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Examples of nutritional stress in conifer seedlings caused by competing ericaceous species (e. g. Calluna andKalmia), have been reported in several parts of the world. Nutritional stress (primarily N deficiency) has been reported in Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) plantations growing in association with an ericaceous species, salal (Gaultheria shallon), in coastal British Columbia. Nutritional interference by salal was investigated on a chronosequence of sites up to 10 yr after clearcutting and slashburning. No direct evidence for an allelopathic contribution to the N stress was obtained. However, the rapid accumulation of salal fine roots and rhizomes, and the nutrients contained therein, provides a partial explanation for the observed stress symptoms. Soil analyses and seedling bioassays demonstrated a reduction in fertility in the period 8 to 10 yr after clearcutting and slashburning in comparison to the period 2 to 4 yr, which is believed to impose further nutritional stress on Sitka spruce. It is concluded that the nutritional stress in these Sitka spruce plantations is caused by a combination of (1) salal competition for nutrients and their subsequent immobilization in salal biomass, and (2) declining site fertility caused by the termination of the flush of nutrients (the “assart period”) that occurs in the immediate post-clearcutting and slashburning period. Sustaining good growth of plantations under such circumstances will require site nutrient management as well as vegetation management.  相似文献   


A study was made of the comparative nutrient content of healthy and declining sweet orange trees. Leaves were analysed for 12 elements using Kjeldahl and Spectrographic methods. No statistical differences were observed between healthy and declining trees in their content of N, P, Mg, Na, Mn, Fe, B, Cu, Mo, and Zn. Significant differences were obtained for K and Ca; healthy Blood Red trees were found to be lower in K but higher in Ca than declining trees. Phosphorus content was observed to be borderline to low in both healthy and declining trees. Magnesium was low to deficient. Boron content was high to excessive in most orchards regardless of tree condition.  相似文献   

滨海重盐碱地人工栽植柽柳生长动态及生态效应   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
柽柳(Tamarix chinensis)是盐碱地土壤改良和植被构建的先锋物种,但仅靠柽柳的自然扩散难以在滨海重盐碱地形成灌木优势群落,对盐碱地的改良作用不明显,因此探索重盐碱地人工栽植柽柳的生态效应有重要意义。本研究以撂荒地为对照,对不同树龄的人工柽柳群落的个体生物量、碳储量动态、植物物种组成及其重要值和土壤特性进行分析,以评估重盐碱地栽植柽柳的生态效应。结果显示:3年生、5年生和7年生柽柳个体单株生物量逐渐增加,群落的植被碳密度分别为4.78 t(C)·hm 2、5.56 t(C)·hm 2和6.89 t(C)·hm 2,而对照撂荒地碳密度只有0.98 t(C)·hm 2;与对照地相比,栽植柽柳显著降低了土壤表层的含盐量,对照地土壤0~10 cm的平均盐分含量高达10.53 g·kg 1,而3年生、5年生和7年生0~10 cm土壤平均含盐量分别为3.35g·kg 1、1.86 g·kg 1和5.54 g·kg 1。栽植柽柳后土壤有机质和有效氮呈增高趋势,有效钾含量显著增加,7年生柽柳土壤0~5 cm和5~15 cm的有效钾含量分别比对照地高出65.59%和28.90%。随着柽柳树龄增加群落中草本植物的丰富度逐渐升高,对照地的草本物种只有8种,7年生柽柳群落达到15种;耐盐物种在群落中的重要值随着栽植的时间逐渐降低,盐地碱篷的重要值由34.8下降到0.7,以种子兼营养繁殖的植物如獐毛和苦荬菜的优势度逐渐增大。这证明,重盐碱地人工栽植柽柳可以快速构建灌木优势群落,固碳作用明显;同时栽植柽柳为生态系统提供了进展演替的动力,灌草结合的群落结构和稳定的群落环境不仅促进盐碱地土壤表层盐分含量的降低,也促进了物种多样性的增加和群落的进展演替,是提高滨海重盐碱地利用率的有效途径。  相似文献   

