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生物量是研究森林生态系统结构与功能的基础,生物量的估算对深入研究人工林生态系统生产力与环境因子之间的关系具有重要意义。笔者同时采用点数法和经验公式法对新疆农业大学校园内常见绿化树种的叶生物进行了估算,对比分析了2种方法得出的结果,得出白榆的叶生物量最大,圆冠榆最小,美国白蜡在两者之间。经验公式得出的叶生物量变异数小于标准枝点数法得出的叶生物量变异数,经验公式求算树种叶生物量可行。  相似文献   

为研究气候变暖背景下热量资源变化对浙江甘蓝型冬油菜的影响,利用国家一级农业气象试验站浙江龙游站2000—2020年甘蓝型冬油菜生育期、产量及生长季内逐日气象资料,采用一元线性回归方程、Pearson相关系数、5 d滑动平均、3 a滑动平均等统计方法,分析多时空、多要素热量资源对浙江甘蓝型冬油菜生育期及产量的影响。结果表明,20 a来浙江省龙游县秋、冬、春三季平均气温呈明显上升趋势,其中冬季年际分布差异最大,并于2020年达到峰值。稳定通过10℃界限温度的初、终日表现均为提前,且持续日数呈显著性增加趋势,但最长、最短日在缩短;寒冷日数呈减少趋势,高温日数有所增加。20 a油菜现蕾期提前,其他生育期推迟,推迟最明显的为绿熟期,冬季现蕾期提前主要受1、2月气温影响。全生育期近年有所增加,成熟期明显提前,≥10℃活动积温增加。油菜实际产量和趋势产量均呈增加趋势,气候产量也呈增加趋势,但年际间波动较大。10月下旬—11月下旬(五真叶至成活期)气温呈升高趋势,且10月下旬平均气温与气候产量呈显著性正相关,有利于越冬前油菜苗稳健生长,促进子叶生长,形成壮苗。油菜越冬期内气温偏低、入春后气温偏高是影响...  相似文献   

年际间气象因子变化对棉花产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以生产上大面积推广应用的‘鲁棉研28号’为试材,探讨年际间气象因子变化对棉花产量的影响。结果表明,年际间棉花生育期内的积温变化不显著,日照时数间的变异系数为7.4%,降水量的变异系数达到18.4%;日照时数与籽棉产量、霜前籽棉产量、皮棉产量呈正相关;降水量与籽棉产量、霜前籽棉产量、皮棉产量呈负相关,均达到显著水平,表明降水量是影响棉花产量因素的关键气象条件。  相似文献   

不同时期高温胁迫对江苏省水稻生育期和产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究于2014年以江苏省历史气象资料和水稻生长发育观测资料为基础,对WOFOST模型进行本地化处理后,针对水稻生长季高温发生的不同强度和持续时间,利用WOFOST模型模拟分析拔节期、孕穗期、抽穗扬花期和灌浆乳熟期分别发生不同程度高温胁迫对水稻生长发育和产量的影响。模拟结果表明,过高的温度会抑制作物有机物合成,在不同强度和持续日数高温影响下,水稻减产程度依次为灌浆乳熟期最大,其次是抽穗扬花期,再次是孕穗期,拔节期最小,高温还会导致水稻生育期缩短,影响水稻干物质积累,高温发生的时段与程度不同,导致水稻减产的程度也不尽相同,并且高温强度越大持续时间越长所造成的影响越大。  相似文献   

播种期对广东省晚稻产量及生育期的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了研究出广东省5个典型稻作生态区晚稻最佳播种期,明确气候变化对近年来新育成并大面积推广晚稻品种产量的影响。2009年晚季,在韶关、肇庆、广州、汕头、湛江等5个代表性地点对超级杂交稻天优998、超级常规稻玉香油占及杂交稻天优428进行了分期播种试验,结果表明:播种期对广东晚稻产量及其构成因素的影响具有一定的地域性差异,其中,5个地点高产播种期分别为7月2日(B)、7月16日(D)、7月16日(D)、7月23日(E)、7月9日(C)。通过分析晚稻产量及其构成因素与温度、降雨、光照等气候生态因子的相互关系、构建逐步回归方程,结果表明,返青期至拔节期较低的日均最高气温、较低的日均最低气温、较高的日均气温及较高的积温,孕穗期至齐穗期较高的日均气温、较低的平均日照时数,以及齐穗后20天至收割期较大的累积日照时数,有利提高晚稻产量。  相似文献   

