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长期不同施肥下黑土与灰漠土有机碳储量的变化   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用长期试验,研究了20年不同施肥下1 m深黑土与灰漠土有机碳含量与碳储量的剖面变化。结果表明,单施化肥和不施肥对黑土1 m土层有机碳储量没有显著影响,但灰漠土略有降低。有机肥配施化肥能显著提高土壤有机碳含量和储量。高量有机肥配施化肥(NPKM2)能提高020 cm和2040 cm土层土壤有机碳含量,黑土分别提高56.6%和49.6%、灰漠土提高143.1%和46.9%;常量有机无机配施(NPKM)效果较差,增幅分别为黑土35.1%和35.3%,灰漠土80.2%和4.1%。两种土壤1 m土体的有机碳储量,NPKM2处理分别提高了C 30.7 t/hm2与C 40.6 t/hm2。显然,有机无机肥配施可以显著提高1 m深土体中有机碳储量,主要是由于提高了040 cm土层土壤有机碳含量。  相似文献   

有机物料碳和土壤有机碳对水稻土甲烷排放的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于30年水稻土长期施肥定位试验,在保证原有定位试验正常开展的前提下,将部分化肥处理变更为有机肥处理(或反之),通过观测一年水稻轮作周期内不同处理甲烷(CH_4)排放通量季节性变化,探讨不同肥力水稻土中外源有机碳及土壤有机碳含量对田间CH_4排放的影响。结果表明:施化肥处理和有机肥处理,水稻土全年CH_4累积排放量范围分别为1.73~4.72和35.09~86.60 g·m~(-2)。有机肥处理改施化肥后,田间土壤CH_4的排放量显著降低;化肥处理改施有机肥或有机肥处理增施有机肥后,田间土壤CH_4的排放量显著提高。外源有机碳的输入量是田间土壤CH_4年排放量的决定性因素,外源有机碳输入量(x)与水稻土CH_4年累积排放量(y)之间满足直线方程:y=0.087 7 x+3.265 7(R~2=0.965 9,n=21)。土壤有机碳同样也是影响稻田CH_4排放的因素,在不同有机碳水平的水稻土上施用等量相同化肥或有机肥,土壤有机碳含量高的水稻土都更有利于CH_4的产生。单施化肥稻田土壤CH_4排放的最主要碳源是土壤有机碳,有机碳含量(x)和水稻土CH_4年累积排放量(y)之间的指数方程:y=0.162 4 e~(0.162 2 x)(R~2=0.940 6,n=9)。有机肥可促进土壤有机碳分解释放CH_4,土壤有机碳含量相同的条件下,高量有机肥比常量有机肥的土壤有机碳分解比率高0.65%,等量相同有机肥但土壤有机碳含量不同的条件下,土壤有机碳分解比率无显著差异;同样,土壤有机碳也可促进有机物料碳分解释放CH_4,在常量有机肥或高量有机肥处理中,土壤有机碳含量高者比低者的有机物料碳分解比率分别多出3.57%和2.34%。  相似文献   

