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摘要 在国际热带木材组织(ITTO)的资助下,广东省林业科学研究院在广东新会和海南通什开展了“旨在提高生态和经济效益的热带地区次生林经营研究与示范”。其目的是通过在干扰破坏较严重的次生林中引入具有较好生态和经济效益的优良物种,使林分物种增加,林区居民能从经营中取得非木质产品的经济收益,达到保护和促进次生林的生长发育的目的,实现森林可持续经营的目标。本文广东新会热带次生林经营研究与示范区活动中,通过91个引入物种的试验研究,其中区域缺失和退化的乡土树种68中,占75%;外来树种13种,占14%;非木质产品物种10种,占11%。总结了低质低效次生林经营中物种选择的原则、方法和经营效果。  相似文献   

新会古斗示范区,位于广东省江门市新会崖门镇,地理位置为东经112°53′00″,北纬22°15′00″,总面积4196.hm^2,其中:3031hm^2为天然次生阔叶林,占72.2%;人工林967hm^2,占23.0%;农业用地145hm^2,占3.4%。示范内容包括:a)通过非木质产品物种的种植,为当地居民增加物质和经济来源,创造就业机会,并以经营活动促进次生林的生长发育;  相似文献   

文章分析了中国热带地区次生林经营相关资料,在对广东、海南、广西和云南重点热带次生林林区或典型经营区进行实地调查的基础上,分析和总结了中国热带次生林经营管理政策、经营现状和经营技术。中国的热带次生林经营在中华人民共和国成立后不久的1951年开始提出,但在20世纪50至80年代中期,主要以利用为目的,经营方式以封山育林为主。到了80年代后期,经济相对发达的地区如广东开始从木材生产为主向生态营林方向转化的大规模经营活动,自然保护区建设规模加大。1998年发生严重的洪涝之后,中央政府加强了以林业为主题的生态环境建设,热带次生林开始得到有效的保护,这一阶段的经营特点是生态建设,经营方式以政府主导的生态公益林、天然林保护等工程建设为主。经营技术除封山育林外,强调了退耕还林、提高物种的多样性和地带性乡土树种的开发利用。但是,中国的热带次生林经营始终未能走出木材利用或是生态防护的两个极端,缺乏既提高生态效益又提高经济效益、能满足生态和林区居民生存经济需求的可持续经营技术和实践。  相似文献   

广东古兜山次生林引入更新树种选择研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探索低质低效次生林经营改造技术,以广东省古兜山南亚热带次生林为研究对象,通过树种引入套种更新试验,进行优良树种的选择评估。研究以生长适应性、经济效益、生态功能和景观功能为树种选择的主要依据,确定了13项定性和定量分级指标,采用4分制建立各项指标的分级标准,运用层次分析法,构建了南亚热带次生林引入套种树种的评价指标体系,对试验林中7.5 a生的引入套种树种的综合表现进行分析与评价。结果表明,69个引入套种树种的综合评价值分布在1.74-3.08之间,树种间综合表现差异明显,壳斗科、樟科、金缕梅科等本地植物区系优势科的树种表现较好。在树种综合表现值的基础上,根据树高、胸径的年均生长量将套种树种分为速生型、中等速生型和慢生型3个类型,评选出综合表现值在2.5以上的优良树种37个,其中速生型树种7个、中等速生型树种17个、慢生型树种13个,为南亚热带次生林引入套种以及人工促进更新树种的合理选配提供参考。  相似文献   

冀北山地杨桦次生林群落乔木层种群生态位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Levins和Pianka公式计测了冀北山地杨桦次生林群落乔木层8个种群的生态位宽度和生态位重叠,并对种群的生态位和环境适应性进行了探讨。结果表明:白桦、山杨和棘皮桦为主要树种,其他树种均为伴生树种。白桦、色木槭、稠李、山杨等具有较大的生态位宽度,分别为0.8668.0.8541、0.7219和0.6829,而蒙古栎和山荆子等生态位宽度较小。生态位重叠值小于0.5的种对有14对,占总数的50%。生态位重叠值大于0.5的种对有13对,占总数的46.43%。不发生重叠的种对有1对,占总数的3.57%。具有较大生态位宽度的树种是主要优势种,具有广泛的适应性。生态位宽度较大的物种与其他种类间的生态位重叠也较大。  相似文献   

