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水生生物作为人类生活的重要组成部分,其在养殖、运输以及展示等过程中福利水平低下现象层出不穷,寻求合适的方法来解决水生生物福利低下的问题,成为保障并提升水生生物福利的一大重要工作。环境丰容作为一项能够通过对圈养动物生存环境进行优化,提升圈养动物福利水平,使得圈养动物获得生理和心理健康,展示其自然行为的技术,成为保障和提升水生生物福利的一个重要手段。目前,与国外相比,国内对水生生物环境丰容技术的研究还处于起步阶段,如何利用环境丰容技术改善水生生物的生存环境,保障并提升水生生物福利水平日益成为研究热点。为此,本文综述了环境丰容的定义、发展历程、环境丰容与动物福利的关系以及在水生生物中的4种主要环境丰容技术。同时,就水生生物环境丰容技术存在的问题进行讨论并提出建议,以期为水生生物环境丰容提供更多方案参考和理论支撑。  相似文献   

以动物福利和人类福利的关联性为出发点,探讨我国水产养殖产业的潜在升级驱动力,目标是探索从终端品质倒推我国水产养殖产业从量到质升级的切实可行性。本文以养殖鱼类为焦点,从动物福利视角探索我国水产品形象与品质的提升空间,从以下几个方面进行了系统回顾。第一,基于对陆生脊椎动物福利的五项自由原则和三大范畴的系统回顾,对比动物福利在家畜家禽业的研究发展历程,对鱼类福利的发展历程与现状进行了脉络梳理;第二,针对鱼类福利的量化评估问题,从生理应激、行为应激以及心理应激三大应激响应机制,对与鱼类福利评价体系相关的研究进展进行了回顾,重点针对评价指标及评价方法进行了归纳总结;第三,针对养殖鱼类产业,重点对养殖过程、离水捕捞以及致死处置三个主要环节的鱼类福利特点及研究利用现状进行了分析讨论。最后,分析指出我国渔后动物福利存在盲区,提出了品质易逝期动物福利方案的思路。提出基于品质易逝期动物福利原则以实现锁鲜调控的展望:①为最大限度保持原料天然属性,突破“活而不鲜”的困局;②为改变初级水产品销售现状,减少渔后损失实行渔后的产业化;③为降低水产品供应链碳排放;④为实现水产动物福利等,提供一揽子解决方案的研究与实践范式。总之,科学解读渔后动物福利对于终端品质升级提供具有靶向性指导,同时通过优质产品形象为我国渔业产业赋予人文内涵。  相似文献   

养殖密度影响鱼类福利是鱼类生理生态学、福利学和种群生态学研究中的关键问题,已受到各国学者的关注。文章综述了养殖密度影响鱼类福利的主要研究进展,讨论了鱼类死亡率、生长、摄食以及应激反应等福利指标随养殖密度变化的规律及其描述方法;在此基础上,对鱼类福利指标随不同放养密度变化规律的研究以及应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

张东  王莉平 《中国水产科学》2021,28(10):1346-1358
个性是指个体随着时间的推移, 在不同情境下所表现出的持续一致的行为差异, 普遍存在于动物界中。在种或种群水平, 个性表现为行为集, 即相关联行为的集合, 在行为集内, 每个个体有其行为类型。个性包含 5 个个性轴: (1)害羞-大胆性; (2)探索-回避性; (3)活动性; (4)攻击性; (5)社交性。个性影响着鱼类的行为表现, 从而影响鱼类的生命过程和产出, 对鱼类自身福利, 水产增、养殖, 渔业管理等都具有十分重要的意义。本文简要介绍了鱼类个性的研究进展和鱼类个性的在水产增养殖、捕捞、渔业资源管理及保护以及物种入侵防治等方面的应用, 并对存在的问题进行了分析以及展望了今后的研究方向, 旨在为鱼类个性的研究及应用提供参考。  相似文献   

随着人口与经济的发展,水产养殖业在世界范围内迅速兴起,集约型工厂化循环水养殖因其高密度、低污染、高效率等独特的优势,契合水产养殖业绿色发展理念,已成为水产养殖转型升级的重要方向之一。水作为循环水养殖系统中重要的环境因子,其流态能够直接影响鱼类的生长及福利,同样,鱼类存在及运动也会影响到系统流态的构建。本文综合分析了循环水养殖系统中流场条件对不同鱼类生长发育及福利的影响,鱼类及其运动行为对养殖池内水动力条件及性能的影响,以及鱼类对养殖池内流场流态、水体混合等的影响。将研究鱼类运动对流场特性的影响方法主要归纳为实测法和数值研究,通过对比分析2种方法的优点和不足之处,并结合当前循环水养殖产业系统构建中的问题提出针对性方法建议,旨在为系统中水动力条件的设计拓展思路,促进循环水养殖产业流态构建向“鱼”与“水”兼顾的方向发展。  相似文献   