  【目的】  提高土壤有机碳水平对提升农田生产力有重要意义。基于长期定位施肥试验,比较施肥影响下相同成土母质发育的红壤性稻田和旱地土壤的总有机碳 (TOC) 及其组分的积累差异,以深入理解红壤有机碳的固持及稳定机制。  【方法】  稻田和旱地长期施肥试验分别始于1981和1986年,包含CK (不施肥对照)、NPK (施氮磷钾化肥) 和NPKM (有机无机肥配施) 3个处理,在2017年晚稻和晚玉米收获后,采集两个试验上述处理的耕层 (0—20 cm) 土样,通过硫酸水解法分离土壤活性与惰性有机碳,测定并计算土壤中TOC及其组分的含量及储量,并利用Jenny模型拟合试验期间耕层土壤TOC含量的变化动态,估算土壤固碳潜力。  【结果】  与CK相比,长期施肥可提高稻田和旱地土壤各有机碳组分的含量,且NPKM处理的效果优于NPK处理。相比于稻田土壤,施肥对旱地土壤各有机碳组分含量的提升更加明显。NPK和NPKM处理下,旱地土壤活性有机碳组分Ⅰ、活性有机碳组分Ⅱ、惰性有机碳含量的增幅分别是稻田土壤的2.7、2.7、5.8倍和2.0、1.4和2.5倍。不论施肥与否,稻田土壤TOC的固存量和固存潜力均显著高于旱地土壤。施肥促进土壤固碳,在稻田和旱地土壤上,NPKM处理的TOC固存量分别是NPK处理的1.7和25.5倍,TOC固存潜力则分别是NPK处理的1.4和5.8倍。长期不同施肥均显著提高稻田和旱地土壤年均碳投入量,线性拟合方程表明,随碳投入量增加,土壤活性有机碳储量的累积对稻田、旱地土壤TOC储量累积的贡献率分别达64.7%、44.6%。不同处理间稻田与旱地土壤活性有机碳 (包括活性有机碳组分Ⅰ与活性有机碳组分Ⅱ) 含量的差异可解释其TOC含量差异的52.9%~60.0%。  【结论】  与施氮磷钾化肥相比,有机无机肥配施可更好的促进土壤固碳,且在旱地土壤上的促进作用比在稻田土壤上更为明显。与稻田土壤相比,旱地土壤各有机碳组分含量的变化对长期施肥的响应更敏感,且在施氮磷钾化肥条件下表现更为明显。红壤性稻田和旱地土壤TOC积累的主要贡献组分分别为活性有机碳和惰性有机碳。红壤植稻虽有利于有机碳固持,但红壤性稻田土壤的活性碳占比较高,可能易因不当管理而发生损失。  相似文献   

长期施肥对土黑碳积累的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过长期定位试验,探讨了20年不施肥(CK)、 单施化肥(NPK)、 秸秆和化肥配施(SNPK)、 常量有机肥和化肥配施(M1NPK)以及高量有机肥和化肥配施(M2NPK)5个施肥处理对土中黑碳含量及积累的影响。结果表明: 与CK处理相比,NKP处理对黑碳含量和积累没有明显影响; 有机肥和化肥配施(M1NPK、 M2NPK)对耕层(020 cm)土壤黑碳含量的影响较大,与CK处理相比,在土壤表层(05 cm),M1NPK、 M2NPK分别提高了黑碳含量的108%和134%, 510 cm土层中黑碳含量增幅最高,分别提高164%和176%,在整个土层,M1NPK、 M2NPK处理分别增加了1.51和1.55倍; 秸秆和化肥配施(SNPK)下表层黑碳含量也有所增加,但增加幅度相对施用有机肥来说明明显较小。施肥对黑碳含量的影响主要发生在土壤表层,深层土壤黑碳受施肥影响较小。  相似文献   

