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The simulation model SIDRA is based on a semi-analytical and semi-numerical solution to the Boussinesq equation. It has been developed on the ground of theoretical and field experimental results with the aim of a good prediction of both drainage peak and recession flow rates. Theoretical aspects and basic equations of the model are presented for the most general case where both soil physical properties and water table shapes are depth-dependent. The parameter sensitivity and field performances of the model are estimated in shallow loamy soils facing a seasonal waterlogging during winter season in France. Water table shape factors are the most sensitive parameters. Drainable porosity is slightly more sensitive than hydraulic conductivity for drainflow rate prediction whereas hydraulic conductivity is slightly more sensitive for water table elevation prediction. A comparison of experimental and simulated long term discharge and water table exceedance duration curves shows that the model could be a useful tool to assess the performances and control the relevance of a given subsurface drainage design.
Résumé Le modèle de simulation SIDRA est basé sur une résolution semi-analytique et semi-numérique de l'équation de Boussinesq. Il a été développé à partir d'une approche théorique et de l'analyse de résultats d'expérimentations de terrain avec pour principal objectif d'atteindre une bonne prédiction des débits de pointe et de tarissement. Les principales équations du modèles sont présentées dans leur forme la plus générale qui permet de prendre en compte des propriétés hydrodynamiques et des formes de nappe dépendantes de la profondeur. L'étude de sensibilité aux paramètres et l'évaluation des performances du modèle sont réalisées dans le cas de sols limoneux peu profonds, sur la période hivernale où se manifeste l'engorgement des sols en France. Le modèle est très sensible aux variations des facteurs de forme de nappe. Concernant les paramètres hydrodynamiques, les débits simulés sont plus sensibles aux variations de la porosité de drainage qu'à celles de la conductivité hydraulique. A l'inverse les hauteurs de nappe simulées sont plus sensibles aux variations de conductivité hydraulique. Une comparaison sur une longue période des fréquences de dépassement de débits et hauteurs de nappe, simulées et observées, montre que le modèle peut constituer un bon outil de contrôle de l'efficacité d'un réseau de drainage et de son dimensionnement.

Modeling flow and transport in heterogeneous,dual-porosity drained soils   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A finite element solution of the equations for coupled flow of water and transport of chemicals in slowly permeable soils containing macropores is presented. Two example solutions are presented for the condition of a horizontal soil profile with a drainage ditch. The first is for steady state saturated flow while the second is for transient water flow produced by time varying rainfall. Through these examples it is found that the characteristic leaching time of a chemical from the soil matrix is determined by the rate of transfer of chemical mass between the pore domains. When the rate of transfer is zero, the rate of leaching is greatly retarded compared to the case where the rate of transfer is nonzero. The chemical outflow from the macropore domain is very rapid when the rate of transfer is zero, while the chemical outflow is greatly delayed, but increased in magnitude when the rate of chemical transfer is nonzero.
Résumé Une solution par éléments finis des équations régissant lécoulement de l'eau et son influence sur le transport des composés chimiques à l'intérieur de sols à perméabilité lente contenant des macropores est présentée.Deux solutions sont citées en exemple, traitant le cas d'un sol sans pente avec un fossé d'évacuation.La première solution est pour un écoulement saturé en régime permanent alors que la seconde traite de l'écoulement variable résultant de pluies d'intensités changeantes.Ces exemples ont permis de déterminer que le temps caractéristique nécessaire à la désorption d'un composé chimique donné de la matrice du sol est fonction du taux de transfert de ce composé entre les domaines de macropores.Lorsque le taux de transfert est nul, le taux de désorption est considérablement ralenti par rapport aux cas où le taux de transfert n'est pas nul.Le composé chimique s'évacue très rapidement des domaines des macropores lorsque le taux de transfert est nul, alors que l'évacuation est considérablement retardée mais beaucoup plus volumineuse lorsque le taux de transfert du composé chimique n'est pas nul.

