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Improved fallow is a technology that can help to raise agricultural productivity in systems of poor soil fertility and low financial capital. Models, once calibrated, can be used to investigate a range of improved fallow systems relatively quickly and at relatively low cost, helping to direct experimental research towards promising areas of interest. Six fallow crop rotations were simulated using the WaNuLCAS model in a bimodal rainfall setting in Kenya over a 10 year period: (A) alternating fallow and crop seasons, (B) one season fallow followed by three seasons crop, (C) one season fallow followed by four seasons crop, (D–F) 1–3 seasons fallow periods followed by 3–5 seasons crop. The strategies were tested using a number of fallow growth rates, soil clay contents, and rainfall amounts to determine the interaction of fallow rotation and biophysical variables on maize (Zea mays (L.)) yield and sustainability (organic matter, N2 fixation, leaching). The best simulated fallow strategies doubled maize yield compared to continuous maize over a 10 year period. Across all biophysical treatments strategy A and B of no more than three consecutive cropping seasons and of one consecutive fallow season yielded the most maize. This was because fallow benefits were largely due to the immediate fallow soil fertility benefit (IFB) rather than the cumulative benefit (CFB). The difference in yield between the two strategies was through a balance between (1) their interaction with the biophysical variables affecting accumulation of organic matter, hence increasing soil fertility and (2) the extra intrinsic soil fertility used for maize productivity by the inclusion of more cropping seasons within the rotation. We propose the following conceptual framework to manage fallows for maximum maize yield: when environmental factors are strongly limiting to fallow and crop growth then fallow strategy A would be the best strategy to employ (less risk but more labour) and when factors are less limiting then strategy B would be the best to employ.  相似文献   

Managed short-duration fallows may have the potential to replace longer fallows in regions where population density no longer permits slow natural fallow successions. The purpose of fallows is not only to improve subsequent crop performance but also to restore soil fertility and organic matter content for the long term. We therefore evaluated the soil organic matter and nutrient flows and fractions in a short fallow experiment managed in the western Kenya highlands, and also compared the experimental area with a 9–12-yr-oldadjacent natural bush fallow. The factorial agroforestry field experiment with four land-use and two P fertilizer treatments on a Kandiudalfic Eutrudox showed that 31-wk managed fallows with Tithonia diversifolia(Hemsley) A. Gray and Crotalaria grahamiana Wight &Arn. improved soil fertility and organic matter content above those of a natural weed fallow and continuous maize (Zea mays L.). Post-fallow maize yields were also improved, although cumulative three-season increases in yield were small (0–1.2 Mg ha−1) when the yield foregone during the fallow season was accounted for. Improvements in yield and soil quality could be traced to quantity or quality of biomass recycled by the managed fallows. The non-woody recycled biomass produced by the continuous maize, weed fallow, and tithonia treatments was near 2Mg ha−1, whereas crotalaria produced three times more recyclable biomass and associated N and P. Increases in topsoil N due to the fallows may have been attributable in part to deep acquisition and recycling of N by the fallows. Particulate macro-organic matter produced by the fallows contained sufficient N(30–50 kg ha−1) to contribute substantially to maize production. Organic Paccumulation (29 kg ha−1) similarly may play a significant role in crop nutrition upon subsequent mineralization. The effect of the P fertilizer application on soil properties and maize yield was constant for all land-use systems (i.e., no land-use system × P fertilizer interactions occurred). There was an indication that tithonia may have stimulated infestation of Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth., and care must be taken to evaluate the full effects of managed fallows over several seasons. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The agroforestry systems of cacao (Theobroma cacao) under laurel (Cordia alliodora) and cacao under poro (Erythrina poeppigiana) were studied at CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica. An inventory was taken of the organic matter and nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, and Mg) separating the species into their compartments (leaves, branches, trunks and roots). Studies of the litter and of the mineral soil (0–45 cm) yielded these results: Patterns of nutrient accumulation are discussed in relation to the characteristics of these agroforestry systems.  相似文献   