不同生育期根际土壤淹水对小麦品种光合作用和产量的影响   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:28  
李金才  董琦  余松烈 《作物学报》2001,27(4):434-441
采用人工模拟淹水的试验方法,研究了五个不同生育时期根际土壤淹水对6个冬小麦品种光合作用和经济产量的影响。结果表明,不同生育时期根际土壤淹水对产量影响的相对受害率(RIR)差异及耐湿性不同品种产量的RIR差异达极显著水平(方差分析结果分别为F=111.68**,υ1=4,υ2=20,F0.01=4.43;F=18.51**,υ1=5,υ2=20,F0.0  相似文献   

水稻生育期对籽粒产量及品质的影响   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
明确水稻生育期与产量、品质的关系,对水稻高产优质育种和合理栽培措施的制定,具有重要的意义。本文以晚粳宁111和春江302经遮光(短日照)处理后获得的不同生育期水稻植株为材料,分析其产量和米质指标。结果表明,生育期152 d以上时,对产量无显著影响,而生育期短于152 d时,产量与生育期间呈极显著正相关;成熟期群体干物质积累量随生育期变化的趋势与产量表现基本一致。不同稻米的长度、宽度、蛋白质含量以及淀粉消减值,均以中等偏短生育期(131~132 d)最小,大于或小于131~132 d,均会使上述指标值增加;两品种直链淀粉含量亦有相似的趋势,只是其最低值分别对应132和137 d的生育期;各处理稻米淀粉的崩解值变化与消减值趋势相反。对垩白粒率、垩白度及糊化温度,各处理均呈随生育期延长而降低的趋势;生育期变化对碾米品质影响总体上较小。  相似文献   

不同施肥方式对玉米生育期内根际土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示不同施肥处理及施肥方式下土壤酶活性的变化规律,通过田间试验,以单施化肥为对照,研究条施和撒施方式下4种不同微生物肥料对玉米生育期内3种主要根际土壤酶活性的影响。结果表明,土壤酶活性在玉米生育期呈现出大致相同的变化规律,土壤蔗糖酶和脲酶活性高峰出现在拔节期,土壤过氧化氢酶在成熟期活性最高;条施和撒施方式下,增施复合菌种微生物肥能提高过氧化氢酶活性,在不同时期分别较对照高出6. 3%~9. 0%和4. 0%~10. 5%;而增施解淀粉芽孢杆菌微生物肥则提高蔗糖酶和脲酶活性,在不同时期蔗糖酶活性分别较对照高出20. 7%~68. 0%和18. 6%~37. 4%;在不同时期脲酶活性分别较对照高出21. 8%~30. 4%和4. 6%~14. 4%。2种施肥方式表明,条施可以提高肥料的综合利用率,利于作物的充分吸收。综上分析表明,无机肥和微生物肥配施可以改良玉米根际土壤,提高土壤酶活和土壤肥力,有利于增强土壤可持续生产力。研究结果可为微生物肥料在玉米上的合理利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为探讨机械化种植对木薯产量和土壤肥力的影响,以‘新选048’、‘华南5号’和‘华南205’3个已在生产上大面积推广应用的木薯品种为材料,分别采用机械化种植与人工种植2种不同种植方式,对木薯产量及土壤肥力状况进行研究。结果表明:与人工种植相比,机械化种植土壤速效氮、速效磷、速效钾、有机质含量及木薯产量均明显增加,其中‘新选048’土壤速效N、P、K及有机质含量分别增加了7.23%、6.27%、16.76%、4.46%,‘华南5号’分别增加了11.09%、32.58%、21.80%、3.73%,‘华南205’分别增加了9.21%、14.28%、16.80%、5.21%;‘新选048’、‘华南5号’和‘华南205’3个木薯品种块根产量分别增加了14.02%、5.86%和16.70%。可见,机械化种植对改善土壤肥力,促进木薯生长发育,提高木薯产量起到积极的作用,应该在木薯生产中推广应用。在木薯机械生产种植上,‘新选048’和‘华南205’这2个木薯品种增产效果很明显,是值得广泛推广的品种。  相似文献   