Surface irrigation rehabilitation in the South-East of France has shown success ever since the beginning of its development in the early 1980s. The gradual introduction of surface distributors, mechanized or automated has resulted in water savings and above all in decreased labor input. The distributors used are: gated pipes, layflat tubing, buried low pressure pipe and cablegation. They are used over an ever increasing area which attained about 1000 ha in 1987.Improvement is made in furrow head distribution as well as in field levelling, furrow flow evaluation, flow control at the head of the furrow and in the collective system.The effect of a modernized system and improved knowledge has been to make automated surface irrigation (particularly furrow irrigation) a modern application method in competition with techniques such as sprinklers and localized irrigation.Abbreviations ASAE American Society of Agricultural Engineers - CEMAGREF Centre d'Etude du Machinisme Agricole du Génie Rural des Eaux et des Forêts, Division Irrigation, BP 5095, 34033 Montpellier et BP 31 Le Tholonet 13612 AIX - ENGREF Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural des Eaux et des Forêts, Département Maîtrise de l'Eau et Développement, BP 5093, 34033 Montpellier - IRAT Institute de Recherche en Agronomie Tropicale, Zolad Mini Parc Bt7, 34100 Montpellier - P.V.C. Polyvinyl chloride - RNEDHA Réseau National Expérimentation Démonstration secteur Hydraulique Agricole, BP 5095, 34033 Montpellier - SCP Société du Canal de Provence et d'Aménagement de la Région Provençale, BP 100, 13603 AIX en Provence  相似文献   

This article suggests and defines a characterisation of irrigation canal regulation methods, based on four criteria: considered variables (controlled, measured, and control action variables), logic of control, design method (structure and technique) and field implementation (configuration and device). Depending on the chosen criterion and partition rule, different classifications can be built from this characterisation. In conclusion, a structured characterisation table of the main published canal regulation methods is presented.Abbreviations ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers - CACG Compagnie d'Aménagement des Coteaux de Gascogne - CARA Compagnie d'Aménagement Rural d'Aquitaine - CARDD Canal Automation for Rapid Demand Deliveries - CEMAGREF Centre National du Machinisme Agricole, du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts - CNABRL Compagnie Nationale d'Aménagement du Bas — Rhône Languedoc - ELFLO Electronic Filter and Level Offset - FB Feedback or closed — loop control - FB dn Feedback or closed-loop downstream control - FB mi Feedback or closed-loop mixed control - FB up Feedback or closed-loop upstream control - FF Feedforward or open-loop control - GPC Generalised Predictive Control - LQR Linear Quadratic Regulator - MIMO Multiple Inputs, Multiple Outputs - nI mO n Inputs, m Outputs - P Perturbation - P Estimation of perturbations - PID Proportional, Integral, Derivative Controller - PIR Contrôleur Proportionnel, Intégral, Retard (PI Delay controller) - Q Discharge in the canal - Q dn Downstream discharge in the canal - Q in Intermediate discharge in the canal - Q up Upstream discharge in the canal - SCP Société du Canal de Provence - SISO Single Input, Single Output - U Control action variable - V Volume in a canal pool - V Elementary control action variable - w Regulator gate opening - Y Controlled variable - Y c Target controlled variable - y Water elevation - y dn Downstream water elevation of the pool (therefore upstream of a regulator) - y in Intermediate water elevation in the pool - y up Upstream water elevation of the pool (therefore downstream of a regulator) - Z Measured variable  相似文献   

The DRAINMOD-N II model (version 6.0) was evaluated for a cold region in south-east Sweden. The model was field-tested using four periods between 2002 and 2004 of climate, soil, hydrology and water quality data from three experimental plots, planted to a winter wheat-sugarbeet-barley-barley crop rotation and managed using conventional and controlled drainage. DRAINMOD-N II was calibrated using data from a conventional drainage plot, while data sets from two controlled drainage plots were used for model validation. The model was statistically evaluated by comparing simulated and measured drain flows and nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) losses in subsurface drains. Soil mineral nitrogen (N) content was used to evaluate simulated N dynamics. Observed and predicted NO3-N losses in subsurface drains were in satisfactory agreement. The mean absolute error (MAE) in predicting NO3-N drainage losses was 0.16 kg N ha−1 for the calibration plot and 0.21 and 0.30 kg N ha−1 for the two validation plots. For the simulation period, the modelling efficiency (E) was 0.89 for the calibration plot and 0.49 and 0.55 for the validation plots. The overall index of agreement (d) was 0.98 for the calibration plot and 0.79 and 0.80 for the validation plots. These results show that DRAINMOD-N II is applicable for predicting NO3-N losses from drained soil under cold conditions in south-east Sweden.  相似文献   

