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Precise field experiments were established on two sites with winter wheat under different soil-climatic conditions in the Czech Republic. Four treatments were fertilized with same dose of nitrogen (200 kg N ha?1) and increasing dose of sulphur (0, 10, 20 and 40 kg S ha?1) using nitrogen–sulphur (N–S) fertilizer with calcium sulphate form. Soil and plant aboveground biomass samples were taken in the stages of development BBCH 26–28; 30–32; 37–39; 49–51. The winter wheat grain yield ranged between 7.20 and 10.86 t ha?1 and had an increasing trend with increasing sulphur dose. Although the differences were usually not statistically significant, there were found increasing tendencies of bioavailable sulphur content in soil with increasing S split doses. Soil S content decreased with time probably due to plant uptake. Sulphur dose did not influence the S content in plant aboveground biomass. The total S contents in grain after harvest ranged between 0.09% and 0.14% and were not significantly influenced with the fertilizing treatment. The same statement is valid for the S content in straw, which ranged between 0.03% and 0.11%. Both, S content in winter wheat seeds and straw were strongly influenced by the site conditions.  相似文献   


In the attempt to find new products which release nutrients in gradual forms, the behavior of two commercial fertilizers was studied, Nitrophoska® (N) and urea (U), covered with two organic materials, humic acid (HA) and alginic acid (AA). The release of nitrogen from the fertilizers was determined by electroultrafiltration (EUF). These applied materials on the fertilizer surface resulted in a slowing of the release of nitrogen, although strictly speaking, these compounds do not function as coated fertilizers. Their effectiveness depends on the fertilizer, for with Nitrophoska®, the addition of alginic acid was more effective, while for urea, the addition of humic acid slowed the release of nitrogen.  相似文献   

The presented results originate from a field experiment established in 1972 on an Eutric cambisol with two main factors: soil tillage (conventional‐, reduced‐, and no‐tillage) and NPK fertilization. The test plants were maize and winter wheat in two years rotation.

The long‐term soil fertility without and with optimum fertilization, the influence of fertilization, tillage and crop sequence on grain yields, the organic carbon content (Corg) and the nitrate infiltration are discussed.

In the course of years without any NPK fertilization grain yields of maize and winter wheat decreased significantly and reached a minimum level which was modified however by the actual climatic conditions. The analogous yield level of optimum NPK fertilization at maize showed a growing tendence while at wheat it remained mostly constant.

The method of soil tillage influenced grain yield of winter wheat to a lesser extent than the yield of maize. Grain yields of maize and winter wheat were consistently lower with no‐till as compared to reduced or conventional tillage, however the differences with w. wheat were much smaller. The effect of tillage was especially high at N0 P0 K0. Crop rotation had a positive effect on the yields of maize. For winter wheat at N0 P0 K0 oneself was the better forecrop, while at optimum N and PK maize performed a little better. Corgcontent of soil slightly increased in the course of 25 years not only on the fertilized plots but on the nil plots too. Increasing N‐doses showed only a little effect on the Corg. There was a little positive effect of no‐till on Corg content of soil as well as compared fall ploughing. Soil tillage did not much influence the total amount of nitrate in the soil profile. The distribution of nitrate‐N in the soil profile was more affected by the actual climatical circumstances than by the system of tillage. However big nitrate accumulations were found in the subsoil according to different soil tillage systems at some other times, as well as lack of it, which suppose the possibility of a relative quick nitrate infiltration.  相似文献   

Over-use of fertilizer in paddy fields could lead to agro-environmental pollution. Therefore, the Paddy Fertilizer Recommendation System (PFRS) application package was designed to aid in the dissemination of fertilizer recommendations for paddy fields. PFRS utilized geographical information system (GIS) ActiveX Controls, enabling the user to select a location of interest linked to a spatial database of paddy field soil characteristics. The application package also incorporated different soil fertilizer recommendation methods, forming a relational database. The application‘s structure conaiated primarily of building database queries using Standard Query Language (SQL) constructed during run-time, baaed on user provided spatial parameters of a selected location, the type of soil desired and paddy production criteria. PFRS, which was comprised of five modules including: File, View, Edit, Layer and Fertilizer/Model, provided the user with map-baaed fertilizer recommendations based on selected soil nutrient P and K map layers as well as N characteristica and land use maps.  相似文献   