为解决农村年轻劳动力迁移减少和人口老年化所导致的对粮食作物生产积极性大幅度降低的问题,探究投入劳动力更少的水稻种植方式和与之相配套的高产品种的种植模式已迫在眉睫。通过2017—2019年的大田试验比较了当前常见且易于推广的2种种植方式,以及筛选了便于购买的早稻品种14个和晚稻品种12个,其种植方式为模拟机插秧和机直播,研究不同种植方式对不同早晚稻品种的生育期、产量、干物质积累量的影响。结果表明,直播能够比移栽缩短生育期,其中早稻直播平均生育期较移栽缩短7 d,晚稻平均缩短8 d,且直播的生育期比移栽的波动范围更小,表现更为稳定;每年全年年均产量均表现为直播显著高于移栽,其中2017年高出29.71%,2018年高出12.37%,2019年高出7.15%,并发现产量和不同时期的干物质积累量会受品种、种植方式和年度的极显著影响;通过线性回归协方差检验可知,产量与干物质积累量均存在正相关性,表现为产量随着干物质积累量增加而增加,其直播方式的线性回归的决定系数(R2)均高于移栽方式。综合比较得出,早晚稻种植方式中均以直播方式表现更佳,筛选出了与直播方式配套的稳定高产(3 ...  相似文献   

The field experiments conducted on the grey‐brown podzolic soil in the four growing seasons (1998–2001) at Krzeslice Farm, central‐western Poland comprised seven fertilization variants: 80NF + 80CAN; 80CAN + 80CAN; 80AN + 80AN; 80NF + 50CAN + 30CN; 80CAN + 50CAN +30CN; 80AN + 50AN + 30CN (where NF – nitrofos NPK; CAN – calcium‐ammonium nitrate; AN – ammonium nitrate; CN – calcium nitrate) and control (without N) applied in split rates at the beginning of spring regrowth (80 kg N ha?1), stem elongation (80 or 50) and flower buds visible stages (30). The yielding effect of tested fertilization variants was significant in comparison with the control (2.24 t ha?1). The highest mean seed yield (3.64 t ha?1) was collected from 80AN + 80AN and 80CAN + 80CAN variants. Mean values of 4 years indicate that the second N rate division (80 + 50 + 30) decreased yield, although not significantly in comparison with these two N treatments. Plants grown on these treatments have developed different patterns of growth to yield the seeds. These patterns were characterized by very high crop growth rate during flowering (above 21 g m?2 day?1) and negative at maturation (down to ?2.5 g m?2 day?1). Plants fertilized with ammonium nitrate (80AN + 80AN) reached maximum growth rate earlier (65 days), which lasted longer (20 days) than plants fertilized with calcium‐ammonium nitrate (71 days lasting 17.5 days). Plants grown on the control treatment reached the highest crop growth rate within 79 days (14.8 g m?2 day?1), which lasted 15 days.  相似文献   

冬油菜苗期化学除草效果和经济效益研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为筛选出经济、高效、安全的化学除草方法,有效控制油菜田间杂草危害,提高油菜产量和种植效益,通过试验,研究了2种化学除草剂不同使用浓度的安全性和苗期化学除草效果,并以人工除草和不除草方法为对照,对比分析不同除草方法的投入和产出情况。结果表明:不同除草方法间油菜产量差异显著;化学除草方法对油菜田间杂草有较好的防除效果,并可显著降低油菜生产的劳动力和生产成本投入,进而提高经济效益;不同化学除草方法均于施药35天后表现出较好的除草效果;每公顷用21.2%喹·胺·草除灵悬浮剂900 mL于油菜4—5叶期、杂草3—4叶期兑水900 kg及时喷施的方法除草效果好,对油菜生长安全,可以作为冬油菜田的苗期化学除草方法在生产上应用。  相似文献   

To compare the statistical properties of harvest index and grain/straw-ratio their variabilities (expressed by the relative measure coefficient of variation), their skewnesses and kurtoses have been compared theoretically.
With regard to variability, the harvest index exhibits a clear superiority (= smaller variability) compared to the grain/straw-ratio. For skewness and kurtosis no such generally valid relationships exist. But, for the range of the empirically most relevant parameter values one obtains approximately equal numerical values for skewness as well as for kurtosis of harvest index and grain/straw-ratio. Finally, the theoretical results and conclusions have been checked and applied to the experimental data sets from a field trial with ten European cultivars/lines of winter oilseed rape.  相似文献   