The design and management of drainage systems should consider impacts on drainage water quality and receiving streams, as well as on agricultural productivity. Two simulation models that are being developed to predict these impacts are briefly described. DRAINMOD-N uses hydrologic predictions by DRAINMOD, including daily soil water fluxes, in numerical solutions to the advective-dispersive-reactive (ADR) equation to describe movement and fate of NO3-N in shallow water table soils. DRAINMOD- CREAMS links DRAINMOD hydrology with submodels in CREAMS to predict effects of drainage treatment and controlled drainage losses of sediment and agricultural chemicals via surface runoff. The models were applied to analyze effects of drainage intensity on a Portsmouth sandy loam in eastern North Carolina. Depending on surface depressional storage, agricultural production objectives could be satisfied with drain spacings of 40 m or less. Predicted effects of drainage design and management on NO3-N losses were substantial. Increasing drain spacing from 20 m to 40 m reduced predicted NO3-N losses by over 45% for both good and poor surface drainage. Controlled drainage further decreases NO3-N losses. For example, predicted average annual NO3-N losses for a 30 m spacing were reduced 50% by controlled drainage. Splitting the application of nitrogen fertilizer, so that 100 kg/ha is applied at planting and 50 kg/ha is applied 37 days later, reduced average predicted NO3-N losses but by only 5 to 6%. This practice was more effective in years when heavy rainfall occurred directly after planting. In contrast to effects on NO3-N losses, reducing drainage intensity by increasing drain spacing or use of controlled drainage increased predicted losses of sediment and phosphorus (P). These losses were small for relatively flat conditions (0.2% slope), but may be large for even moderate slopes. For example, predicted sediment losses for a 2% slope exceeded 8000 kg/ha for a poorly drained condition (drain spacing of 100 m), but were reduced to 2100 kg/ha for a 20 m spacing. Agricultural production and water quality goals are sometimes in conflict. Our results indicate that simulation modeling can be used to examine the benefits of alternative designs and management strategies, from both production and environmental points-of-view. The utility of this methodology places additional emphasis on the need for field experiments to test the validity of the models over a range of soil, site and climatological conditions.  相似文献   

In northeast Italy, a regimen of controlled drainage in winter and subirrigation in summer was tested as a strategy for continuous water table management with the benefits of optimizing water use and reducing unnecessary drainage and nitrogen losses from agricultural fields.To study the feasibility and performance of water table management, an experimental facility was set up in 1996 to reproduce a hypothetical 6-ha agricultural basin with different land drainage systems existing in the region. Four treatments were compared: open ditches with free drainage and no irrigation (O), open ditches with controlled drainage and subirrigation (O-CI), subsurface corrugated drains with free drainage and no irrigation (S), subsurface corrugated drains with controlled drainage and subirrigation (S-CI). As typically in the region free drainage ditches were spaced 30 m apart, and subsurface corrugated drains were spaced 8 m apart.Data were collected from 1997 to 2003 on water table depth, drained volume, nitrate-nitrogen concentration in the drainage water, and nitrate-nitrogen concentration in the groundwater at various depths up to 3 m.Subsurface corrugated drains with free drainage (S) gave the highest measured drainage volume of the four regimes, discharging, on average, more than 50% of annual rainfall, the second-highest concentration of nitrate-nitrogen in the drainage water, and the highest nitrate-nitrogen losses at 236 k ha−1.Open ditches with free drainage (O) showed 18% drainage return of rainfall, relatively low concentration of nitrate-nitrogen in the drainage water, the highest nitrate-nitrogen concentration in the shallow groundwater, and 51 kg ha−1 nitrate-nitrogen losses.Both treatments with controlled drainage and subirrigation (O-CI and S-CI) showed annual rainfall drainage of approximately 10%. O-CI showed the lowest nitrate-nitrogen concentration in the drainage water, and the lowest nitrogen losses (15 kg ha−1). S-CI showed the highest nitrate-nitrogen concentration in the drainage water, and 70 kg ha−1 nitrate-nitrogen losses. Reduced drained volumes resulted from the combined effects of reduced peak flow and reduced number of days with drainage.A linear relationship between daily cumulative nitrate-nitrogen losses and daily cumulative drainage volumes was found, with slopes of 0.16, 0.12, 0.07, and 0.04 kg ha−1 of nitrate-nitrogen lost per mm of drained water in S-CI, S, O, and O-CI respectively.These data suggest that controlled drainage and subirrigation can be applied at farm scale in northeast Italy, with advantages for water conservation.  相似文献   