Understanding seasonal soil nitrogen (N) availability patterns is necessary to assess corn (Zea mays L.) N needs following winter cover cropping. Therefore, a field study was initiated to track N availability for corn in conventional and no‐till systems and to determine the accuracy of several methods for assessing and predicting N availability for corn grown in cover crop systems. The experimental design was a systematic split‐split plot with fallow, hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth), rye (Secale cereale L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), rye+hairy vetch, and wheat+hairy vetch established as main plots and managed for conventional till and no‐till corn (split plots) to provide a range of soil N availability. The split‐split plot treatment was sidedressed with fertilizer N to give five N rates ranging from 0–300 kg N ha‐1 in 75 kg N ha‐1 increments. Soil and corn were sampled throughout the growing season in the 0 kg N ha‐1 check plots and corn grain yields were determined in all plots. Plant‐available N was greater following cover crops that contained hairy vetch, but tillage had no consistent affect on N availability. Corn grain yields were higher following hairy vetch with or without supplemental fertilizer N and averaged 11.6 Mg ha‐1 and 9.9 Mg ha‐1 following cover crops with and without hairy vetch, respectively. All cover crop by tillage treatment combinations responded to fertilizer N rate both years, but the presence of hairy vetch seldom reduced predicted fertilizer N need. Instead, hairy vetch in monoculture or biculture seemed to add to corn yield potential by an average of about 1.7 Mg ha‐1 (averaged over fertilizer N rates). Cover crop N contributions to corn varied considerably, likely due to cover crop N content and C:N ratio, residue management, climate, soil type, and the method used to assess and assign an N credit. The pre‐sidedress soil nitrate test (PSNT) accurately predicted fertilizer N responsive and N nonresponsive cover crop‐corn systems, but inorganic soil N concentrations within the PSNT critical inorganic soil N concentration range were not detected in this study.  相似文献   


Fertilizer placement for corn (Zea mays L.) has been a major concern for no‐tillage production systems. This 3‐yr study (1994 to 1996) evaluated fertilizer phosphorus (P) or potassium (K) rates and placement for no‐tillage corn on farmers’ fields. There were two sites for each experiment involving fertilizer P or K. Treatments consisted ofthe following fertilizer rates: 0,19,and 39 kg P ha‐1 or 0, 51, and 102 kg K ha‐I. The fertilizer was broadcast or added as a subsurface band 5 cm beside and 5 cm below the seed at planting. Early plant growth, nutrient concentrations, and grain yields were measured. At the initiation of the study, soil test levels for P and K at the 0–1 5 cm depths ranged from optimum (medium) to very high across sites. Effects of added fertilizer and placement on early plant growth and nutrient concentrations were inconsistent. Added fertilizer had a significant effect on grain yields in two of twelve site‐years. Therefore, on no‐tillage soils with high fertility, nutrient addition, and placement affected early plant growth and nutrient utilization, but had limited effect on grain yield. Consequently, crop responses to the additions of single element P or K fertilizers under no‐tillage practices and high testing soils may not result in grain yield advantages for corn producers in the Northern cornbelt regardless of placement method.  相似文献   

We evaluate the feasibility of using foliar-applied molybdenum, (Mo) instead of side-dressed nitrogen (N) in three experiments. In soils with native rhizobia, plants received 0, 30, 60, 90 or 120 kg N ha?1 with +Mo (80 g ha?1) or -Mo. N concentration in leaves (NCL) -Mo ranged from 35.1 to 42.5 g kg?1 and NCL +Mo from 40.3 to 49.2 g kg?1; yield -Mo ranged from 1560 to 3350 kg ha?1and yield +Mo from 2829 to 3567 kg ha?1. In two experiments, NCL or yield -Mo increased linearly or quadratically with increasing N rates, but NCL or yield +Mo did not. In one experiment, NCL increased linearly with increasing N rates and 16% with +Mo relative to –Mo, but yield was not affected significantly. Our results suggest that using Mo fertilizer instead of side-dressed N can allow common bean plants to meet crop demands for N to support yields as high as 3000 kg ha?1.  相似文献   

The concept of soil health has been extensively reviewed in the scientific literature, but there is only patchy and inconsistent information available to farmers and growers who are concerned about the declining condition of their soils and are looking for appropriate test methods and management interventions to help reverse it. Although there are well‐established laboratory methods for soil chemical analysis, and a range of laboratory and field methods for measuring soil physical properties, only now are methods starting to emerge for soil biological analysis. This study provides an overview of the methods that are currently available commercially (or are close to commercialization) for farmers and growers in the UK. We examine the science underpinning the methods, the value of the information provided and how farmers and advisors can use results from such assessments for informed decision‐making in relation to soil management.  相似文献   


