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The objective of the present study was to examine the relationship between plasma leptin levels and fat distribution in crossbred steers. Twenty-four crossbred steers (Japanese Black × Holstein) were used in this study. Six steers belonged to the growing phase (11 months of age), and 18 steers to the finishing phase (from 21 to 28 months of age). Plasma leptin levels correlated positively with body fat weight ( r  = 0.807, P  < 0.01), body fat percentage ( r  = 0.802, P  < 0.01), visceral fat weight ( r  = 0.807, P  < 0.01), visceral fat percentage ( r  = 0.780, P  < 0.01), subcutaneous fat weight ( r  = 0.745, P  < 0.01), subcutaneous fat percentage ( r  = 0.734, P  < 0.01), intermuscular fat weight ( r  = 0.793, P  < 0.01), intermuscular fat percentage (0.775, P  < 0.01), renal fat weight ( r  = 0.694, P  < 0.01), renal fat percentage ( r  = 0.642, P  < 0.01), subcutaneous fat thickness ( r  = 0.755, P  < 0.01), intermuscular fat thickness ( r  = 0.721, P  < 0.01), beef marbling score ( r  = 0.706, P  < 0.01) and the crude fat content of Musculus longissimus thoracis ( r  = 0.592, P  < 0.01). The location of fat deposits did not affect the correlation values. However, when steers were divided into growing ( n  = 6) and finishing ( n  = 18) groups, there was no significant correlation between plasma leptin levels and the carcass characteristics related to fat deposition (fat weight, fat percentage, carcass traits) in either group. These results suggest that plasma leptin levels in crossbred steers positively correlate with body fat content and carcass traits when these parameters vary widely.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of high vs low body condition scores (BCS) produced by restricted feeding on reproductive characteristics, hormonal secretion, and leptin concentrations in mares during the autumnal transition and winter anovulatory period. Mares with BCS of 6.5 to 8.0 were maintained on pasture and/or grass hay, and starting in September, were full fed or restricted to produce BCS of 7.5 to 8.5 (high) or 3.0 to 3.5 (low) by December. All but one mare with high BCS continued to ovulate or have follicular activity during the winter, whereas mares with low BCS went reproductively quiescent. Plasma leptin concentrations varied widely before the onset of restriction, even though all mares were in good body condition. During the experiment, leptin concentrations gradually decreased (P < 0.0001) over time in both groups, but were higher (P < 0.009) in mares with high vs low BCS after 6 wk of restriction, regardless of initial concentration. No differences (P > 0.1) between groups were detected for plasma concentrations of LH, FSH, TSH, GH, glucose, or insulin in samples collected weekly; in contrast, plasma prolactin concentrations were higher (P < 0.02) in mares with high BCS, but also decreased over time (P < 0.008). Plasma IGF-I concentrations tended (P = 0.1) to be greater in mares with high vs low BCS. The prolactin response to sulpiride injection on January 7 did not differ (P > 0.1) between groups. During 12 h of frequent blood sampling on January 12, LH concentrations were higher (P < 0.0001), whereas GH concentrations (P < 0.0001) and response to secretagogue (EP51389; P < 0.03) were lower in mares with high BCS. On January 19, the LH response to GnRH was higher (P < 0.02) in mares with high BCS; the prolactin response to TRH also was higher (P < 0.01) in mares with high BCS. In conclusion, nutrient restriction resulting in low BCS in mares resulted in a profound seasonal anovulatory period that was accompanied by lower leptin, IGF-I, and prolactin concentrations. All but one mare with high BCS continued to cycle throughout the winter or had significant follicular activity on the ovaries. Although leptin concentrations on average are very low in mares with low BCS and higher in well-fed mares, there is a wide variation in concentrations among well-fed mares, indicating that some other factor(s) may determine leptin concentrations under conditions of high BCS.  相似文献   