No attempt has been made to date to model growth in girth of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliansis). We evaluated the few widely used growth functions to identify the most parsimonious and biologically reasonable model for describing the girth growth of young rubber trees based on an incomplete set of young age measurements. Monthly data for girth of immature trees (age 2 to 12 years) from two locations were subjected to modelling. Reparameterized, unconstrained and constrained growth functions of Richards (RM), Gompertz (GM) and the monomolecular model (MM) were fitted to data. Duration of growth was the constraint introduced. In the first stage, we attempted a population average (PA) model to capture the trend in growth. The best PA model wasfitted as a subject specific (SS) model. We used appropriate error variance-covariance structure to account for correlation due to repeated measurements over time. Unconstrained functions underestimated the asymptotic maximum that did not reflect the carrying capacity of the locations. Underestimations were attributed to the partial set of measurements made during the early growth phase of the trees. MM proved superior to RM and GM. In the random coefficient models, both Gf and G0 appeared to be influenced by tree level effects. Inclusion of diagonal definite positive matrix removed the correlation between random effects.The results were similar at both locations. In the overall assessment MM appeared as the candidate model for studying the girth-age relationships in Hevea trees. Based on the fitted model we conclude that, in Hevea trees, growth rate is maintained at maximum value at t0, then decreases until the final state at dG/dt ≥ 0, resulting in yield curve with no period of accelerating growth. One physiological explanation is that photosynthetic activity in Hevea trees decreases as girth increases and constructive metabolism is larger than destructive metabolism.  相似文献   

Models for cycles for organic matter and nutrients element (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) are presented for the agroforestry systems of cacao (Theobroma cacao) withCordia alliodora orErythrina poeppigiana in Turrialba, Costa Rica. For the models, system reserves (soil, humus, vegetation divided into leaves, branches, stems, fine roots, fruits) and transference between compartments (production and decomposition of litter residues) inputs (fertilizer, rainfall) and outputs (harvests) of the system are considered. The implications of the models are discussed in detail. Aspects of net primary production in the systems studied are considered. N fixation is calculated on the basis of balances. Analysis of soil water showed high variations that coincided with rainfall patterns and pruning of theE. poeppigiana. For part I see Vol. 4, No. 3, 1986 For part II see this issue Agroforestry Project, CATIE/GTZ (Tropical Agricultural Research and Training Center/Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit), Turrialba, Costa Rica  相似文献   

Models for cycles for organic matter and nutrients element (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) are presented for the agroforestry systems of cacao (Theobroma cacao) withCordia alliodora orErythrina poeppigiana in Turrialba, Costa Rica.For the models, system reserves (soil, humus, vegetation divided into leaves, branches, stems, fine roots, fruits) and transference between compartments (production and decomposition of litter residues) inputs (fertilizer, rainfall) and outputs (harvests) of the system are considered.The implications of the models are discussed in detail.Aspects of net primary production in the systems studied are considered.N fixation is calculated on the basis of balances. Analysis of soil water showed high variations that coincided with rainfall patterns and pruning of theE. poeppigiana.For part I see Vol. 4, No. 3, 1986 For part II see this issueAgroforestry Project, CATIE/GTZ (Tropical Agricultural Research and Training Center/Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit), Turrialba, Costa Rica  相似文献   

During 7 years (1979–1985) cacao harvests (beans and husks) have been recorded for the agroforestry systems ofTheobroma cacao underCordia alliodora andErythrina poeppigiana shade trees. The mean oven dry cacao yields were 626 and 712 kg.ha–1.a–1 cocoa beans underC. alliodora andE. poeppigiana respectively. Harvests have gradually increased over the years and the plantation has now reached maturity.Annual extraction of N, P, K, Ca and Mg in fruits, which is relatively small, was calculated on the basis of chemical analyses. The following average values were found (kg.ha–1.a–1): At the age of 8 years, theC. alliodora trees have reached 26.7 cm diameter (DBH) and 14.0 m in height. Mean annual growth (from age 5 to 7) is 14.6 m3.ha–1.a–1.Natural plant residue production has been measured for 4 years (Nov. 1981–Oct. 1985). UnderE. poeppigiana it has reached a value of 8.91 t.ha–1.a–1 and underC. alliodora 7.07 t.ha–1.a–1. The shade trees have contributed 57 and 47% respectively. Transference and decomposition rates are high and important in the nutrient cycles.The nutrient content of the litter was analysed and corresponding average yearly transfers were (kg.ha–1.a–1): For part I see Vol. 4, No. 3, 1986.Agroforestry Project, CATIE/GTZ (Tropical Agricultural Research and Training Center/Gesselschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit), Turrialba, Costa Rica  相似文献   

