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Oxidized corn starch prepared by a semi-dry process using hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant was studied. The optimum oxidation conditions of corn starch were mole ratio of H2O2 and anhydroglucose unit (0.219); mole ratio of NaOH and anhydroglucose unit (0.144); moisture content of the reaction mixture (27.2%); and reaction temperature (65°C). Compared with oxidized corn starch produced by reacting starch with sodium hypochlorite in alkaline slurry, oxidized corn starches produced by a semi-dry process apparently had different properties. Oxidation by a semi-dry process for corn starch resulted in significant changes in the degree of crystallinity of starch and the changes increased with the increase of carboxyl content of starch. Peak viscosities of oxidized starches produced by a semi-dry process were lower than those of commercial corn starch at similar carboxyl contents, while the final viscosities and setbacks of the former were much higher than the latter. There were apparent differences for texture properties among oxidized starches prepared by different processes. Onset temperature, peak temperature, and conclusion temperature of semi-dry oxidation starches were higher than those of commercial oxidized starch, while the enthalpy of gelatinization of the former were lower than the latter.  相似文献   

Contact of wheat flour with aqueous ethanol may enrich protein by starch displacement or deplete protein by extraction depending on 1) extraction conditions and 2) the form of the substrate. Extraction at subambient temperatures has not been described for specific gliadins for either dry flour with the protein in native configurations or for wet, developed batter or dough. This limits the ability to interpret technologies such as the cold-ethanol method. Here, we describe specific albumin and gliadin composition of flour extracts by capillary zone electrophoresis CZE in 0–100% (v/v) ethanol from –12 to 22°C. Extraction was reduced for albumin and gliadin protein as the temperature was reduced and the concentration range for extraction narrowed. Extraction dropped precipitously between 0 and –7°C for both albumins and gliadins. Electrophoretically defined gliadins extracted in constant proportion at 22°C and 30–80%(v/v) ethanol, but at lower temperature, the α-gliadins were enriched and β-gliadins depleted in the 30–55% (v/v) range. For extracts from wheat flour batter, depletion of α and β and enrichment of γ relative to the dry flour contact suggested that the electrophoretically slow migrating γ- and ω-proteins are less well incorporated to the dough matrix than electrophoretically fast migrating α and β types.  相似文献   

Waxy hull-less barley (HB) starches containing 0 or 5% amylose were cross-linked with phosphorus oxychloride and the cross-linked starches were hydroxypropylated with propylene oxide. For comparison, waxy corn and potato starches were similarly modified. For all starches, cross-linking inhibited granule swelling and prevented swollen granules from disintegration, resulting in dramatic improvement in pasting properties and tolerance to cooking shear and autoclaving. Cross-linked waxy HB starches were more tolerant to cold storage and cooking shear than cross-linked waxy corn starch. Hydroxypropylation of the cross-linked starches reduced granule crystallinity and gelatinization temperature, and improved granule swelling, paste clarity, and freeze-thaw stability. The double-modified waxy HB starches showed higher cold tolerance than similarly modified waxy corn and potato starches, as judged by freeze-thaw stability and clarity after cold storage. These results indicated that the cross-linked and double-modified waxy HB starches together may have a wide range of food applications. This study indicated that the behavior of granule swelling and disintegration of swollen granules played an important role in governing paste viscosity, clarity, and freeze-thaw stability of waxy HB starches.  相似文献   

A traditional waxy rice gel cake in Korea, Injulmi, was prepared with hydroxypropylated waxy rice and corn starches (molar substitutions 0.13 and 0.11, respectively), and the textural and retrogradation characteristics of the cake were compared with a conventional cake made of waxy rice flour. In the pasting viscogram, hydroxypropylated starches exhibited reduced pasting temperatures, but increased peak viscosities compared with the unmodified starches. Under differential scanning calorimetry, the Tg′ and ice melting enthalpy of the starch gel cakes were reduced by hydroxypropylation, which indicated that the modified starches had higher water‐holding capacity than the unmodified starches. The degree of retrogradation, as measured by the hardness of the gel cake and the melting enthalpy, was significantly reduced by hydroxypropylation and hydroxypropylated waxy rice starch was more effective in retarding the retrogradation than hydroxypropylated waxy corn starch  相似文献   