Obesity is becoming a major health concern in horses because of its associations with insulin resistance, oxidative stress/inflammation, and laminitis. However, there is limited information on the prevalence of obesity in horses. The USDA National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) 1998 Equine study estimated that approximately 1.4% of the U.S. horse population is overweight or obese. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity in a subpopulation of horses in Virginia. A random sample of 300 mature, Light Breed horses (140 mares, 151 geldings, and 9 stallions) was selected from the VMRCVM Equine Field Service practice. Horses were evaluated during summer 2006. Body Condition Score (BCS) was assigned using a scale of 1 (emaciated) to 9 (obese) by two independent scorers. Neck circumference (cm) was measured at three locations and averaged (ANC). Girth, body length, and height at the withers were measured and used to calculate body weight (BW) and Body Mass Index (BMI). ANC and height at the withers were used to calculate Neck Circumference to Height Ratio (NCHR). Horses were categorized based on BCS as under condition (BCS <4), optimal condition (BCS 4–6), over condition (BCS 6.5–7), and obese condition (BCS 7.5–9). Six horses (2%) were under condition, 141 horses (47%) were in optimal condition, 96 horses (32%) were over condition, and 57 (19%) were obese. BW (p = 0.047), ANC, BMI and NCHR (all p < 0.001) increased with BCS. The prevalence of overweight and obesity in these horses was much higher than previously reported.  相似文献   

Feed deprivation decreases plasma leptin concentrations depending on the amount of body fat reserves. While a greater response was observed in lean than in fat humans and rats, a few results for ruminants are inconsistent. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of feed deprivation on plasma leptin concentration in growing lambs with different body fat reserves and on the relationship between leptin and fatness. In addition, we included other hormones (growth hormone, GH; insulin-like growth factor-I, IGF-I and insulin) involved in tissue development. Thirty male lambs of 40 kg live weight were used. Blood was sampled before and after a fasting period of 24 h. The lambs were slaughtered and dissected into several fat and lean tissues. Feed deprivation reduced plasma leptin by an average of 34.6% (p < 0.001). Obese lambs exhibited a greater decline of leptin than lean lambs (2.50 vs. 1.36 ng/ml, p < 0.05). The correlations between leptin and several fat tissues were lower in those lambs than that were fasted. This indicates that leptin concentrations after short-term fasting scarcely reflect the extent of body fat reserves but reflect more the actual metabolic situation. Body fat did not significantly influence the response of GH, IGF-I and insulin to fasting in most cases.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the relationships among plasma concentrations of leptin, insulin, and IGF-I with dynamic changes in body condition scores (BCS) in heifers. Nineteen Zebu-Brown Swiss crossbred heifers, 24 to 30 mo old, weighing 322 +/- 9 kg, and with an initial BCS of 2.6 +/- 0.11 (range = 1 to 9) were used. Heifers were fed 60% of their maintenance requirements until they reached a BCS of < or = 2. Heifers were then maintained at that level for 25 d, after which they were fed to gain 1 kg of body weight daily until a BCS of 6 was reached. Heifers were weighed weekly and BCS was measured every 2 wk. Plasma samples were collected twice weekly, and leptin and insulin were determined by RIA. An immunoradiometric assay was used to measure IGF-I from one sample every 2 wk. Plasma concentrations of leptin were positively correlated during nutritional restriction (NR) and weight gain (WG) periods with BCS (r = 0.47 for NR, and r = 0.83 for WG; P < 0.01) and body weight (r = 0.40 for NR, and r = 0.78 for WG; P < 0.01). Plasma concentrations of leptin decreased during nutritional restriction (P < 0.01) as BCS decreased. During weight gain, leptin concentration increased at BCS 3 and thereafter for each integer change in the BCS. Regression analysis showed that changes in body weight affect leptin concentrations within a given BCS. There was a decrease in IGF-I as BCS declined (P < 0.01). During weight gain, by contrast, IGF-I increased significantly (P < 0.01) with every unit change in body condition up to BCS of 4 and plateaued thereafter. Insulin concentrations did not change during nutritional restriction when BCS decreased from 3 to 1. However, once the diet was improved, there was a large increase in insulin concentrations in heifers with BCS 1 (P < 0.01). Among heifers of BCS 2 and 3, insulin did not differ and was lower than in heifers of BCS 1 (P < 0.01). Insulin increased (P < 0.01) among heifers at BCS 4 to 6. Leptin was positively correlated (P < 0.01) with both IGF-I (r = 0.34 for NR, and r = 0.36 for WG) and insulin (r = 0.18 for WG). Insulin was correlated with IGF-I (r = 0.60; P < 0.01). During nutritional restriction, insulin did not correlate with leptin (r = -0.05), BCS (r = -0.03), or IGF-I (r = 0.07). It was concluded that leptin serves as a dynamic indicator of body condition in heifers, as well as an indicator of nutritional status.  相似文献   

