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文章概述了漾濞县核桃资源的发展现状、分布情况、面积、株数和产量。在森林资源规划设计调查的基础上,采用理论结合实际的方法,对漾濞县核桃产业发展现状进行了全面分析,总结出了核桃产业发展的特点、发展趋势预估及存在的主要问题,并提出了以后的发展思路和建议。  相似文献   

张伟 《林业调查规划》2007,32(2):108-112
根据漾濞县2006年森林资源二类调查中的核桃专项调查资料,概述了漾濞县核桃资源面积、产量、株数、分布情况及其资源特点,采用理论结合实际的方法,对全县核桃资料价值量进行全面估算结果,林木价值量为11.674 5亿元,林地价值量为6.307 8亿元,合计17.982 3亿元.  相似文献   

漾濞县林业部门,认真帮助社队攻克技术难关,大力推广娘青核桃,取得显著成果。如今,全县已推广娘青核桃七千多亩,产量达二十多万斤。据统计,在漾濞县各地栽种的核桃品种有二十多个。其中80%以上的面积,栽种的是1979年全国核桃会议肯定的优良品种——大泡  相似文献   

云南省是我国重点核桃产区之一,自然条件得天独厚,核桃产量居全国首位,一九八四年达六千二百二十万斤,核桃质量名扬全球。全省年产核桃百万斤以上的县有十七个,占全国六十一个百万斤县的百分之二十七点八七。其中漾濞县核桃产量达五百八十  相似文献   

大理核桃的民俗食法大理州的核桃资源相当丰富,上了年产量万吨的台阶,产量质量一直名列云南各州的前茅,其中漾濞县核桃产量居全国县列第三,是著名的“核桃之乡”,也是核桃原产地之一。据史料记载,苍山半坡,史前就有人类繁衍生息,新石器时代大理就有人类活动,自史...  相似文献   

漾濞县积极开展核桃有机食品认证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>漾濞县充分利用森林植被丰富、生态环境优良、无工业污染、核桃资源富足的优势,切实提高核桃产品质量,加大核桃品牌建设,积极创建有机产品示范县。漾濞县在核桃产品环保、优质、健康、安全方面下大功夫,生产安全、健康的有机核桃产品,并通过有机食品认证,拓宽产业链,增加附加值,实现核桃提质增效,促进林农增收致富。去年,南京国环有机产品认证中心,对漾濞县4  相似文献   

大理州是我省核桃主产区之一。核桃也和其它果树一样,在它生长,发育及种子贮藏过程中,经常遭受各种病虫危害,造成果实减产,品质低劣,树势衰弱,甚至树体死亡。因此,必须加强核桃病虫害的防治工作,更好地提高核桃产量和保证核桃质量的要求。要做好防治工作,首先必须了解本地区核桃病虫种类。根据笔者一九六五年“漾濞县核  相似文献   

漾濞县自然条件优越,核桃资源丰富,被人们誉为“核桃之乡”。笔者在漾濞县从事林业工作十余年,足迹遍及全县所有核桃产区,有幸欣赏了许多树龄达几百年的核桃古树。这些参天古树,苍翠蓊郁,犹如颗颗瑰丽珍珠,镶嵌在深山和村落之中。伫立观赏,令人心旷神怡,留连忘返。现在.让我们对漾濞各地的古树,作一番巡礼吧!  相似文献   

漾濞县是我省核桃产区之一,有悠久的栽培历史。在长期生产中,群众通过对野生铁核桃嫁接,培植了一些优良品种。然而这些品种的开花习性各不相同,通过花期观察,了解核桃品种的开花习性,核桃的授粉关系,以及核桃产生变异的主要原因,为今后育种、配置授粉树、提高产量等的研究提供一些资料。材料和方法本项观察于1975至1976年在漾濞县马厂周围的古迷么、麂茨坪、濞么、马鹿塘、光明、金牛、清水沟、白详新春生产队和我站的核桃林中进行。供观察的有泡核桃、小核  相似文献   

近些年来漾濞县林下经济快速发展,逐渐成为了除核桃产业以外另一种脱贫致富的重要手段,本文分析总结漾濞县林下经济的发展现状、存在的问题,提出了相应的建议及发展前景,为促进林下经济的发展和加快农民脱贫致富提供了借鉴资料和宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