We report on the distribution of arboreal Collembola in relation to canopy microclimatic conditions and distance from a forest edge. Collembola were collected by pyrethrum misting from the canopy of 12 m commercial plantations of Pinus sylvestris and Picea sitchensis at two sites in northern England, using transects running perpendicularly from a sharp edge (against open moorland). Temperature and humidity were co-recorded at 1.5 m elevation. Eleven species of Collembola were recorded, dominated by four known to be arboreal (Entomobrya nivalis, Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus, Vertagopus arboreus and Anurophorus laricis) but also including small numbers of supposedly edaphic forms, notably Protaphorura armata. All species were at higher density in the P. sitchensis plantations, but otherwise displayed no consistent community structure. Only four significant edge effects were detected in the Collembola data (out of 60 tests), none of which fitted an exponential model. By contrast the majority of the micro-meteorological data showed significant edge effects which were well modelled by an exponential function. It is concluded that the distribution of arboreal Collembola showed no edge effects, despite the latter being detectable in their meteorological environment.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted for assessment of soil fertility status, leaf nutrient concentration and finding yield-limiting nutrients of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) plantations in Mizoram state situated in the northeastern part of India. Soil pH, electrical conductivity (EC), organic carbon (OC), available potassium (K), available phosphorus (P) (Bray's-P), exchangeable calcium (Ca) (Exch. Ca) and magnesium (Mg) (Exch. Mg), available sulfur (S) (CaCl2-S), and hot-water-soluble boron (B) (HWB) content in surface (0–20 cm depth) and subsurface (20–40 cm depth) soil layers varied widely. Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) norms were established for different nutrient expressions, and DRIS indices were computed. As per DRIS indices, the order of requirement of nutrients was found to be B > K > Mg > P > nitrogen (N). Optimum leaf nutrient ranges as per DRIS norms varied from 1.91% to 2.95%, 0.46% to 0.65%, 0.63% to 1.00%, 0.48% to 0.88%, and 9.41 to 31.0 mg kg?1 for N, P, K, Mg, and B, respectively. On the basis of DRIS-derived optimum ranges, 32%, 9%, 27%, 12%, and 12% leaf samples had less than optimum concentration of N, P, K, Mg, and B, respectively. The optimum ranges developed could be used as a guide for routine diagnostic and advisory purpose for efficient fertilizer application.  相似文献   

土壤理化特性是土壤综合肥力的重要组成部分,对于诊断土壤质量优劣具有重要意义,可为人工林的合理经营提供参考。以山东省杨树主栽区20块长期(10~60年)连作人工林样地为研究对象,取样测定15个土壤指标,研究了林地土壤的物理和化学特性,并采用综合指数法对土壤综合肥力进行了评价。结果表明:山东省杨树人工林土壤全钾、碱解氮含量总体上处于“很低”水平,有机质、全氮、全磷含量和电导率(EC)处于“较低”水平,有效磷、速效钾含量和容重处于“适中”水平,而毛管孔隙度处于“较高”水平。80%样地为微碱性砂质壤土或壤质砂土,砂粒含量较高,而粉砂粒、粘粒含量较低。不同样地间的土壤综合肥力存在较大差异,以鲁北区杨树人工林土壤综合肥力指数最高,显著高于鲁南、鲁西和鲁西南这3个栽培区。相关分析表明,土壤有机质、全磷、全钾、有效磷、速效钾、容重、粉砂粒、粘粒8个理化指标均对土壤综合肥力指数具有显著影响,而全氮、碱解氮、pH、EC、毛管孔隙度、砂粒、粉粘比7个指标与其相关性均不显著。杨树连作时间、林龄、林分密度对林地土壤肥力没有明显影响。  相似文献   