396头适繁母牦牛和226头围产期牦牛按体况评分方法进行体况评分,并在发情季节进行了发情率的跟踪观察;对446头围产期牦牛按体况评分2.0组和2.0以下组在进行不同量补饲对比试验,旨在探讨体况基础上的营养调控繁殖研究。结果表明:发情牦牛的体况评分为4.16±0.44,未发情牦牛的体况评分为3.49±0.45,差异极显著;妊娠母牦牛产前体况评分在2.63,产后体况评分下降到0.34的母牦牛产后发情率达到45.46%,而产前体况低于2.0,产后体况下降0.5以上的母牦牛产后发情周期不能恢复;围产期牦牛体况评分低于2.0,补饲1kg/d,围产期体况高于2.0,补饲0.5kg/d,能使17%~30%的产后母牦牛当年进入发情配种状态。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To measure concentrations and activities of major digestive enzymes in healthy equine pancreatic tissue. ANIMALS: 7 adult horses with normal pancreatic tissues. PROCEDURES: Small pieces of pancreatic tissue were collected immediately after euthanasia, immersed in liquid nitrogen, and maintained at -80 degrees C until analyzed. Concentrations and activities of amylase, lipase, chymotrypsin, trypsin, and elastase were determined by use of a microtiter technique. Relative pancreatic protein concentrations were determined by use of bovine serum albumin as the standard. Pancreatic DNA was extracted and con-centrations determined by use of the diphenylamine method with calf thymus DNA as the standard. RESULTS: The pancreatic cellular concentration of each enzyme, expressed as units per milligram of DNA, was consistent among horses. Cellular concentration of lipase (1,090.8 +/- 285.3 U/mg of DNA) was highest, followed by amylase (59.5 +/- 9.8 U/mg of DNA). Elastase, trypsin, and chymotrypsin were detected in small concentrations (1.9 +/- 0.6, 3.5 +/- 1.5, and 9.6 +/- 2.9 U/mg of DNA, respectively). Similar results were obtained for specific activities of the enzymes. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results were unexpected because, under natural conditions, the predominant energy source for horses is carbohydrate. These results may indicate, in part, the reason horses seem to tolerate large amounts of fat added to their diet.  相似文献   