Vann DR  Johnson AH  Casper BB 《Tree physiology》1994,14(12):1339-1349
We examined some of the physiological reasons that may underlie past and expected future migrations of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) by evaluating the effects of high temperatures on photosynthesis and respiration of trees growing on Whiteface Mountain, NY. At temperatures of 35-40 degrees C, the trees exhibited a zero or negative carbon balance. Higher temperatures resulted in cellular disorganization and death. Temperatures around 30 degrees C resulted in reduced CO(2) uptake, a condition that could decrease future reproductive output and competitive stature. We conclude that thermal intolerance explains, at least in part, the absence of red spruce at low elevations and latitudes where temperatures of >/= 30 degrees C occur. We suggest that the thermosensitivity of this species is important with respect to global climate trends and migration patterns.  相似文献   

Intense cultivation of annual crops on steep slopes in northwest Vietnam has resulted in widespread and severe erosion. This has led to myriad problems including siltation of dams critical for hydroelectricity generation, and increasing levels of rural poverty due to declining crop yields. The solution to these problems is sustainable land management, in particular sloping land agricultural technologies. Our study focuses on defining, and finding solutions to, a second-order problem: that farmers are reluctant to adopt sustainable land management practices, despite numerous projects demonstrating their effectiveness. Interviews with farmers in northwest Vietnam confirmed that intense corn cultivation on steep slopes provided the majority of income for most households. The financial security associated with growing corn (compared to alternative crops) was the deciding factor in land management choices. However, interviews also revealed that farmers were dissatisfied with growing corn because of low income and high input costs. Farmers’ replies indicated that they thought they had no alternative to growing corn. However, farmers were aware of alternative crops, and were particularly interested in growing grass, fruit trees and timber trees, although few farmers were keen to be first to adopt these alternative species extensively. Further research is required on development of production-to-commercialization chains for alternative crops, and more generally, to find ways to increase farmer financial security during transition to sustainable land management.  相似文献   

栗园土壤研究的进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
肖斌 《林业科学研究》2003,16(3):351-357
针对板栗生产实际情况,加强栗林土壤管理非常迫切。根据国内外资料,通过对栗林产量、品质与土壤相关性,以及栗林覆盖、施肥等改善土壤状况的综述,以期为今后板栗林地的选择、林地的管理上减少水土流失,改善板栗生境,促进板栗产量与品质的提高,增加栗林的经济与生态效益提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

楚雄州油茶资源现状与产业发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍楚雄州油茶种类、分布范围及其面积,分析油茶产业发展中存在的产业发展规模小,经营管理粗放,大多处于自然生长状态;产量和效益不高;生产经营过程科技含量不高;资金投入不足等问题.藉此提出了科学制定发展规划,搞活经营机制,加大投入力度和宣传力度,示范引路等对策措施.  相似文献   

Management of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) understory grown with loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) and slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.) resulted in differences in both clover yield and pine diameter. Loblolly and slash pines were planted into a subterranean clover pasture in 1984. Suppression of warm season herbaceous vegetation by applying herbicides or disking the site in late summer resulted in significantly greater subterranean clover production than on the control site where no additional understory management was applied. Pine species had no effects on clover yield. The N content of the pine foliage on the blocks managed with herbicide application or disking generally was significantly greater than the control from the 5th through 7th growing seasons (1988–1990). The dbh of the pine trees in the disked and herbicide treatments was greater than the control after the 7th growing season (1990).  相似文献   

辽宁省章古台樟子松固沙林提早衰弱的原因与防治措施   总被引:51,自引:1,他引:51  
焦树仁 《林业科学》2001,37(2):131-138
樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var,mongolica) 从内蒙古呼伦贝尔地区红花尔基沙地引种到章古台,在中幼龄林阶段一直表现稳定,生长较快,但是,至35-40年生以后出现提早衰弱,生育周期缩短等问题,通过对17年定位观测资料的分析表明,章古台樟子松固沙林提早衰弱的原因主要是由于引种地区纬度跨越大,水分,热量比原分布区充足,引起了樟子松自身生长规律的变化,高峰生长期提前,蜂值高,峰期短,旺盛生长期缩短等,另外,由于当地5,6月份降水量少,在干旱年使林分出现水分亏缺,7,8月份降水集中,又造成林分高温高温的环境条件,在这种水热条件作用下,当林分生长势降低时,便感染枯梢病,由于干旱和枯梢病的影响,林分进一步提早衰弱,但是,樟子松仍然是当地的主要造林树种,在固沙造林中还没有其他树种的生态效益和经济效益能够超过樟子松,选育抗病型良种,营造混交林,实行集约化经营等措施可以降低发病率,延长樟子松的旺盛生长期。  相似文献   

