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犬阴道脱出在临床上比较少见,其发病原因也比较多,治疗方法因发病成因不同而不同. 1 临床症状 部分阴道脱出的患犬,病初卧地时往往可见粉红色阴道组织团块突出于阴门之外,站立时可复原.若脱出时间过久,脱出部分充血肿胀增大,患犬站立后也不能自行还纳阴道内.引起患犬不安、疼痛.阴道全部脱出的患犬,整个阴道翻出于阴门之外,呈红色球状物露出,不能自行还纳腹腔.  相似文献   

母牛阴道脱出是指一部分或者全部阴道壁脱至肛门外面,其中卧地时脱出而站起时缩回称为不完全脱出或者部分脱出;站起后依旧无法缩回的称为完全脱出。母牛主要是在妊娠末期出现发病,病牛卧地后,可见阴门之间存在粉红色的拳头大小的瘤样物或者露至阴门外面。该病一般是由于妊娠母牛年龄过大、体质衰弱、缺乏营养,尤其是摄取钙、磷不足以及运动不足等引起。现介绍母牛阴道脱出的发生原因、临床症状、治疗以及预防措施。  相似文献   

1临床症状 产前阴道脱:大多发生于产前1~2d,为阴道不全脱,母猪卧地后阴门外突出鸡蛋大或更大些的红色球状物,站立后可自行恢复。 产后阴道脱:大多发生于产后数小时内,为阴道全脱,病程很短,不能自行恢复,脱出的鲜红色柱状物长约20cm。  相似文献   

<正>母牛的子宫脱是指子宫的一部分或全部脱出于阴道或阴门之外的产后疾病。1治疗1.1整复1.1.1子宫半脱的整复采用快速还纳法,将病牛行前低后高站立保定,术者手戴长臂塑料手套,首先剥离胎衣,用消毒过的搪瓷盆托起脱  相似文献   

牛的阴道脱又被俗称为"掉球",一般多发生于妊娠后期。患病牛的阴门外脱出一粉红色球状物,脱出时间较长时脱出物色泽变暗,大小从拳头大到排球大不等。轻时多在卧下时脱出,站立时缩回,严重的则站立时也不能缩回。  相似文献   

1987年—1991年间,我们采用阴道侧壁与臀部缝合法治愈12例阴道脱出的奶牛,效果很好。 (一)患牛简况 12例阴道脱出患牛中,3例部分脱出,9例全部脱出。患牛大部分为老龄经产(8—10胎)体质较差的舍饲奶牛,产前1个月—10天占66%,怀孕中期和产后发生的占少数。 (二)患牛症状部分脱出:患牛卧地时,可见前庭及阴道壁形成拳头大小、粉红色瘤状物突出在阴门之间,站立时自行缩回;如此反复脱出、缩回;久后,脱出的阴道壁松驰增大,且站立长时间后才能缩回,粘膜充血、水肿、时常粘有草屑、粪土等。  相似文献   

正牛子宫脱出是指母牛子宫从正常位置沿阴道下降,宫颈外口达坐骨棘水平以下,甚至子宫全部脱出于阴道口以外的一种病症。牛子宫脱出有子宫全脱和子宫半脱两种情况。全脱时,子宫和产道全部脱出;半脱时,子宫的一部分留在骨盆腔内,而另一部分脱出于阴门外。当前,牛子宫脱出病症时有发生,笔者结合多年的兽医临床,谈谈对这一病症的诊治体会。  相似文献   

母猪阴道脱和子宫脱的病症及防治介绍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓阴道脱是指阴道脱出猪阴道壁一部分或全部脱出于阴门之外,称为阴道脱。  相似文献   

1 阴道脱出 是阴道的一部分或全部突出阴门外所致.常见发生于妊娠后期,脱出物约拳头大,呈红绝半球形或球形,初发生时,卧地时,阴门张开,粘膜外露呈半球形,站立时脱出部分自行收回,以后可发展为阴道全脱出,不能自行缩同,粘膜变为暗红色,常沾污粪便,甚至粘膜干裂,坏死.病猪精神食欲大多正常.  相似文献   

牛子宫脱出通常是指牛子宫的一部分或全部脱出于阴道或阴门之外的现象。若脱出时间较长时,子宫易发生瘀血和水肿,可能会导致损伤及感染。畜主发现患畜子宫有脱出现象时,应及时找兽医技术员诊治为妥。笔者从事兽医工作十余年来,治疗牛子宫脱出46例,治愈41例,效果明显,现将方法介  相似文献   