During 7 years (1979–1985) cacao harvests (beans and husks) have been recorded for the agroforestry systems ofTheobroma cacao underCordia alliodora andErythrina poeppigiana shade trees. The mean oven dry cacao yields were 626 and 712 kg.ha−1.a−1 cocoa beans underC. alliodora andE. poeppigiana respectively. Harvests have gradually increased over the years and the plantation has now reached maturity. Annual extraction of N, P, K, Ca and Mg in fruits, which is relatively small, was calculated on the basis of chemical analyses. The following average values were found (kg.ha−1.a−1): At the age of 8 years, theC. alliodora trees have reached 26.7 cm diameter (DBH) and 14.0 m in height. Mean annual growth (from age 5 to 7) is 14.6 m3.ha−1.a−1. Natural plant residue production has been measured for 4 years (Nov. 1981–Oct. 1985). UnderE. poeppigiana it has reached a value of 8.91 t.ha−1.a−1 and underC. alliodora 7.07 t.ha−1.a−1. The shade trees have contributed 57 and 47% respectively. Transference and decomposition rates are high and important in the nutrient cycles. The nutrient content of the litter was analysed and corresponding average yearly transfers were (kg.ha−1.a−1): For part I see Vol. 4, No. 3, 1986. Agroforestry Project, CATIE/GTZ (Tropical Agricultural Research and Training Center/Gesselschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit), Turrialba, Costa Rica  相似文献   

Ten forest sites with a tree layer of almost pure beech in southern-central Scania, south Sweden, were studied. They were all located in the interior of large forest stands. Five of the stands were developed on mor Podzols with scanty or almost no ground layer vegetation. The other five sites were located on mull Cambisols with a rich ground layer of many vascular plant species and a shrub layer of varying density. In total, 42 carabid beetle species and 9260 individuals were captured with pitfall traps (15 per site, diameter 87 mm) during 12 weeks in April, July and September 2007. Composition of the carabid fauna differed considerably between the two types of sites. In the Cambisol sites 39 carabid species were found, compared to only 21 species in the Cambisol sites. Mean carabid species richness per site differed significantly between Cambisol and Podzol sites (n = 20.4 and 13.2, respectively). The difference was wholly due to a lower number of small carabid species (mean body length <12 mm) in the Podzol sites. Of four variables (pH-KCl, Clay, Organic matter, and Sum of plant cover percentages below tree canopy) the sum of plant cover variable usually accounted for more (>50%) of the carabid beetle variability compared to the three other variables. Carabus glabratus and Pterostichus oblongopunctatus were almost exclusively found on Podzol. Carabus coriaceus, Pterostichus melanarius and in particular Carabus nemoralis were more abundant on Cambisol, whereas Carabus hortensis and Pterostichus niger were almost ubiquitous and attained the highest total numbers. There was no significant difference between Podzol and Cambisol sites in the total number of carabid individuals captured. C. coriaceus, C. hortensis, and Carabus violaceus, species that were abundant enough in all sites for a comparison, had significantly larger mean body sizes in the Podzol than in the Cambisol sites, a finding valid for both sexes. There were more males than females of C. coriaceus, C. violaceus, and C. nemoralis in the catches, whereas sex distribution of C. hortensis was equal. Possible explanations for the findings are differences in microclimate and food web characteristics related to differences between Podzols and Cambisols in understorey vegetation and soil or litter properties.  相似文献   

We used GIS and maximum entropy to predict the potential distribution of six snake species belong to three families in Kroumiria(Northwestern Tunisia): Natricidae(Natrix maura and Natrix astreptophora), Colubridae(Hemorrhois hippocrepis, Coronella girondica and Macroprotodon mauritanicus), and Lamprophiidae(Malpolon insignitus). The suitable habitat for each species was modelled using the maximum entropy algorithm, combining presence field data(collected during 16 years:2000–2015) with a set of seven environmental variables(mean annual precipitation, elevation, slope gradient,aspect, distance to watercourses, land surface temperature and normalized Differential Vegetation Index. The relative importance of these environmental variables was evaluated by jackknife tests and the predictive power of our models was assessed using the area under the receiver operating characteristic. The main explicative variables of the species distribution were distance from streams and elevation, with contributions ranging from 60 to 77 and from 10 to 25%,respectively. Our study provided the first habitat suitability models for snakes in Kroumiria and this information can be used by conservation biologists and land managers concerned with preserving snakes in Kroumiria.  相似文献   