为全面改善次生林森林质量,调整功能性群落结构,提升物种多样性,在广州市石门国家森林公园石灶工区开展南亚热带次生林恢复研究。试验设置了5块40m×40m样方,采用组内随机混交的方式种植,补植10种南亚热带次生林主要造林树种,半年后观测其生长表现。结果表明:在次生林补植半年后,浙江润楠Machilus chekiangensis、桢楠Phoebe zhennan、闽楠Phoebe bournei、南方红豆杉Taxus wallichiana等9个引入树种的成活率高于红锥Castanopsis hystrix。  相似文献   

针对一些油茶次生林的经济价值日益降低的现状,以油茶林物种多样性为手段,量化油茶次生林生态价值。研究以常德市鼎城区2片油茶次生林为固定样地,采用样方调查法对油茶次生林林下植被物种多样性现状进行调查分析。调查结果表明:油茶林林下植物隶属于35科50属51种。其中灌木层23科33属34种,占66.67%;草本层13科17属17种,占33.33%。本研究中油茶次生林林下植被物种多样性丰富,有较多经济物种。建议在油茶人工林栽植过程中,维护油茶林林下物种多样性,兼顾复合生态经营,以获取次生林最大的经济价值。  相似文献   

为更好地开展热带次生林经营,在国际热带木材组织“旨在提高经济和生态效益的热带地区次生林经营研究与示范”项目(ITTO PD294/04)的资助下,对较为典型的中国热带次生林——广东古兜山林区开展了森林资源与社会经济状况的相关调查,其结果认为:中国热带林区的热带森林除自然保护区外,几乎都以低产低质的次生林状况存在,这类林分质量普遍较差,很少开展经营活动,因此缺乏经济和生态效益。林区居民主要依靠政府的生态公益林补偿、砍伐林木、出租林地供商品林经营以及农耕等获得收入,生活仍然处于比较贫困的状态,人均年收入仅3780元(约合556美元)。林农普遍的愿望是将次生林地改种以桉树为代表的速生丰产商品林经营,以获得较高的经营效益,次生林的保护仍然面临巨大的压力:  相似文献   

中国热带次生林分布、类型与面积研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热带林的保护问题已受到世界各国的高度重视,由于占世界热带林面积约三分之一的热带次生林,其经济和生态效益通常较差,处于相对被忽视的状态,因此也往往被进一步破坏。将次生林经营纳入可持续经营的轨道,是实现热带林可持续经营目标的重要战略。通过对中国热带森林研究、经营和统计资料的分析,结合本项目实施过程的实地调研取得的结果,文章对中国热带地区次生林分布、面积和类型作了阐述。热带森林主要分布在海南、广东、广西、云南、台湾,以及福建和西藏的部分地区,包括124个县市的全部和50个县市的部分地区。据可认可的资料统计,中国热带林地面积(不含台湾省)约1125.66万hm^2。其中有林地面积1074.49万hm^2,次生林面积544万hm^2。次生林占热带地区林地面积的48.33%,占有林地总面积的50.63%。中国热带林地和次生林的实际数字估计要比这一数值大6%以上,因为中国这几年高度重视林业建设,森林植被特别是热带森林植被恢复得很快,林地和次生林一直在不断增加。热带森林类型主要有:热带雨林(包括湿润雨林、山地雨林);热带季雨林(包括半常绿季雨林、落叶季雨林、石灰岩季雨林);南海珊瑚岛植被;海岸红树林等。从森林经理的角度,中国热带次生林的类型可分为:(1)次生阔叶林,包括次生常绿阔叶雨林、次生季雨林和次生季风常绿阔叶林;(2)次生灌木林;(3)次生针叶林;(4)次生红树林及次生珊瑚岛林等四大类型。  相似文献   

次生林,特别是受到强度干扰后形成的次生林,所占比例很大,在发展中国家犹为突出。在经济比较落后的地区,由于林区居民的生存需求,次生林不但得不到合理的经营,而且不断遭到破坏,物种越来越单一,林地退化。即使在经济比较发达的地区,林分虽然受到保护,但仍然缺乏必要的经营活动,生态和经济效益难以提高。要靠自然力量使次生林发育成为良好的生态系统,需要相当长的时间,可能要一百年以上。  相似文献   