The stability of vitamin E during 297 days of storage of wheat flour and whole wheat flour ground on a stone mill or a roller mill, respectively, were studied. One day after milling, the total content of vitamin E, expressed in vitamin E equivalents (α‐TE), was 18.7 α‐TE and 10.8 α‐TE for stone‐milled and roller‐milled wheat flour, respectively. The difference in total vitamin E content was primarily due to the absence of the germ and bran fractions in the roller‐milled flour. The total loss of vitamin E during storage was 24% for stone‐milled wheat flour but 50% for roller‐milled wheat flour. These results indicate that vitamin E, which is present in high amounts in wheat germ, functions as an antioxidant in the stone‐milled wheat flour. Hexanal formation showed that lipid oxidation in roller‐milled flour occurred just after milling, whereas the formation of hexanal in the germ fraction displayed a lack period of 22 days, confirming that vitamin E functions as an effective antioxidant in the wheat germ. Results showed no significant difference in total loss of vitamin E for stone‐milled and roller‐milled whole wheat flour. Total loss after 297 days of storage for both milling methods was ≈32%.  相似文献   

One oat cultivar grown in Idaho (three field sites) was pin-milled and separated by sieving to investigate whether starch from oat bran differs from the remainder of kernel. Ground oat particles were classified into three sieve fractions: 300–850 μm, 150–300 μm and <150 μm). β-Glucan content in sieve fractions was analyzed and starch was extracted from kernels without milling and from kernels of each sieve fraction. β-Glucan contents of 300–850, 150–300, and <150 μm sieve fractions were 4.2, 2.3, and 0.8%, respectively. Therefore, starch in bran (300–850 μm sieve fraction) and endosperm (<150 μm sieve fraction) were separated. Starch isolated from entire kernels had significantly higher apparent and absolute amylose content than starch from the 300–850 μm sieve fraction. Starch from different sieve fractions was not significantly different in the apparent amylose, absolute amylose, amylopectin molecular weight, gyration radii, starch gelatinization, and amylose-lipid complex thermal transition temperatures. Starch from the 150–300 μm sieve fraction had significantly lower peak, final, and setback viscosity compared with the starch isolated from the 300–850 μm and <150 μm sieve fractions. Starch removed from the oat bran fraction during β-glucan enrichment may have different applications compared with starch obtained from other kernel compartments. Because pin-milling decreased apparent amylose content and shortened amylopectin branch chains, its potential to alter starch structure should be considered.  相似文献   

The present investigation aims at understanding the role of chemically modified starch on the firmness of fresh or stale bread. Bread was prepared from wheat flour or substituted wheat flour that contained 18% chemically modified tapioca starch and 2% vital gluten. Hydroxypropylated tapioca starch (HTS), acetylated tapioca starch (ATS), phosphorylated cross‐linked tapioca starch (PTS), and native tapioca starch (NTS) were tested. Bread prepared from the substituted flour with PTS showed a firmer texture on the day of baking compared with bread prepared from NTS, HTS, and ATS. PTS retained its granular structure in the gluten network after baking and seemed to play the role of filler particles in the gluten matrix, thereby increasing firmness of fresh bread crumb. Bread prepared from the substituted flour with HTS or ATS firmed at a lower rate and showed a lower endothermic melting enthalpy of amylopectin after three days of storage compared with NTS or PTS. These findings suggest that the staling of bread containing chemically modified tapioca starch involves recrystallization of amylopectin.  相似文献   