The hydrologic and water quality impacts of subsurface drainage design and management practices are being investigated through field and simulation studies throughout the northern Corn-belt. Six years of data from an ongoing field study in south central Minnesota (Sands et al., 2008) were used to support a modeling effort with DRAINMOD-NII to investigate: (1) the performance of the model in a region where soils are subject to seasonal freeze-thaw and (2) the long-term hydrologic and water quality characteristics of conventional and alternative subsurface drainage practices. Post-calibration model prediction and efficiency were deemed satisfactory using standard model performance criteria. Prediction errors were primarily associated with early spring snowmelt hydrology and were attributed to the methods used for simulating snow accumulation and melting processes, in addition to potential sublimation effects on ET estimates. Long-term simulations with DRAINMOD-NII indicated that drainage design and/or management practices proposed as alternatives to conventional design may offer opportunities to reduce nitrate (NO3)-nitrogen losses without significantly decreasing (and in some cases, increasing) crop yields for a Webster silty clay loam soil at Waseca, Minnesota. The simulation study indicated that both shallow drainage and controlled drainage may reduce annual drainage discharge and NO3-nitrogen losses by 20-30%, while impacting crop yields from −3% (yield decrease) to 2%, depending on lateral drain spacing. The practice of increasing drainage intensity (decreasing drain spacing) beyond recommended values appears to not significantly affect crop yield but may substantially increase drainage discharge and nitrate-nitrogen losses to surface waters.  相似文献   

In the irrigated western U.S. disposal of drainage water has become a significant economic and environmental liability. Development of irrigation water management practices that reduce drainage water volumes is essential. One strategy combines restricted drainage outflow (by plugging the drains) with deficit irrigation to maximize shallow groundwater consumption by crops, thus reducing drainage that needs disposal. This approach is not without potential pitfalls; upward movement of groundwater in response to crop water uptake may increase salt and sodium concentrations in the root zone. The purposes for this study were: to observe changes in the spatial and temporal distributions of SAR (sodium adsorption ratio) and salt in a field managed to minimize drainage discharge; to determine if in situ drainage reduction strategy affects SAR distribution in the soil profile; and to identify soil or management factors that can help explain field wide variability. We measured SAR, soil salinity (EC1:1) and soil texture over 3 years in a 60-ha irrigated field on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley, California. At the time we started our measurements, the field was beginning to be managed according to a shallow groundwater/drainage reduction strategy. Soil salinity and SAR were found to be highly correlated in the field. The observed spatial and temporal variability in SAR was largely a product of soil textural variations within the field and their associated variations in apparent leaching fraction. During the 3-year study period, the percentage of the field in which the lower profile (90-180 cm) depth averaged SAR was above 10, increased from 20 to 40%. Since salinity was increasing concomitantly with SAR, and because the soil contained gypsum, sodium hazard was not expected to become a limiting factor for long term shallow groundwater management by drain control. It is anticipated that the technology will be viable for future seasons.  相似文献   

The steady-state drainage equation ofHooghoudt (1940) has adrawback that tables for the determination of the so-calledequivalentlayer, de are needed. These calculations arecumbersome as de is dependenton the unknown spacing. Moreover, additional head islost due to theconvergence of stream lines towards the finite numberof perforations withinthe pipe wall. Therefore, corrections are required byreplacing the actualdrain radius by its effective radius. The designers inEgypt assume that thedepth of impermeable layer is infinity which resultsin an over estimationof drain spacing that will affect the ability of thedrainage system.Van der Molen and Wesseling (1991) have developed aseries solution toreplace the Hooghoudts approximation method for theequivalent depth by anexact solution. A comparison between this solution andthose of Lovell andYoungs (1984) and Hooghoudt (1940) showed that theexact solution proved tobe very accurate and efficient solution. The mainobjective of this study isto verify an accurate depth of the impermeable barrierand an effectiveradius of drain pipes which should be used in thedesign process using theexact solution.A field investigation was conducted in a study area of33,138 ha in theNorthern Delta of Egypt within Daqahliya Governorate.The results indicatethat a 5 m depth instead of infinity for theimpermeable layer in Nile Deltaand an effective radius of 90 mm should be used in thedesign process. Theuse of the exact solution for equivalent depth is acrucial issue especiallywith the high rate of on-going drainage projects inEgypt.  相似文献   