Building up stocks of agricultural soil organic carbon (SOC) can improve soil conditions as well as contribute to climate change mitigation. As a metric, the ratio of SOC to clay offers a better predictor of soil condition than SOC alone, potentially providing a benchmark for ecosystem service payments. We determined SOC:clay ratios for 50 fields in the North Devon UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve using 30 cm soil cores (divided into 0–10 cm and 10–30 cm depth samples), with soil bulk density, soil moisture and land-use history recorded for each field. All the arable soils exceeded the minimum desirable SOC:clay ratio threshold, and the ley grassland soils generally exceeded it but were inconsistent at 10–30 cm. Land use was the primary factor driving SOC:clay ratios at 0–10 cm, with permanent pasture fields having the highest ratios followed by ley grass and then arable fields. Approximately half of the fields sampled had potential for building up SOC stock at 10–30 cm. However, at this depth, the effect of land use is significantly reduced. Within-field variability in SOC and clay was low (coefficient of variation was ~10%) at both 0–10 cm and 10–30 cm, suggesting that SOC:clay ratios precisely characterized the fields. Due to the high SOC:clay ratios found, we conclude that there is limited opportunity to market additional carbon sequestration as an asset class in the North Devon Biosphere or similar areas. Instead, preserving existing SOC stocks would be a more suitable ecosystem service payment basis.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) constitutes an important carbon input flux to forested mineral soils. Seepage from mineral subsoils contains only small amounts of DOC because of mineralization, sorption or the formation of particulate organic matter (POM). However, the relation between these processes is largely unknown. Therefore, the objective of this study was to quantify the mineralization of DOC from different depths of forest soils, and to determine degradation rate constants for rapidly and slowly degradable DOC pools. Mineralization of DOC and formation of POM in mineral soil solution from two forested sites in northern Bavaria (Germany) were quantified in a 97 days laboratory incubation experiment. Furthermore, spectroscopic properties such as specific UV absorption and a humification index derived from fluorescence emission spectrometry were measured before and after incubation. DOC in all samples turned out to belong mainly to the stable DOC pool (> 95 %) with half‐lives ranging from years to decades. Spectroscopic properties were not suitable to predict the mineralization of DOC from mineral soils. However, together with data on DOC from the forest floor and long‐term data on DOC concentrations in the field they helped to identify the processes involved in C sequestration in mineral subsoils. Mineralization, formation of POM, and probably sorption seem all to be responsible for maintaining low concentrations of DOC in the upper mineral soil. DOC below the upper mineral soil is highly resistant to mineralization, and thus the further decrease of DOC concentrations in the subsoil as observed under field conditions cannot be attributed to mineralization. Our results suggest that sorption and to some minor extent the formation of POM may be responsible for C sequestration in the subsoil.  相似文献   


A meta-analysis of 297 treatment data from the Vezaiciai Branch of the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry long-term field experiment published from 2006 to 2015 was used to characterize the changes in SOC under different fertilization treatments and residue management practices in Lithuania’s acid soil. A meta-analysis was performed to quantify the relative annual change (RAC) of SOC content and the average RAC rate of SOC under four fertilization modes (farmyard manure (FYM) (40?t?ha?1)); alternative organic fertilizers (in the manure background (40?t?ha?1)); FYM (60?t?ha?1); alternative organic fertilizers (in the manure background (60?t?ha?1)) in two soil backgrounds (naturally acid and limed soil). The average RAC under four fertilization modes was 1.46 g?kg?1?yr?1, indicating that long-term fertilization had considerable SOC sequestration potential. Incorporation of alternative organic fertilizers in unlimed soil showed negative effects (?0.39 and ?0.66 g?kg?1?yr?1) in the observed long-term experiment. The RAC in the limed soil with incorporated organic fertilizers (FYM and alternative organic fertilizers), compared to the control, and varied from 0.25 g?kg?1?yr?1 in the treatment with incorporated alternative organic fertilizers (in the manure background (40?t?ha?1)) to 0.71 g?kg?1?yr?1 in the soil with FYM (60?t?ha?1). In this study, the average RAC rate of SOC under organic fertilization treatments in limed soil (5.07–6.54%) was longer than organic fertilization in unlimed soil (2.11–3.49%), which might be attributed to the application of organic manure that would result in a slow release of fertilizer efficiency. Our results indicate that the application of manure (40 or 60?t?ha?1) showed the greatest potential for C sequestration in agricultural soil and produced the longest SOC sequestration duration.  相似文献   

研究了长期不同施肥处理(化肥与秸秆配施、化肥与猪粪配施、单施化肥和不施肥)下,水稻土总有机碳和颗粒态有机碳的深度变化。结果表明,总有机碳(TOC)和颗粒态有机碳(POC)的深度分布都符合幂函数方程(Y=aX-b);不同的施肥处理主要影响耕层土壤的TOC和POC含量,POC分配比例在土壤深度上也有差异。其中,化肥与猪粪配施处理,由于有机物质的输入其TOC和POC含量显著高于其它3种处理;不施肥处理的POC含量显著高于单施化肥和秸秆配施化肥。并且,没有观察到耕层POC含量与不同小区的作物平均产量间的显著线性关系,这意味着土壤POC仅从含量来说,与作物生物量的输入并没有直接关系。而可能与施肥中的直接输入有较大关系。同时,POC含量与大团聚体颗粒组含量间的相关性不显著,说明不同施肥处理下POC的结构和性质可能发生了变异,导致其对大团聚体颗粒组形成及其稳定性的作用存在差异。可见,不同的施肥处理并没有改变TOC和POC的深度分布格局,只是改变了它们在耕层土壤的含量以及POC的分配比例。不同施肥处理下POC的结构性质及其稳定性的变化还有待于进一步的研究。  相似文献   