生长性状是水产养殖鱼类最重要的经济性状之一,对水产养殖业的发展意义重大。通过以不同的养殖鱼类为对象,大量的研究结果表明,鱼类生长主要受环境、基因,以及基因与环境相互作用的影响,具体为:(1)环境是生长性状调控的外因,其对生长的影响一般呈现出剂量效应的规律。温度、光照、营养等主要环境因子的过量和不足均可能对鱼类生长产生不利影响,因此,寻求最优条件是制定最佳养殖环境的终极目标,人为调控多种环境因子在现代水产养殖业中具有重大的应用潜力。(2)基因是生长性状调控的内因,其对生长的影响很大程度上表现出因果效应的关系。某些基因的单碱基核苷酸多样性、基因结构变异、染色体倍性变化,以及转基因等都表现出对鱼类生长产生统计显著性的影响。鉴于生长是多基因控制的复杂数量性状,寻找主效基因并在选育中加以利用是改良生长性状的重要基础。高通量测序技术在生长相关候选基因的筛选以及辅助分子育种方面展现出强大的优势。(3)基因与环境相互作用的影响主要来自基因型对不同环境条件的适应性,具有特异性和复杂性的特点,因此目前对其量化研究非常有限。但在制定大规模商业育种计划之前,考虑基因与环境相互作用具有重要意义。综上所述,充分理解环境、基因,以及基因与环境相互作用对水产养殖鱼类生长的影响能更好地对其生长性状加以利用,从而最大限度地节约养殖成本和发挥生态效益。  相似文献   

黑龙江水产研究所始建于1950年,是我国建立最早的淡水水产科研机构。现隶属于农业部中国水产科学研究院。我所下设养殖、遗传育种与生物技术、资源、环境四个研究室;拥有一个部级重点实验室——农业部北方鱼类生物工程育种重点开放实验室和一个院级重点实验室——中国水产科学研究院冷水性鱼类增养殖  相似文献   

新中国建立40年来.特别是十一届三中全会以后.海洋增养殖研究作为一项应用科学,在研究的广度、深度和水平上均取得了重大进展.促进了我国海水养殖事业的大发展。目前海带、紫菜、中国对虾、紫贻贝,扇贝的养殖.在一系列应用基础研究取得成果的基础上.从育苗到养殖已达到全人工控制的水平,形成了规模空前的产业.蛏、蛤、蚶、蛎等传统的采天然苗.营养的品种.在天然采苗和人工育苗、养殖技术和增殖移植等方面也开拓了新的技术领域.提高到一个新水平.进步较为迟缓的鱼类养殖.在多种鱼类人工繁殖、育苗技术上有了新进展,南方的网箱养殖和沿海各地罗非鱼.鳜鱼养殖、鱼虾混养研究已应用于生产,取得一定效益.刺参,皱纹盘鲍的育苗、增养殖和珍珠贝养殖.育珠均有重大突破.连续几年的大规模生产性对虾放流.经济效益显著;牙鲆,黑鲷,海蜇、罗非鱼海湾放流.正在展开.四十年来.海洋增养殖研究的成绩斐然.瞻望未来增养殖研究大有可为.本世纪末水产翻两番的计划,将在广大科技工作者的认真努力下实现.  相似文献   

鱼类饲料营养源开发研究,近十几年来成为国际上水产养殖学家研究的热门课题。着重研究了鱼类饲料营养配方的基本术语、营养源开发途径、选择水产养殖饲料标准、饲料加工工艺过程、饲料物理特性以及选择养殖种类的饲料和摄食习性等。现将国际上鱼类饲料营养源开发研究方法的途径作一扼要概述。  相似文献   

工业化循环水福利养殖关键技术与智能装备的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
黄滨  刘滨  雷霁霖  翟介明  颜阔秋  梁友 《水产学报》2013,37(11):1750-1760
基于水产福利养殖的理念,结合封闭循环水系统养殖环境可控性高的突出特点,倡导构建适合中国国情的工业化循环水福利养殖产业模式,已成为推动我国现代渔业可持续发展的战略需求。为此,本综述从工厂化循环水鱼类养殖福利影响因子分析、集约化养殖鱼类的福利需求、工厂化循环水模式下水产福利养殖的科学评价标准制定等方面入手,开展了封闭循环水系统实施福利养殖的关键技术与智能装备集成的研究,为今后规范我国水产工业化福利养殖的生产过程管控,建立水产福利养殖保障机制,真正提高水产品质量与安全水平提供理论和技术依据。  相似文献   

