across the ER membrane is dissociated from translation. Transport, which is normally cotranslational, may proceed in the absence of chain elongation. Moreover, translocation across the ER membrane does not proceed spontaneously since, even in the absence of protein synthesis, energy substrates are required for translocation. These conclusions have been extended to the cotranslational integration of newly synthesized transmembrane proteins.  相似文献   

Slit is secreted by cells at the midline of the central nervous system, where it binds to Roundabout (Robo) receptors and functions as a potent repellent. We found that migrating mesodermal cells in vivo respond to Slit as both an attractant and a repellent and that Robo receptors are required for both functions. Mesoderm cells expressing Robo receptors initially migrate away from Slit at the midline. A few hours after migration, these same cells change their behavior and require Robo to extend toward Slit-expressing muscle attachment sites. Thus, Slit functions as a chemoattractant to provide specificity for muscle patterning.  相似文献   

Cilia: activation coupled to mechanical stimulation by calcium influx   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ciliated epithelial cells in the oviduct of Necturus maculosus were stimulated mechanically by brief dimpling with a microstylus. This treatment produlced a transient depolarization of the membrane, and a transient increase in the frequency of ciliary beating. The increase in frequency of ciliary beating was related to the concentration of extracellular calcium ion, decreasing with reductiotn in calcium. Addition of lanthanum was followed by a decrease in spontaneous ciliary aictivity and a hyperpolarization of the membrane. In the presence of lanthanum, the transietnt depolarization in response to mechanical stimulation had a shorter timte course, and the concomitant increase in ciliary frequency was greatly reduced. It is concluded that calciuml ions enter the cell as a result of mechanical stimulationi of the membrane, and that calcium influx leads to an increase in the frequency of ciliary activity.  相似文献   

Electric discharges between free-falling drops have been observed and studied quantitatively in the laboratory. These data and information from terrestrial thunderstorms suggest that augmentation of the UHF temperature of thunderstorms by discharges could amount to 117 degrees K. If similar discharges occurred in the atmosphere or on the surface (or in both regions) of Venus, 1.4 x 10(6) discharges per second per square meter would be required to produce the microwave temperature observed (approximately 650 degrees K). It is not probable that such radiation supplies the whole microwave temperature observed; some fraction must be true thermal radiation as described by Plummer and Strong (9), in which case the probable number of required discharges is reduced accordingly.  相似文献   

Control of integrin affinity for ligands (integrin activation) is essential for normal cell adhesion, migration, and assembly of an extracellular matrix. Integrin activation is usually mediated through the integrin beta subunit cytoplasmic tail and can be regulated by many different biochemical signaling pathways. We report that specific binding of the cytoskeletal protein talin to integrin beta subunit cytoplasmic tails leads to the conformational rearrangements of integrin extracellular domains that increase their affinity. Thus, regulated binding of talin to integrin beta tails is a final common element of cellular signaling cascades that control integrin activation.  相似文献   

Recent research in cognitive and developmental neuroscience is providing a new approach to the understanding of dyscalculia that emphasizes a core deficit in understanding sets and their numerosities, which is fundamental to all aspects of elementary school mathematics. The neural bases of numerosity processing have been investigated in structural and functional neuroimaging studies of adults and children, and neural markers of its impairment in dyscalculia have been identified. New interventions to strengthen numerosity processing, including adaptive software, promise effective evidence-based education for dyscalculic learners.  相似文献   

Continuing improvements in integrated circuit technology and computer architecture have driven microprocessors to performance levels that rival those of supercomputers-at a fraction of the price. The use of sophisticated memory hierarchies enables microprocessor-based machines to have very large memories built from commodity dynamic random access memory while retaining the high bandwidth and low access time needed in a high-performance machine. Parallel processors composed of these high-performance microprocessors are becoming the supercomputing technology of choice for scientific and engineering applications. The challenges for these new supercomputers have been in developing multiprocessor architectures that are easy to program and that deliver high performance without extraordinary programming efforts by users. Recent progress in multiprocessor architecture has led to ways to meet these challenges.  相似文献   

Modern crystal engineering has emerged as a rich discipline whose success requires an iterative process of synthesis, crystallography, crystal structure analysis, and computational methods. By focusing on the molecular recognition events during nucleation and growth, chemists have uncovered new ways of controlling the internal structure and symmetry of crystals and of producing materials with useful chemical and physical properties.  相似文献   

The acquisitions of mitochondria and plastids were important events in the evolution of the eukaryotic cell, supplying it with compartmentalized bioenergetic and biosynthetic factories. Ancient invasions by eubacteria through symbiosis more than a billion years ago initiated these processes. Advances in geochemistry, molecular phylogeny, and cell biology have offered insight into complex molecular events that drove the evolution of endosymbionts into contemporary organelles. In losing their autonomy, endosymbionts lost the bulk of their genomes, necessitating the evolution of elaborate mechanisms for organelle biogenesis and metabolite exchange. In the process, symbionts acquired many host-derived properties, lost much of their eubacterial identity, and were transformed into extraordinarily diverse organelles that reveal complex histories that we are only beginning to decipher.  相似文献   

Having surveyed more remote regions in Sierra Leone than anyone since the conflict ended, statistician Jana Asher of the AAAS Science and Human Rights Program is now reanalyzing the data she gathered on human-rights violations to document humanitarian needs. (Read more.).  相似文献   

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