长期不同施肥方式下土壤有机碳的垂直分布及碳储量   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了研究施肥对土壤有机碳含量的影响,在湖北省农业科学院南湖实验站进行了25年不同施肥方式的长期定位试验。研究结果表明:与对照相比,除单施氮肥与单施有机肥外,其他施肥方式均提高了0~20cm土壤有机碳含量与碳储量;与对照及单施化肥相比,有机肥配施化肥均提高了0~20cm及0~100cm土壤有机碳含量与碳储量。单施化肥与单施有机肥对各土层土壤有机碳含量影响较小,且土壤有机碳累积少;而化肥配施有机肥提高了0~20cm与20~40cm土壤有机碳含量与碳储量。除对照及氮磷钾肥配施过量有机肥处理外,其他处理土壤全氮与有机碳含量间具有显著相关性。有机肥与化肥配合施用是提高农田土壤有机碳,增加土壤碳储量的有效方法。  相似文献   

The study was conducted in the international mineral and organic nitrogen fertilization trial (IOSDV) located in Keszthely in the western part of Hungary. The soil class of the study site was Ramann-type brown forest soil (Eutric Cambisol). The factors of the experiment are the increasing rate of mineral N fertilization and the complementary application of different forms of organic fertilizers in a three-course crop rotation (maize, winter wheat and winter barley) set up in 1983. The organic carbon content of the soil (Corg%) definitely increased after application of organic manure (OM), similarly to the average yield of the cultivated crops. After application of OM the increase in Corg content was 0.20%, and after straw + complementary N application it was 0.12%, compared with plots without organic manures. Mineral N fertilizer did not significantly influence the Corg content in soil over this period. Depending on the type of crop, the specific year and the N content of the soil, the combined application of mineral fertilizers and organic manures resulted in a 12–17% increase in crop yield, in general, whereas at maximum yields the increase accounted for 5–10%.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) has an important role in improving soil quality and sustainable production. A long-term fertilization study was conducted to investigate changes in SOC and its relation to soil physical properties in a rice paddy soil. The paddy soils analyzed were subjected to different fertilization practices: continuous application of inorganic fertilizers (NPK, N–P–K = 120–34.9–66.7 kg ha−1 yr−1 during 1967–1972 and 150–43.7–83.3 kg ha−1 yr−1 from 1973 to 2007), straw based compost (Compost, 10 Mg ha−1 yr−1), a combination of NPK + Compost, and no fertilization (control). Soil physical properties were investigated at rice harvesting stage in the 41st year for analyzing the relationship with SOC fraction. Continuous compost application increased the total SOC concentration in plough layers and improved soil physical properties. In contrast, inorganic or no fertilization markedly decreased SOC concentration resulting to a deterioration of soil physical health. Most of the SOC was the organo-mineral fraction (<0.053 mm size), accounting for over 70% of total SOC. Macro-aggregate SOC fraction (2–0.25 mm size), which is used as an indicator of soil quality rather than total SOC, covered 8–17% of total SOC. These two SOC fractions accumulated with the same tendency as the total SOC changes. Comparatively, micro-aggregate SOC (0.25–0.053 mm size), which has high correlation with physical properties, significantly decreased with time, irrespective of the inorganic fertilizers or compost application, but the mechanism of decrease is not clear. Conclusively, compost increased total SOC content and effective SOC fraction, thereby improving soil physical properties and sustaining production.  相似文献   

