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Geostrophic water transport by the equatorial countercurrent is compared with the observed sea level difference between two pairs of islands situlated north and south of the current. The high correlation between the transport and the sea level difference makes it possible to construct a time series for the countercurrent transport over a 21-year period. The countercurrent carries warm water into the eastern tropical Pacific, and fluctuations in its strength give rise to temperature anomalies off Central America. Periods of exceptionally high transport by the countercurrent in the western Pacific coincide with the occurrence of El Ni?o several thousand kilometers downstream and demonstrate the existence of teleconnections between events in the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Grigg RW  Hey R 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1992,255(5041):172-178
The East Pacific Barrier (EPB) is the most effective marine barrier to dispersal of tropical shallow-water fauna in the world today. The fossil record of corals in the eastern Pacific suggests this has been true throughout the Cenozoic. In the Cretaceous, the EPB was apparently less effective in limiting dispersal. Equatorial circulation in the Pacific then appears to have been primarily east to west and the existence of oceanic atolls (now drowned guyots) in the eastern Pacific probably aided dispersal. Similarly, in the middle and early Mesozoic and late Paleozoic, terranes in the central tropical Pacific likely served as stepping stones to dispersal of tropical shelf faunas, reducing the isolating effect of an otherwise wider Pacific Ocean (Panthalassa).  相似文献   

A baited camera has recorded a lysianassid amphipod that is twice as large as the largest amphipod previously recorded. The locality for this mobile omnivore is the sterile bottom of the eastern North Pacific Ocean, at a depth of 5304 meters.  相似文献   

The partitioning of gaseous mercury between the atmosphere and surface waters was determined in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. The highest concentrations of dissolved gaseous mercury occurred in cooler, nutrient-rich waters that characterize equatorial upwelling and increased biological productivity at the sea surface. The surface waters were supersaturated with respect to elemental mercury; a significant flux of elemental mercury to the atmosphere is predicted for the equatorial Pacific. When normalized to primary production on a global basis, the ocean effluxes of mercury may rival anthropogenic emissions of mercury to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Analysis of distributional patterns of shallow-water molluscan faunas of the middle latitudes of the marginal northeastern Pacific Ocean discloses a sharp reversal during the Miocene of the progressive climatic deterioration. A low point in the Tertiary cooling trend during the Oligocene was followed by climatic warming that culminated during the middle Miocene, as illustrated by a series of zoogeographic profiles.  相似文献   

Pronounced increases in total gaseous mercury (TGM) in the near surface marine atmosphere were found in the equatorial region (4 degrees N to 10 degrees S) of the Pacific Ocean at 160 degrees W. The atmospheric enhancement of TGM corresponded closely to sea-surface manifestations of equatorial upwelling as reflected in measured changes of temperature and nutrient concentrations as well as to variations of reactive mercury in surface seawater. The elevated atmospheric TGM levels most probably result from oceanic mercury evasion associated with upwelling and increased biological production that occurs in the equatorial Pacific Ocean.This evidence of sea-to-air mercury transfer supports model predictions of an oceanic source of atmospheric mercury and suggests that marine-derived mercury emissions should occur in other biologically productive regimes.  相似文献   

A set of subsurface temperature measurements in the trade wind region northeast of Hawaii reveals large perturbations about the mean state, with zonal wavelengths of 480 kilometers. The perturbations are identified as mesoscale baroclinic eddies, and they appear to drift westward at a rate of 4.7 +/- 2.0 centimeters per second. The large-scale ( 1000 kilometers) baroclinic flow at a depth of 200 meters is 1.5 +/- 0.7 centimeters per second, also toward the west, and comparable in magnitude with the eddy drift velocity; this finding suggests that the eddy drift is strongly influenced by the large-scale flow. Mesoscale eddies have been discovered in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean. Their existence in the Pacific Ocean is now confirmed.  相似文献   

Widespread iron limitation of phytoplankton in the south pacific ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diel fluorescence patterns were discovered in phytoplankton sampled over 7000 kilometers of the South Pacific Ocean that appear indicative of iron-limiting growth conditions. These patterns were rapidly lost after in situ iron enrichment and were not observed during a 15,000-kilometer transect in the Atlantic Ocean where iron concentrations are relatively high. Laboratory studies of marine Synechococcus sp. indicated that the patterns in the South Pacific are a unique manifestation of iron limitation on the fluorescence signature of state transitions. Results suggest that primary productivity is iron limited not only throughout the equatorial Pacific but also over much of the vast South Pacific gyre.  相似文献   

The distribution of isohalines in the upper 500 meters of Pacific subantarctic waters can be interpreted as evidence for an endemic counterclockwise circulation, the westward component of which is at 40 to 45 degrees south latitude. The distributions of a number of lanternfish species (family Myctophidae) lend support to such an interpretation.  相似文献   