Starches from eight soft wheat samples (two parent lines and six offspring) were isolated; relationships between their structures and properties were examined. Branch chain‐length distributions of amylopectins were determined by using high‐performance anion exchange chromatography equipped with an amyloglucosidase reactor and a pulsed amperometric detector (HPAEC‐ENZ‐PAD). Results showed that the average chain length of the eight samples varied at DP 25.6–26.9. Starch samples of lines 02, 60, 63, 95, and 114 consisted of amylopectins with more long chains (DP ≥ 37) and longer average chain length (DP 26.2–26.9) than that of other samples. These starch samples of longer branch chain length displayed higher gelatinization temperatures (55.3–56.5°C) than that of other samples (54.4–54.9°C) and higher peak viscosity (110–131 RVU) and lower pasting temperature (86.3–87.6°C) than others (83–100 RVU and 88.2–88.9°C, respectively). The Mw of amylopectins, determined by using high‐performance size exclusion chromatography equipped with multiangle laser‐light scattering and refractive index detectors (HPSEC‐MALLS‐RI), were similar for all samples (6.17 × 108 to 6.97 × 108). There were no significant differences in amylose and phosphorus contents between samples. These results indicated that physical properties of wheat starch were affected by the branch‐chain length of amylopectin.  相似文献   

Viscosity is an important end-use attribute for some soft wheat flour formulations. Specifically, in formulations with minimal gluten development, such as batters (as in cake, pancake, and doughnut) and coatings (as in tempura), viscosity is important to leavening gas retention and flow characteristics. Current tests for predictors of viscosity leave considerable unexplained variation. The potential for water-extractable arabinoxylans to form oxidative gels through ferulic acid dimerization may represent an important component of viscosity variation. A method was developed to identify variation in viscosity due to oxidative gelation. This method, comparing viscosity of flour slurries made with water, a peroxide-peroxidase system, and a system with xylanase, indicated that two, and likely three, types of oxidative gelation were contributing to viscosity. Predicted viscosity due to inter-arabinoxylan gelation through ferulic acid dimerization, dityrosine formation among proteins, and ferulic acid-tyrosine bond formation varied among wheat cultivars. Oxidative gel formation increased batter viscosity probably due to water sequestration; this effect was correlated with reduction in the sugar snap cookie spread (diameter). Results indicate that oxidative gelation is an important contributor to batter viscosity and also contributes to the quality attributes of dough systems.  相似文献   

Rheological and structural behavior of dough prepared with two Argentinean flours (FI and FII) of different dough extensibilities were studied. Flours were analyzed by composition and rheological assays. Structural properties of dough prepared at different mixing times were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, free sulfhydryls quantification, and yield of different protein fractions, as well as their protein surface hydrophobicity. Size of high molecular weight glutelin soluble aggregates was analyzed through multistacking gel electrophoresis. Dynamic viscoelasticity of dough was also studied. Flours FI and FII presented similar physicochemical properties but different rheological properties. Structural properties of both flour components were different. Starch from FI flour generated a more viscous paste than that of FII. FI presented a higher glutenin‐to‐gliadin ratio and a higher content of free sulfhydryls than FII. The resulting dough of FI showed a high development time and was more stable than FII. FI contained a high proportion of soluble HMW glutenins and formed dough with a more depolymerized insoluble protein residue containing a lower amount of gliadin in its matrix than FII. FI also formed a more elastic and stable dough with higher development time than FII. The specific structural characteristic of FI turns this flour into suitable raw material for the preparation of different bakery products in which elasticity of dough would be an important functional property.  相似文献   

Analysis of swelling power, water retention capacity, and degree of gelatinization of corn flour cooked in water with and without lime indicated, over a concentration range of 0–1% (w/v), that at low concentrations, lime increases swelling and digestibility of starch granules. Measurement of starch solubility revealed an increase in the amount of starch dissolved by lime cooking. Swelling, retention, and gelatinization exhibited maxima at or near 0.2% (w/v) lime, and then decreased as lime concentration increased. Hot-stage polarized light microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry of isolated starch revealed increasing gelatinization temperatures with increasing lime concentrations. It is hypothesized that the high pH of the system causes starch hydroxyl groups to ionize, thereby creating binding sites for Ca++/CaOH+ and producing Ca-starch crosslinks. It is also suggested that, at low lime levels (<0.4%, w/v), granule crystalline regions are disrupted and the granule matrix is stretched by exchange of protons for calcium ions; when the lime level surpasses 0.4% (w/v), the granule shell becomes stabilized by Ca++-starch interactions, producing stronger, more rigid granules.  相似文献   