研究长期不同施肥处理对3种旱作土壤(黑土、潮土和红壤)及1种水田土壤(水稻土)活性有机碳含量(LOC)及碳库管理指数(CMI)的影响,为优化施肥管理措施提供科学依据。结果表明:水田土壤总有机碳含量(TOC)和LOC含量高于旱作土壤。单施化肥(NPK),旱作3种土壤TOC、LOC较不施肥对照(CK)显著增加,而水田较CK无显著差异。化肥配施秸秆处理(NPKS),旱作和水田土壤TOC、LOC、活性有机碳占总有机碳的比例(LOC/TOC)及CMI均显著增加,潮土TOC和LOC含量增加最多,增加比例分别为37.6%和66.9%。化肥配施有机肥处理(NPKM),旱作和水田土壤的TOC、LOC、LOC/TOC及CMI均显著增加,其中黑土增加比例最大,分别为90.3%、140.9%、5.1%及277%。旱作和水田土壤的活性有机碳及碳库管理指数均对施肥响应敏感,具有相对一致的响应特征,即长期有机无机肥配施能显著提高土壤活性有机碳含量及碳库管理指数,且效果优于化肥配施秸秆和单施化肥处理。  相似文献   

Tillage effect on organic carbon in a purple paddy soil   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The distribution and storage of soil organic carbon (SOC) based on a long-term experiment with various tillage systems were studied in a paddy soil derived from purple soil in Chongqing, China. Organic carbon storage in the 0-20 and 0-40 cm soil layers under different tillage systems were in an order: ridge tillage with rice-rape rotation (RT-rr) 〉 conventional tillage with rice only (CT-r) 〉 ridge tillage with rice only (RT-r) 〉 conventional tillage with rice-rape rotation (CT-rr). The RT-rr system had significantly higher levels of soil organic carbon in the 0-40 cm topsoil, while the proportion of the total remaining organic carbon in the total soil organic carbon in the 0-10 cm layer was greatest in the RT-rr system. This was the reason why the RT-rr system enhanced soil organic carbon storage. These showed that tillage system type was crucial for carbon storage. Carbon levels in soil humus and crop-yield results showed that the RT-rr system enhanced soil fertility and crop productivity. Adoption of this tillage system would be beneficial both for environmental protection and economic development.  相似文献   

A change in the European Union energy policy has markedly promoted the expansion of biogas production.Consequently,large amounts of nutrient-rich residues are being used as organic fertilizers.In this study,a pot experiment was conducted to simulate the high-risk situation of enhanced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions following organic fertilizer application in energy maize cultivation.We hypothesized that cattle slurry application enhanced CO2 and N2O fluxes compared to biogas digestate because of the overall higher carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) input,and that higher levels of CO2 and N2O emissions could be expected by increasing soil organic C (SOC) and N contents.Biogas digestate and cattle slurry,at a rate of 150 kg NH4+-N ha-1,were incorporated into 3 soil types with low,medium,and high SOC contents (Cambisol,Mollic Gleysol,and Sapric Histosol,termed Clow,Cmedium,and Chigh,respectively).The GHG exchange (CO2,CH4,and N2O) was measured on 5 replicates over a period of 22 d using the closed chamber technique.The application of cattle slurry resulted in significantly higher CO2 and N2O fluxes compared to the application of biogas digestate.No differences were observed in CH4 exchange,which was close to zero for all treatments.Significantly higher CO2 emissions were observed in Chigh compared to the other two soil types,whereas the highest N2O emissions were observed in Cmedium.Thus,the results demonstrate the importance of soil type-adapted fertilization with respect to changing soil physical and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

为研究GIS空间插值模拟与土壤类型法估算土壤有机碳(soil organic carbon,SOC)储量的适用性是否一致,该文以山东省3个典型县为例,通过实地取样,采用GIS空间插值模拟和土壤类型法计算0~20 cm SOC储量以及分析土壤有机碳密度(soil organic C density,SCD)空间分布,比较GIS方法与土壤类型法计算县域尺度C储量的差异,验证GIS空间插值模拟的适用性。结果表明:1)依据GIS空间插值和土壤类型法获得的3个典型县0~20 cm土层SOC储量分别为:平邑3.88、3.93 Tg,莱阳3.54、3.57 Tg,禹城2.78、2.86 Tg;估算的平均SCD为:平邑2.2、2.23 kg/m2,莱阳2.08、2.1 kg/m2,禹城2.74、2.82 kg/m2;2)在满足一定采样量的条件下,两种方法在计算县域尺度上C储量时,结果基本一致,但GIS空间插值模拟与土壤类型法相比,更能突显SCD空间分布特征及空间递变规律,更利于分析不同因素对SCD空间分布的影响。该文可为缺失土壤类型分类或土地变更频率高区域的C储量计算提供依据。  相似文献   

