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物流保鲜是影响农产品质量的重要因素之一。考虑消费者的鲜度敏感性和渠道偏好,构建了自营保鲜和保鲜外包两种情形下,生产商、零售商和冷链物流服务商的序贯博弈模型,求解出最优定价和鲜度水平。借助数值试验,分析了保鲜成本和保鲜服务价格对生产商和零售商的保鲜方式选择及渠道鲜度差异的影响。结果表明:无论生产商还是零售商,选择保鲜外包的农产品鲜度与保鲜成本呈负相关、与保鲜价格呈正相关。零售商总是选择自己保鲜,但是保鲜水平(或保鲜价格)高于(或低于)一定阈值后,生产商会选择保鲜外包,此时线下渠道与线上渠道的鲜度趋近。若保鲜水平较低,冷链物流服务商倾向于承接零售商保鲜外包,反之承接生产商保鲜外包,但是承接生产商保鲜外包的供应链系统利润更大。  相似文献   

不同保鲜模式对生鲜农产品供应链系统利润的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对消费者对生鲜农产品保鲜要求高但企业保鲜意识不足的问题,研究了不同保鲜模式对生鲜农产品供应链系统利润的影响。采用迭代关系表示生鲜农产品新鲜度,依据成员是否保鲜将保鲜模式分为8类,构建不同保鲜模式下的生鲜农产品供应链系统利润模型,并求解不同保鲜模式下生鲜农产品供应链系统的最优决策参数和利润,分析影响供应链系统利润的因素,最后通过数值算例验证模型结论。研究表明,供应链系统三者(生产商、分销商、零售商)均保鲜时利润最大,降低成本或者降低运输时间均可使供应链系统的订货量和利润上升。  相似文献   

新零售+农产品:农产品品牌竞争力提升新思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着消费升级和新中产阶层的扩大,品牌化的农产品面临着发展机遇。新零售线上线下一体化的创新营销理念为提升我国农产品品牌竞争力提供了新思路,分析了当前农产品品牌价值提升的困境,阐述了新零售的内涵,提出了农产品品牌竞争力提升策略。  相似文献   

现阶段种业渠道的现状与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
渠道决定成败,谁掌控了渠道谁就掌握了市场。销售渠道又称配销通路、分销路线、销售分配渠道,是指商品从生产者向消费者转移时所经过的渠道线路,以及设置的相应市场销售机构。也就是种子企业通过什么样的途径,把自己的种子销售到千家万户的过程。  相似文献   

正当前市场低迷形势下农资经销商的生态环境可谓是恶劣至极,一方面是整个农产品行情的持续走低,导致种植户购买使用优质农资的热情大大降低;一方面是经销商同行降价的恶性竞争,使得农资经销商的利润一降再降,一度达到了冰点以下。那么,在这种情况下作为农资经销商来说该怎样提高自己的利润呢?笔者根据自己的走访和感悟分析如下:一、规划好自己的产品线1.清库存。把积压多年的陈货杂货抓紧时间清理出去,不要占压资金和仓库。一般库存越多对你自己的销售影  相似文献   

<正>在当前的农药市场上,"窜货"现象普遍。所谓"窜货",就是经销商钻了厂家的渠道管理制度的空子,通过非正常的渠道取得更便宜的货源,以求获得更大的利润。表面上损害了那些按规矩办事的经销商的利益,实质上降低了经销商对产品乃至企业的忠诚度,削弱了其市场竞争力。笔者认为,这种现象可以避免,但现有阶段实现很难。笔者认为,"窜货"问题是长期不规范市场竞争机制而产生的一种"遗祸"。  相似文献   

线上线下混合式教学是当前高职教育探索的热点和未来发展的趋势。针对"食品感官评定技术"易学易懂、实践操作性强的特点,将线上微课与线下面授教学相结合,对线上讲授基础知识与易错点、线下指导学生实践操作相结合的教学模式进行了探索。实践表明,线上线下混合式教学模式减少了教师在课堂上知识点讲解时间,增加了学生实操时间,更好地促进学生自主学习,有利于教师对学生提供差异化辅导、提高教学质量。  相似文献   