利用Sloboda多形指数曲线方程拟合了晋西方山县和吉县刺槐人工林的高生长模型。结果表明,模型在95%显著水平上通过检验,可用于试验区人工林收获预估和立地质量评价。将试验区坡向、坡位和部分地形按照优势木的高生长量由大到小的排序为:阳坡下部、阳坡凹地、阴坡中部、阳坡中部、半阴坡上部、阳坡上部、半阳坡中部、阴坡上部、峁顶、阳沟坡、半阳坡上部。  相似文献   

The success of various grass-legume mixtures in controlling competing vegetation, and their effect on subsequent survival and growth of Sitka spruce seedlings was studied on a coastal alluvial site in northwestern British Columbia. Mechanically scarified (bladed) strips were hand seeded to pure and combined mixtures of legumes, bunchgrasses, and sodforming grasses. An unseeded control (bladed but not seeded) was also established.Alsike clover (Trifolium hybridum L.) was the most successful legume species. Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.), big bluegrass (Poa ampla Merr.), and creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) were the most successful grass species. Red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) density and height were lower in legume-seeded treatments. Red elderberry (Sambucus racemosa L.) and salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis Pursh.) were effectively reduced by blading and have reestablished slowly. A combination of blading and early establishment of either sodforming grasses or bunchgrasses effectively decreased reinvasion by thimbleberry (Rubus parviflorus Nutt.).Growth of Sitka spruce was best in the unseeded control treatment or in the treatments with legumes but no sodforming grasses. Presence of sodforming grasses decreased both diameter and height growth. Sitka spruce diameter decreased with increasing red alder density. After 5 growing seasons, spruce has outgrown all competitors except red alder.  相似文献   

Improved fallows have been used to reduce time required for soil fertility regeneration after cropping in low input agricultural systems. In semi-arid areas of Southern Africa, Acacia angustissima and Sesbania sesban are among some of the more widely used improved fallow species. However the residual effects of improved fallows on soil hydraulic properties during the cropping phase is not known. The aim of this study was to quantify the residual effects of fallows and tillage imposed at fallow termination on soil hydraulic properties (infiltration rates, hydraulic conductivity and soil porosity) during the cropping phase. Treatments evaluated were planted fallows of Acacia angustissima, Sesbania sesban and natural fallow (NF) and continuous maize as a control. Steady state infiltration rates were measured using a double ring infiltrometer and porosity was calculated as the difference between saturated infiltration rates and tension infiltration measurements on an initially saturated soil. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (Ko) and mean pore sizes of water conducting pores were measured using tension infiltrometer at tensions of 5 and 10 cm of water on an initially dry soil. While there was no significant difference in steady state infiltration rates from double ring infiltrometer measurements among the fallow treatments, these were significantly higher than the control. The steady state infiltration rates were 36, 67, 59 and 68 mm h-1 for continuous maize, A. angustissima, S. sesban and NF respectively. Tillage had no significant effect on steady state infiltration rate. Pore density at 5 cm tension was significantly higher in the three fallows than in maize and varied from 285–443 m−2 in fallows, while in continuous maize the pore density was less than 256 m−2. At 10 cm tension pore density remained significantly higher in fallows and ranged from 4,521–8,911 m−2 compared to 2,689–3,938 m−2 in continuous maize. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivities at 5 cm tension were significantly higher in fallows than in continuous maize and were 0.9, 0.7, 0.8 cm and 0.5 cm h−1 for A. angustissima, S. sesban, NF and continuous maize, respectively. However there were no significant treatment differences at 10 cm tension. Fallows improved infiltration rates, hydraulic conductivity and soil porosity relative to continuous maize cropping. Through fallowing farmers can improve the soils hydraulic properties and porosity, this is important as it affects soil water recharge, and availability for plant growth  相似文献   

对日本亚热带琉球松 -琉球木荷混交林的生长特性及其对土壤理化性质的影响进行了较为系统的研究。结果表明 :与纯松林相比 ,混交林生长优势显著 ;林分胸高断面积提高 6 3 3%~ 113 3% ;蓄积量提高 1~ 2倍。树高胸径关系分析结果表明混交林中松树个体的高生长得到显著促进 ,其树高生长量比纯林提高 4 6 0 %。混交林地表凋落物层蓄积量平均为 9 81Mg·hm- 2 ,仅为纯松林的 5 6 0 % ,其分解常数 (k)平均为 0 2 0 ,而纯林则高达0 4 6。凋落物层养分贮量除Zn略高于纯林 (11 1% )外 ,混交林均显著低于纯松林 ,约为纯林的 5 7 1% (N)~ 86 2 %(Mn)。混交林土壤理化性质得到明显改善 ,土壤总孔隙度提高 ,保水性能及土壤水分状况比纯松林优越 ;土壤有机质、全氮及有效磷含量均明显高于纯林土壤。  相似文献   