Differences in the vulnerability of soils to fertility degradation are compared for two major soil groups located in the coastal plain of Tanzania and cropped with sisal (Agave sisalana). Ferralsols derived from intermediate gneiss of Precambrian age and Cambisols developed in Jurassic and Neogene limestones partly covered with Quaternary deposits were selected for comparison. A clear influence of parent material was apparent when soils were continuously cropped with sisal and no fertilizers were applied. Serious soil fertility decline occurs in Ferralsols, but Cambisols are resilient to chemical degradation and the fertility decline in these soils was very limited. The differences in degradation rates are explained by the lower initial fertility and low nutrient reserve of Ferralsols, while the Cambisols had higher initial fertility levels and nutrients removed by the sisal crop are replenished by the weathering of the underlying parent material. Sustainable soil fertility management of Cambisols includes only NPK fertilization, but heavy dressings of lime, organic manures and/or chemical fertilizers are required to improve the fertility status of the Ferralsols and to produce crops in a sustainable manner.  相似文献   

为了快速提高低肥力土壤肥力,以石麦15为试验材料,通过盆栽实验研究了在低肥力红壤和潮土上不同碳氮比有机肥组合对小麦生物量和部分土壤肥力因素的影响.试验结果表明,施用有机肥和化肥可以明显提高小麦产量和土壤肥力,且有机肥与化肥配施比单施化肥效果更好,其中秸秆、猪粪与化肥配合使用对提高小麦产量与土壤养分作用最为明显,显著高于其它肥料组合.随着有机肥碳氮比的提高,提高小麦产量与改善土壤养分的作用逐渐变小.在潮土上,碳氮比为12.5:1的有机、无机肥料配施组合在提高小麦生物量方面,分别比碳氮比为25:1、40:1的肥料处理平均高24.2%、29.7%,在红壤上则分别为19.8%、21.2%,并且在增加土壤速效养分、脲酶活性、微生物量等地力方面的效果也比碳氮比为25:1和40:1的处理明显.  相似文献   

Poplar plantations are an important resource in China, which possess significant potential to offset carbon (C) emissions through the sequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) within biomass and soil. The traditional rotation age of poplar plantations is determined by maximizing the economic return from timber production. However, the optimal rotation age that results in the highest level of carbon sequestration within the soil remains unclear. In this study, we examined the total C, nitrogen (N) and microbial biomass (SMB) content of soils, as well as other properties in 0–10, 10–25 and 25–40 cm soil profiles along a 0‐ to 20‐yr chronosequence in a coastal region of Eastern China. Soil C stocks were determined for 1 m soil profiles, and the stand biomass in poplar plantations of different ages was investigated. We found that C concentrations within soils increased with plantation age, primarily in the topsoil layers. The periodic annual increment of C in soils peaked between stand ages of from 6 to 10 yr (0.71 t/ha/yr) and then decreased considerably at 17.5 yr, while the mean annual increment of C in soils was the highest at 15 yr (0.573 t/ha/yr). Soil C accumulation (i.e. soil C sequestration) was positively correlated with poplar biomass, soil N and SMB, and negatively correlated with soil potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sodium (Na), but not with sulphur (S) or phosphorus (P). Our results suggest that a rotation age of 15 yr is optimal for the sequestration of atmospheric CO2 in poplar plantations in the coastal region of Eastern China. The C sequestration capacity of soil was primarily controlled by poplar biomass, soil N and SMB.  相似文献   

Evidence of the impacts of land-use change on soil biological activities, a determinant of nutrient cycling in soil, will provide a better understanding of soil health and productivity. The study investigates temporal changes in soil chemical and microbial properties in a forest converted to oil palm plantation. Soil samples from four locations: native forest and Elaeis guineensis plantations of 2-, 13- and 14-year were collected. Total carbon C and N were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the native forest (NF) followed by 14- and 13-year E. guineensis plantations respectively. Microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and nitrogen (MBN) in NF were significantly higher (p < 0.05) than in the E. guineensis plantations. There were no significant differences in the microbial biomass phosphorus (MBP) among the E. guineensis plantation of all ages. The qCO2 in the 13- and 14-year E. guineensis plantations was higher than in NF and 2-year E. guineensis plantation. There was a positive correlation between MBC, MBN, MBP and pH, P, TC, and TN. These results indicated that conversion of native forest to E. guineensis plantation affected soil nutrient and microbial properties. And there could be a return to healthy soil condition as age of E. guineensis plantation increased.  相似文献   