The effect of S fertilization on S and N status and petiole NO3 ?‐N in cotton was observed during the growing seasons of 1980 and 1981. Four sites representing 2 soil subgroups were studied using a randomized complete block design with 4 replications. Leaf and petiole sampling began one week prior to bloom initiation and continued weekly for eight weeks. Leaf samples were analyzed for S and N and the petioles for NO3 ?‐N. Levels of leaf‐S varied directly with amounts of applied S. Leaf‐N and petiole NO3 ?‐N varied directly with amounts of applied N. Though not always significant, petiole NO3 ?‐N and leaf‐N showed negative correlations with leaf‐S. These results suggest that knowledge of the cotton plant S status may be necessary to interpret petiole NO3 ?‐N for N fertilization of cotton.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to determine the effect of nitrogen (N) fertilizer forms and doses on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) on three soils differing in their ammonium (NH4) fixation capacity [high = 161 mg fixed NH4-N kg?1 soil, medium = 31.5 mg fixed NH4-N kg?1 soil and no = nearly no fixed NH4-N kg?1 soil]. On high NH4+ fixing soil, 80 kg N ha?1 Urea+ ammonium nitrate [NH4NO3] or 240 kg N ha?1 ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4]+(NH4)2SO4, was required to obtain the maximum yield. Urea + NH4NO3 generally showed the highest significance in respect to the agronomic efficiency of N fertilizers. In the non NH4+ fixing soil, 80 kg N ha?1 urea+NH4NO3 was enough to obtain high grain yield. The agronomic efficiency of N fertilizers was generally higher in the non NH4+ fixing soil than in the others. Grain protein was highly affected by NH4+ fixation capacities and N doses. Harvest index was affected by the NH4+ fixation capacity at the 1% significance level.  相似文献   

通过对昆明西山山原红壤和红色石灰土的pH值和磁化率测试研究发现,山原红壤的pH值在4.0~5.8之间,呈酸性,质量磁化率在56 × 10-8~ 174× 10-8 m3/kg之间,pH值与磁化率呈明显的正相关关系;而红色石灰土pH值在6.0~8.4之间,磁化率为752× 10-8 ~5056×10-8m3/kg,pH值和磁化率呈负相关关系.该研究表明,在我国西南地区,土壤pH值和磁化率既存在明显的负相关关系也存在正相关关系.结合前人在其他地区的研究资料,进一步发现,土壤的酸碱环境可能是决定这些关系的重要因素.  相似文献   

TENG Ying  CHEN Wei 《土壤圈》2019,29(3):283-297
Bioremediation is a process mediated by microorganisms and represents a sustainable and eco-friendly way to degrade and detoxify environmental contaminants. Soil microbiomes clearly become a key component of bioremediation as they are more stable and efficient than pure cultures, being recognized as one of the scientific frontiers of the soil environmental science and technology fields. Recently, many advancements have been made regarding the investigation of remediation mechanisms by soil microbiomes and the interactions inside them. This has greatly expanded our ability to characterize the remediating function of soil microbiomes and identify the factors that influence their efficiency for remediation. Here, we suggest that soil microbiomes are a promising strategy for soil remediation. Research is now needed to identify how we can manipulate and manage soil microbiomes to improve remediation efficiency and increase soil fertility at the same time. Therefore, this review aims to emphasize the importance of soil microbiomes in bioremediation and promote further development of this strategy into a widely accepted technique.  相似文献   


The influence of solid urban waste (SUW) compost and nitrogen (N)‐mineral fertilizer on the growth and productivity in semi‐early harvest potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L, var. ‘Edzina') was studied over a period of three years. Nine treatments derived from a factorial combination of 3 levels of SUW compost (0, 18, 36 T#lbha‐1) and 3 levels of N‐mineral fertilizer (0, 125, 250 Kg N ha‐1) were carried out on a sandy, moderately fertile plot. The applications of SUW compost and N‐mineral fertilizer showed a stimulation in plant development with respect to the non‐treated controls. The mineral fertilizer treatment gave markedly higher results. Plant response to the combined mineral fertilizer‐compost treatments demonstrated a tendency towards saturation within each level of application. Potato productivity results indicated that this crop reacts strongly and positively to an application of N‐mineral fertilizer, but only slightly to the treatment levels of compost considered in the study. As a consequence of the application of SUW compost, the application‐response graphs reveal a reduction in the optimal levels of N‐mineral fertilizer application and an increase in the efficacy of the mineral fertilizer.  相似文献   