Modification of land cover systems is being studied in subsurface drained Iowa croplands due to their potential benefits in increasing soil water and nitrogen depletion thus reducing drainage and NO3-N loss in the spring period. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impacts of modified land covers on soil water dynamics. In each individual year, modified land covers including winter rye-corn (rC), winter rye-soybean (rS), kura clover as a living mulch for corn (kC), and perennial forage (PF), as well as conventional corn (C) and soybean (S), were grown in subsurface drained plots in north-central Iowa. Results showed that subsurface drainage was not reduced under modified land covers in comparison to conventional corn and soybean. Soil water storage (SWS) was significantly reduced by PF treatments during the whole growing seasons and by kC during May through July when compared to the cropping system with corn or soybean only (p < 0.05). Treatments of rC and rS typically maintained higher SWS than C and S, respectively, during the 3 years of this study. In the spring during a 10-15-day period when the rainfall was minimal, SWS in plots with rye, kura clover, and forage decreased at a significantly higher rate than the C and S plots which were bare. Estimated evapotranspiration (ET) during this period was significantly higher in rS, kC, and PF treatments than C and S. The results of this study suggested that significantly higher ET and similar drainage for modified land covers may increase water infiltration, which would be expected to reduce surface runoff thus to decrease stream flow. Because subsurface drainage reduction was not seen in this study, impact of modified land covers on NO3-N loss needs further investigation.  相似文献   

Northeast Thailand has a semi-humid tropical climate which is characterized by dry and rainy seasons. In order to stabilize crop production, it may be necessary to develop new water resources, such as soil moisture and groundwater, instead of rainfed resources. This is because rainfed agriculture has already been unsuccessfully tried in many areas of this region. In this study, we investigate the soil water content in rainfed fields in Khon Kaen in Northeast Thailand, where rice and sugarcane were planted, over a 1-year period that contained both dry and rainy seasons, and estimate the actual evapotranspiration (ETa) using micrometeorological data. In addition, we assess the water balance from the results of the soil water content investigation and the actual evapotranspiration. Although the soil water content at depths above 0.6 m in both the lower and the sloping fields gradually decreased during the dry season, the soil water content at a depth of 1.0 m was under almost constant wet conditions. Two-dimensional profiles of the soil water content demonstrated that at the end of the dry season, the soil layers below a depth of 0.4 m showed a soil water content of more than 0.10-0.15 m3 m−3, thus suggesting that water was supplied to the sugarcane from those layers. The range in ETa rates was almost the same as that in the previous study. The average ETa rates were 3.7 mm d−1 for the lower field and 4.2 mm d−1 for the sloping field. In the dry season, an upward water flow of 373 mm (equivalent to a flux of 1.9 mm d−1) was estimated from outside the profile. The source of this upward water flow was the sandy clay (SC) layer below a depth of 1 m. It was this soil water supply from the SC layer that allowed the sugarcane to grow without irrigation.  相似文献   

The Office de la Haute Vallée du Fleuve Niger (OHVN) zone in southern Mali is a small but important agricultural production region. Against a background of environmental degradation including decades of declining rainfall, soil erosion, and human pressure on forest resources, numerous farming communities stand out through the use of improved soil and water management practices that have improved agricultural and environmental conditions. Field surveys conducted in 1998–2001 indicated that environmental and agricultural conditions have improved in the past decade. In an effort to better quantify environmental trends, we conducted a study using medium- and high-resolution remotely sensed images from 1965 to 2001 in order to analyze land use and land cover trends in 21 village territories. The trends show clear indications of agricultural intensification and diversification among villages that have received assistance from the OHVN agricultural development agency. Some communities have improved environmental conditions by protecting their forest resources through community management actions. Four decades of remotely sensed images played a practical role in tracking and quantifying environmental and agricultural conditions over time.  相似文献   