The electrothermal atomic absorption spectrophotometric determination of Mn and Pb in wet, dry and total deposition collected at American Samoa is hindered by interferences due to the dilute sea-spray matrix. Matrix modification procedures permit direct analysis below 1 ng ml?1 for each trace metal. The median monthly deposition of Mn is 5.8, 5.0, and 10.0 ng cm?2, and for Pb 9.5, 1.4, and 10.6 ng cm?2 for wet, dry and total collections, respectively. Preliminary data suggest effective sampling using these methods at this remote site.  相似文献   

Foliar analysis was undertaken in two plots of Picea abies (L.) Karst., located in a watershed of Haute Ardenne, Belgium, in order to estimate the decline of the trees. Apart from a general Mg deficiency, the concentrations of the needles were in the same range as those determined in other European stands. Comparisons between healthy and declining trees within each plot revealed a general pattern of decline similar to that observed elsewhere in Western Europe. This was shown as lower Ca, Mg, Zn concentrations and water content and higher N and P concentrations of the needles collected from declining trees. It is concluded that this decline could be due to N over fertilization by the atmospheric deposition. The difference of decline between the two plots was attributed to the turnover rate of the soil organic layer which was less intensive in the most damaged plot.  相似文献   

 以大兴安岭林区不同发育阶段兴安落叶松人工林和天然次生林为研究对象,采用野外调查和定量分析相结合的方法,对林地土壤有机质、土壤腐殖质组成、土壤酸度指标及其主要养分含量的变化进行测定和分析。利用主成分分析的方法,以各主成分特征贡献率为权重,加权计算各林地土壤肥力综合指标值。结果表明:随着林龄的增长,不同发育阶段落叶松人工林土壤酸度总体呈现升高的趋势,土壤有酸化的迹象;全磷和速效钾呈现降低的趋势;有机质、水解氮、胡敏酸和胡敏素含量在近熟林略有升高,但总体呈现降低的趋势。土壤肥力评价结果为:天然林>幼龄林>近熟林>中龄林>成熟林,即随着林龄的增长,土壤肥力迅速下降,其主要原因是林地凋落物分解缓慢。因此,建议通过适度提高林地抚育强度,调整群落结构,增加林地光照,诱导天然阔叶树种进入,形成针阔混交林的调控措施,调节落叶松人工纯林凋落物分解与积累的矛盾,以维持地力平衡和提高林地生产力。  相似文献   

The effects of broad-leaved trees on the collembolan community in larch plantations were investigated at the foot of Mt. Yatsugatake (1200–1400 m a.s.l.) in Japan. The study sites comprised five pure larch plantation plots (larch dominated more than 95% of the area at breast height) and five mixed forest plots (larch dominated between 50% and 80% of the area at breast height). We compared the collembolan community structures between stand types and related them to the plant community composition and soil properties at each plot. Density and species richness of Collembola were not significantly different between pure larch and mixed plots. Using partial redundancy analysis (pRDA), the variance of collembolan species data in the litter layer was explained by the biomass of grass on the forest floor, and the variance in the soil layer was explained by the biomass of total forest floor plants. These results suggest that the biomass or the composition of forest floor plants influence the collembolan community more than the crown trees in this area.  相似文献   

Yvonne Elizabeth Martin   《CATENA》2007,69(3):206-219
An algorithm for wildfire occurrence is introduced for incorporation into a numerical model of drainage basin evolution. Within the model, fire return intervals are determined using a stochastic rule set and fire sizes are assigned according to a pareto distribution. A Weibull distribution was fit to millennial-scale lake charcoal data for calibration of fire return intervals in this study, while data for the Olympic Peninsula were used to determine the fire size distribution. Loss of tree root strength resulting from stand-replacing wildfires has been found to be comparable to loss after timber harvesting. Hence, data for increased shallow landslide activity associated with logging were used to calibrate transport equations for years following wildfire incidence. A weathering relation is incorporated in the model, which drives the supply of sediment. When sediment supply is depleted in the model, the shallow landsliding module shuts off until new material is available for transport. Time since last fire analysis indicates that the Weibull parameters defined for the Clayoquot charcoal data produce results that are weighted too heavily towards recent fires. Sensitivity analysis was undertaken, suggesting alternative values may be more reasonable for further model runs. The introduction of a weighted probability factor for aspect, whereby south-facing slopes have a higher likelihood of fire initiation, was not found to significantly affect patterns of fire age in the landscape. Patterns of net topographic change after 6000 years of model run time indicate that greatest net erosion is found on steep, upper slopes, with the highest deposition occurring in hillslope hollows and low-order channels. Depositional grid cells in interfluves show a variable response to the inclusion of wildfire in the model. Net erosion occurs over a relatively low proportion of hillslope area, with wildfire model runs showing a strong erosional signal in these locations. For stream grid cells, the additional deposition due to the inclusion of wildfire in model runs is about 9–10% for 1st to 3rd order streams. Overall, deposition rates increase with decreasing stream order, reflecting greater hillslope/channel coupling in low-order streams.  相似文献   