Tropical deforestation in the Asia-Pacific Region has accelerated in Lhe last decade, seriously depleting the forest resource base. Most forest loss results from agricultural clearing, but is generally preceded by forest degradation from destructive logging (Southeast Asia) or overuse of forest resources (South Asia). Tropical forests are highly variable, requiring a system of classification to guide management objectives; one such system is ecological life zone mapping. Forestry operations should reflect the need for both conservation and production. Most Asia-Pacific forests are managed on variations of a selection system. Logging damage is the most important forestry-sector threat to commercial forestry, reducing both future timber production and the availability of non-timber products. The short duration of logging concession agreements, nontransferability of concession contracts, and undervaluation of forest resources all contribute to forest "mining" practices. Alternative forest management methods exist: logging damage can be substantially reduced at little or no additional cost; small-scale mobile sawmills can increase local incomes while reducing the need for skidding; and Assisted Natural Regeneration can facilitate the reforestation of denuded lands. The best hope for sustainable use of forest resources lies with those who must live with the consequences of forest mismanagement. Local involvement in foresy planning, implementation and enforcement is essential. Successful forest management projects depend on the judgement of field-based personnel familiar with the forests, cultures and institutions of each country, working in cooperation with local forestry experts and forest-dependent people.  相似文献   

文章综述了世界热带地区的森林资源分布、基本类型、主要特征,以及世界次生林的经营现状和主要经营方式。这些经营方式包括建立自然保护区、生态公益林经营、"采掘主义"、限制采伐和伐后更新、"砍三留七"法、"扶持"式育林法、"抑制"式育林法、整体培育法、专门培育法、带状皆伐法、开发欠知名树种、自然更新和封山育林。同时提出了森林分类经营,即按照经营的主要目的将其划分为商品林、公益林和多功能林等基本类型的方法。此外,分析了热带次生林存在的问题,并提出解决这些问题的措施。  相似文献   

Malian Forest Service activities and policies have evolved since the beginning of colonialism under the assumption that forests and their products are the property of the government. Today the importance of involving local people in forest management is recognized. The purpose of this research was to determine the range of non-timber forest products local people use either for direct consumption or for income generation and to identify the trees/shrubs that yield these products in natural forests, fallow lands and crop fields. A gender analysis of the data was also conducted. The data were collected from face-to-face structured interviews using open-ended questions of 92 randomly sampled households in six Malian villages. One-half of the interviews were conducted with women and the other half were with men. The study identified 55 different non-timber forest products produced by 108 plant species. Almost all (99%) of the products identified are used for personal consumption, whereas 68% of the products are also used to generate income. Products such as firewood, leaves for sauces, shea nuts for oil/butter, seeds for condiments and nuts/seeds for soap are the most frequently mentioned products collected by women. Different categories of products like utensils/house materials, animal feed and construction materials (thatch, poles, mats) are the products most frequently collected by men. Ninety percent of the products collected are found in the natural forests; 63% are collected from trees on fallow lands and 51% from scattered trees in crop fields. Forest Service support of villagers using non-timber forest products would create an economic relationship between the forest and the local people. This is essential for the protection of the forest because people will safeguard their interests.  相似文献   


Tropical forests are very rich in biological diversity and form an important economic and ecological resource. This biodiversity is of great value for communities living in or near these forests as a ready source of subsistence and cash income, and for the world at large as a source of tropical timber and non-timber products and a repository of genetic and chemical information. However, this biological complexity is diminishing rapidly. We analyze the main human (anthropogenic) actions causing loss of tropical forest biodiversity along with the strategies of management for forest biodiversity. Not only is the biophysical component important in management for biodiversity, but the active participation and support of local people, national governments, and the international community as a whole are essential to effective and sustainable development of tropical forests. This development strategy ensures that socioeconomic and environmental benefits are provided for present and future generations.  相似文献   