Direct measurement of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) is time-consuming and therefore costly. The ROSETTA pedotransfer function model is able to estimate Ks from soil textural data, bulk density and one or two water retention points. This study evaluated the feasibility of running the DRAINMOD field-scale hydrological model with Ks input produced using ROSETTA. A hierarchical approach was adopted to estimate Ks using ROSETTA, with four limited-more extended sets of soil information used as inputs: USDA textural class (H1); texture (H2); texture and bulk density (H3); texture, bulk density, water retention at −33 kPa (θ33 kPa) and −1500 kPa (θ1500 kPa) (H4). ROSETTA-estimated Ks values from these four groups (H1-H4) were used in DRAINMOD to simulate drain outflows during a 4-year period from a conventional drainage plot (CD) and two controlled drainage plots (CWT1 and CWT2) located in south-east Sweden. The DRAINMOD results using ROSETTA-estimated Ks values were compared with observed values and with model results using laboratory-measured Ks values (H0). Deviations in simulated drainage outflow (D), infiltration (F) and evapotranspiration (ET) resulting from the use of ROSETTA-estimated rather than laboratory-measured Ks values were evaluated. During the study period, statistical comparisons showed good agreement on a monthly basis between observed and DRAINMOD-simulated drainage rates using five soil datasets (H0, H1, H2, H3 and H4). The monthly mean absolute error (MAE) ranged from 0.57 to 0.82 cm for CD, 0.38 to 0.41 cm for CWT1, and 0.15 to 0.22 cm for CWT2. On a monthly basis, the modified coefficient efficiency (E′) values were in the range of 0.62 to 0.74 for CD, 0.72 to 0.74 for CWT1, and 0.79 to 0.86 for CWT2. The modified index of agreement (d′) for monthly predictions ranged from 0.80 to 0.86 cm for CD, 0.87 to 0.88 cm for CWT1, and 0.89 to 0.93 cm for CWT2. The absolute values of the percent-normalised error (NE) on an overall basis when using ROSETTA-estimated rather than laboratory-measured Ks values were less than 3% in E, less than 1% in F, and less than 15% in D. The results suggest that ROSETTA-estimated Ks values can be used in DRAINMOD to simulate drainage outflows as accurately as laboratory-measured Ks values (H0) in coarse-textured soils.  相似文献   

Rain-fed lowland rice is by far the most common production system in south eastern Tanzania. Rice is typically cultivated in river valleys and plains on diverse soil types although heavy soil types are preferred as they can retain moisture for a longer period. To assess the effects of soil bunds on the production of rain-fed lowland rice, the crop was cultivated in bunded and non-bunded farmers’ plots under the common agronomic practices in the region, in three successive seasons on Grumic Calcic Vertisols (Pellic). For the three seasons and for the two plot types, crop transpiration was simulated with the BUDGET soil water balance model by using the observed weather data, soil and crop parameters. Comparison between the observed yields and the simulated crop transpiration yielded an exponential relationship with a determination factor of 0.87 and an RMSE of 0.15 tonnes ha−1. With the validated soil water balance model crop yields that can be expected in bunded and non-bunded fields were subsequently simulated for wet, normal and dry years and various environmental conditions. Yield comparison shows that soil bunds can appreciably increase the production of rain-fed lowland rice in south eastern Tanzania in three quarters of the years (wet and normal years) when the soil profile is slow draining (KSAT equal to or less than 10 mm day−1). In normal years a minimum yield increase of 30% may be expected on those soil types. In wet years and when the soil hardly drains (drainage class of 0–5 mm day−1), the yield may even double. In dry years the yield increase will be most of the time less than 10% except for plots with a percolation rate of 0–5 mm day−1.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare soil water measurements made using capacitance and neutron probes by means of a water balance experiment in a drainage lysimeter. The experiment was conducted in a 5-year-old drip-irrigated peach orchard (Prunus persica L. Batsch, cv. Flordastar, on GF-677 peach rootstock) planted in a clay loam textured soil located in southern Spain. Four drainage lysimeters (5 m × 5 m × 1.5 m), each containing one tree, were constructed and equipped with one lateral line containing eight drippers per tree, with a discharge rate of 2 L h−1. Three access tubes for the neutron probe (NP), symmetrically facing three PVC access tubes containing the multi-depth capacitance probes (MDCP) were located perpendicularly to the drip line (0.2, 0.6 and 1 m). The results demonstrated that both the capacitance and neutron probes gave similar soil water content values under steady state hydraulic gradient conditions (0.2 m from the emitter) although some discrepancies were found in heterogeneous soil water distribution conditions (1 m from the emitter), which might be attributed to the smaller soil volume explored by the MDCP compared with the NP. Explanations for the discrepancies between both devised are presented. When water inputs and outputs were fairly constant, the volumetric soil water content could be considered to represent field saturation (θsat = 0.36 m3 m−3). When drainage was zero, there were 2 days when the soil water content was constant and could be considered as field capacity (θfc = 0.31 m3 m−3). The findings suggest that: (i) capacitance probes can be used for continuous real-time soil water content monitoring unlike the manual measurements obtained with the neutron probe; (ii) the location of the sensors is critical when used for drip irrigation scheduling and our recommendations for practical agricultural purposes would be to place MDCP sensors in the place representing the highest root density, leading the sensors to become biological sensors rather than mere soil moisture sensors; and (iii) on average, the water balance values determined by lysimeter match those calculated using the data from both probes. However, due to the smaller soil volume explored by MDCP, more of these sensors must be used to characterize the soil water status in water balance studies.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze the components of the water balance in an Ultisol, located in the municipality of Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil (21°20′20″S, 48°18′35″W), that was cultivated with sugarcane. The monitoring was performed during the agricultural cycle of the first ratoon between 11/16/2006 and 7/9/2007. Three treatments were established in four blocks with doses of ammonium sulfate, as follows: Treatment 1 (T1), without fertilizer; Treatment 2 (T2), 100 kg ha−1 of nitrogen (N) and 114 kg ha−1 of sulfur (S); and Treatment 3 (T3), 150 kg ha−1 of N and 172 kg ha−1 of S. Rainy precipitation (P) in the area was measured with a rain gauge. The soil water storage (H) and the soil water storage variations (ΔH) were determined by the gravimetric method, and the internal drainage (D)/capillary rise (CR) at a depth of 0.9 m was quantified by the water flux density using the Darcy–Buckingham equation. The actual evapotranspiration (ETa) was calculated as follows: ETa = PD + CR ± ΔH. During the study period, the amount of rainfall was 1406 mm, 121 mm greater than the historic average for the region (1285 mm), with a notable peak in the month of January of 402 mm (historic average: 251 mm). The internal drainage was 300 mm under T1, 352 mm under T2, and 199 mm under T3, and this was relevant during times with elevated P, when the actual H was greater than the field capacity H. The actual evapotranspiration (T1: −897.7 mm, T2: −847.5 mm, and T3: −970.8 mm) and the water use efficiency (T1: −131.3 kg mm−1, T2: −146.6 kg mm−1, and T3: −127.5 kg mm−1) did not differ among the treatments. The dispersion of D was greater than the other components of the water balance, especially during the period of elevated P, with the errors of this process propagated in the estimation of ETa. Despite of this propagated standard deviation of ETa, it accounted less than 15% of the total ETa, showing that the method may be conveniently used in field studies with sugarcane crops.  相似文献   