Based on well-known statistical approximations for the mean, variance, and for the third moment about zero of the ratio of two random variables, a general expression has been derived for the skewness of the distribution of harvest indices. The skewness of the distribution of harvest indices depends on three parameters: coefficients of variation for the two component traits and their correlation. Conclusions for the sign of this skewness are discussed. Finally, the theoretical results and conclusions have been checked and applied to an experimental data set of winter oilseed rape. The agreement between expected and observed skewness is extraordinary good.  相似文献   

In this study a stochastic approach, based on several simplifying assumptions, is developed that allows an estimation of the effects of nonregular spatial patterns of the distribution of individual plants on yield per area. In this approach, two random variables were attached to each individual plant: single plant yield and individual space per plant. The latter can be estimated, for example, by the area of Thiessen polygons. Yield per area is calculated theoretically by the expectation (=mean) of the ratio between individual yield and area. Based on the logarithmic relationship between single plant yield and individual space per plant, yield per area can be broken down into three additive terms: the first term depends only on the mean of individual plant areas, while the second depends on their mean and variance simultaneously. This second term is the product of the variance and a factor which depends only on the mean. The third term is a function of the mean and of higher order (≥ 3) central moments of a fractional linear transformation of individual plant area. Finally, these theoretical concepts were applied to 17 experimental data sets of three cultivars of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) with measurements for single plant yields and individual areas for the Thiessen polygon tesselations. Since yield per area is theoretically defined by the expectation of the ratio between individual yield and area, it is estimated by the arithmetic mean of the individual yield/area‐ratios. The agreement between this estimate and the sum of the estimated terms from the aforementioned additive decomposition of yield per area is particularly good. For the 17 data sets, percentages for these additive terms of approximately 71.4 % up to 98.4 % (mean: 89.0 %) for the first term, 1.6 % up to 20.0 % (mean: 9.8 %) for the second term and 0 % up to 8.7 % (mean: 1.2 %) for the third term are obtained. As a consequence it may be concluded, that yield per area can be explained mainly by dependencies on the means of individual plant areas while the variance of individual plant spaces is of only minor importance. The effect of the third term is insignificant. These results clearly indicate an answer to the main issue raised in the paper, namely the importance of seeding density as opposed to seeding accuracy/uniformity: nonuniformity is of limited influence and seeding density is the main correlate of yield/area. Seed placement accuracy of seeding technology therefore plays an only minor role.  相似文献   

Field experiments were carried out on grey‐brown podzolic soil in the four consecutive growing seasons (1998–2001) at Krzeslice Farm, central‐western Poland. The effect of seven N fertilization treatments (in kg N ha?1): 80NF + 80CAN; 80NF + 50CAN + 30CN; 80CAN + 80CAN; 80CAN + 80CAN + 30CN; 80AN + 80AN; 80AN + 50AN + 30CN, where, NF – nitrofos NPK, CAN – calcium‐ammonium nitrate, AN – ammonium nitrate, CN – calcium nitrate and control (without N) on N uptake dynamics and N efficiency was studied. Mineral fertilizers were applied at the start of spring regrowth, beginning of stem elongation and at the flower‐bud‐visibility stage. The study revealed two distinct strategies of oilseed rape plants’ adaptation to timing and N fertilizer application sequences. Both strategies based on nitrogen uptake rate (NUR), were analysed at different plant growth stages. Ammonium nitrate (AN) applied in the two‐split system gave the highest NUR (387 mg m?2 day?1) during stem elongation (for comparison, a value of 166 mg m?2 day?1 was obtained in the control). In the case of calcium‐ammonium nitrate (CAN), a moderate level of NUR was obtained (304 mg m?2 day?1) but N uptake lasted 12 days longer compared with the AN treatment. Hence, N accumulation in leaves at the end of flowering explained about 81 % of yield variability. The second adaptation strategy was attributed to the three‐split N treatment. Plants fertilized with AN and CAN fertilizers showed an inconsistent pattern of NUR with time. Nitrogen accumulation in stems at the beginning of maturity, explained 69 % of yield variability. Nitrogen‐use efficiency did not show any response to N treatments.  相似文献   