Previous observations from this laboratory indicated that horses with high BCS could have resting plasma leptin concentrations ranging from low (1 to 5 ng/mL) to very high (10 to 50 ng/mL). To study the possible interactions of leptin secretion with other endocrine systems, BCS and plasma leptin concentrations were measured on 36 mares and 18 geldings. From mares and geldings that had a mean BCS of at least 7.5, five with the lowest (low leptin) and five with the highest (high leptin) leptin concentrations were selected. Jugular blood samples were collected twice daily for 3 d from the 20 selected horses to determine average resting hormone concentrations. Over the next 12 d, glucose infusion, injection of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), exercise, and dexamethasone treatment were used to perturb various hormonal systems. By design, horses selected for high leptin had greater (P < 0.0001) leptin concentrations than horses selected for low leptin (14.1 vs. 2.8 +/- 0.92 ng/mL, respectively). In addition, mares had greater (P = 0.008) leptin concentrations than geldings. Horses selected for high leptin had lower (P = 0.027) concentrations of GH but higher (P = 0.0005) concentrations of insulin and thriiodothyronine (T3) than those selected for low leptin. Mares had greater (P = 0.0006) concentrations of cortisol than geldings. There was no difference (P > 0.10) in concentrations of IGF-1, prolactin, or thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). Horses selected for high leptin had a greater (P = 0.0365) insulin response to i.v. glucose infusion than horses selected for low leptin. Mares had a greater (P = 0.0006) TSH response and tended (P = 0.088) to have a greater prolactin response to TRH than geldings; the T3 response was greater (P = 0.047) in horses selected for high leptin. The leptin (P = 0.0057), insulin (P < 0.0001), and glucose (P = 0.0063) responses to dexamethasone were greater in horses selected for high leptin than in those selected for low leptin. In addition, mares had a greater (P < 0.0001) glucose response to dexamethasone than geldings. Cortisol concentrations were decreased (P = 0.029) by dexamethasone equally in all groups. In conclusion, differences in insulin, T3, and GH associated with high vs. low leptin concentrations indicate a likely interaction of these systems with leptin secretion in horses and serve as a starting point for future study of the cause-and-effect nature of the interactions.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Reference intervals for thyroid hormones (TH) concentrations have not been previously established for donkeys, leading to potential misdiagnosis of thyroid disease. Objectives: To determine the normal values of TH in healthy adult donkeys and compare them to TH values from healthy adult horses. Methods: Thirty‐eight healthy Andalusian donkeys and 19 healthy Andalusian horses from 2 different farms were used. Donkeys were divided into 3 age groups: <5, 5–10 and >11 years and into 2 gender groups. Serum concentrations of fT3, tT3, rT3, fT4 and tT4 were quantified by radioimmunoassay. All blood samples were collected the same day in the morning. None of the animals had received any treatment for 30 days prior to sampling or had any history of disease. Both farms were in close proximity and under similar management. Differences between groups were determined using a one‐way ANOVA analysis followed by Fisher's LSD test. P<0.05 was considered significant. Results: Serum TH concentrations were higher in donkeys than in horses (P<0.01). Donkeys <5 years had higher serum rT3, fT4 and tT4 concentrations than donkeys >5 years (P<0.05). Furthermore, older donkeys (>11 years) had lower serum fT3 and tT3 concentrations than younger donkeys’ groups (<5 and 5–10 years, P<0.05). TH concentrations were not different between genders (fT3: P = 0.06; tT3: P = 0.08; rT3: P = 0.15; fT4: P = 0.89; and tT4: P = 0.19). Conclusions: Thyroid hormone concentrations are different between healthy adult donkeys and horses. Potential relevance: Establishing species‐specific TH reference ranges is important when evaluating clinicopathologic data in equids in order to avoid the misdiagnosis of thyroid gland dysfunction. Further studies to elucidate the physiological mechanisms leading to these differences are warranted.  相似文献   