Accurate information concerning regional to ecosystem-scale carbon dynamics within tropical rainforests is important because of the increasing certainty that the global climate will change significantly within the next century. Tropical forests of north Queensland, Australia, are highly sensitive to climate change and substantial shifts in the distribution of these forests are likely to occur with minor variations in climate. The focus of this research was the development of a model-based system for assessing forest growth and biomass accumulation dynamics within Australia's tropical rainforest bioregion and predicting the impacts of climate change on these dynamics. This paper presents the parameterisation and calibration of (a) the 3-PG (Physiological Principles Predicting Growth) model to a selection of restored rainforest and commercial timber plantations and (b) a modified version 3-PGS which uses satellite data, enabling the spatial assessment of mature tropical rainforest growth and production throughout the wet tropics bioregion. Statistically significant relationships were observed between 3-PG and 3-PGS modelled and field measured estimates of stand structural attributes including, basal area (BA), diameter at breast height (DBH) and above-ground biomass (AGB) throughout the bioregion. 3-PG and 3-PGS modelled leaf area index (LAI) and net primary production (NPP) related well to published estimates at other similar rainforest sites. These results indicate that the simple, process-based models are effective at capturing the growth dynamics of structurally complex old-growth, restoration and plantation rainforests.  相似文献   

We studied the long-term effects of disturbance within the Northwest Wisconsin (USA) Sand Plain (NWSP), an ecoregion that is characterized by very sandy soil and an active disturbance history that includes fire, agriculture and industrial forestry, largely clearcut logging of jack pine (Pinus banksiana) and aspen (Populus spp.). Open “barrens” communities on this landscape were formerly maintained by fire, and are a high conservation priority. Hill's Oak (Quercus ellipsoidalis) can also dominate forest canopies, while blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium), and sweetfern (Comptonia peregrina) are common shrub species. We structured a field sampling design with a spatial-temporal database built from historic airphotos (1938 and 1997) and fire records to examine whether soil organic matter and nutrients vary with disturbance history in the nonforest habitats of the sand plain. We sampled soils along 83 transects, randomly stratified among five sampled classes: (1) nonforest-farming history; (2) nonforest-fire history; (3) nonforest-clearcut only history; (4) evergreen forest of jack pine and red pine (P. resinosa); and (5) deciduous forest of Hill's oak and aspen. Logging of the original forest took place in the late 1800s–early 1900s. The farms were abandoned between 1938 and 1960, and the most recent fire occurred in 1977. Thus, the duration of the agricultural legacy is approximately 45–65 years while observed fire effects have lasted for 26 years.We observed strong agricultural legacies, including high P and low OM, N and Ca. One possible explanation for the N legacy is that it is tied to soil OM accretion which may be driven by plant growth. We detected no difference in mean values for any of the soil properties between soils from nonforested areas within the Five-Mile fire and soils from nonforested areas with a clearcut-only history. We did observe a fire effect in high variance for soil P. This could have resulted from variations in fire severity and ash convection and deposition.Forest soils generally had lower pH than the nonforest soils, and the deciduous forest soils had the lowest pH and also very low Ca. We also observed high within-transect coefficient of variation for Ca in the forest soils.We conclude that agriculture is a qualitatively different disturbance-type than fire or clearcutting, that disturbance legacies tend to be most persistent with geologically stable elements, such as P, and that management and conservation planning within the NWSP would benefit from site-specific agricultural history, as well as attention to Ca.  相似文献   