The effects of drip irrigation on the yield and crop water productivity responses of four tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) clones were studied four consecutive years (2003/2004-2006/2007), in a large (9 ha) field experiment comprising of six drip irrigation treatments (labelled: I1-I6) and four clones (TRFCA PC81, AHP S15/10, BBK35 and BBT207) planted at a spacing of 1.20 m × 0.60 m at Kibena Tea Limited (KTL), Njombe in the Southern Tanzania in a situation of limited water availability. Each clone × drip irrigation treatment combination was replicated six times in a completely randomized design with 144 net plots each with an area of 72 m2. Clone TRFCA PC81 gave the highest yields (range: 5920-6850 kg dried tea ha−1) followed by clones BBT207 (5010-5940 kg dried tea ha−1), AHP S15/10 (4230-5450 kg dried tea ha−1) and BBK35 (3410-4390 kg dried tea ha−1) and drip irrigation treatment I2 gave the highest yields, ranging from 4954 to 6072 kg dried tea ha−1) compared with those from other treatments (4113-5868 kg dried tea ha−1). Most of these yields exceeded those (4200 kg dried tea ha−1) obtained from overhead sprinkler irrigation system in Mufindi also Southern Tanzania, and Kibena Estate itself. Results showed that drip irrigation of tea not only increased yields but also gave water saving benefits of up to 50% from application of 50% less water to remove the cumulative soil water deficit (treatment I2), and with labour saving of 85% for irrigation. The yield of dried tea per mm depth of water applied, i.e., “the crop water productivity” for drip irrigation of clones TRFCA PC81, BBT207 and BBK35, in 2003/2004 for instance, were 9.3, 8.5 and 7.1 kg dried tea [ha mm]−1, respectively. The corresponding values in 2004/2005 were 2.7, 4.5 and 2.0 kg dried tea [ha mm]−1 while the yield responses from clone AHP S15/10 were linear decreasing by 1 and 1.6 kg dried tea [ha mm]−1 in 2003/2004 and 2004/2005, respectively. In 2005/2006 the crop water productivity from clones TRFCA PC81, AHP S15/10, BBK35 and BBT207 were 4.5, 0.4, 5.2 and 6.9 kg dried tea [ha mm]−1, respectively with quadratic yield response functions to drip irrigation depth of water application. The results are presented and recommendations and implications made for technology-transfer scaling-up for increased use by large and smallholder tea growers.  相似文献   