Obese donkeys are susceptible to a hyperlipaemic crisis characterised by high plasma triglyceride concentrations. In this study, the relationships between the body condition of 24 donkeys and their basal lipid metabolism were investigated. Plasma cholesterol, triglyceride and lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations were measured in healthy donkeys classified according to their body condition as thin, ideal or obese. There were significant differences between the groups in the concentrations of triglyceride and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), which increased in concentration with body condition (P less than 0.05). Cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) concentrations were similar in all the groups. Triglyceride and VLDL concentrations were positively correlated with body weight (r = 0.82) and plasma free fatty acid concentration (r = 0.48). There were no significant differences in basal plasma concentrations of insulin or cortisol. These results suggest that obesity in donkeys is associated with changes in lipid and lipoprotein metabolism that might predispose the animals to hyperlipaemia.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Evaluation of equine body fat content is important for nutritional and clinical purposes. However, our understanding of total body fat and its regional distribution in the body is sparse. Currently, body fat evaluation relies on the subjective assessment of body condition score (BCS), which has never been validated against ‘gold standard’ chemical analysis or dissection measurements in ponies. Objectives: To define the relationships between subjective (BCS), objective (morphometric) indices of body fat and ‘gold standard’ measurements of actual body composition. Hypotheses: BCS and morphometry offer valid, noninvasive methods for determination of body fat in equids. Methods: Seven mature (mean ± s.e. 13 ± 3 years, 212 ± 14 kg, BCS 1.25–7/9), Welsh Mountain pony mares, destined for euthanasia (for nonresearch purposes), were used. For all ponies, body mass (BM), BCS and various morphometric measurements were recorded. Following euthanasia, all ponies were systematically dissected. Discrete white adipose tissue (WAT) depots were independently described. Gross, body chemical composition was determined by proximate analyses. Results: Total somatic soft tissues increased linearly (r2= 1.00), whereas body WAT content (1–26% live BM) increased exponentially (r2= 0.96), with BCS. WAT was equally distributed between internal and external sites in all animals irrespective of BCS. Nuchal fat was a poor predictor of total WAT (r2= 0.66). Periorbital WAT did not alter with BCS (r2= 0.01). Heart girth:withers height and ultrasonic retroperitoneal fat depth were closely associated with total, chemically‐extracted lipid which comprised 1–29% live BM (r2= 0.91 and 0.88, respectively). Conclusions and potential relevance: The exponential relationship between BCS and total body WAT/lipid suggests that BCS is unlikely to be a sensitive index of body fat for animals in moderate‐obese states. Morphometric measurements (body girths and retroperitonel fat depth) may be useful to augment subjective BCS systems.  相似文献   

奶牛体况与胎次、泌乳阶段和生产性能的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张洁  张程  侯扶江 《草业科学》2016,33(4):771-777
奶牛体况评分是指可根据奶牛身体各部位综合得分来衡量牛的膘情,并用于管理奶牛营养和健康的一种重要方法。某代表性奶牛场泌乳期奶牛的体况评分结果表明,奶牛体况与乳蛋白率、305d估计产奶量呈极显著正相关(P0.01);第3胎次奶牛体况最好,极显著优于其它胎次(P0.01);泌乳后期奶牛体况极显著优于其它泌乳阶段(P0.01);奶牛体况与体细胞分之间显著正相关(P0.05)。根据奶牛体况评分结果可预测牛奶产量和品质。生产中应通过加强营养和改善饲养管理条件等措施使奶牛体况处于合理范围,以获得产量和品质俱佳的牛奶。  相似文献   

Leptin is a cytokine produced by adipocytes, and plays a key role in the regulation of energy balance. In the present study, we measured plasma leptin concentrations of 166 normal and obese dogs visiting veterinary practices, and clarified the influence of age, gender and breed on plasma leptin levels in dogs. Leptin levels were higher in the dogs with higher body condition scores. There was no noticeable influence of age, gender and breed, but those in optimal puppies and obese Miniature Dachshund tended to be lower than those in corresponding groups. We conclude that plasma leptin is a reliable marker of adiposity in dogs regardless of age, gender and breed variations, and thereby useful as a blood biochemistry test for health examinations and treatment of obesity.  相似文献   