正新年伊始,新冠肺炎疫情让花卉行业从业者面临巨大挑战,也进一步放大了困扰行业多年的顽疾。同质化生产、业务模式单一、利润不强、抗风险能力差的企业面临淘汰,提升产品品质、丰富流通渠道和销售模式、拥有快速变通能力等成为大家深入思考的话题。虹越作为国内领先的花卉园艺综合性企业,历经20年的发展,具有整合全球优势资源能力,通过强有力的线上线下渠道,源源不断向客户提供优质产品和服务。基于业务发展需要和市场变化趋势,虹越从去年下半年开始推出招募合伙人计划,从最初的城市合伙人,  相似文献   

分析了高职“食品生物化学”课程的教学现状,构建了基于SPOC的线上线下混合式教学模式。在这种教学模式中,充分发挥信息技术的优势实现线上线下教学内容的有机融合;注意多种教学方法灵活应用,实现良好的教学互动氛围;建设高质量的在线课程,激发学生的求知欲;强化学习反馈,促进学习效果与能力稳步提升。线上线下混合式教学的实践,解决了学时少和部分学生学习兴趣不浓的问题,有效促进高职学生的自主学习,提高了教学质量。  相似文献   

由于农产品的季节性播种、季节性收获的特征,决定了以农产品为主要原料的加工企业客观上存在着季节性收购问题。近几年来,农产品加工龙头企业的季节性收购资金的需求问题在社会上引起了越来越多的关注。从企业角度来说,收购资金的不足影响了企业满负荷生产及产品的销售,经营困难,效益下降;从政府和社会的角度来说,“三农”问题向来是政府工作的重中之重,也是社会关注的焦点。  相似文献   

Perishable products need to be sold up before a fix time which is usually called product's lifetime.As the salvage of perished products is almost zero,and the demand is uncertainty,retailers usually set the product's price dynamically to influence the demand.When retailer's dynamic pricing policy is considered,we wonder which contracts can realize the supply chain coordination.Three typical contracts-return contract,price discount contract and revenue sharing contract are analyzed.Only revenue sharing contract among the three can realize supply chain coordination under dynamic pricing policy.The extension of price discount policy quantity-price discount policy,can also realize supply chain coordination under dynamic pricing policy.  相似文献   

Water supply in small towns is one of the important components of the small towns' economy and society development.Based on the actual condition of water supply system,this paper analyzes the problems existed in water supply system of small towns,such as gradually polluted sources,imperfect water supply facilities,smaller scales,unreasonable quantity and so on.In addition,the corresponding measures are put forward to guarantee water supply system develop speed in small towns.Those countermeasures are launching sources protection work to guarantee the drinking water safety according to the character of the small town,then adopts reasonable water supply style,chooses economy water processing method,optimizes water network system construction;selects reasonable quantity consumption quota,and carries out gradually the regional water supply mode in conditional small towns.  相似文献   

A number of problems exist in water supply to Chinese small towns. Among them, the most significant problems are the scarcity of water source and irregularity of water supply system construction. Criteria for routine water sources are established based on the analysis of present characteristics and problems of water supplying in different areas in China, recommending that water source with onsite characteristics and non-traditional features act as water supply sources or backup sources. Karst water, rainwater catchment utilization, and municipal wastewater reuse are singled out as promising ways for water supply in the future. Then different water supply systems are classified for various types of towns to employ. Finally, framework for regional water supply is advised strongly for the three types of small towns with the consideration of respective economic level. Thus, feasible, stable, effective and cost-saving water supply systems are setting up for decision making.  相似文献   