The thermal structure of the Pacific Ocean between water depths of about 1 and 4.5 kilometers is estimated from the oxygen isotopic ratio of benthonic foraminifera from deep-drilled and piston cores of early Pliocene age (about 3 to 5 million years ago). The ratio of oxygen-18 to oxygen-16 in the early Pliocene at each site varies by an average of only +/- 0.12 per mil (1 standard deviation). A plot of the oxygen isotopic ratio against modern bottom-water temperature is adequately fit by a line having a slope of - 0.26 per mil per degree Celsius (the equilibrium temperature dependence of calcite-water fractionation), suggesting that the temperature gradient of the Pacific Ocean during the early Pliocene was similar to that of today.  相似文献   

Direct observations of the dynamic balance between time-dependent winds and deep ocean currents are described for the eastern North Pacific Ocean at 42 degrees N, 152 degrees W. Currents from 150 to 4000 meters below the surface at frequencies from 0.01 to 0.1 cycle per day are significantly correlated with the wind stress curl derived from U.S. Navy operational wind fields. The horizontal currents are depth-independent below 300 meters, and they flow parallel to the potential vorticity gradient derived from the earth's rotation and the large-scale bottom topography. These characteristics are expected for such periodic motions with horizontal scales larger than 500 kilometers and represent a generalized Sverdrup balance between the atmospheric forcing and the oceanic response.  相似文献   

Experimental data show that (15)N-labeled nitrate can be converted to molecular nitrogen in sea water containing little or no oxygen. The process is presumed to be biochemical. No evidence of the reaction was found in the water of the Peru current, which is low in oxygen but high in nitrite.  相似文献   

Data on particulate strontium sulfate fluxes and strontium to chlorinity ratios were compared to provide insights into the strontium cycle of the North Pacific. Freedrifting sediment traps were used to derive large particle fluxes between depths of 100 and 3500 meters in the eastern and western North Pacific Ocean. Flux data revealed substantial quantities of acantharian skeletons and cysts (both made of strontium sulfate) settling through the upper kilometer of the water column. The greatest fluxes of celestite were detected at 400 meters. Minimal to nondetectable fluxes noted at and below 900 meters provide evidence that by this horizon, the majority of acantharian specimens had dissolved, thereby contributing to the pool of dissolved strontium. Growth and subsequent dissolution of acantharians in the upper kilometer are qualitatively consistent with the well-developed minimum and maximum strontium to chlorinity ratios that are consistently noted in these waters. These fluxes of particulate strontium and model calculations for fluxes of dissolved strontium indicate that acantharians play an important role in the ocean's strontium budget.  相似文献   

The cell cycle of Prochlorococcus, a prokaryote that accounts for a sizable fraction of the photosynthetic biomass in the eastern equatorial Pacific, progressed in phase with the daily light cycle. DNA replication occurred in the afternoon and cell division occurred at night. Growth rates were maximal (about one doubling per day) at 30 meters and decreased toward the surface and the bottom of the ocean. Estimated Prochlorococcus production varied between 174 and 498 milligrams of carbon per square meter per day and accounted for 5 to 19 percent of total gross primary production at the equator. Because Prochlorococcus multiplies close to its maximum possible rate, it is probably not severely nutrient-limited in this region of the oceans.  相似文献   

The association between climatic anomalies in the tropical Pacific Ocean, often called El Ni?o events, and annual corn production in the United States was investigated. Temperature and atmospheric pressure in parts of the United States have been correlated with El Ni?o events. This research suggests that in years in which an El Ni?o event causes surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific to become warmer than normal, there is a higher probability of an above-average corn crop in the United States. For years when sea surface temperatures are average or cool, no significant association is observed.  相似文献   

Shallow scattering layers consisting mainly of Calanus cristatus were detected on a trans-Pacific crossing to depths of 60 meters with a high-frequency echo sounder. Biomass estimates of these layers indicate concentrations of zoo-plankton that are greater and more extensive than previously reported in the open ocean.  相似文献   

Legeckis R 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1977,197(4309):1179-1181
During 1975, westward-moving long waves with a period of about 25 days and a wavelength of 1000 kilometers were observed at a sea surface temperature front in the equatorial Pacific on infrared images obtained by a geostationary environmental satellite system. The absence of these waves during 1976, and the above-average equatorial sea surface temperatures during 1976, may be related to a decrease in the southeasterly trade winds during that year.  相似文献   

A 194-year annual record of skeletal delta(18)O from a coral growing at Malindi, Kenya, preserves a history of sea surface temperature (SST) change that is coherent with instrumental and proxy records of tropical Pacific climate variability over interannual to decadal periods. This variability is superimposed on a warming of as much as 1.3 degrees C since the early 1800s. These results suggest that the tropical Pacific imparts substantial decadal climate variability to the western Indian Ocean and, by implication, may force decadal variability in other regions with strong El Nino-Southern Oscillation teleconnections.  相似文献   

Deep Sea Drilling Project site 289 in the western equatorial Pacific has yielded an extremely detailed record of the carbon and oxygen isotopic changes in the Miocene deep ocean. The isotopic record reflects major changes in paleoclimate and paleoceanography, probably dominated by a major phase of Antarctic ice-cap growth. The transition from a relatively unglaciated world to one similar to today occurred between 16.5 x 10(6) and 13 x 10(6) years before the present, with the greatest change occurring between approximately 14.8 x 10(6) and 14.0 x 10(6) years before the present.  相似文献   

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