Acidification of manure, digestate and their processed derivatives has been proposed as a technique to, amongst others, mitigate ammonia emissions related to application in the field. The current study investigated whether acidification of (1) pig slurry (PS), (2) liquid fraction of pig slurry (LFPS), (3) digestate (DIG), and (4) liquid fraction of digestate (LFDIG) increases their nitrogen (N) fertilizer replacement value (NFRV) as compared to non‐acidified counterparts, a synthetic N fertilizer (calcium ammonium nitrate; CAN) and an unfertilized control. Product performance was evaluated from the perspective of (1) crop development (yield, nutrient uptake, and crop quality assessment) via a pot experiment with Lactuca sativa L. and (2) soil N dynamics [net N release (Nrel,net) and net N mineralization] via a soil incubation experiment. Crop yield of pots receiving bio‐based fertilizers performed ‘on par' with CAN as compared to unfertilized control, implying that bio‐based fertilizers derived from digestate or manure could potentially play a role in replacing synthetic N fertilizers. However, our findings also suggest that acidification did not result in an increased use efficiency of applied N. NFRVs of acidified products were below those of non‐acidified products and CAN, with crop yield on average 6–13% and 11–18% lower compared to non‐acidified products and the CAN treatment, respectively. A possible explanation for lower performance as compared to non‐acidified products could be an inhibitory delay in the Nrel,net, which in our experimental design proved to be negative for crops with short production cycles. This pattern was revealed in the incubation experiments in which Nrel,net in acidified products remained below that of non‐acidified, in this study tentatively attributed to immobilization of mineral N. However, this negative effect on N availability should be reaffirmed in crops with longer production cycles. Finally, some interesting findings with regard to plant composition also warrant further in‐depth investigation, e.g ., Zn uptake by lettuce in acidified treatments was significantly higher than that of non‐acidified treatments. This implies that product pre‐treatment may play a future role in biofortification and amelioration of (trace) element composition of crops (arguably for crops with longer production cycles). Improving crop nutritional value by increased uptake of micronutrients is receiving increasing attention.  相似文献   


This paper reviews the published methods of nitrate‐nitrogen (NO3‐N) determination with the objective to assess their applicability to soil and plant tissue anarysis. The methods are separated into three categories on the basis of the analytical approach utilized for NO3‐N determination. Strengths and weaknesses of the methods are discussed. The first analytical approach utilitizes direct measurement of NO3‐N by the following methods: (a) colorimetric (after a color producing reaction with NO3‐N), (b) potentiometric, (c) absorption of UV radiation by NO3‐N in a complex matrix, (d) transnitration of salicylic acid, and (e) chromatographic (separation and measurement of NO3‐N) methods. The second approach is based on the reduction of NO3‐N to nitrite‐nitrogen (NO2‐N), ammonium‐nitrogen (NH4‐N), or nitric oxide and measurement of the reduction product. When NO3‐N is reduced to NO2‐N, the measurement may be achieved by (a) colorimetric, (b) fluorimetric, (c) coulometric, and (d) catalytic kinetic methods. When NO3‐N is reduced to NH4‐N, the measurement is done by (a) colorimetric (after a color producing reaction with NH4), (b) potentiometric, (c) steam distillation, and (d) gas diffussion conductimetric methods. A chemiluminescence detection method is utilized when NO3‐N is reduced to nitric oxide. The third approach determines NO3‐N concentration by measuring the change in the concentration of the chemical species that react with NO3‐N and form a complex.  相似文献   