由于作为纸浆工业的原材料 ,因此竹子在非木质林产品中占有重要的位置。然而 ,过量采伐和人口增长 ,热带林的破坏以及工业原料的新需求 ,尤其是纸浆工业 ,导致竹子资源大量减少 ,目前面临锐减的形势。国家农业委员会发表的数字表明 ,1980和 2 0 0 0年的需求与产出为 4 2 5 .0万t和 875 .0万t,需求与供给之间出现增长的差距。可以看出 ,只有通过人工林增长的方法和有效地利用现有的资源才能达到可持续性。  相似文献   

分析GLS系列油茶无性系幼林的始产期产量构成变化规律,结果表明示范林始产期后产量构成表现为低产株数比例逐年降低,高产株数比例逐年提高;低产株数比例累积逐年减少,高产株数比例累积逐年增加;林分群体逐年由低比例高产植株承担群体低比率的产量向高产植株比例增加,同时承担群体产量也提高的趋势发展;林分群体产量逐年度增加。经营措施对油茶林分群体产量构成产生明显的影响,经营水平高的油茶无性系林分不挂果与低产级别的产量比率较低,高产级别植株级别的产量比率较高,林分整体产量高;经营水平可以决定着低产株积累量向高产株数积累增加的进程,经营水平越高,低产株积累量随年度降幅越大,林分群体产量越高。  相似文献   


Timber use in central Europe is expected to increase in the future, in line with forest policy goals to strengthen local wood supply for CO2-neutral energy production, construction and other uses. Growing stocks in low-elevation forests in Switzerland are currently high as exemplified by the Swiss canton of Aargau, for which an average volume of 346 ± 16 m3 ha−1 was measured in the 3rd Swiss National forest inventory (NFI) in 2004–2006. While this may justify a reduction of growing stocks through increased timber harvesting, we asked whether such a strategy may conflict with the sustainability of timber production and conservation goals. We evaluated a range of operationally relevant forest management scenarios that varied with respect to rotation length, growing stock targets and the promotion of conifers in the regeneration. The scenarios aimed at increased production of softwood, energy wood, the retention of potential habitat trees (PHTs) and the conversion to a continuous cover management system. They were used to drive the inventory-based forest simulator MASSIMO for 100 years starting in 2007 using the NFI sampling plots in Aargau. We analyzed model outputs with respect to projected future growing stock, growth, timber and energy yield and harvesting costs. We found growing stock to drop to 192 m3 ha−1 in 2106 if business-as-usual (BAU as observed between the 2nd and 3rd NFI) timber volumes were set as harvesting targets for the whole simulation period. The promotion of conifers and a reduction of rotation lengths in a softwood scenario yielded 25% more timber over the whole simulation period than BAU. An energy wood scenario that reduced growing stock to 200 m3 ha−1 by 2056 and promoted the natural broadleaved regeneration yielded 9% more timber than BAU before 2056 and 30% less thereafter due to decreasing increments. The softwood scenario resulted in higher energy yield than the energy wood scenario despite the lower energy content of softwood. Retaining PHT resulted in a reduction of timber harvest (0.055 m3 ha−1 yr−1 per habitat tree) and higher harvesting costs. Continuous cover management yielded moderate timber amounts throughout the simulation period, yet sustainably. Considering climate change, we discuss the risks associated with favoring drought- and disturbance-susceptible conifers at low elevations and emphasize that continuous cover management must allow for the regeneration of drought-adapted tree species. In conclusion, our simulations show potential for short-term increases in timber mobilization but also that such increases need to be carefully balanced with future forest productivity and other forest ecosystem services.


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