Prolapse of vagina is one of the important maternal abnormalities during pregnancy in cattle and buffaloes. A field investigation was carried out on 26 Murrah graded buffaloes to study clinical characteristics of vaginal prolapse in buffaloes in Nepal. Fifty-seven percent of the 26 buffaloes with vaginal prolapse were either heifers or in first lactation. Sixty-five percent of the cases were in seventh month of pregnancy or later. About three quarters of the cases occurred between June and October. Twelve cases (63%) of the 19 animals excluding 7 heifers had a history of vaginal prolapse in previous gestations. A half of the buffaloes were showing prolapse of the vagina even when they were in standing position and showing moderate or vigorous straining. After the conventional treatments, twenty-three buffaloes retained the replaced vagina and calved normally. One animal aborted although the vagina was retained. Two buffaloes had severest degree of vaginal prolapse complicated with edema, injury and cyanosis, and they did not respond to the treatment. The two buffaloes had frequently recurrent prolapse and subsequently died. Early detection and prompt treatment may be imperative to control the vaginal prolapse in buffaloes.  相似文献   

Two surgical techniques were used to evert the bladder into the vagina for observation and repair of bladder tears that were associated with parturition. One technique involved an incision through the vaginal floor into the peritoneal cavity just caudal to the cervix, and prolapse of the bladder into the vagina. The second technique involved a 3-cm incision through the urethra, 5 cm cranial to the urethral orifice, and digital exploration of the tear and finger traction to evert the bladder through the urethral incision. In both mares, the bladder defects were repaired in two layers, with use of 2-0 polyglycolic acid in a simple continuous pattern. After repositioning, the vaginal and urethral incisions were closed in single layers using absorbable suture material. A standing vaginal approach eliminates the need for general anesthesia and allows excellent observation and repair of bladder tears in adult mares.  相似文献   

Retinal detachment and bovine tuberculosis in cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bovine tuberculosis has been virtually eradicated from Britain. It was a disease to which cats were susceptible, mainly from the consumption of infected cow's milk. This report discusses four cases of ocular tuberculosis which, although of limited clinical significance today, could be of some value to veterinary clinical history. In the past, there has been a tendency to associate retinal haemorrhages with a choroidal tuberculosis, but with reference to the veterinary literature and two of the cases cited here, it would appear that either haemorrhage or uveitis, from whatever cause, is more likely to be linked to retinal detachment than to tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Clinical approach to vaginal/vestibular masses in the bitch.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The most common causes of vaginal/vestibular masses in the bitch are vaginal prolapse, vaginal neoplasia, and urethral neoplasia protruding into the vaginal vault. Other possible causes are clitoral enlargement, vaginal polyps, uterine prolapse, and vaginal abscessation or hematoma. Vaginal prolapse usually can be distinguished from neoplasia by the age of the patient, the time of occurrence during the estrous cycle, and the site of origin of the mass. Prolapse usually occurs in bitches under 4 years of age during proestrus, estrus, or at the end of diestrus and usually arises from the floor of the vagina, except for urethral tumors that protrude from the external urethral orifice. Appropriate diagnostic workup of bitches with vaginal vestibular masses includes complete history and physical examination, vaginal cytologic and vaginoscopic examination, retrograde vaginography or urethrocystography, serum progesterone and estradiol concentrations, and, in the case of suspect neoplasms, surgical or excision biopsy of the mass.  相似文献   

Seventeen cases of spontaneous, partial or total vaginal rupture, in pregnant ewes, involving the dislocation and herniation of the intestines and uterus, were studied. Four of them also had a uterine torsion, and three of these recovered after treatment. In the remaining 13 cases the condition of the uterus was unknown. The lesion always consisted of a dorsolateral tear in the vagina with a partial or total perforation of the wall close to the uterine cervix. The affected animals were all in normal body condition. Their average age was just under five years, and most were carrying twins. Most cases occurred approximately one week before expected lambing. None of the cases was observed to have a vaginal prolapse before the vaginal rupture. Histological examination of one case revealed scar formation in the vaginal wall close to the rupture, which appeared to be due to an earlier inflammatory process or injury. The circulatory disturbance in the reproductive organs caused by the uterine torsion potentially weakens the vaginal wall. This weakness, in combination with excessive tenesmus resulting from increased tension in the uterine ligaments, and in some cases possibly with a lower vaginal resistance due to previous scarring, may be of aetiological significance in spontaneous vaginal rupture.  相似文献   

