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The Physics Interviewing Project assists graduate physics departments in evaluating foreign applicants. Supported by some 20 universities, two interviewers, both working scientists, travel abroad and interview students individually for about 1 hour each. Prospective teaching assistants are rated on physics knowledge, problem-solving ability, and English language proficiency. Ratings on all interviewees are sent to all supporting schools and other schools as requested. The Project aids able students from countries that have no physics Ph.D. programs (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand) to obtain assistantships and Ph.D.'s abroad, assists in the technological development of those countries, and helps U.S. schools in selecting the most promising foreign candidates. A similar program should be beneficial in other sciences.  相似文献   

Recent measurements of ion densities in the ionosphere seem to be more or less compatible with current data for ion-molecule reaction rates in some parts of the ionosphere under conditions in which a steady state prevails. There is no such agreement for the upper ionosphere, where the densities of He(+) and H(+) are difficult to understand in terms of present concepts concerning the relevant production and loss processes. Sources of ionizing radiation are needed to explain night- time observations in the E region and perhaps also in the F region. The D region remains a poorly understood laboratory of negative-ion and positiveion chemistry, where neither observation nor theory is as yet adequate.  相似文献   

为了明确烟草立枯病的田间发生动态及其影响因素,2015年对该病病情及土壤带菌量进行系统调查,应用SAS软件分析了多种气象因素及土壤带菌量对该病发生的影响,并测定了14个烟草品种对立枯病的抗病性。结果显示,该病在烟草团棵期开始出现,打顶期为盛发期,在采收期达到最高峰;对病情指数(y)影响效果最显著的两个因素是周平均相对湿度(x_4)和周平均土壤菌源量(x_7),回归方程为y=0.02018x_4+0.03945x_7-1.0054(R~2=0.994)。供试的14个烟草品种中,云烟97、红花大金元、云烟87和云烟100属于抗病品种,云烟203和安烟2号分别属于中感和感病品种,其他8种表现为中抗。  相似文献   

Gaucher's disease: a genetic disease detected in skin fibroblast cultures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Skin fibroblasts from three adult patients with chronic noncerebral Gaucher's disease, three children of one of the patients, three parents, and six normal individuals were grown in cell culture. Giant fibroblasts containing metachromatic material were seen in all cultures derived from affected individuals and heterozygous carriers but not in those derived from normal individuals.  相似文献   

Autophagy, the process by which cells recycle cytoplasm and dispose of excess or defective organelles, has entered the research spotlight largely owing to the discovery of the protein components that drive this process. Identifying the autophagy genes in yeast and finding orthologs in other organisms reveals the conservation of the mechanism of autophagy in eukaryotes and allows the use of molecular genetics and biology in different model systems to study this process. By mostly morphological studies, autophagy has been linked to disease processes. Whether autophagy protects from or causes disease is unclear. Here, we summarize current knowledge about the role of autophagy in disease and health.  相似文献   

项目经理在施工中处于中心地位,对项目进行全过程的施工和经营管理,既是生产经营的活动中心,又是履行合同的主体。并对项目费用、质量、工期、降低成本和安全文明负责。项目经理对施工具有管理和服务的双重职能,其工作质量是施工质量的决定性因素。  相似文献   

Cat scratch disease: a bacterial infection   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Histopathologic examination of lymph nodes from 39 patients with clinical and pathological criteria for cat scratch disease revealed delicate pleomorphic Gram-negative bacilli in 34 of the 39 nodes. They were within the walls of capillaries in or near areas of follicular hyperplasia and within microabscesses. They were best seen with the Warthin-Starry silver impregnation stain. Organisms in lymph node sections exposed to convalescent serum from three patients and to immunoperoxidase stained equally well with all three samples. The organisms did not react with hyperimmune sera to Legionella pneumophila nor to several species of Rickettsia. These bacilli appear to be the causative agents of cat scratch disease.  相似文献   

Alpha-chain disease: a new immunoglobulin abnormality   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
A new type of pathological immunoglobulin was found in the serum, urine, and saliva of a young Arab patient with abdominal lymphoma and diffuse lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the small intestine. This protein is devoid of light chains and is closely related to the alpha polypeptide chains of the gamma(A1) (Le) subclass of immunoglobulin A. It is characterized by electrophoretic heterogeneity, tendency toward polymerization, and a high carbohydrate content. No intracellular synthesis of light chain was detected.  相似文献   

无乳链球菌Streptococcus agalactiae作为罗非鱼Tilapia的主要病原菌,因其传染性强、致死率高,给罗非鱼养殖产业带来巨大的经济损失。无乳链球菌可通过多种途径感染罗非鱼,不仅能在宿主血液内增殖,随巨噬细胞在体内游走、侵染其他组织,还可透过血-脑屏障,侵入脑组织,导致罗非鱼呈现典型的临床症状和组织病理学变化。无乳链球菌的检测方法有多种,基于分子生物学的技术手段被广泛运用,通过分子分型的方法可获得菌株分子遗传多样性信息,有助于解析菌株的流行和传播规律。目前,抗菌药物仍是防控该病的首选,但长期用药和滥用药会加快菌株产生耐药性,疫苗是防控无乳链球菌病的有效途径,但适合大规模商业化应用的疫苗较少。本研究中全面归纳了罗非鱼无乳链球菌的病原学、流行病学、病理学、致病机制、检测方法、分子分型、耐药性及疫苗等方面最新研究进展,并提出存在急需解决的问题,旨在为防控罗非鱼无乳链球菌病提供参考资料。  相似文献   

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