长期施肥下新疆灰漠土有机碳及作物产量演变   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为明确长期不同施肥下新疆灰漠土有机碳和作物产量演变特征,依托始于1990年的灰漠土肥力长期定位监测试验,选择对照(CK,不施肥)、施氮磷肥(NP)、氮磷钾平衡施肥(NPK)、氮磷钾配合常量有机肥(NPKM)、氮磷钾配合高量有机肥(h NPKM,有机肥施用量为NPKM的2倍)、氮磷钾配合秸秆还田(NPKS)6个处理,分析不同处理下土壤有机碳和小麦、玉米产量演变特征,探讨碳投入及有机碳与作物产量的关系。结果表明:1)长期耗竭种植(CK)、连续施用NP或NPK肥,灰漠土有机碳含量持续下降,年均下降速率分别为0.094 g·kg~(-1)、0.043 g·kg~(-1)和0.053 g·kg~(-1),表明施化肥(NP、NPK)不能维持土壤有机碳含量,不利于土壤肥力的保持。NPKM和h NPKM处理,土壤有机碳显著增加,年均增加0.360 g·kg~(-1)和0.575 g·kg~(-1),增施有机肥是快速提高灰漠土肥力的重要措施。秸秆还田处理(NKPS),土壤有机碳年均增幅0.006 g·kg~(-1),与NPK处理对比,秸秆还田虽没有大幅度提高土壤有机碳,但维持了土壤肥力。2)较CK,长期化肥有机肥配施(NPKM、h NPKM)显著增加了作物产量(P0.05)。与NP和NPK比较,长期化肥有机肥配施显著提高了小麦产量(P0.05),但玉米产量与施化肥处理差异不显著(P0.05),玉米产量以平衡施肥(NPK)的增幅最高,达到220 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)。小麦的产量变异系数(29.1%~43.9%)高于玉米产量变异(19.0%~32.7%)。化肥配合秸秆还田(NPKS)处理的小麦增产幅度与高量施用有机肥(h NPKM)处理接近,喻示了秸秆还田对作物增产的作用不可忽视。3)碳投入与土壤有机碳和小麦、玉米产量有显著线性正相关(P0.05)。基于以上分析,在干旱区灰漠土增加土壤碳投入(有机肥或秸秆)仍然是最基本的土壤培肥措施。  相似文献   

Biochar addition can expand soil organic carbon (SOC) stock and has potential ability in mitigating climate change. Also, some incubation experiments have shown that biochar can increase soil inorganic carbon (SIC) contents. However, there is no direct evidence for this from the field experiment. In order to make up the sparseness of available data resulting from the long‐term effect of biochar amendment on soil carbon fractions, here we detected the contents and stocks of the bulk SIC and SOC fractions based on a 10‐year field experiment of consecutive biochar application in Shandong Province, China. There are three biochar treatments as no‐biochar (control), and biochar application at 4.5 Mg ha?1 year?1 (B4.5) and 9.0 Mg ha?1 year?1 (B9.0), respectively. The results showed that biochar application significantly enhanced SIC content (3.2%–24.3%), >53 μm particulate organic carbon content (POC, 38.2%–166.2%) and total soil organic carbon content (15.8%–82.2%), compared with the no‐biochar control. However, <53 μm silt–clay‐associated organic carbon (SCOC) content was significantly decreased (14%–27%) under the B9.0 treatment. Our study provides the direct field evidence that SIC contributed to carbon sequestration after the biochar application, and indicates that the applied biochar was allocated mainly in POC fraction. Further, the decreased SCOC and increased microbial biomass carbon contents observed in field suggest that the biochar application might exert a positive priming effect on native soil organic carbon.  相似文献   