Inadequate supply of fodder is a serious constraint to the potentially-promising small-holder-dairy production system in coastal Kenya. Alley farming could be an approach to addressing this problem. A study of forage production based on Napier grass and leucaena in an alley cropping system was conducted on an infertile sandy soil in lowland coastal Kenya. The effects of leucaena hedgerows,Clitoria ternatea (L.) intercropping, addition of slurry (110 t ha–1 yr–1) and two harvesting managements (severe and lenient) on the yield of Napier grass fodder, were assessed. The study was initiated in 1989 and three years results are reported.Napier grass fodder yields did not decline in the presence of leucaena heggerows in most harvests. Generally, the Napier rows adjacent to the hedgerows gave greater yields than in either the centre or sole Napier rows. Interplanting clitoria between Napier rows had a beneficial effect on Napier yields in the later harvests. Compared with sole Napier, the hedgerow treatment receiving slurry increased yield ha–1 of Napier by 50%, of total forage by 80%, and of nitrogen (measured over two harvests) by 200%.During the first two years of cropping most treatments did not affect the OM and nitrogen content of the soil but by the end of the third cropping year, slurry application increased soil OM by 21% and slurry and clitoria treatments each increased soil nitrogen by 33%.The study demonstrated the increases in the supply and quality of forages for dairy cattle that can be achieved by planting complementary forages, legume and grass species in an intercropping system like alley farming and the benefits to soil composition by the return of slurry.  相似文献   

A trial of Avicennia officinalis L. with five different spacings was conducted in the newly accreted lands along the western coastline(Patuakhali district) of Bangladesh since 1993 to assess growth performance and the effect of spacing on tree growth. Data on tree density, height, diameter, bole height, crown diameter were recorded and analyzed when the stand was 19 years old. Mean height ranged from 12.89-13.52 m and diameter at breast height(dbh) from 26.57-32.16 cm in plots of different spacings. The mean annual height increment ranged from 0.67-0.71 m, mean annual diameter increment from 1.40-1.69 cm and wood volume from 6.02-10.04 m3·ha-1·a-1 in different treatments. Significantly greater diameter(32.16 cm) and wood volume(10.04 m3?ha-1?a-1) were obtained with wider(2.13 m × 2.13 m) spacing than with closer spacings. But tree growth was unaffected by other spacings. Growth data were also recorded from other A. officinalis plantations raised by Forest Department(FD) on different islands in Patuakhali and Bhola districts of Bangladesh. At these sites, mean annual height increment ranged from 0.33-0.62 m, mean annual diameter increment from 0.72-1.37 cm and wood volume from 1.55-5.73 m3?ha-1?a-1. The growth performance of A. officinalis indicated that the newly accreted lands along the western shoreline may be suitable for raising Avicennia plantations for the enrichment of coastal vegetation.  相似文献   

The integration of N2 fixing trees into stable agroforestry systems in the tropics is being tested due to their ability to produce high biomass N and P yields, when symbiotically associated with rhizobia and mycorrhizal fungi. The growth of Centrolobium tomentosum Guill. ex Benth, a native leguminous tree from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, was assessed with dual inoculation of Rhizobium spp and mycorrhizal fungi under field conditions. Complete fertilization was compared to treatments of inoculation with selected rhizobia strains BHICB-Ab1 or BHICB-Ab3, associated or not to arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. The dual inoculation increased the height and growth in relation to the plants treated with rhizobia alone. Plants inoculated with strain BHICB-Ab1 and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) exhibited an increase of 56% dry matter over uninoculated control and nitrogen accumulation was greater than with BHICB-Ab3 inoculated plants. Strain BHICB-Ab1 presented a synergetic relationship with mycorrhizal fungi since the combined inoculation with BHICB-Ab1 enhanced plant height and dry weight more than single inoculation while the growth of BHICB-Ab3 plants was not modified by AMF inoculation. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhanced plants survival and seemed to favour the nodule occupation by rhizobia strains as compared to the non-mycorrhizal plants. Inoculation with selected rhizobia and AMF improved the growth of C. tomentosum under field conditions. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

2009—2010年对拉萨半干旱河谷地带新植林采用堵洞与夹日法进行了鼠(兔)种类和密度调查,结果表明鼠(兔)种类有黑唇鼠兔Ochotona curzoniae Hodgson和白尾松田鼠Pitymys leucurusBlyth,在新植林地洞口密度为905.07洞/hm2,有效洞口率是31.66%,有效洞口系数为0.18,鼠(兔)密度为50.64只/hm2。饲养和实地监测发现,两种鼠(兔)对新植林地的金丝垂柳、白榆、藏青杨、北京杨4种树的危害株率均在25%以上。选用P-1拒避剂、0.2%莪术醇抗生育剂和克鼠星1号杀鼠剂单独、交叉施药进行防治实验,结果表明单独施用克鼠星杀鼠剂的效果是暂时的,单独施用拒避剂和莪术醇抗生育剂的效果是缓慢的,同时混合施用3种药剂18个月后捕鼠(免)率、有效洞数、植株受害率分别下降了90%,81.23%,85%,效果较持久。  相似文献   

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