土壤肥力是农作物生长所需的关键要素之一,其水平直接影响农作物的长势甚至产量,然而作物生长过程中受多种胁迫因素的综合影响。避免土壤肥力监测结果受到其他胁迫因素的干扰是土壤肥力精准监测的关键问题之一。该研究旨在分析利用集合经验模态分解(Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition,EEMD)算法进行土壤肥力胁迫甄别和监测的可行性。以河北省廊坊市大厂县冬小麦耕地为研究区域,以EEMD算法为基础,将分解后的本征模函数(Intrinsic Mode Function,IMF)分量按照年际、年间和年内的尺度进行合成,结合不同的时间尺度及胁迫特征剔除土壤水分胁迫、病虫害胁迫及重金属胁迫等因素,实现对土壤肥力胁迫的有效甄别提取。结合主成分分析相关方法,将有机质、全氮、有效磷以及速效钾4项养分指标转换为3个主成分,初步得到土壤肥力综合评价简易模型,后与分解结果进行拟合,构建并实现了土壤肥力综合水平的定量评价模型。结果表明:1)在年际、年间以及年内3组波动组分中,年际波动组分可以较好地反映研究区内土壤肥力胁迫作用对农作物长势的影响;2)利用最小二乘法对土壤养分指标测定数据进行线性拟合,拟合结果与原始数据的决定系数达到了0.857,能够较好地反映出原始数据的变化水平;3)最终土壤肥力水平评价模型评价结果与实测结果间的平均误差为11.82%,表明模型预测结果与实际情况契合程度高,模型反演结果能够较好地反映研究区的土壤肥力水平。该研究结合EEMD算法与统计学分析实现了土壤肥力胁迫的有效甄别及土壤肥力定量评价模型的构建,为遥感技术在土壤肥力研究领域的应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

【目的】沿海滩涂土壤属于滨海盐土类型,由于长期受海洋潮汐的影响,盐渍化作用导致土壤盐分含量偏高、 土体发育不明显、 理化性状差、 肥力水平低下,且滩涂面积还在以一定的速度增长,同时可耕地面积的逐年递减和淡水资源的日益遗乏,滩涂盐土的开发利用越来越受到人们的关注。本文研究牛粪不同用量驱动新围垦滩涂土壤原始肥力并为绿肥植物黑麦草幼苗生长提供养分的作用,以期为滩涂盐土的改良提供一条可行的途径。【方法】采用田间小区随机区组试验,探讨了牛粪不同施用量(0、 30、 75、 150、 300 t/hm2)对滩涂土壤0.25 mm水稳性团聚体、 盐分、 pH、 有机碳、 氮磷养分含量等肥力因子及黑麦草幼苗生物量、 生长状况的影响。 【结果】滩涂0—10和10—20 cm土层土壤0.25 mm水稳性团聚体的数量随牛粪施用量的增加呈逐渐增加趋势。与对照相比,牛粪用量150和300 t/hm2处理的滩涂0—10和10—20 cm土层土壤0.25 mm水稳性团聚体差异均达到显著水平; 施用牛粪各处理滩涂土壤有机碳分别比对照增加17.4%、 32.6%、 55.0%、 205.8%; 与对照相比,施用牛粪各处理显著降低了滩涂土壤盐分含量,降幅分别达25.2%、 75.8%、 76.0%、 75.9%; 施用牛粪对滩涂土壤pH值降低不明显; 随牛粪施用量的增加,滩涂土壤全氮、 全磷、 碱解氮、 有效磷含量均呈逐渐上升趋势; 施用牛粪增加了黑麦草幼苗地上部和根系干重; 施用牛粪各处理黑麦草幼苗株高分别比对照增加52.6%、 46.1%、 74.2%、 56.2%(P<0.05); 牛粪施用量达150 t/hm2时可显著增加黑麦草幼苗的分蘖数; 随牛粪施用量的增加,黑麦草根系总根长、 平均直径、 根表面积、 根体积均呈逐渐上升趋势。【结论】施用牛粪改善了滩涂土壤的初始肥力特性,促进了绿肥植物黑麦草地上部及根系的生长,并提高了黑麦草幼苗的生物量,因此,牛粪可作为改良新围垦滩涂土壤的“原始肥力驱动剂”。利用牛粪进行滩涂土壤的改良还有效地处理了畜禽粪便,是滩涂土壤改良和畜禽粪便合理利用一举两得的新途径。  相似文献   