长期施肥下褐土易氧化有机碳及有机碳库的变化特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本研究探讨了24年长期施肥对褐土土壤有机碳(TOC)、有机碳储量(TOCs)、净固碳效率(NCSE)和碳库管理指数(CPMI)的影响,为评价褐土土壤碳库变化与质量及科学施肥提供理论依据。研究以褐土肥力与肥料长期定位试验为平台,通过9个处理[A组:不施肥处理(N_0P_0、CK);B组:单施无机肥处理(N_1P_1、N_2P_2、N_3P_3和N_4P_4);C组:有机肥与无机肥配施处理(N_2P_1M_1、N_3P_2M_3和N_4P_2M_2);D组:单施高量有机肥处理(M_6)]测定土壤TOC与易氧化有机碳(ROOC)含量,并计算TOCs、NCSE及CPMI等相关指标。结果表明,在不同土层不同时期施用较高量有机肥配施无机肥及施用高量有机肥(N_3P_2M_3、N_4P_2M_2和M_6)均可提高TOC和ROOC含量,且随土层深度加深提升作用减弱。TOCs、NCSE与0~20 cm土层TOC含量在时间和空间上的变化规律基本一致。施用高量有机肥(C组、D组)可有效提高TOCs,A组、B组的TOCs均值分别比C组、D组低76.77%与17.36%。长期施肥处理可提高NCSE,尤其是施用有机肥处理可显著提高NCSE。NCSE为D组C组A组=B组;D组NCSE为1 152.27 kg·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),是C组的2.51倍,B组的16.20倍。与试验前相比,C组和D组的CPMI无显著变化,且C组与D组间差异不显著,但A组与B组比试验前降低16.38~40.02。与A组(CK)相比,B组中N1P1处理与C、D组处理显著影响CPMI,提高了23.30~45.67。在0~40 cm土层CPMI与ROOC含量呈显著正相关,CPMI可以很好地指示有机碳的变化。可见,施用高量有机肥或者较高量有机肥与无机肥配施可极显著提高褐土土壤TOCs、NCSE和CPMI,即施用高量有机肥或者较高量有机肥与无机肥配施(N_3P_2M_3和N_4P_2M_2)有利于褐土有机碳的固存,可减少无机肥的施用量,使土壤性质向良性方向发展,培肥土壤。  相似文献   

长期施肥下红壤有机碳及其颗粒组分对不同施肥模式的响应   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
采集不同施肥24年的红壤,采用物理分组的方法,观测了长期不同施肥下红壤有机碳及其组分变化,并结合历史资料分析了不同施肥模式对红壤有机碳及其颗粒组分的影响。结果表明,化肥配施有机肥(NPKM)处理下红壤总有机碳含量(10.33 g/kg),砂粒(2000~53 m)、细粉粒(5~2 m)和粘粒(2 m)组分中的有机碳含量显著高于其他处理。与不施肥(CK)相比,施用化肥(NPK、2NPK)和有机肥(NPKM、M)显著地提高了红壤有机碳在砂粒和粘粒中的分配比例,而降低了其在粗粉粒和细粉粒的分配比例。施化肥(NPK、2NPK)、单施有机肥(M)、化肥配施有机肥(NPKM)处理,土壤有机碳的平均固定速率分别为0.05 t/(hm2?a)、0.18 t/(hm2?a)、0.26 t/(hm2?a)。相关分析表明,不同施肥模式下红壤有机碳的固定量与碳投入量之间存在着极显著的线性相关关系(R2=0.909, P0.01),土壤的固碳效率为8.1%;随着碳投入的增加,粗粉粒和细粉粒有机碳储量逐渐下降,而砂粒和粘粒中碳储量逐渐增加,并且粘粒增加速率要远远高于砂粒。以上结果说明,红壤中有机碳还没有达到饱和,还具有一定的固碳潜力,增加的有机碳主要固持在粘粒中,粘粒是红壤有机碳的主要固持组分。  相似文献   

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