Leptin concentrations in the circulation and milk were determined in sows that differed in body condition at farrowing, and in feed consumption during lactation. Serum concentrations of leptin at farrowing and weaning were highest in sows exhibiting the greatest amount of backfat. Leptin was detected in both skim and whole milk throughout lactation, but levels were not correlated with backfat thickness or circulating leptin concentrations. This report provides the first evidence for the presence of leptin in sow milk; its function in the physiology of suckling pigs remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Two experiments (EXP) were conducted to determine the roles of age, weight and estradiol (E) treatment on serum leptin concentrations and leptin gene expression. In EXP I, jugular blood samples were collected from gilts at 42 to 49 (n = 8), 105 to 112 (n = 8) and 140 to 154 (n = 8) d of age. Serum leptin concentrations increased (P < 0.05) with age and averaged 0.66, 2.7, and 3.0 ng/ml (pooled SE 0.21) for the 42- to 49-, 105- to 112-, and 140- to 154-d-old gilts, respectively. In EXP II, RNase protection assays were used to assess leptin mRNA in adipose tissue of ovariectomized gilts at 90 (n = 12), 150 (n = 11) or 210 (n = 12) d of age. Six pigs from each age group received estradiol (E) osmotic pump implants and the remaining animals received vehicle control implants (C; Day 0). On Day 7, back fat and blood samples were collected. Estradiol treatment resulted in greater (P < 0.05) serum E levels in E (9 +/- 1 pg/ml) than C (3 +/- 1 pg/ml) pigs. Serum leptin concentrations were not affected by age, nor E treatment. Leptin mRNA expression was not increased by age in C pigs nor by F in 90- and 150-d-old pigs. However, by 210 d of age, leptin mRNA expression was 2.5-fold greater (P < 0.01) in E-treated pigs compared to C animals. Serum insulin concentrations were similar between treatments for 210-d-old pigs. However, insulin concentrations were greater (P < 0.05) in E than C pigs at 90 d and greater in C than E animals at 150 d. Plasma glucose and serum insulin-like growth factor-I concentrations were not influenced by treatment. These results demonstrate that serum leptin concentrations increased with age and E-induced leptin mRNA expression is age- and weight-dependent.  相似文献   

In experiment 1, nine light horse geldings (three 3 x 3 Latin squares) received dexamethasone (DEX; 125 microg/kg BW, i.m.), glucose (0.2 g/kg BW, i.v.), or nothing (control) once per day for 4 days. DEX increased (P < 0.001) glucose, insulin, and leptin concentrations and resulted in a delayed increase (P < 0.001) in IGF-I concentrations. In experiment 2, mares were similarly treated with DEX (n = 6) or vehicle (n = 6). DEX again increased (P < 0.01) glucose, insulin, and leptin concentrations; the delayed elevation in IGF-I concentrations occurred on day 10, 12, and 19, relative to the first day of treatment. In experiment 3, six light horse geldings received either 200 IU of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) i.m. or vehicle twice daily for 4 days. ACTH increased (P < 0.001) cortisol concentrations. Further, ACTH resulted in increases (P < 0.01) glucose, insulin, and leptin concentrations. In experiment 4, plasma samples from four light horse stallions that were fed 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil (PTU) at 6 mg/kg BW for 60 days to induce hypothyroidism were compared to samples from control stallions. On day 52, stallions receiving PTU had lower concentrations of thyroxine (P < 0.05) and triiodothyronine (P < 0.01) and higher (P < 0.01) concentrations of TSH. Leptin concentrations were higher (P < 0.01) in PTU-fed stallions from day 10 through 52. In conclusion, circulating concentrations of leptin in horses was increased by administering DEX. Treatment with ACTH increased cortisol and resulted in lesser increases in leptin, glucose, and insulin. In addition, PTU feeding results in lesser increases in leptin concentrations.  相似文献   

An acute phase reaction was elicited in four horses to which Freund's adjuvant was administered intramuscularly. The localised inflammation was accompanied by changes in the plasma concentrations of copper, iron and zinc. The plasma copper concentration, the plasma ceruloplasmin copper concentration and the ceruloplasmin oxidase activity in the plasma steadily increased to a maximum 24 days after the administration of the adjuvant. At this time, the plasma copper concentration was 2.2 micrograms/ml, a 90 per cent increase over the baseline concentration. The ratio of the concentration of plasma ceruloplasmin copper to plasma copper remained constant, indicating that the non-ceruloplasmin bound copper component of the plasma is also an acute phase reactant in the horse. The plasma zinc and iron concentrations decreased to 59 per cent and 30 per cent of their respective baseline concentrations and the severity of the inflammation appeared to influence the plasma concentrations of each metal. Weak correlations between the plasma fibrinogen concentration and the plasma copper and zinc concentrations of 25 horses with plasma fibrinogen concentrations of 5 g/litre or greater indicated that a single measurement of plasma copper concentration is not useful in the diagnosis of non-specific inflammatory disorders of the horse. However, the results suggest that the plasma copper concentrations in serial samples may be used to monitor the resolution of inflammatory disorders in the horse.  相似文献   

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