夏永旭  梁文平  刘娇 《河北渔业》2004,(4):10-11,13
PSB菌剂 (即光合细菌制剂 )是一种营养丰富的环保型饲料添加剂 ,具有可净化水质 ,防治鱼病 ,维持生态平衡 ,减少二次污染等优点 ,颇受养殖业者的欢迎。合理使用该菌剂 ,将在水产养殖中发挥巨大作用。  相似文献   

卫育良  徐后国  梁萌青 《水产学报》2019,43(10):2060-2073
鱼粉短缺是当今水产饲料行业中亟待解决的难题,而水产品加工副产品占水产品的总重量超过60%,因此,充分利用水产品加工副产品,提高其营养价值,是解决鱼粉短缺的重要途径。水解鱼蛋白是水解水产品加工副产品而得到的富含游离氨基酸和不同肽链长度的蛋白寡肽,目前,越来越多的研究证明,其对水产养殖动物的生长性能具有重要的促进作用。本文从水解鱼蛋白的制备、营养特性及水产饲料中的研究和应用方面展开综述,系统论述近年来水解鱼蛋白在水产动物营养相关领域的研究成果,并提出在水产饲料中的进一步研究方向,以期为水解鱼蛋白在水产动物营养学研究及其在水产饲料中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Mycobacteriosis is a serious and often lethal disease of fish, affecting a wide range of species globally both in culture and wild settings. Caused by several species of the genus Mycobacterium , the disease has received considerable attention in recent years because of the discovery of new species in piscine hosts, epizootics in wild fisheries, and the ability of a few species to infect humans. The impact of this disease in aquaculture and the aquaria trade has been well reported and there is currently no widely accepted cure other than depopulation and facility disinfection. However, the impact on wild fisheries is poorly understood and may relate to species-specific interactions (host–pathogen) and possibly environmental stressors. In this review, much of what is known about mycobacteriosis in marine fish is summarized with particular attention to an epizootic in striped bass, Morone saxatilis , (Walbaum), in Chesapeake Bay, USA.  相似文献   

Structural environmental enrichment, that is, a deliberate addition of physical complexity to the rearing environment, is sometimes utilized to reduce the expression of the undesirable traits that fish develop in captivity. Increasing demands and regulations regarding usage of enrichment to promote fish welfare also make investigations on the effects of enrichment important. Here, we sythesize the current state‐of‐the‐art knowledge about the effects of structural environmental enrichment for fish in captive environments. We find that enrichment can affect several aspects of the biology of captive fish, for example, aggression, stress, energy expenditure, injury and disease susceptibility. Importantly, these effects are often varying in direction and magnitude, and it is clear that just addition of structure is not a solution to all problems in fish rearing. Each species and life stage needs special consideration with respect to its natural history and preferences. A multitude of different enrichment types has been investigated and many studies investigate several enrichment components at the same time, making comparisons among studies difficult. To the present date, the majority of efforts have been directed to investigate salmonid fish in stock‐fish hatcheries and cichlids from a basic research perspective. Some contexts are under‐studied with respect to environmental enrichment, for instance effects on results in basic research and welfare effects in display aquaria. There are many research opportunities left within this field. However, future studies could utilize experimental designs which make it possible to discriminate between effects of different environmental manipulations to a higher degree than what has been performed to this date.  相似文献   

Fisheries and aquaculture production, imports, exports and equitability of distribution determine the supply of aquatic food to people. Aquatic food security is achieved when a food supply is sufficient, safe, sustainable, shockproof and sound: sufficient, to meet needs and preferences of people; safe, to provide nutritional benefit while posing minimal health risks; sustainable, to provide food now and for future generations; shock‐proof, to provide resilience to shocks in production systems and supply chains; and sound, to meet legal and ethical standards for welfare of animals, people and environment. Here, we present an integrated assessment of these elements of the aquatic food system in the United Kingdom, a system linked to dynamic global networks of producers, processors and markets. Our assessment addresses sufficiency of supply from aquaculture, fisheries and trade; safety of supply given biological, chemical and radiation hazards; social, economic and environmental sustainability of production systems and supply chains; system resilience to social, economic and environmental shocks; welfare of fish, people and environment; and the authenticity of food. Conventionally, these aspects of the food system are not assessed collectively, so information supporting our assessment is widely dispersed. Our assessment reveals trade‐offs and challenges in the food system that are easily overlooked in sectoral analyses of fisheries, aquaculture, health, medicine, human and fish welfare, safety and environment. We highlight potential benefits of an integrated, systematic and ongoing process to assess security of the aquatic food system and to predict impacts of social, economic and environmental change on food supply and demand.  相似文献   