傅丽芳  魏薇 《中国农学通报》2015,31(26):250-254
为了促进农产品生产资源配置合理化、提高农产品供应链整体运行效率,对农产品供应链进行了综合评价分析。针对传统DEA方法忽略了供应链内在结构机理等问题,提出了基于网络DEA(Network DEA-NDEA)的供应链综合效率评价模型,并对2010—2012年黑龙江省各地区的农业生产现状进行实证分析和模型应用。结果表明:相比传统DEA方法,网络DEA对有效性的要求更高,能够给出更多的信息,评价结果更加合理。该评价模型更符合供应链网络结构特点及个体间相互协作关系,能够分析供应链内部结构中效率低下的具体环节,为优化资源配置、提高整体运行效率提供科学的依据和决策参考,提高评价的有效性和可靠性。  相似文献   

While lots of enterprises use the single point buying model to make profits, few of them noticethe fact that the business complexitieswill finally shift to each pole of the supply chain, therefore, greatly increaseother enterprises'workloads, especially for suppliers. This shows the necessityof supply chain's complexity analysis under the single point buying circumstances. On the basis of the previous research, the frameworkof complexityanalysis for enterprises is built.It is pointed out that the five stages for the complexity analysis of the supply chain are advanced, and an exampleis given to show how the complexitiescaused by single point buying shift betweenbuyers and suppliers. On the basis of data analysis, a general mathematics model which could define the complexity relationships among the entitieson the supply chain is given and the model can help enterprises to Through comparingeach participants on supply chain, their relationship canbe clarified, and the effectof the improvement of the supply chain relationship can be predicted Through systematically comparing process, product line and production, enterprises' inner productiontransformcanbe guided.  相似文献   

The problems are discussed in positive pressure mechanical air supply system design, when the actual status is far different from what figures in the code based. Expressions must be used to determine the supply air rate. The rate between length and width of rectangle air channel should be less than 6. To avoid some uncertain factor, correction factor for absolute coarseness should choose the bigger figure. The smoke control and extraction design of smoke controlling stair hall must be divide into two parts: The overground and the underground. When setting positive pressure mechanical air supply system in smoke controlling stair hall, the outer window in the hall must be fixed. To insure the inner surface of smoke controlling stair hall keep compact and lubricity, communion should be done with governor of builders.  相似文献   

不同磷效率棉花根系形态和磷酸酶活性对供磷强度的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】研究不同磷效率棉花品种的根系形态和磷酸酶活性对不同供磷强度的响应。【方法】以前期筛选获得的磷高效品种新陆早19号和磷低效品种新陆早13号为材料,通过营养液培养比较不同供磷强度下各品种生物量、磷含量、根系形态和磷酸酶活性的变化。【结果】供磷强度达到50μmol·L~(-1)后,棉花生物量和根系长度不再随供磷强度增加而增加。棉花根表分泌磷酸酶活性随供磷强度增加而急剧下降,营养液实际p H下根系分泌的酸性磷酸酶活性与植株磷浓度显著负相关。根系形态对供磷强度的响应不敏感,仅在不供磷与供磷条件下存在显著差异。2个品种在磷效率方面的差异主要表现在磷的利用效率上,在供磷强度为0~250μmol·L~(-1)条件下,新陆早19号的磷利用效率显著高于新陆早13号。【结论】棉花根系形态特征参数和根系分泌质子与有机酸的数量对供磷强度的响应不敏感。不同磷利用效率品种的发现对于今后棉花节磷增效的生物学潜力与调控途径的研究提供了十分有效的实验材料。  相似文献   

The combinationof networked manufacturing and supply chain can integrate the design resource, intelligenceresource and manufacturing resource more efficaciously. Based on the compareand analysisof characteristics of the networked manufacturing and supply chain, the mode of networked manufacturing based on supply chain is brought forward, it combines and integrates supply chain and networked manufacturing to attain the effects of the complementarityof the dominanceof each other, and makes the reality of networked manufacturing more convenience, shortcutand efficiency. Based on the solution, the architecture and an operation mode of networked manufacturing based on supply chain are put forward. Finally, the applicationof networked manufacturing based on supply chain to ceramics industry is studied. Through the implementof the networked manufacturing which is based on the Supply chain dynamic allianceof ceramics industry, the process of from gaining demand information to putting products in the market is finished.  相似文献   

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