Chronic vaginitis is the most common vaginal disorder. Dogs with vaginitis show no signs of systemic illness but often lick at the vulva and have purulent or hemorrhagic vaginal discharges. Vaginitis is most commonly secondary to a noninfectious inciting factor such as congenital vaginal anomalies, clitoral hypertrophy, foreign bodies, trauma to the vaginal mucosa, or vaginal tumors. Inspection of the caudal vagina and vestibule both visually and digitally will often reveal the source of vaginal irritation. Vaginal cytology is used to establish the stage of the estrous cycle as well as distinguish uterine from vaginal sources of discharge. Vaginal cultures are used to establish the predominant offending organism associated with vaginal discharges and may be used as a guide for selection of a therapeutic agent. Vaginitis is best managed by removing the inciting cause and treating the area locally with antiseptic douches. Congenital malformations at the vestibulovaginal or vestibulovulvar junction may prevent normal intromission. Affected bitches may be reluctant to breed naturally because of pain. Such defects are detected best by digital examination. Congenital vaginal defects may be corrected by digital or surgical means. Prolapse of tissue through the lips of the vulva may be caused by clitoral hypertrophy, vaginal hyperplasia, or vaginal tumors. Enlargement of clitoral tissue is the result of endogenous or exogenous sources of androgens. Treatment of this condition includes removal of the androgen source and/or surgical removal of clitoral tissue. Vaginal hyperplasia is detected during proestrus or estrus of young bitches. Hyperplastic tissue will regress during diestrus. Tissue that is excessively traumatized and/or prolapse of the entire vaginal circumference may be removed surgically. Ovariohysterectomy may be used to prevent recurrence. Vaginal tumors are detected most often in older intact bitches. Such tumors are generally of smooth muscle or fibrous tissue origin and benign. Surgical excision of the tumor combined with ovariohysterectomy is usually curative.  相似文献   

Ovine caesarean operations: a study of 137 field cases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Under field conditions a 97.8% success rate was achieved for caesarean operations performed on ewes with live or freshly dead lambs present in utero. Where lambs were in moderate to advanced stages of autolysis and emphysema the survival rate of the dam was 57.1%. Neither the presence of a vaginal prolapse nor abortion appeared to have an influence on the survival rate of the ewe. Interference and trauma to the posterior reproductive tract prior to veterinary examination reduced the success rate of cases. Ewes with a history during gestation of a prolapsed vagina were 10 times more likely to require a caesarean operation to correct the dystocia than normal ewes. A range of haematological variables failed to give an accurate prognostic guide to the outcome of surgery. A caesarean operation is recommended in preference to euthanasia of a ewe that could have been considered a poor-risk surgical case. Fetotomy was not possible in cases where emphysematous lambs were present in utero.  相似文献   

A 1‐year‐old female Labrador retriever was referred with a few days history of haematic‐like vulvar discharge. Physical examination, vaginal inspection and palpation did not reveal any remarkable finding. Transabdominal ultrasound showed echogenic fluid accumulation in the vagina suggesting haemato‐pyocolpos. An exploratory laparotomy was performed: a well‐delimited ectasic vagina was identified. Ovariohysterectomy and partial vaginectomy and vaginoplasty were performed to spay the bitch and to remove the ectasic vagina. Post‐operative recovery and 12‐month follow‐up were uneventful. Clinical, morphological and histological findings were consistent with a congenital abnormality of the muscular layer of the vagina complicated by haemato‐pyocolpos. The disorganization of the vaginal tunica muscularis may have acted as locus minoris resistentiae in the vaginal wall. The organ was dilated and atonic due to the gradual accumulation of physiological fluids complicated by an overgrowth of genital bacteria. This congenital disorder has to be taken into account as differential diagnosis of haemato‐pyocolpos with vaginal discharge in young bitches.  相似文献   

A 7-year-old Brahman cow was diagnosed as suffering from chronic foetal mummification of unknown aetiology, concurrent cystic ovarian disease, prolapse of the 2nd cervical ring and chronic cervicitis. Repeated treatment with prostaglandin F2alpha and oestrogen failed to resolve the mummification. A hysterotomy was performed via an incision in the dorsolateral vaginal wall. Good exposure of the uterine horn was achieved and mild post-operative complications were observed. Colpotomy can be regarded as an alternative surgical approach to the moderately enlarged bovine uterus.  相似文献   

A 9-year-old atactic breeding stallion was trained to ejaculate, with only manual stimulation, while standing on the ground. Ejaculates obtained yielded fertile semen with morphologic and motility characteristics within the range for normal stallions. This method extended the breeding life of a stallion unable to mount a live or dummy mare or to ejaculate into an artificial vagina while standing on the ground.  相似文献   

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