India is a very populous country with more than one billion people. In order to provide food for this growing population, serious environmental problems may result. Despite many benefits from the green, blue, and silver revolutions adopted in India, there has been much concern resulting from intensive agricultural practices that led to environmental problems in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Increasing demand for aquatic resources also caused inland fisheries to decrease over the past few decades. The location of aquaculture projects, landscape destruction, soil and water pollution by pond effluents, over-exploitation of important fish stocks, depletion in biodiversity, conflicts over agriculture and aquaculture among various stakeholder groups over resource and space allocation, and international fish trade controversies have threatened the long-term sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture industries. The subject of sustainable aquaculture has not been adequately projected in terms of current aquaculture practices aimed to boost a rural economy. This review briefly describes the key issues of aquaculture unsustainability in terms of intensive aquaculture, nutrient enrichment syndrome, soil and groundwater salinization, destruction of mangroves, loss of biodiversity, marine pollution and loss of fish stock, use of aquachemicals and therapeutics, hormone residues, etc. The strategies for sustainability have been highlighted with respect to rice-cum-fish culture, carp polyculture, integrated farming with livestock, rural aquaculture, intensification of small farms, wastewater-fed aquaculture, crop rotation, probiotics, feed quality, socioeconomic considerations, environmental regulations and fisheries acts, transboundary aquatic ecosystems, impact of alien species, ethical aspects of intensive aquaculture, responsible fisheries, and environmental impact assessment. A suggested model outlines the feedback mechanisms for achieving long-term sustainability through improved farm management practices, integrated farming, use of selective aquachemicals and probiotics, conservation of natural resources, regulatory mechanism, and policy instruments.  相似文献   

Aquaculture is a rapidly growing field of food production. However, morbidity and mortality are higher in aquaculture species than in domestic animals. Bacterial diseases are a leading cause of farmed fish morbidity and are often treated with antimicrobials. Since most Swiss fish farms release effluents directly into surface water without treatment and since aquaculture fish are consumed by humans, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and multi-resistance in aquaculture fish are important for environmental and public health. In this study, AMR tests for 14 antimicrobials were performed on 1,448 isolates from 1,134 diagnostic laboratory submissions from farmed and ornamental fish submissions for the period from 2000 to 2017. Amoxicillin, gentamycin and norfloxacin had the lowest proportion of resistant samples. However, AMR was highly variable over time. Resistance proportions were higher in: (a) ornamental fish compared with farmed fish, (b) fish from recirculation systems compared with those from other farming systems and (c) isolates originating from skin compared with those originating from inner organs. Multiple resistances were common. The results of this study provide useful data for Swiss fish veterinarians and some interesting hypotheses about risk factors for AMR in aquaculture and pet fish in Switzerland. However, further research is needed to define risk factors.  相似文献   

Fish contribute a significant amount of animal protein to the diets of people in Bangladesh, about 63% of which comes from aquatic animals. In Bangladesh, fish is mainly derived from two sources: capture and culture. Aquaculture has shown tremendous growth in the last two decades, exhibiting by about 10% average annual growth in production. Capture fisheries, although still the major source of supply of fish, have become static or are in decline due to over‐fishing and environmental degradation, and it is now believed that aquaculture has the greatest potential to meet the growing demand for fish from the increasing population. At present, aquaculture production accounts for about one‐third of the total fish production in Bangladesh. This paper examines the impact of an aquaculture development project in Bangladesh on food security, with particular emphasis on the poor. The analysis shows a positive impact of aquaculture development on employment, income and consumption. A number of implications for policy in areas that might strengthen these outcomes are discussed and recommendations are presented.  相似文献   

The role of inland fisheries in livelihoods, food security and sustainable development is often overshadowed by the higher profile interest in ocean issues. Whilst inland fisheries' catch and contribution to global nutrition, food security and the economy, are less than that of marine fisheries, global‐level comparisons of fish production obscure considerable livelihood impacts in certain countries and sub‐national areas. To highlight these contributions, this paper synthesizes recent data and innovative approaches for assessing such livelihood contributions and their importance in countries with limited access to ocean resources and aquaculture. Inland fisheries are crucial for many socially, economically and nutritionally vulnerable groups of people around the world, but the challenges in monitoring inland fisheries preclude a complete understanding of the magnitude of their contributions. This situation is rapidly improving with increasing recognition of inland fisheries in development discourses, which has also encouraged research to enhance knowledge on the importance of inland fisheries. We review this work, including collated information published in a recent Food and Agriculture Organization report, to provide an up to date characterization of the state of knowledge on the role of inland fisheries.  相似文献   

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