Ever-wet forests of SW Sri Lanka are biodiversity hot spots with a wealth of potentially useful and currently used species. Traditional peoples surrounding these forests depend on them for a variety of focds, medicinals and the like as well as for timber. Some of these forests are being preserved as storehouses of diversity that include rare endemics and wild relatives of useful plants. Other natural forests and plantations must be managed for multiple uses including timber and non-timber products used by the forest dependent villagers. Understanding the ecological, social and economic interdependence of forests and rural communities is vital for the future forestry sector development in Sri Lanka. As many of the plants used locally are characteristic of early stages of gap regeneration, timber and non-timber products are compatible uses, given sufficiently judicious management. Anthropological and biological research is now in progress to plan for multiple use management of Sri Lankan ever-wet forests.  相似文献   


Tropical forests are very rich in biological diversity and form an important economic and ecological resource. This biodiversity is of great value for communities living in or near these forests as a ready source of subsistence and cash income, and for the world at large as a source of tropical timber and non-timber products and a repository of genetic and chemical information. However, this biological complexity is diminishing rapidly. We analyze the main human (anthropogenic) actions causing loss of tropical forest biodiversity along with the strategies of management for forest biodiversity. Not only is the biophysical component important in management for biodiversity, but the action participation and support of local people, the national government and international cooperation as a whole, arc essential for an effective and sustainable development of tropical forests. This integrated development strategy ensures that socio-economic and environmental benefits are provided for present and future generations.  相似文献   

全球森林日益受到土地利用变化、分散化、管理目标变化和退化的影响。运用管理强度描述全球森林动态变化趋势,并概述了与森林管理相关的全球碳库变化。讨论了对“管理”的不同解释,并强调了一些重要的核算和分析问题。全球森林面积自1990 年以来下降了3%,但全球各地人工林面积都有所增加,截止2010 年已占全球森林面积的近7%。由于人为因素造成的栖息地破碎和退化,使得占所有林地34%的原始森林面积正在下降,尤其是南美洲和非洲。同时,自然再生林面积也有所下降。由于管理强度的增加,1990 年以来,非施业林面积(通常被定义为缺乏人类管理计划或保护状态的土地)大幅度下降,截止2010 年仅占全球森林的21%,而用于水土保持、生物多样性保护和提供生态系统服务等非木质林产品用地面积大幅增加。从全球来看,木材生产自1990 年以来一直相对稳定,但非木质林产品用地面积越来越多,表明林业采伐面积占森林总面积的比例较小。根据管理森林和区域研究领域的发展趋势可知,历史上和现在的森林管理是当前碳储量的一个非常重要的决定因素。目前,已建成的森林抵消了来自使用化石燃料释放二氧化碳的约30%,而减少森林的砍伐可能会将陆地碳地面总吸收量从大约4.0 t 升至每年6.2 t。然而,研究结果表明,多样化使用森林土地可能对维持或提高目前的陆地碳汇有重大影响。未来,诸如大气二氧化碳的增加和气候变化等间接的人类影响,以及土地管理的直接影响和木材生物燃料的日益增长的需求,都将成为影响土地管理战略规划和森林生态系统全球碳循环的重要因素。  相似文献   

The Negrito (Ati) tribe of Nagpana, Iloilo, Philippines has traditionally been dependent on shifting cultivation and on hunting and gathering of non-timber forest products for its livelihood. In recent decades the Ati have derived increasing income from wage labor for adjacent landowners and from permanent rice cultivation. The consequent clearing of residual forests has resulted in extensive soil degradation, reduced crop yields, and loss of both commercial and subsistence non-timber forest products.Various agroforestry systems which incorporate permanent tree crops into traditional systems have great potential to reverse these losses. This study analyzes the economic sustainability of four different land-use options for the Ati. The net present value (NPV) of a system which incorporates both sustainable use of the existing forest and plantations of fast-growing tree species on agricultural lands is superior to all other alternatives. Social and environmental benefits from this system further justify implementation. Any recommendations to develop such an option must take into account the constraining factors typical of such upland communities.  相似文献   

嵩明县实施天保工程以来,在森林管护及生态建设上取得了一定的成绩,但在具体的森林管护工作中却存在:林农矛盾未全面解决;林火管理难度大;林内采薪、放牧、采实(菌)屡禁不止;内部管理不协调;非天保区管护松懈等问题。在分析这些难点的基础上,结合嵩明县实际,提出了相应的良化森林资源管护对策。  相似文献   

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