The conventional corn wet‐milling process requires a long steeping time and has environmental and health concerns from the use of SO2. A recently proposed two‐stage enzymatic milling procedure with the first stage of water soaking and coarse grinding of corn and the second stage of incubating with enzymes has been shown to reduce the soaking time and possibly eliminate the need for SO2 addition. This current work explored the applications of protease and high‐intensity ultrasound in the second stage of the two‐stage enzymatic milling for corn starch isolation to further shorten the process time without use SO2. of The starch yield from sonication alone was 55.2–67.8% (starch db) as compared with 53.4% of the water‐only control with stirring for 1 hr and 71.1% of the conventional control with SO2 and lactic acid steeping for 48 hr. Protease digestion alone for 2 hr was not effective (45.8–63.9% yield) in isolating corn starch, but the starch recovery was increased to 61.2–76.1% when protease was combined with sonication. The preferred combination was neutral protease digestion for 2 hr followed by sonication at 75% amplitude for 30 min. The results demonstrated that combinations of high‐intensity ultrasound and neutral protease could replace SO2 and shorten the steeping time in the enzymatic wet‐milling process for corn starch isolation.  相似文献   

The processing and quality of wheat flour tortillas prepared with partial waxy and normal flour were evaluated. Control procedures and formula were utilized with water absorption varied to obtain machineable doughs. Amylose content was lower in most partial waxy compared with normal wheats. The type of wheat starch did not affect most dough properties or tortilla diameter. Tortilla height and opacity were adversely affected by the decreased amount of amylose in partial waxy wheats. Sufficient leavening reactions occurred early in baking (after 10 sec) to yield an opaque disk, but some baked tortillas lost opacity and become partially transparent after baking. Starch gelatinizes, disperses, and retrogrades concurrently with the leavening reaction during the short (<30 sec) baking time. Amylose functionality during baking and cooling appears to be involved in the retention of air bubbles in tortillas.  相似文献   

The chloroform-acetone mixture (4:1, v/v) was an effective solvent for eluting the nonpolar lipid fraction, including free fatty acids, from the polar lipid (glycolipid and phospholipid) fractions from free lipids of 21 hard winter wheat flours using a solid-phase extraction system. Amounts of monogalactosyldiglycerides (MGDG) and digalactosyldiglycerides (DGDG) in the glycolipid fraction were determined by normal-phase HPLC with a gradient system using an evaporative light-scattering detector (ELSD) and a diode array detectors (DAD). Unsaturated fatty acids showed higher UV absorbances from 200 to 213 nm when compared with saturated palmitic acid. However, significant linear correlation coefficients were obtained between the peak areas measured by a DAD and GL contents determined by an ELSD, suggesting that fatty acid composition of flour GL could be fairly constant. Using an ELSD as a reference, equations for determination of MGDG or DGDG quantities were derived from the peak areas of a DAD by multivariate regression methods. Determination of MGDG and DGDG quantities was also possible using only a DAD.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of steeping time on various physical and chemical properties of maize flour prepared by the traditional nixtamalization process as well as in oversaturated calcium ion conditions. The calcium content of the corn flour was measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy and was correlated with X‐ray diffraction, viscosity, and pH measurements. Calcium content of the flour showed a nonlinear dependence on steeping time, with a local calcium maximum occurring at ≈7 hr. The pH level of the corn flour increased with steeping time, thus roughly following the time trend shown by the steeping time dependence of the calcium content. Flour crystallinity and peak viscosity of water suspensions of the flour reached maximal values at ≈7–9 hr of steeping, in agreement with manufacturing experience showing that these are appropriate steeping times to prepare tortillas with the desirable rheological and organoleptic properties.  相似文献   