Crop evapotranspiration (ET) is an important component of simulation models with many practical applications related to the efficient management of crop water supply. The algorithms used by models to calculate ET are of various complexity and robustness, and often have to be modified for particular environments. We chose three crop models with different ET calculation strategies: CROPWAT with simple data inputs and no calibrations, MODWht for intensive inputs and limited calibrations, and CERES-Wheat with intensive inputs and more calibrations for parameters. The three crop models were used to calculate ET of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown at two experimental sites of China and US during multiple growing seasons in which ET was measured using lysimeter or soil water balance techniques. None of the models calculated daily ET well at either Bushland or Zhengzhou as indicated by high mean absolute differences (MAD > 1.1 mm) and root mean squared errors (RMSE > 2.0 mm). The three models tended to overestimate daily ET when measured ET was small, and to underestimate daily ET when measured ET was large. The fitted values of daily crop coefficients (Kc), calculated from daily ET and reference ET (ETo), were very similar to those of Allen et al. (1998) [Allen, R.G., Pereira, S.L., Raes, D., Smith, M., 1998. Crop evapotranspiration guidelines for computing crop water requirements. Irrigation and drainage paper 56, Rome] although some Kc were overestimated (≥1.0). Leaf area index (LAI) was poorly calculated by MODWht and CERES-Wheat, especially when using the Priestley-Taylor method to estimate potential ET (PET). Poor overall ET calculation of three models was associated with poorly estimated values of PET or ETo, Kc and LAI as well as their interactions. Therefore, this suggested that considerable revisions and calibrations of ET algorithms of the three models are needed for the improvement of ET calculation.  相似文献   

The goal of beneficial management practices (BMPs) such as off-stream watering without fencing is to direct cattle away from rivers, improve the environmental quality of the riparian zone, and prevent or reduce river pollution. We conducted a four year (2005-2008) study on an unfenced 1.3 km reach of the Lower Little Bow (LLB) River in southern Alberta, Canada where three off-stream watering systems were installed 290 to ≥730 m from the river in August, 2005. Our hypothesis was that off-stream watering would reduce cattle activity at the river, improve riparian health, prevent river pollution by cattle, and improve the soil, vegetative, and rainfall simulation runoff variables at a cattle access site near the river. Off-stream watering did not significantly (p > 0.10) reduce the median number of cattle on the river bank, in the river, or drinking from the river one year later. However, there was a reduction of 20% (p = 0.15) for median number of cattle on the river bank and a 72% reduction (p = 0.20) for cattle in the river. The BMP moderately improved the riparian health score from 60% (2005) to 65% (2007). Our spatial analysis (upstream-downstream) of base-flow during the post-BMP period (2006-2008) suggested that off-stream watering prevented river pollution by cattle for the majority of water quality variables measured. Canopy cover at the cattle access site near the river was significantly (p ≤ 0.10) increased by 26-53% one and two years after the BMP. Two years after the BMP was implemented, total basal area, biomass, and mulch were significantly increased by 37-106%, while bare soil and NO3-N in surface soil were decreased by 38-89%, respectively. In contrast, other vegetative and soil properties were not significantly improved. Concentrations of the majority of N and P fractions in rainfall simulation runoff were not significantly reduced, and may be related to the high precipitation in the pre-BMP year of 2005. We accept the hypothesis that off-stream watering improved riparian health, prevented river pollution by cattle, and improved certain vegetative (canopy cover, total basal area, mulch, bare soil) and soil properties (soil NO3-N) near the river. However, we reject the hypothesis that off-stream watering improved other vegetation (live basal area) and soil properties (bulk density, NH4-N, total N and C), or improved rainfall simulation runoff quality near the river. Although we cannot statistically prove that the positive benefits of off-stream watering on certain environmental variables was due to reduced cattle activity, the non-significant reductions in cattle activity suggested this may be a possibility.  相似文献   

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