芽孢杆菌Bam22对油菜根肿病的防治效果研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
由芸薹根肿菌(Plasmodiophora brassicae)侵染引起的根肿病是限制油菜生产的主要病害之一,苗期即可发病,目前该病害的主要防治措施有选用抗病品种和使用化学药剂,但农药残留问题日益突出,故提出采用生物防治的策略防控油菜根肿病。笔者采用拌种与苗期灌根的方式研究了芽孢杆菌(Bacillus Bam22)对油菜根肿病的田间防治效果,苗期调查结果表明芽孢杆菌Bam22拌种处理(T1)和芽孢杆菌Bam22+高岭土拌种处理(T2)较清水对照(CK)的发病率降低了3.4%~20%,防效达44%~52%;T1、T2与药剂对照氰霜唑拌种处理(T3)的株高和发病率无明显差异,但防效提高20%~40%。花期调查结果表明T1和T2处理较清水对照(CK)的发病率降低了10%~13%,防效介于28%~51%;T1、T2处理较药剂对照(T3)的发病率降低了6.67%~10%,防治效果提高了5%~22%,单株产量增加了23.97%~34.29%。以上研究结果表明,采用芽孢杆菌Bam22拌种结合苗期灌根,能够有效降低油菜苗期和花期根肿病的发病率,显著降低油菜的产量损失率。芽孢杆菌Bam22对油菜根肿病有...  相似文献   

Cultivars of European winter oilseed rape cultivated in the second half of the 1970s and in the mid-1990s were screened for their winter hardiness, frost resistance and vernalization requirement. A strong correlation between winter hardiness and frost resistance in both groups of rape has been noticed. Among oilseed rapes cultivated in the late 1970s, low erucic acid and particularly double zero cultivars were less winter hard than high erucic acid cultivars. Double zero cultivars were characterized by lower frost resistance and lower vernalization requirement. A significant correlation between vernalization requirement and both frost resistance and field survival has also been shown. Frost resistance of the 1990s (double zero) cultivars was higher than that of double low cultivars from the late 1970s. Their vernalization requirement was still small and did not correlate with either frost resistance or winter hardiness. It was concluded that reduction in the content of glucosinolates in the 1970s involved decrease in winter hardiness and vernalization requirement of cultivars. During the following 20 years winter hardiness of double low cultivars has been improved, but vernalization requirements have not changed. As a result no correlation between winter hardiness and vernalization requirement in contemporary canola cultivars has been observed.  相似文献   

为了研究重庆特殊的生态气候条件与油菜生产发展的关系,基于重庆1983—2013年气象资料和油菜生产状况,分析重庆近30年来气候变化特征及其对油菜生产的影响。结果表明:分析期内重庆年平均气温变化呈现显著的曲线上升趋势,日照时数呈现显著减少趋势(在0.05水平上通过显著性检验);重庆近30年降雨量突变发生比较频繁,线性变化趋势不明显,但相邻年份间降水量差异较大,1998年降水量为1363.5 mm是分析期内降水量最多的一年,以此为突变点,此后呈下降趋势。菌核病发病指数与3月和4月平均气温相关系数为-0.682*达显著水平,菌核病发病指数与降雨量和日照时数相关性不显著;重庆油菜面积与温度呈显著负相关(P=-0.568*),单产与温度相关性不显著。日照时数与油菜单产呈显著负相关(P=-0.544*),与油菜面积相关性不显著。降雨量的线性变化趋势不明显,而且相邻年份间降水量差异较大,与油菜面积和单产相关性均不显著。  相似文献   

郭海瑛  王胜 《中国农学通报》2018,34(20):101-105
为了解陇东半干旱地区环县冬季积温变化特征及其对冬小麦的影响,通过Mann-Kendell统计检验法、Pearson相关分析法等手段对冬季积温以及冬小麦发育期资料进行分析研究。结果表明:(1)冬季积温在近36年的变化过程中呈现出逐年上升趋势;Mann-Kendall突变检验发现,1990年为冬季积温突变的年份;Morlet小波变换分析得到在30~35年上冬季积温呈现出最为显著的周期变化规律;(2)通过对冬小麦发育期特征分析,发现冬小麦除了在分蘖期表现为推迟的状况,其他播种、出苗、三叶、越冬等发育期均表现为提前的变化特征;对冬小麦发育期与积温进行相关分析,相关系数均为负相关,表明大多数发育期提前1~5天;在冬季积温偏高的年份,冬小麦各发育期普遍提前4~14天;(3)对冬小麦物候间隔期的特征进行分析发现:冬小麦在播种—出苗、播种—分蘖、播种—越冬、播种—返青以及播种—抽穗期,间隔时间呈现出延长的变化特征;在播种—三叶、播种—起身、播种—拔节、播种—开花、播种—成熟期,间隔时间呈现出缩短的变化特征。  相似文献   

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