The gelatinization and swelling of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) starch has an important effect on the quality of end-products, especially white salted noodles. This study was conducted to determine the genotypic and environmental variation for flour swelling volume (FSV) in wheat. FSV was measured for various spring and winter wheat cultivars grown in up to 31 unique environments and up to four crop years. Data were analyzed by organizing the data into eight balanced data sets. FSV ranged from ≈19 to 30 mL/g. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated that cultivar was consistently a highly significant source of variation. Environments as unique combinations of locations and crop years were variably significant, as were locations, whereas crop years were always a significant source of variation. Only rarely were ANOVA interaction terms significant. Model R2 ranged from 0.87 to 0.98 for the eight data sets. Components of variation calculated from ANOVA model and total sums of squares indicated that cultivar accounted for 36.1–93.3% of the total variation. Environments, locations, and years accounted for 1.7–61.7% of the total variation. The relative variation assignable to the interaction of cultivars, environments, locations, or years never exceeded 10%. Penawawa was the highest FSV cultivar and was significantly higher than all other cultivars examined. In conclusion, FSV is highly and primarily influenced by cultivar and secondly by environment, crop year more so than location within a crop year. The small interaction of cultivar with environment suggests that FSV is highly heritable and that cultivar development programs can easily identify and track desirable FSV types. Incremental steps in FSV level were observed among the various cultivars and therefore optimum levels of FSV occurring throughout the range encountered should be attainable in new, improved cultivars.  相似文献   

Instant masa flour finds extensive use in the food industry for making tortillas, taco shells, tamales, corn chips, and tortilla chips, and as an ingredient in extruded snacks. Due to lack of standard techniques for measuring masa functionality, processors and end‐users use masa flour particle‐size distribution and rheological characteristics in an attempt to predict its end use. In this study, a commercial masa flour sample was characterized by fractionating on the basis of particle size. Physicochemical and functional properties of masa flour fractions were investigated to establish structure‐composition and functionality relationships. It was observed that Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) pasting profiles of flour fractions and textural properties of dough prepared on rehydration were related to particle size, yet, upon regrinding, RVA profiles did not change as markedly as expected. Differences in RVA measurements of the sized fractions could not be explained on the basis of hydration rate or total starch content. It was concluded that masa dough textural and RVA characteristics may be influenced by the status of starch polymer structures formed during nixtamalization.  相似文献   

Wheat flours commercially produced at 74, 80, and 100% extraction rates made from hard white winter wheat (WWF) and hard red winter wheat (WRF) were used to produce tortillas at a commercial-scale level. Flour characteristics for moisture, dry gluten, protein, ash, sedimentation volume, falling number, starch damage, and particle-size distribution were obtained. Farinograms and alveograms were also obtained for flour-water dough. A typical northern Mexican formula was used in the laboratory to test the tortilla-making properties of the flours. Then commercial-scale tortilla-baking trials were run on each flour. The baked tortillas were stored at room and refrigeration temperatures for 0, 1, 2, and 3 days. Maximum stress and rollability were measured every day. Tortilla moisture, color, diameter, weight, and thickness were measured for each treatment. Finally, tortilla acceptability was tested by an untrained sensory panel. Analyses of variance (ANOVA) were performed on the data. WWF had higher protein content, dry gluten, sedimentation volume, and water absorption than the WRF. The WWF was the strongest flour based on farinograph development time and alveograph deformation work. It also produced the most extensible dough measured with the alveograph (P/L). Flour protein and ash contents, water absorption, and tenacity increased directly with the flour extraction rate. Both WWF and WRF performed well in commercial-scale baking trials of tortillas. Tortillas made with both types of flours at 74 and 80% extraction rates had the best firmness and rollability. However, tortillas made with WWF 80% had the best color (highest L value). Tortillas prepared with 100% extraction rate flour were also well accepted by the sensory panel, had good textural characteristics, and became only slightly firm and slightly less rollable after three days of storage at room temperature.  相似文献   

A rapid sensitive microplate assay for the determination of peroxidase activity in wheat, flour, or individual wheat kernels has been developed using a commercially prepared 2,2′‐azinobis(3‐ethylbenzothiazoline‐6‐sulfonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS) solution. The assay derives a six‐point calibration curve based on commercially available horseradish peroxidase (r2 > 0.990), while simultaneously analyzing eight extracts in triplicate. The coefficients of variation (CV) of triplicate assays of a single extract from any of the three sources investigated were generally <2.0%. Multiple extracts (n = 5) of either whole meal or flour yielded assays with an average CV < 5.0%. Preparation of the calibration standards with commercially available peroxidase stabilizing buffer allowed the standards to be used for five days without any deterioration in the assay's reproducibility. This assay is ideally suited for high‐throughput operations such as millstream analysis or plant breeder screening evaluations.  相似文献   

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