The field study investigated the relationship of Minolta SPAD 502 (SPAD) readings to applied nitrogen (N) fertilizer rate, corn (Zea mays L.) yield, and leaf N concentration. The experiment was conducted on a total of six sites in Illinois during 1991 and 1992. Ten different open pedigree corn hybrids were grown at a final population of 65,000 plants ha‐1. Nitrogen was applied at four rates(0, 90, 180, and 270 kgN ha‐1) as 28% liquid N solution. Significant main effects of environment (E), and hybrid (H), and E x H interaction were detected for all measured parameters. SPAD readings and leaf N concentration at all sampling times (V7, R1, and R4) as well as grain N concentration were affected by N fertilizer rate. Maximum mean grain yield and maximum grain N concentration were obtained at 110 and 195 kg N ha‐1, respectively. At all sampling times the correlation of SPAD readings to N fertilizer rate were low but significant (R=0.22 at V7 and R1, R=0.11 at R4). SPAD correlation to corresponding leaf N concentration improved over time. The Pearson correlation was R=0.33 at V7 and increased to R=0.78 at R4. The SPAD meter did a good job at providing a measure of the relative greenness of living leaves at a specific point in time. Chlorophyll readings can therefore be useful in detecting N deficiencies in growing crops. But, the SPAD meter cannot be used to make accurate predictions of how much fertilizer N will be needed by a crop during the future growing season. We conclude then that the SPAD meter will be most useful as a diagnostic aid rather than a tool for N management in corn.  相似文献   


A statistical comparison of data collected from two cotton production fields with a history of either commercial fertilizer or sludge amendments showed significantly different nitrate‐nitrogen (N) concentrations in time and space. The sludge‐amended field had high nitrate concentrations in the root zone (1.5 m) throughout the season. Whereas, the fertilized field showed low nitrate‐N concentrations during the same period. Both fields showed significant increases in nitrate‐N following pre‐plant irrigation events, and significant decreases of nitrate‐N in the root zone during the growing season. Following harvest, the sludge‐amended field had very large reserve of nitrate‐N in the profile. The spatial variabilities, as determined by the % coefficients of variations (CVs) of eight cores per sampling event, of nitrate‐N distributions where large in both fields, 69% and 90% for the sludge and fertilizer field, respectively. The estimated nitrate‐N leaching losses were much higher in the sludge‐amended than the fertilized field. Significant leaching losses in the sludge‐amended field were likely the result of year‐to‐year sludge residue accumulations that mineralize and release nitrate‐N in the zone of incorporation (0–30 cm).  相似文献   

The Australian grains industry relies on mineralized nitrogen (N) from soil organic matter and plant residues, but fertilizer N is increasingly needed to optimize yields. Most farmers are guided on N fertilizer requirements by commercial crop advisors. We surveyed (n = 132) and interviewed (n = 11) New South Wales grains advisors to gauge the usage of soil process understanding, soil data and decision support systems (DSSs) when developing N recommendations. Soil moisture at sowing, seasonal forecasts, crop rotation, soil mineral N, financial risk profiles and paddock history were all used to prepare N fertilizer advice, but stored soil moisture was most important. Farmer confidence in soil N testing was low due to high spatial variability. Most advisors calculated N fertilizer required for yields within 10%–15% of crop potential, but clients’ attitude to financial risk guided final N recommendations. Conservative growers preferred a low input system, while more reliable rainfall or greater reliance on stored soil water led growers to apply higher N rates to maximize long‐term profits. Advisors preferred “rules‐of‐thumb,” simple DSSs and knowledge of crop growth, to elaborate DSSs requiring detailed inputs and soil characterization. Few used in‐crop N sensing. N decision methodologies need to be updated to account for changes in soil fertility, cropping systems and farming practices. New research is needed to answer practical questions regarding soil N mineralization and N losses associated with alternative N application practices and extreme weather events. Training of new advisors in N processes and DSS use needs to be ongoing.  相似文献   

Low and moderate rates of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) fertilizer were applied in late winter or late summer to mature ‘d'Anjou’ pear (Pyrus communis, L.) trees (planted 1963, 1965) from 1976 to 1994. Data on cold tolerance, nutrition, yield and fruit quality in relation to nitrogen (N) fertilization were collected between 1980 and 1988. Early autumn cold tolerance was higher for trees receiving low N rates versus moderate N rates in either late winter or late summer. In late autumn and early winter, cold tolerance increased for all trees, and little difference in winter hardiness existed for any N treatment. By mid‐winter, cold tolerance was higher for trees receiving the moderate rate of N in late winter versus low N in late summer. Cold tolerance was relatively high throughout autumn and winter freeze‐test periods for trees fertilized with low N in late winter. Tree vigor, fruit size, leaf N, and fruit N were highest for trees receiving the late winter, moderate rate of N. Yield was lowest, but fruit firmness, fruit quality and fruit calcium (Ca) concentrations were highest for trees treated with the late winter, low rate of N. The incidence of cork spot was lower from trees with the late winter, low N treatment than for the late summer, moderate N‐treated trees.  相似文献   

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