油菜秸秆还田腐解变化特征及其培肥土壤的作用   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
为促进油菜秸秆腐解,推进农村作物秸秆的资源化利用,减少秸秆焚烧对环境的负面影响,培养与提高土壤肥力,采用尼龙网袋和田间试验相结合方法,设置了油菜秸秆不同还田量处理和不同还田深度处理,研究了油菜秸秆腐解百分率和腐解速率变化特征,分析了油菜秸秆还田对土壤性质及作物产量的影响。结果表明,油菜秸秆还田的腐解百分率随时间延长而逐渐增大,秸秆腐解速率则早期快后期慢;随秸秆还田量增加,腐解速率降低,表现为全量还田的秸秆腐解速率<2/3量还田秸秆腐解速率<1/2量还田秸秆腐解速率<1/3量还田秸秆腐解速率;在种植水稻条件下油菜秸秆还田深度在10 cm时腐解速度最慢,在表层还田腐解速度最快,20 cm深还田腐解速度居中。相比对照处理来说,油菜秸秆还田降低了土壤容重,增加了土壤有机质含量,一定程度上提高了土壤氮磷钾含量(P<0.05)。油菜秸秆还田对水稻作物有极显著增产作用(P<0.01),增产幅度在6.02%~21.17%之间。本试验对水稻油菜轮作体系下油菜秸秆还田腐解特征进行的研究可为调控油菜秸秆还田腐解速度,改善农业生态环境提供参数依据。  相似文献   

Expansion of forage production acreage for rhizoma peanut (RP ‐ Arachis glabrata Benth.), a persistent perennial, warm‐season forage legume adapted to the Gulf Coast region of the southeastern United States, is limited primarily by establishment rate, often taking up to three years. The objective was to determine the effects of two divergent soil environments on the dry matter production and nutrient uptake of RP in the first year following establishment. Five Arachis genotypes, ‘Arbrook’, ‘Florigraze’, and experimental lines 423, 575, and 616, were established during March 1995 at Clinton and Olive Branch, LA. Soils were a Dexter silt loam (Ultic Hapludalf) and a Loring silt loam (Typic Fragiudalf, fine‐silty, mixed, thermic) with mean pH values of 6.8 and 4.7, respectively. Soils also differed for extractable potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), aluminum (Al), sulfur (S), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and organic matter (OM). Tissue samples were taken at three week intervals in 1996 and yield and quality were evaluated at six week intervals. Locations differed significantly for dry matter production, crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and in vitro true digestibility (IVTD). Entries also differed within locations for yield, CP, NDF, acid detergent fiber (ADF), and IVTD. Tissue nitrogen (N), K, Ca, S, Mn, boron (B), and zinc (Zn) were significantly different between locations, but phosphorous (P), magnesium (Mg), Fe, Cu, and Al were not different. Yield and forage quality were both inversely correlated with pH and, with the exception of N, none of the other nutrients were low enough to account for the differences observed in growth between the two locations.  相似文献   

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